Tooth varnish: pros and cons of use, varieties

Having beautiful, naturally white teeth is the desire of many of us. But their natural color is very rarely white; more often their enamel is yellowish or light gray.

Even with proper and regular care, it can darken for a number of reasons. Teeth whitening will help correct the situation, which not so long ago could be done quickly and safely only in dental clinics.

Previously known home methods often involved the use of aggressive and unsafe means.

Nowadays, this procedure can be performed independently using a special dental varnish.

What it is

This is a new way to whiten teeth, available for home use, without damaging their surface and surrounding tissues. Varnish is a white or transparent liquid with a thick consistency. Its main function is to temporarily close visible enamel defects.

The principle of operation is somewhat different from other whitening methods. It is applied to the surface like nail polish or paint. As a result, a glossy film is formed on it, the color of which is several times whiter than the main one.

The product visually levels the surface, is easily applied with the included applicator, does not require special preparation of the enamel, dries quickly, and can be removed from the surface by brushing. But it has low strength and is easily damaged by mechanical stress. When drinking regular drinks, eating soft food, talking, nothing happens to the coating.

What causes enamel to darken?

There are many factors that lead to darkening of enamel. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups: external and internal.

External reasons include:

  • Consumption of drinks and foods containing coloring substances.
  • Smoking - darkening of the enamel is associated with the accumulation of both resinous compounds and nicotine on its surface.
  • Insufficient care and poor oral hygiene, implying untimely removal of tartar and plaque, incorrect cleaning technique and selection of paste, floss, and brush.
  • Removal of the nerve during tooth treatment (changes in its enamel begin 2-3 years after this forced manipulation).
  • Labor activity in hazardous production associated with the processing of certain non-ferrous metals.

Internal reasons are related to:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Systemic pathologies (especially endocrine, gastrointestinal).
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Fluoride balance is disturbed - its excess content leads to the appearance of whitish spots on the enamel; if there is a deficiency, blackening is observed.
  • Injuries and diseases of teeth (chipping, damage to blood vessels in the pulp, progressive caries).
  • When used in the treatment of severe diseases, radiation or chemical therapy - color change is a side effect.
  • Long-term antibiotic therapy (especially tetracycline drugs).
  • Using a composite with copper amalgam for filling.
  • Age-related changes.

There are many factors influencing the color of the surface of teeth. But before you begin the procedure of lightening them, it is necessary to eliminate the existing causes of darkening.

You can find out the price of an Oral bi electric toothbrush in our next article. And here we have listed the composition of Mexidol paste.

When is orthodontic wax used?

The drug is designed specifically to protect the oral mucosa from abrasions and damage that can be caused by even the best braces . At first, irritation occurs on the cheeks, tongue and the inside of the lips from contact with protruding elements of the system - clasps, rings, ligatures, ends of the orthodontic arch. To prevent abrasions from developing into ulcers, it is enough to apply a small amount of wax to the elements that cause inconvenience.

The wax mass turns out to be useful in subsequent stages of treatment. With its help, you can fix a loose bracket for a while, before visiting a doctor, or protect soft tissues from injury from the sharp ends of a broken arch.

Patients find other options for using it. For example, they “mask” various types of metal braces to dull the shine of the locks or power arch. After such a simple procedure, classic braces look more aesthetically pleasing in photographs and videos.


Today, whitening varnishes, among other lightening products for home use, are becoming more popular. Their use is advisable in the following cases:

  • carious lesion in the spot stage;
  • fluorosis;
  • high sensitivity of enamel;
  • its severe thinning;
  • microdefects;
  • darkening associated with frequent consumption of coloring drinks and foods, smoking, prolonged treatment with certain drugs;
  • pulp diseases;
  • the presence of visible demineralized lesions;
  • discrepancy between the color of the filling and the overall shade of the tooth;
  • heterogeneous (rough) surface;
  • recent ultrasonic cleaning;
  • wedge-shaped defect.

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The demand for the product is explained by its high efficiency. The varnish allows you to not only return the enamel to its natural color in a short time, but also lighten it by 6-8 tones at once. This result captivates many people.

The product is absolutely safe, i.e., if it comes into contact with the surrounding mucous membrane and tissue (periodontal and dental), it does not harm them. The composition contains components that are beneficial to the enamel, which safely lighten it and help strengthen it.

The cost is affordable for most of us, and compared to other whitening methods, it is noticeably less.


Like any product, dental varnish has a number of disadvantages. The most significant is the low strength of the resulting coating . The applied layer lasts for a short period of time, and the use of solid foods or other mechanical impact removes it quite easily.

Advice: when using varnish, it is necessary to limit the consumption of rough food, hard products and protect teeth from mechanical damage.

Many who have used the product are confused by the fact that it is not always possible to apply it evenly. The reason for this deficiency lies in its thick consistency. Without experience in use, it will take a lot of time, and the applied layer may turn out uneven.

How to care for teeth after restoration?

Regardless of which method you choose, you should follow a number of rules:

  • If you want to keep your smile looking great for years to come, make it a habit to rinse your mouth after eating coloring products. This will help avoid staining the artificial material.
  • Do not forget about high-quality dental treatment. We are talking about cleaning the units twice a day and using additional devices.
  • The best prevention of caries is the use of antibacterial rinses and cleaning between teeth. This can be done using regular dental floss or using a more modern device - an irrigator.
  • Hard foods are the worst enemy of artificial teeth. Try to avoid them or use them very carefully.


Each manufacturer produces a drug with a different component composition and their ratio. But there are substances that are present in each of its types:

  • titanium oxide – coloring agent;
  • gum is a film-forming component;
  • extracts and extracts from medicinal plants;
  • shellac is a natural resin that gives density to the applied layer;
  • alcohol – gives the product homogeneity, preservative;
  • mineral components (hydroxyapatite, calcium, sodium fluoride) – mineralize the enamel, strengthen and restore its structure.

Composition of varnishes and artificial enamels

Most often, dental varnish includes the following elements:

  • fir extract;
  • shellac;
  • alcohol;
  • chloroform;
  • sodium fluoride.

There are also varnishes containing calcium; they are applied in layers with varnishes containing fluorine.

The varnish forms a protective film on the teeth, which prevents plaque from forming on the surface of the enamel, thereby preventing bacteria from developing in the oral cavity. Helps replenish minerals inside the tooth, thereby healing microcracks.

Tooth enamel contains:

  • film former;
  • titanium dioxide coloring paste;
  • hydroxyapatite (mineral supplement).

Coating teeth with enamel is aimed at restoring dental health and improving their visual appearance. Creates the appearance of even white teeth, smoothes out unevenness and chips, brightens teeth up to 12 tones, but the effect does not last long.


Tooth varnish is a conventional name for the product. It includes 3 types: corrector, varnish and enamel, which differ in the principle of action.

  1. Varnish – a colorless liquid with a gel-like consistency that allows you to lighten the surface by only 1-2 tones. Its whitening effect is achieved by saturating the outer layers of enamel with mineral compounds.
    The main active ingredient is sodium fluoride. They are produced in 2 types: instant and gradual action. Important: the liquid can only be used in a clinical setting to achieve instant results.

    At home, it is recommended to use a varnish with a gradual effect. After its application, a film is formed on the enamel, from which fluoride is released under the influence of saliva.

    It returns teeth to their natural color and restores structure. In order for the whitening result to be noticeable, it is recommended to repeat the application several times with a mandatory interval of 10-14 days.

  2. Enamel looks like white paint and contains safe coloring pigments.
    Designed to cover existing pigmentation and cosmetic defects for a short time. It has more effective whitening: in a few minutes it brightens by 3-4 tones. Its main advantage is the ability to change the shade of the filled area. The product can remain on the surface for up to 24 hours, provided that the mechanical impact is minimal.
  3. The corrector is reminiscent of enamel in its principle of action and characteristics, but unlike it, it lasts only a couple of hours. Quickly removed even with minor mechanical impact. Typically used before short photo sessions and filming. Designed to quickly lighten and disguise pigmentation.

We will tell you what Oral Bi waxed dental floss is and also tell you what its price is. And here you can find information about which is better to choose a stationary irrigator for the oral cavity.

At this address: - we suggest you read reviews about Rox “Coffee and Tobacco” toothpaste.

Why did the tooth collapse?


Cyanoacrylates are esters of cyanoacrylic acid, the main component of cyanoacrylate adhesives used for quick gluing of materials, including in everyday life. Chemical formula CH{2}=C(CN)COOR. Liquid cyanoacrylate is capable of anionic polymerization under the influence of weakly alkaline agents, including ordinary water. The continuous hardening of “superglue” in thin layers (within 0.05-0.1 mm) is caused by moisture adsorbed on the surfaces being bonded or contained in the surface layers of the material (which, along with the effect of animal amines, explains the excellent gluing of fingers on the hand, if a person gets dirty with glue).

Superglue is poisonous for the body and teeth.

Is it possible to glue a piece of tooth with this glue? Of course not. Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate, the least toxic of the cyanoacrylates, is used for medical purposes to seal wounds and stop bleeding. For different cyanoacrylates, toxicity can vary significantly.

Of course, such a careless use of super glue at home, and even in such a delicate matter as restoring a tooth in an aesthetically significant area, could not but affect the condition of the upper front tooth, which was completely destroyed due to exposure to toxic substances and chemical reactions in tooth tissues upon contact with superglue.

Therefore, the cause of complete tooth destruction

The carelessness of his owner and medical illiteracy were at the root.

Instructions for use

Using varnish is usually not difficult. It is possible to apply it efficiently if you follow the instructions:

  1. Install a retractor in your mouth (a device for fixing the open position of the mouth) - it will shorten the procedure time and simplify application (but this is not necessary).
  2. The selected product is applied only to clean and dried units, so before the procedure you should carry out regular brushing of your teeth, and then wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Important: humidity significantly reduces the adhesion of varnish to enamel.
  3. To reduce the effect of varnish on the periodontium, it should be coated with any protective agent, for example, cosmetic Vaseline.
  4. Shake the bottle and use the special brush (applicator) included in the kit to cover the enamel in the direction from the gum line to the cutting edges. Important: do not close your mouth until the product dries.
  5. After about 2-6 minutes, when the varnish has hardened well, remove the retractor and remove the product from the gums.


There is a wide range of dental varnishes available. Anyone can choose the product that best suits all their requirements. Products from the following manufacturers have proven themselves well:

  1. «White Enamel» (corrector) – made in Russia. The composition is represented by a combination of natural components with antibacterial properties.
    Designed for temporary and permanent use. With regular use, it allows you to whiten the enamel by 4-6 tones. The product easily applies not only to the surface of the teeth, but also adheres to veneers and metal-ceramics. Sold in bottles with a volume of 6 ml (with daily use, enough for 1.5-2 months).

    Significant disadvantages are the low strength of the coating, which can be damaged even by soft food, a temporary effect, the achieved result is only external (not therapeutic). The average cost of a bottle is about 2500 rubles.

  2. Pearl Drops Transform (corrector) – country of origin: Great Britain.
    The drug is in a tube, has a liquid consistency, a pleasant, delicate aroma that effectively relieves bad breath; 5 ml of it is enough for 3-4 months. use. It differs from competitive brands in its increased resistance to damage and brightens by 5 tones. Disadvantages: Takes a long time to dry and has only a cosmetic effect. The price of a bottle starts from 700 rubles.
  3. «Dental Paint» (varnish) – produced in Russia. The brightening preparation allows you to change the enamel by 15 tones (while it looks unnaturally snow-white) in just a few minutes.
    A similar result is achieved due to the presence of substances in the remineralizing complex, and a special pigment and alcohol solvent are used as a lightening composition.

    The varnish is approved for daily home use, it is easy to apply, dries quickly, is resistant to minor mechanical stress, and can lighten the inner layers by 2 tones with regular use, but its result is only cosmetic. For daily use, a 10 ml bottle is enough for 40-50 applications. Price – from 2000 rub.

  4. «Color professional» (enamel) – produced in Russia. It has strong antibacterial properties due to the presence of enamel remineralizing components.
    Its use is recommended for hypersensitivity, “tetracycline” (yellow) teeth, and fluorosis. The manufacturer guarantees instant (in 2 minutes) whitening of 8-10 tones. If you use enamel every day, you can achieve a permanent lightening effect of 4 tones.

    The product simultaneously has cosmetic and therapeutic effects, and is completely safe for the mucous membrane. Users of the product note its high consumption and inconvenient brush for application. The price of enamel starts from 1800 rubles.

  5. "Color - dent" (varnish) - country of origin - Russia. The product is based on a natural film former that creates a dense film that is difficult to damage.
    It additionally contains aseptic substances that prevent the progression of dental pathologies. With its help you can lighten your teeth by 8-10 shades. The varnish is quickly applied, suitable for daily use, safe.

    Disadvantages: it is quickly consumed (3 ml is enough for only 20 applications), has a short-lived effect, takes a long time to dry (about 5 minutes). The average market price is about 1500 rubles.

  6. “Belak F” (varnish) – produced in Russia.
    Due to its saturation with fluorine-containing substances, it is approved for high sensitivity, prevents caries, fills existing microcracks, and prevents structural changes in the enamel. The product has a long-lasting effect and has healing properties. The varnish has a low whitening effect and is not recommended for home use. The price is about 800 rubles.
  7. " Clinpro " (varnish) - produced in the UK.
    This is a new generation of the drug containing an exclusive component - tricalcium phosphate (a combination of phosphorus and calcium), which promotes rapid mineralization of enamel and reduces its sensitivity. Its application does not require preliminary treatment of teeth; it can be used for deposits. The varnish is easy to apply, applies evenly, but has a low whitening result. The cost starts from 3700 rubles.
  8. Kryolan (corrector) is a German professional product used for makeup for actors, but is not suitable for home use.
    It lacks antibacterial and remineralizing properties. Presented by the manufacturer in several colors: black, white, red, brown and beige. You cannot drink carbonated drinks or eat with this product; there is no therapeutic effect. The cost of a 12 ml bottle is from 600 rubles.
  9. “Liquid porcelain” (varnish) is a Russian product that helps quickly lighten teeth by 10 shades, reduce hypersensitivity, and prevent caries.
    The whitening result lasts for 24 hours, is easy to apply, dries within 3-5 minutes, 8 ml of its volume is enough for 1.5-2 months. The only noticeable drawback is that it gives the enamel an unnaturally white color. Price about 700 rub.
  10. Celebrity white flash ” (varnish) – produced in the USA.
    Recommended for use after professional cleaning to prolong the whitening result. It improves the color of enamel by 5-7 tones, remineralizes it, is odorless, safe, convenient and quick to apply. But this product has a small bottle, takes a long time to dry (up to 10 minutes), and after application you should not eat or drink for 1 hour. The price is within 500 rubles.

Your dentist can help you decide on the choice of bleaching agent. Based on the condition of the oral cavity, he will suggest the best option.

Dentists' opinion

Whitening enamel with dental varnish is considered an effective procedure that allows you to mask existing cosmetic defects for a short time and create the appearance of a smooth surface. The effect of this procedure can be compared to applying makeup or manicure to your face every day.

Even though many brands of varnish additionally have a slight therapeutic effect (mineralize, relieve sensitivity), dentists advise whitening teeth for a long time, restoring their integrity and strength in a clinic setting.

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