Myobrace (myobrace) - an alternative to braces and plates

The Myobrace device is a mouth guard for both jaws made of hypoallergenic silicone. It trains the facial muscles, straightens the teeth, teaches you how to “hold your face” correctly in every sense, and weans you from bad oral habits.

You don't need to wear the trainer all the time, just an hour or two a day and throughout the night. This is enough for the bite to be corrected without harsh mechanical measures.

Types of Myobrace trainers

There are 3 types of Myobrace trainers:

  • Starters. There are 2 main models that differ in color: blue and red. In the first case, a flexible, pliable structure is used, in the second, a rigid one. Through the influence of starters, the dental arch expands. Models are used for children from 8 to 12 years old. It is at this age that the initial formation of the bite occurs, which means it is easier to correct any defects.
  • Frame. Used during the period of replacement of milk teeth with molars. They are also allowed for use when the bite has already formed. These trainers are distinguished by the presence of a rigid frame.
  • Frameless. Used as a retainer to prevent relapses after removing the metal locks of braces.
  • Trainers for children, teenagers and adults. Myobrace is prescribed to both children and adults in case of minor deviations from the norm.

Structure and description of myobrace

The Myobrace trainer is made of plastic dental silicone and nylon material. The design fits tightly to the teeth and resembles a boxing mouthguard. The rigidity of the myobraces is ensured by a polyurethane frame, which is elastic in its characteristics, and the soft silicone lining protects the mucous membrane from injury.

Trainer components:

  • labial arches;
  • lip bumpers;
  • tongue stop;
  • dental canals.

The designs vary in size and are suitable for any jaw shape. Myobraces successfully align the dental system of children until a permanent bite is formed, as they treat the causes of defects.

Myobraces are divided into three types depending on their functional purpose:

  1. Starter series;
  2. frame series;
  3. frameless series.

The starter has two modifications - hard and soft. The function of these structures is to expand the jaw for the correct placement of teeth. Trainers are distinguished by the absence of dental cells; measurements are not required when choosing.

Frame trainers are designed to correct permanent and mixed bites. The choice of device is made based on measurements of the jaw.

Frameless myobrace trainers are installed to correct the bite after removing braces; their sizes are selected individually.

Myobrace for children

Children are prescribed Myobrace treatment most often between the ages of 6 and 10 years. The device can also be used at an earlier age (from 3 years). The company produces special mini-sized models for babies.

Trainers are used much more often than braces. When using Myobrace there is no risk of damage to the alveoli of the jaw or the roots of an incorrectly positioned tooth.

Children's trainers perform the following functions:

  • eliminate gaps between teeth;
  • restore normal functioning of the respiratory system;
  • correct the shape of the alveoli, in which the germs of the molars are located;
  • contribute to the alignment of the nasal septum, thanks to which the child learns to breathe correctly;
  • eliminate bad habits: breathing through the mouth, thumb sucking, placing the tongue between the teeth, improper swallowing, speech disorders;
  • contribute to the normal development of the child's jaw.


There are the following types of trainers:

  • "Junior" (J1, J2, J3). Designed for children aged three to six years. They are pink or blue.
  • "Kids" (K1, K2, K3). Designed to normalize bite in children from seven to ten years old. Also available in two colors.
  • "Tins" (T1, T2, T3, T4). Created to eliminate dental problems in adolescents. Can be used by patients over ten, but under fifteen years of age.
  • "Adults" (A1, A2, A3). Devices suitable for adults. They can be worn from the age of fifteen.

There is another category “Myobrace”. These are third-class devices created for the treatment of mesial occlusion - i3-N, i-3, i-3H, P-3. Dentists use them even when working with anomalies that are difficult to correct.

Each of the described types of trainers has its own marking. Treatment always begins with structures designated by number 1. They are gradually replaced by model 2, and then 3.

One always denotes the softest systems. They are needed to prepare the patient for the upcoming orthodontic treatment and eliminate his bad myofunctional habits.

“Twos” help with more serious violations. They are made of hard plastic and have a more significant impact on the curved row.

“Triplets” are in demand at the final stage of therapy. They help consolidate the achieved results and maintain them.

Stages of treatment

Therapy begins with eliminating bad habits that lead to various dental defects. To complete the full course, you will need at least 3 devices necessary to correct the bite, straighten the teeth, and eliminate abnormalities in the oral cavity.

Treatment begins after diagnosis is established. The older a person is, the more difficult it is to solve problems associated with bite and crooked teeth. If you follow all the orthodontist’s recommendations, you can achieve results within 2 years.

Therapy is carried out in 4 stages:

  • changing habits;
  • formation of dental arches;
  • alignment;
  • retention.

Device Features

“Myobraces” are formed of a silicone base with a rigid frame. Of the additional elements that provide effective bite correction, they contain:

  • lip bumper;
  • marker tongue.

The first helps to relax the lower lip, removing the pressure that is put on the teeth while swallowing saliva. It also makes it easier to keep your mouth closed, which is a must when using Myobrace.

The second component is responsible for keeping the tongue in the correct position. She forces him to press against the roof of his mouth, which supports healthy nasal breathing.

Habit correction

To obtain the maximum effect, the patient is taught useful habits:

  • do not use your mouth to breathe;
  • swallow correctly;
  • keep your mouth closed unless you need to talk or eat;
  • position your tongue correctly in your mouth.

Bad habits lead to the formation of malocclusion in childhood and poor development of the lower and upper jaws. By breaking these habits, you can reduce the risk of chewing apparatus defects. As a result, the child’s teeth will begin to grow straight, and braces will not be required in the future.

Advantages of trainers over braces

Unlike braces, Myobrace not only corrects the bite, but also improves the development of the masticatory apparatus in childhood. The dental device helps solve breathing problems, eliminate bad habits and improve speech.

The main difference from braces is that trainers are focused on eliminating the cause of deviations, and not on providing symptomatic therapy. Myobrace acts comprehensively and stimulates the uniform functioning of the masticatory muscles.

Other differences between the Myobrace system and braces and removable plates are presented in the following table:

DifferencesMyobraceBracesRemovable plates
ViewRemovable design that does not require constant wearingFixed locks and archesRemovable device. Requires constant wearing to get results.
ComfortThey cause discomfort only in the first week; do not cause mechanical trauma to the gums; do not affect speech; do not interfere with eating; easy to care forThe metal structure injures the tongue, rubs the gums and mucous membrane of the cheeks; impairs diction; requires strict adherence to oral hygiene. During treatment, solid food intake is limited Hard plates can injure the mucous membranes of the mouth and interfere with speaking, but are easy to clean
SensitivityHypoallergenicMetal can cause allergiesMay cause irritation of oral mucous membranes
Range of applicationsRegardless of ageSuitable for adults and childrenOnly for children
AdaptationFirst 7 daysIndividually, most often addiction occurs after 1-2 monthsDifficult period of adaptation
EfficiencyMaximum, no relapsesMaximum, there is a risk of developing recurrent pathologyGood results are achieved with strict self-control, average effectiveness
Oral aestheticsHigh. During the day, wear only for 1-2 hours Average. Only sapphire braces are invisible. Low
Negative effectsNonePossible thinning of enamel and damage to tooth roots; increased risk of cariesNone
PriceAffordable priceExpensive productsCheap products

For teenagers

During adolescence, when permanent teeth have already erupted, treatment with the Myobrace system becomes less effective. However, the use of Myobrace trainers can also bring the desired results to adolescents if combined with dental arch expansion.

Treatment with the Myobrace system for adolescents involves the use of a series of removable orthodontic appliances, as well as daily exercises to train the perioral muscles and correct the bite.

Wearing rules

During the period of using trainers, there are a number of factors that can increase the chances of achieving the maximum positive effect:

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen.
  • While wearing Myobrace during the day, you should try to avoid talking and breathe only through your nose.
  • Correct installation of the structure is required: the lips must be closed;
  • When swallowing, you should try not to compress your lips and orbicularis oris muscles.

In order to install the system correctly, you must place the device in your mouth with the marker tongue facing up. After this, you need to close your teeth so that the Myobrace is under light pressure. Don't put too much pressure on the structure. Within 7 days after installation of the device, pain may develop out of habit, but after the adaptation period is completed, the discomfort completely disappears.

If the pain is unbearable in the first days, it is recommended to limit the time you wear Myobrace. As you get used to the device, you need to gradually increase the period of its use.


Finding and buying a trainer today is not difficult, but you should not do this without first consulting a dentist. The doctor must conduct a comprehensive orthodontic examination to understand which of the existing methods of correcting the bite will help the patient.

You need to understand that different Myobrace models differ in design features and sizes. If you purchase the wrong system and start using it, the existing problem may become even worse.

To determine the optimal size of the device, the orthodontist measures the width of the front teeth and jaws. The obtained data is correlated with the selection table. As necessary, he prescribes inserts with a higher degree of rigidity. Therefore, such treatment must be carried out under medical supervision.

How to care for your trainer

85% of the treatment time, the orthodontic device is in the mouth at night, when the activity of immune cells decreases. For this reason, leukocytes in saliva practically do not suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Without additional care, bacteria can cause complications.

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Disinfect the structure with antiseptics at least 2 times a week. Antibacterial tablets are used to treat trainers. Disinfection with chlorhexidine, alcohol and potassium permanganate solution is allowed. After treatment, the device is thoroughly washed with water.
  2. Clean Myobrace 1-2 times a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and low-abrasive toothpaste.
  3. After each use, the trainers are washed with water.

Operating principle

The trainer system provides comprehensive jaw correction:

  • labial arches form the correct position of teeth using constant controlled pressure;
  • cells on the dental canals maintain correction pressure;
  • dental canals regulate the muscle tone of the jaw and form a correct bite;
  • the tongue stopper determines its correct position in the mouth;
  • lip bumpers form the correct closure of teeth and lips.

The effectiveness of the device is achieved by reducing the pressure of the jaw muscles on the dentition: gradually the teeth are aligned and fixed in a new position.

Myobrace for adults is used to correct single molars in an incorrect position. Trainers are also used after braces are removed to prevent corrected teeth from returning to their original state.

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