Megasonex ultrasonic toothbrush – an effective device or a fashionable device?

High-quality cleaning of the oral cavity is a necessary measure to maintain the health and integrity of the dentition.

Unfortunately, a simple toothbrush will not be able to carry out the cleaning procedure as efficiently as possible, since the force of pressure when manually pressed is arbitrary and not always sufficient to efficiently remove food fragments.

Because of this, plaque and rocky deposits begin to accumulate on the teeth, which provokes the development of a number of dental diseases and the appearance of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

An effective means of performing high-quality teeth cleaning are modern ultrasonic models, one of which will be discussed in this article.

General information

The Megasonex brush is a modern, electrically powered product. Has a personal battery. Qualitatively removes dirt using the precise action of ultrasonic vibrations on the enamel surface.

Its difference from standard brushes is not only in the processing method, but also in the quality of the procedure.

The design is not equipped with a rotation mechanism, but there is a motor inside. Inside the head (between the bristles) there is a piezoceramic bar. The engine uses the power of electricity to achieve its oscillatory movements equal to the frequency of ultrasound.

This is a value greater than 20 kHz. The bristles are set in motion and vibration processes are started. Thanks to such oscillatory manipulations, dirt and plaque are eliminated, which are almost 100% exfoliated from the surface of the teeth.

Ultrasonic toothbrush Megasonex

Good afternoon. I’ve been thinking about this post for a long time, but since beauticians here have been paying a lot of attention to oral hygiene lately, I decided to share my experience. the Megasonex
ultrasonic toothbrush and my impressions of it. Welcome! There are not many ultrasonic brushes on the market. There are several options from Donfeel, one Asahi Irica model, Emmi-Dent 6 with an option for pets and Megasonex (there may be others that I don't know about). I chose the latter simply based on the seller's recommendations and positive reviews on the Internet.

This toothbrush is a real beauty. It's perfectly packaged. Decorated box, molded tight foam inside, excellent printing. Everything is at the highest level.

Inside we find the toothbrush itself and a charger for it, two replaceable brush heads - soft and medium hard, and a travel case. The commonwealth of countries directly participated in the production. It was invented in the USA, the design was made in Japan, and, of course, it was manufactured in China. This is what an empty Megasonex brush tip looks like. It is recommended to lubricate the crystal of the tip that conducts ultrasound a little with Vaseline for better conductivity. I lubricated it and forgot, I didn’t understand the difference.

The attachments have a reliable fastening system - a rotating mechanism. Everything is intuitive. I started using a toothbrush with a soft brush head and found it to be too gentle. Therefore, I bought additional nozzles of medium hardness. By the way, they are still very soft and delicate when compared with the toothbrushes that I chose before, but this does not affect the quality of cleaning. Just a matter of habit. I think that in general you can get by with a soft attachment, because teeth are cleaned mainly not due to mechanical action, but due to ultrasound. Well, the soft nozzle quickly became disheveled. The travel case is very thick and comfortable. I have already used it, and its presence is undoubtedly a good bonus. There are holes inside right next to the nozzle itself, which will prevent the brush from going rotten if you place it there wet.

As usual, a charger is a great storage method. Here it comes in the form of a beautiful white stand. The toothbrush is installed not on the pin, but in the recess.

I won’t say for sure how long a full charge lasts; I tested it myself for a week. But they write that it will take a very long time, almost a month. Of course, such a snow-white, stylish toothbrush with a stand is also a decoration in my bathroom. A few technical characteristics. In total, Megasonex has 3 exposure modes: 18,000 vibrations per minute, 9,000 vibrations per minute, and no vibration at all, only with ultrasound. The operation of the brush can be adjusted with one button. Ultrasound is not audible to the ear (its continuous wave reaches 1.6 MHz or 96,000.00 pulsations per minute), so to make it clear that it is turned on without vibration, a blue indicator will be lit for you.

I always brush my teeth on the highest setting, so my impressions are based on that. It’s just that with ultrasound, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to an agreement at all; I’m already restraining myself with difficulty so as not to rub the surface with the usual force. It's not needed here at all. On the contrary, the more actively you move the brush, the worse the result. She should do everything for you, you just guide her teeth, lightly touching her. The entire cleaning takes 3 minutes, you divide the oral cavity into 6 zones, every 30 seconds the brush stops and you change the zone. It's just incredibly convenient.

What to say? This is the best toothbrush I know. And I tried almost all types, from classic to sophisticated electric ones. It really cleans off soft plaque. By the way, this is not immediately noticeable. At first I didn’t understand anything at all. But since I had already read the reviews of those who also did not understand, like me, I continued to patiently use it. I can’t say exactly at what point the changes occurred (probably after a week or two), but my teeth are now always polished and smooth, they have become lighter and even the ever-darker fangs have whitened. I'm a happy coffee drinker now, you know?

To celebrate, in addition to the brush, I purchased a tongue scraper attachment. It is also packed in two cells, like two nozzles. At the top are instructions for use.

I use the scraper once every two to three days or according to my mood for 30 seconds. Do you want a pristine, plaque-free tongue? That way. After the first use, even the water tasted different to me.

The main thing is not to overdo it. I did this for the first time and even my tongue hurt. Move slowly and calmly, without excessive pressure, do not overdo it. Great stuff. Nothing helped me (although I know that plaque on the tongue needs to be dealt with by other methods, they also don’t help well), and now I have a smooth, clean pink tongue.

Do I recommend this brush? Undoubtedly. But with an important caveat. Please pay attention to your health.

It is definitely not suitable for pregnant women, cancer patients and diabetics, as well as people with cardio (and probably other) stimulants. Availability of veneers, pins, crowns, etc. is not a contraindication for use.

As usual, on Thursdays, Phil and I release another video for you. There is little benefit to it, it is simply created to mood and relax your eyes and ears.

In addition to this brush, I bought Megasonex branded toothpaste. I can note that it did not make an impression on me and is still standing there, not even half used. I prefer the other one. It supposedly whitens better and foams less. No, I didn’t notice anything like that about her. My favorite paste whitens much better and also foams unobtrusively.

Of course, my oral hygiene is not limited to brush and paste. I use mouthwash and dental floss.

The price of a Megasonex toothbrush with two primary attachments is 8500 rubles. Two replacement nozzles cost 700 rubles. Tongue scraper, one piece, also 700 RUR. Thank you for your attention. I'm Katya.



Ultrasound does not have any direct medical indications, since it is not considered a medical device. Moreover, the use of Megasonex may be justified in the following situations:

  • change in the color pigment of the enamel surface , provoked by coloring substances that are part of many drinks, as well as by the systematic use of coffee and nicotine;
  • with the large-scale appearance of plaque , soft and hard rocky deposits that are difficult to remove with standard hygienic manipulations;
  • as a comprehensive preventive measure after professional teeth whitening or dental cleaning.

Application: indications and contraindications

The Megasonex ultrasonic brush does not have any specific indications, but its use is recommended:

  • with pronounced darkening of the enamel due to frequent use of coloring drinks;
  • with visible soft and hard deposits;
  • as a preventive measure after professional cleaning or bleaching.

It is not recommended to clean with an ultrasonic brush:

  • in case of increased or prolonged bleeding of the gums;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for pathologies causing demineralization of dental tissue;
  • people who have subcutaneous stimulating devices installed (defibrillator, pacemaker, etc.);
  • in the presence of old fillings, crowns, onlays. Vibration waves can destroy an unstable connection with the main surface of the tooth;
  • for periodontal and dental diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis, granuloma, pulpitis);
  • during the development of a tumor in the oral cavity.

All features of the ionic toothbrush are discussed in our review.

In this article we will find out whether teeth whitening is harmful.

Here: - toothbrushes for braces are considered.


Experts do not recommend using the product:

  • if there is severe, regular bleeding of the gums;
  • there are old crowns that have “spent” their service life;
  • a person uses veneers or has fillings that were installed many years ago, but are well preserved;
  • dental pathologies of the oral cavity, which can cause destruction of hard organ tissue;
  • diabetes;
  • there is the presence of tumor formations of any nature of origin.

In addition, pregnant women should not use this product throughout their entire period.


Supplied kit:

  • brush body;
  • replaceable nozzles – 4 pieces;
  • scraper;
  • power unit;
  • charger;
  • carrying case;
  • instruction manual (in two languages ​​– English and Russian);
  • sales and cash receipt;
  • a warranty card giving the right to free repairs for the entire warranty period declared by the manufacturer, in our case 12 months.

Modern methods for removing dental cementoma and measures to prevent its occurrence. Find out here what to do if your tooth hurts badly at night.

At this address all the most important things about children's dental prosthetics.



An ultrasonic toothbrush is a modern way of daily teeth cleaning. Research shows that it is many times more effective than a regular or electric toothbrush. At the same time, ultrasound allows you to avoid negative abrasive effects on tooth enamel. The uniqueness of the technology lies in the fact that ultrasound neutralizes bacteria by breaking them down, and sound vibrations “sweep away” plaque without affecting the enamel.

Ultrasonic toothbrushes are primarily recommended for people with crowns, braces, implants, veneers, and those suffering from periodontal diseases. They are also ideal for the prevention of caries, periodontitis, gingivitis and for removing plaque. Persons with pacemakers, defibrillators, or other subcutaneous devices should consult their physician and the manufacturer of their medical device before use.

The Megasonex toothbrush is the most modern and advanced ultrasonic brush model. Its safety and effectiveness have been proven by numerous laboratory tests. It does not emit electromagnetic waves dangerous to humans.

Megasonex operates at a therapeutic frequency of 1.6 MHz, which is absolutely safe and makes 96,000,000 pulsations per minute. Its vibrating motion is almost 2 or more times slower than other leading brushes on the market today, making cleaning more gentle and therefore less damaging to the enamel. The ultrasound generating crystal is located in close proximity to the bristles, which guarantees deep cleaning not only of the visible surface of the tooth, but also cleaning in hard-to-reach places, including at a depth of up to 5 mm under the gum.

Megasonex can operate in three different modes:

  • Ultrasound without additional movements. You will not feel vibrations, while chains of harmful bacteria are broken due to the influence of ultrasonic waves.
  • Ultrasound combined with sound vibrations with a frequency of 9000 movements per minute. Recommended for people with hypersensitivity.
  • Ultrasound combined with sound vibrations with a frequency of 18,000 movements per minute. Used for maximum cleaning.


  • Ultrasonic frequency 1.6 MHz (96,000,000 pulsations per minute)
  • Powered by a battery charged from a charger.
  • 3 bristle speeds
  • Built-in three-minute timer
  • Battery charge indicator
  • Ultrasound indicator
  • Handle covered with anti-slip material
  • Simplified tip replacement procedure

Contents of delivery:

  • Ultrasonic toothbrush Megasonex
  • 2 replaceable nozzles (soft and medium hard)
  • power unit
  • Charger
  • Travel case
  • Operating manual in Russian

The toothbrush manufacturer and the store recommend changing the heads every 2-3 months, depending on the intensity of use of the brush.


Since ultrasonic vibrations vary in their intensity and force of impact on the oral cavity, the manufacturer does not use tips with increased rigidity so as not to harm the enamel.

For optimal results, it is recommended to use the following types of attachments:

  • MB1 (soft) – soft, zigzag-shaped bristles. Ideal for sensitive organs and periodontal diagnostics. Can be used by children;
  • MB2 (medium) – medium hardness, also looks like a zigzag. The most popular attachment, according to user reviews, due to the high flexibility of the cleaning hair material. Provides high-quality cleaning not only of the coronal part protruding above the surface, but also of the gum pockets, penetrating deeply into the interdental spaces and the cervical area;
  • MB5 (soft) is the softest of all the attachments included in the kit. Specially designed for use in the postoperative dental period or in cases of severe bleeding gums. Recommended for repeated daily use when, for medical reasons, cleaning after each meal is necessary;
  • MB6 (medium) – medium hardness and single-level fiber arrangement. Suitable for treating chewing organs and smooth surfaces. Uniform hair length ensures complete safety of gums during the procedure.

Any of the described attachments is intended for use for 3 months. After this period they must be replaced.

Types of nozzles

Since ultrasound has a strong effect on oral tissue, manufacturers decided to eliminate the use of attachments with hard bristles.

In order to avoid tissue damage and still get a good effect, manufacturers offer four types of attachments:

  1. MB1 (soft)
    . The degree of hardness is soft, the bristles are arranged in a zigzag pattern. This type of attachment is perfect for teeth with increased sensitivity and pathologies of periodontal tissue.

    These brushes are also recommended for use by children and pregnant women.

  2. MB2 (medium)
    . The degree of hardness is medium, the bristles have a zigzag position. It is considered the most effective type of bristles, as it has increased flexibility.

    Due to this, not only the visible surface of the crown, but also the gum pockets are better cleaned. The zigzag surface of the bristles allows you to penetrate deeply into the interdental spaces, removing bacteria from the cervical area.

  3. MB5 (soft)
    . The degree of hardness is soft, the bristles are the same length. This type of attachment is necessary after dental operations or bleeding gums. Ideally suited for frequent use, when cleaning is done at least 5 times a day.
  4. MB6 (medium)
    . The degree of hardness is medium, the bristles are single-level. Recommended for cleaning chewing and smooth surfaces of crowns. Thanks to the same length of bristles, it is a completely safe option for gums.

Each attachment is designed for regular use for three months. Increased impact of the brush on the dentition will lead to its premature replacement. For ease of use, the nozzle has a small cleaning head.


Product Specifications:

  • ultrasonic frequency – 1.6 MHz;
  • sound frequency - about 9,000 movements per minute;
  • battery, power 4.8 v;
  • Battery type – nickel-metal hydride, capacity 150 mA. The propagation period of a single charge is about 28 applications of three minutes duration. This is enough for 12-14 days of full operation;
  • input voltage – 350 mA;
  • output voltage – 400mA;

The product operates at an absolutely safe treatment frequency, equal to the pulse force used in the treatment of fractures using ultrasound.

This is enough to maximally and completely neutralize microbes that provoke the appearance of plaque, and destroys their chains, interrupting the reproduction processes.


Elena Malysheva about the benefits of ultrasonic toothbrushes

Megasonex (megasonex) - for daily home use with toothpaste. It is intended for people with crowns, implants, veneers and fillings. Used for caries, plaque, gum recession and gingivitis, which causes bleeding. Since pregnant women, cancer patients and diabetics were not involved in testing the device, it cannot be recommended for these individuals.

If your gums bleed excessively while using the appliance, or if the bleeding continues for more than a week after using it, consult your dentist. Persons with pacemakers, defibrillators, or other subcutaneous devices should consult their physician as well as the manufacturer of their medical device. Megasonex has successfully passed all tests and meets international electrical safety standards. It does not emit electromagnetic waves dangerous to humans, as they do from mobile phones.

The science

Megasonex (megasonex) operates at a safe therapeutic frequency of 1.6 MHz = 1,600,000 Hz or 96,000,000 pulsations per minute. The same frequency is used by doctors when treating fractures. The vibration frequency of conventional “sonic” toothbrushes ranges from 15 to 40 thousand movements per minute or 125-333 Hz, which is 4,800 times less. It is important to note that this ultrasound is absolutely safe and has been approved by the FDA in the USA for daily home use since the 90s. In Russia, the first ultrasonic brush was certified in 2001.

Ultrasound is your secret weapon in the fight against plaque. A recent study showed that the chains of bacteria under the influence of ultrasound are broken and become harmless. Megasonex - for daily plaque control, protects against caries, gingivitis and gum recession. A recent test of the launch model of this brush - "Ultima", carried out in Tokyo

Medical Dental University at the Department of Preventive Dentistry, the results of which were published in the Japanese journal "Conservative Dentistry", showed that even without sound movements, ultrasound at a frequency of 1.6 MHz breaks chains of harmful bacteria and even damages their outer membrane, and all this - at a distance 5 mm from the bristles themselves.

WhyMegasonex (megasonex)

We are very glad that you have decided to change the method of caring for your teeth and gums; now ultrasound will become part of your daily teeth cleaning. However, the bacteria in your mouth will not be happy either.

Currently, most dentists recommend soft toothbrushes to their patients so as not to scratch the enamel or injure the gums. Megasonex will immediately amaze you with its tenderness and delicacy. It shouldn’t be aggressive, because ultrasound does all the “dirty work” for you. Moreover, its vibrating motion is almost 2 times or more slower than other leading brushes on the market today. We are confident that one day all toothbrushes will be manufactured using this patented technology.

We, Goldspire Group, are very pleased that you have decided to change the way you care for your teeth and gums and now ultrasound will become part of your daily teeth cleaning. However, the bacteria in your mouth will not be so happy. Testing of the starter model of the Ultima™ brush, carried out in 1999 by the Tokyo Medical Dental University in the Department of Preventive Dentistry, the results of which were published in the Japanese journal Conservative Dentistry, showed that even without sound movements, ultrasound at a frequency of 1.6 MHz breaks the chains of harmful bacteria and even damages their outer membrane. And all this is at a distance of 5 mm from the bristles themselves. It is important to note that this ultrasound is absolutely safe and has been approved by the FDA in the USA for daily home use since 1993. The same or similar frequency is used by doctors to heal broken bones. This is why it is considered therapeutic. Currently, most dentists recommend soft toothbrushes to their patients so as not to scratch the enamel or injure the gums. Megasonex™ will immediately amaze you with its tenderness and delicacy. She shouldn't be aggressive. Moreover, its sonic movements are almost 2 times or more slower than other leading brushes on the market today. We are confident that one day all toothbrushes will be produced using this technology. But until that happens, we at Goldspire Group hope you will be very pleased with your Megasonex™, seeing the dramatic difference in your oral health, and receiving compliments from your doctors and hygienists. We are a small new company without huge financial resources from banks or investors that could be used for advertising. We rely only on our unique design, method of operation and your satisfaction. If you are happy, we are happy, and money cannot buy such joy. We hope that you will tell all your friends about Megasonex™. Before using the appliance, please read this manual carefully as it contains important instructions regarding your safety and the operation and maintenance of the appliance. Electrical Safety As with any electrical device, to reduce the risk of electric shock, follow these guidelines: Do not immerse the device, charger, power supply, or cord in water or other liquids. Do not store the charger or power supply where they may fall into water. , for example, in the bathtub, sink or toilet. If this happens, do not remove the devices from the water without unplugging them. Leave wet devices to dry for several days before next use. Precautions To minimize the risk of burns, electric shock, fire or other hazards, persons with reduced physical or mental capabilities and children should use this appliance under supervision or after receiving instructions for use from a person responsible for their safety. Use the product only for its intended purpose described below. Use only accessories recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use a faulty or damaged brush or its accessories. This product does not contain serviceable parts. A damaged power cord cannot be replaced separately, but only together with the power supply. Keep cord away from heating surfaces. Do not use the charger or power supply if the cord or plug is damaged. Before cleaning, unplug the charger and do not immerse it or the power supply in water. Make sure your devices are dry before connecting them to the network again. Medical Warning Consult your dentist about brushing if you have recently had oral surgery. Since pregnant women, cancer patients and diabetics were not involved in testing the device, it cannot be recommended for these individuals. If your gums bleed excessively while using the appliance, or if the bleeding continues for more than a week after using the appliance, consult your dentist. Persons with pacemakers, defibrillators, or other subcutaneous devices should consult their physician, as well as the manufacturer of their medical device, regarding the use of the brush. Megasonex™ has been successfully tested and complies with safety standards for electromagnetic devices. Do not use a brush if the bristles are deformed, as they may break off while brushing your teeth. This appliance is intended for cleaning teeth only. Do not use it for other purposes. Operating principles of the charger The Megasonex brush should be charged 24 hours before first use. To ensure full charge and effective performance, store your brush in a plugged-in charger. It is impossible to recharge the brush; when fully charged, it automatically turns off the reception of excess electricity, thereby extending the life of the battery. After 18 hours of continuous use of the brush in the charger, it automatically turns off, and the charger, in order to save electricity, goes into “sleep mode”. If the brush is removed and placed back into the charger, the charging mechanism is reactivated. How to charge the Megasonex ultrasonic brush

Connect the power supply to the mains and plug the cord into the charger. When you insert the brush into the charger, the indicator above the battery symbol on the brush handle will flash red, indicating that the battery is charging. When the indicator turns white and stops flashing, the Megasonex™ is fully charged. A solid red light warns you that less than 10% charge remains. When fully charged, the new brush lasts for more than two weeks or 28 three-minute applications without recharging. The power supply is designed to be used anywhere in the world. Please purchase appropriate adapters separately. Specification of the power supply unit model PWS-12000400 V: input voltage - 100-240 VAC, 50-60 HZ, 0.35 A max output voltage -12 VDC, 400 mA Note: For optimal charging of the brush, do not place the charger on a metal surface. Installation Place the brush with the narrow tip facing up. Using your thumb and forefinger, grasp the socket clip where the lock symbol is, turn to the right 1/8 turn, and place the socket on the tip. Secure it by turning the attachment clamp 1/8 turn to the left until it stops. Removal Using your thumb and forefinger, grasp the attachment clamp at the location of the lock symbol with the attachment facing up, turn the attachment to the right 1/8 turn and remove it. Note: For optimal ultrasound transmission, it is recommended to lubricate the brush tip with a thin layer of Vaseline before installing the nozzle. For optimal performance, the brush must be fully charged. Pay attention to the following recommendations: Wet the bristles with water and apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to them. To brush all your teeth evenly, mentally divide your mouth into 6 sectors. Direct the nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees to the periodontal edge of the posterior sector from the side of the tongue and turn on the brush. Hold the brush lightly and without pressure. Brush in a circular, rotating motion so that the bristles and soapy saliva get between each tooth. Move the brush sequentially to all surfaces of the tooth, starting with the vestibular (side of the cheek), occlusal (chewing side, in the case of back teeth), then from the lingual surface of the tooth (side of the tongue). Spend a few seconds on each tooth before moving on to the next one. Every 30 seconds the brush gives a signal to move to the next sector. The total duration of brushing all teeth should be 3 minutes, that is, 30 seconds for each of the 6 sectors. Let the brush do all the work for you. Don't press or rub too hard. Keep as much saliva around the bristles as possible. We recommend more thoroughly treating periodontal pockets under the gum where plaque accumulates. Ask your dentist to help you identify these areas. Teeth Whitening Our teeth are porous, so smoking and eating staining foods such as black coffee, tea, mustard, blueberries and others (which can stain white cotton) will stain your teeth. Megasonex™ will help you remove most fresh surface stains, but neglected teeth still require intervention from a doctor or hygienist. Removing stains will lighten your teeth, but if you want them to be not only brighter, but also whiter, we recommend that you visit your dentist to have your teeth whitened with a professional teeth whitening system, such as the ZOOM! or home systems Day White and Nite White. A beautiful, healthy smile is valued all over the world. The use of Megasonex is absolutely safe for people who have restorations (fillings), crowns, braces, veneers and implants. Almost all dentists agree that using a hard brush can damage tooth enamel and irritate soft tissue, leading to gum recession. That's why they recommend soft toothbrushes. Ultrasound is very gentle, so gentle that it cannot be felt, but hard brushes can obscure this positive effect. When you make your first purchase, Megasonex™ offers you a choice of 2 different attachments: soft and standard. Soft and standard tips are sold separately, two in each package. Our attachments are designed to maintain their shape and effectiveness for approximately 3 months with regular use, depending on your personal habits. Attention! Don't put too much pressure on your teeth, let Megasonex do all the dirty work for you, and your enamel and gums will only be grateful. In addition, you will have to change attachments less often. Megasonex is designed to produce ultrasound in all modes (note the blue light above the battery symbol). Different users have their own preferences for the degree of active movement of the bristles. With this in mind, the brush offers 3 different motion modes: standard gentle (approximately 18,000 strokes per minute), extra gentle (approximately 9,000 strokes per minute) and zero mode (no vibration) - for patients with medical indications for manual brushing, but with ultrasound . When you turn it on for the first time, by pressing the gray button, the minicomputer inside the brush will automatically select the 18,000 movements per minute mode. If you prefer a gentle, extra - gentle mode, then first turn off the brush, and then turn it on again by pressing the button twice with an interval of half a second. To switch to zero mode without vibration, also first turn off the brush, and then turn it on by pressing the power button three times, at the same interval. In this mode, the blue ultrasonic indicator will light up and the brush will work without noticeable mechanical action. Care instructions The Megasonex™ brush does not require special care, such as lubrication or replacement of parts (except for replacing the head). But, like everything else, it gets dirty. Therefore, we recommend that at least twice a week, after removing the attachment, you wipe the brush body, first with a damp soapy cloth, then just with a damp cloth, and then with a dry, clean cloth. Despite the tightness of the brush, it is not recommended to immerse it in water. Remember that for maximum effect of the Megacrystal™ ultrasonic crystal inside the brush, the next time you change the brush head, you should lubricate the tip under the brush head with a thin layer of Vaseline. Clean the charger periodically with a slightly damp cloth after unplugging it. Do not immerse the charger in water. Each time you finish brushing your teeth, we recommend rinsing the brush head with cold water, shaking off excess moisture and wiping the bristles dry, as mold thrives in a warm, moist environment. Do not create favorable conditions for its growth. Technical characteristics Operating frequencies: Ultrasound frequency: ~ 1.6 MHz Sound frequency: 150/75/0 Hz or 18,000/9,000/0 movements/min Battery: 4.8 v, Nickel-metal hydride, 250 mA. Duration of one charge of a new brush: up to 28 three-minute applications (about two weeks of use) Power supply : Model - PWS-12000400V input voltage: 100-240 AC, 50-60 Hz, 350 mA output voltage: 12 VDC, 400 mA Charger: Model - M8 Base, input voltage -12 VDC, 400 mA Recycling The choice of the brush battery was made taking into account environmental interests. This high quality nickel metal hydride battery will serve you for many years. It cannot be removed or changed, since sealing of the brush can only be ensured under production conditions. The brush can be disposed of in the same way as any other household waste. Warranty 1 year warranty. Goldspire Group Ltd guarantees the serviceability of parts and assembly of the device for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase of the product. In the event of a malfunction of the device, please contact us for instructions on warranty service in the country where it was purchased. Our coordinates are on the website, section Warranty service. Limitation of Liability Goldspire Group Ltd, its distributors, dealers, agents, subsidiaries shall not be liable for any adverse consequences associated with defective equipment, including breach of contractual obligations or breach of any other obligations. Such violations include, but are not limited to, loss of use of the device, claims from third parties such as dentists and hygienists for the cost of alternative equipment or services. Contact information If you have any questions related to the operation of the Megasonex™ ultrasonic brush, visit our website or write to the following address: In the title of your message, write the words “megasonex support” so that our spam filters do not delete it. Megasonex is a registered trademark of Goldspire Group Ltd. Zoom!, DayWhite, NiteWhite are registered trademarks of Discus Dental LLC. "Ultima" is a registered trademark of Salton Inc. and Asahi Irika. Co. Ltd., not related to Goldspire Group Ltd.

Ultrasonic toothbrush Oral-B Triumph Professional Care 5000

Buy an ultrasonic toothbrush Megasonex Megasonex, ask a question

Operating modes

Operates in the following modes:

  • high speed of movement - 18,000 vibrations for 60 seconds. Optimal mode for high-quality cleaning;
  • minimum frequency – up to 9,000 vibrations. Suitable for people with sensitive teeth and gums;
  • without exposure to ultrasound - recommended for abnormally sensitive organs of the jaw row. In this mode, the villi oscillate at a given frequency level.

TOP 8 best ultrasonic toothbrushes

The article presents popular manufacturers and relatively new models of toothbrushes, thanks to which you will turn brushing your teeth into pleasure and preserve your oral health for a long time. So, our candidates:

  • Acleon F36;
  • Philips Sonicare 2 Series HX6232/20;
  • Xiaomi Soocas X3;
  • Xiaomi SO WHITE EX3 Sonic Electric Toothbrush;
  • Donfeel HSD-100;
  • Megasonex;
  • Oral-B Pulsonic Slim;
  • Emmi-dent 6 Platinum.

We hope the rating will help you understand the presented models and choose an effective, safe and comfortable ultrasonic toothbrush. Enjoy reading!

Acleon F36

The Acleon F36 ultrasonic toothbrush from a German manufacturer pleases users with its functionality and stylish design. The device cleans teeth efficiently and allows you to achieve a whitening effect. Thanks to the unique properties of ultrasound, the healing components of toothpaste penetrate deep into the tooth enamel, which ensures long-term preservation of dental health. There are 4 cleaning modes, including a soft mode, which is used by people with sensitive enamel, as well as gum massage, which strengthens the periodontium, relieves inflammation and bleeding. Such a brush will help prevent many oral diseases: caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis, and therefore reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

The brush has a two-minute timer - the optimal time for brushing your teeth, and there is also a 30-second timer: the device tells you when to move to another area of ​​the jaw. The package includes several attachments: 3 standard and 2 orthodontic. The main feature that Acleon brushes have is a travel case with an ultraviolet lamp and disinfecting attachments.

Number of pulsations per minute60 000
Duration of cleaning in minutes2 minutes.

Approximate price: from 4000 rub.

Hurry up to purchase this product at a special price on our partner’s website!


  • there is a wireless charging dock;
  • Fully charges in just 1 hour;
  • use from one charge to 2 weeks;
  • Rough surface of the body - the brush will not slip out of your hands;
  • acceptable price;
  • Convenient storage case with UV lamp.


  • No.

I took the Akleon F36 brush because it was recommended by my dentist for caring for braces. And I didn’t regret it at all. An excellent device. Very convenient. Cleans perfectly, removes food residues from all hard-to-reach places. I'm glad that there are nozzle disinfection functions. A big plus is that it is very convenient to take it with you. Charging the brush lasts a very long time. At the same time, it charges instantly, and within an hour it is completely ready for use. Completely satisfied with the purchase.

Philips Sonicare 2 Series HX6232/20

One of the few toothbrushes that has the ability to impress not only with its effectiveness, but also with its unique design. Regular use of a toothbrush will allow you to achieve maximum results, comparable only to professional cleaning in dentistry. Every half a minute the brush vibrates and gives a signal to change the cleaning zone, and after 2 minutes the device turns off - which means your procedure is completed. Yes, we cannot but agree: the consumables are expensive, but, perhaps, thanks to this particular device you can achieve the best results without professional dental interventions.


Before use, you should determine the operating mode of the device. They are switched when the device is completely turned off.

The mode number is set by the number of button presses. A blue indicator will appear next to the selected mode.

To ensure maximum efficiency from using the device, the following requirements must be met:

  • Pre-rinse the brush with running water;
  • apply a minimum amount of paste (no more than 5 mm in diameter);
  • visually distribute the dentition into several fragments, start processing from the most distant one;
  • the manipulation is carried out at an angle of 45º relative to the edge of the gum with the device turned on;
  • the procedure is performed in a circular motion from the bottom to the cutting part. Press gently, without pressure;
  • after processing the buccal area, they begin to clean the cutting area, and then the area in the area of ​​the lingual surface;
  • You need to spend at least 30 seconds on each fragment - for this purpose, the design is equipped with a timer, which itself will give a signal after half a minute. The total processing period is 3 minutes;
  • At the end of the procedure, turn off the device and rinse.

Important point! The product operates in absolutely silent mode and to understand whether ultrasonic pressure is occurring, an indicator is mounted on the working handle.

Thus, if the green light is on, the device is functioning normally and full cleaning is being performed.

See a photo of a gold crown on a tooth and read about its pros and cons. In this article you will find reviews about Strauman implants.

Follow the link if you are interested in treatment methods for osteomyelitis of the upper jaw.

Detailed instructions for use

Before you start using the Megasonex ultrasonic brush, you must select the desired mode.

Manufacturers have provided that the ultrasonic frequency affects the teeth in any mode, the only difference is in the number of movements per minute:

  1. Standard mode – 18 thousand vibrations per minute.
  2. Extra – 9 thousand.
  3. Zero – minimum frequency without vibration movements.

To switch between modes, you need to turn off the brush, and then press the power button two or three times. Depending on the number of presses, a certain mode will turn on and the blue ultrasound indicator will light up.

To achieve visible results, it is important to brush your teeth correctly with a Megasonex brush. To do this, you just need to follow some recommendations.

  • Before cleaning, rinse the brush with water;
  • Apply a paste no larger than a pea size;
  • Mentally or visually divide the area to be cleaned into sections. Start cleaning from the farthest sector;
  • Place the nozzle in your mouth at an angle of 45 degrees to the gum margin on the vestibular surface and turn on the device;
  • cleaning is performed in a circular motion, from the bottom to the cutting part. Movements should be without pressure;
  • after cleaning the cheek side of the teeth, move to the cutting side, and then to the surface from the tongue side;
  • One sector should take at least half a minute. For convenience, the device has a built-in sound timer that beeps every 30 seconds. The total cleaning time is about 3 minutes;
  • After cleansing the oral cavity, turn off the brush and rinse.


The design has the following significant advantages:

  • automatic control of the procedure time - upon completion, the device will notify the “owner” that the processing time is over;
  • after just a few days of use, the surface of the teeth becomes smoother, and the color of the enamel noticeably brightens - according to users, even minor pigmentation is eliminated;
  • excellent caries prevention due to a high degree of cleaning;
  • modern design, comfortable handle;
  • optimal configuration;
  • availability of purchasing components as they wear out;
  • massage of soft gum tissues during treatment.

For more information about this unique device, watch the video.

Precautionary measures

Since the device is directly connected to electricity, the following rules must be strictly followed:

  • do not start processing without reading the operating instructions;
  • supervise the use of the device by small children;
  • use the brush only for its intended purpose;
  • at the slightest malfunction, turn off the power to the device;
  • use only original attachments of this brand;
  • store the device in a special case;
  • clean the device only when it is turned off;
  • After use, dry all components.


Compliance with the rules of care can extend the life of the product. The main body is regularly wiped, first with a damp sponge, then dry with a soft, fluffy cloth. Before doing this, all attachments should be disconnected.

To maintain the quality of ultrasonic vibrations, it is recommended to periodically treat the tip where the nozzle is attached with Vaseline.

The main rule is that everything must be dry, this is the only way to prevent the development of microbes on the surface of the product.

Care instructions

Careful care will significantly increase the life of the device

. To do this, the brush body must be treated twice a week with a damp sponge, then wiped dry. Before this procedure, you will need to first remove the nozzle.

To increase the effect of ultrasonic waves, it is necessary to lubricate the tip on which the nozzle is installed with Vaseline.

After brushing your teeth, the brush should be rinsed and wiped with a dry cloth, trying to dry each bristle. This will prevent the emergence and proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

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