Let's leaf through the dream book. Inserting teeth in a dream - what is it for?

Replenishment of the family

One of the interpretations is a premonition of the appearance of a child or relative - this interpretation is followed by Eastern dream books. The front four symbolize the birth of a child, possibly also a brother or sister. The gypsy dream book specifies: to see the appearance of the upper one - for a boy, for the lower one - wait for a girl. Moreover, the birth will take place safely, and the health indicators of the newborn will please the parents.

I dreamed about the front incisor, and it hatched immediately after it fell out - this prophesies the rapid development of the baby. If others fall out in a dream and immediately find themselves in place - to the prosperity of the family, according to the dream book of Prince Zhou-Gong.

Why dream that several have grown at once - the dreamer will have numerous relatives. This is a harbinger of the marriage of one of the relatives.

Forum about dreams

Very interesting dream scenarios can sometimes be found on the online dream book forum. Maybe among these descriptions you will find similar ones to those that you dreamed about.

Forum member's dream

The girl dreamed of some kind of structure in her mouth. It was worn on the upper jaw. The design looked like a hoop with several plastic dentures on it. They closed those places where there were no people. This seemed strange to the sleeping person in her dream, because earlier everything was fine with her teeth, they were all intact. Suddenly the structure breaks and there were two of them in place, and the third began to grow. The sleeping woman was again surprised that at her age their growth could resume again.

Health and wisdom

As sad as dental problems in dreams are, indicating losses and illnesses, so optimistic are the predictions regarding their mystical solution.

In Aesop's ancient dream book, what one dreams of seeing a new tooth grow is deciphered as follows: a person has achieved the wisdom that allows one to accept all changes and extinguish conflicts. Small Velesov's dream book develops this idea, foreshadowing the overcoming of misunderstandings.

Such a dream foreshadows a surge of energy and health. If a person was sick, he will recover. A man will be able to strengthen the well-being of the family.

Dream symbolism

If teeth are seen in a dream, they represent relatives. Therefore, interpretations of dreams are associated with everything connected with loved ones.

Alternative interpretation

Classical interpretations combine this process in dreams exclusively in a positive way, promising the dreamer prosperity and a bright streak in business.

Miller's Dream Book

It’s not uncommon to dream of a new tooth growing, which means the imminent birth of a child.

If you dreamed that a new one was growing in place of a lost tooth, then wealth and prosperity await the future generations of your family.

If you dreamed that a tooth was growing

If you happen to see a growing fang in a dream, it means that the sleeper will acquire secret knowledge. They, however, will not be safe, which can lead to problems.

The growth of wisdom teeth means good health and increased vitality.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer believes that when you dream about teeth growing, this is a call to decisive action. Feel free to take on the implementation of your ideas, because you have begun to grow in additional energy needed to implement new achievements.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss medium does not focus, in her interpretations, on their growth. She gives general interpretations.

The satisfactory condition of the oral cavity and its contents promises good health to the dreamer.

If the condition of the teeth wants to be better, then this indicates health problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Modern interpretation

Current interpretations of dreams, where the process of their growth is dreamed, come down to forecasts about health, or about the atmosphere within a family or team.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If they grow healthy, then in reality the sleeping person has excellent health. Also, such a dream may foreshadow the replenishment of the family budget.

They grow and quickly deteriorate, and the sleeper expects a quarrel with a loved one.

Why did you dream that you have an extra row of molars growing? This means that in reality the owner of the dream is taking very unjustified measures to counteract something.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why dream about someone else’s child having new teeth? Expect resistance at an unexpected moment.

If you saw a new tooth in a child

If you dream about the process of cutting through your own son, a series of sleepless nights is coming due to the illness of a loved one.

If this process happened to the dreamer’s daughter in a dream, then a big misunderstanding awaits him in family relationships, the dream book indicates.

Molars or incisors

Valuable information is conveyed not only by the fact that a new tooth grew in a dream, but also what it was like. If you dreamed of a fang, this is an aggressive sign, and in such a dream it represents witchcraft knowledge, the acquisition of which can result not only inexplicable luck, but also unexpected problems.

For an adult to find his anterior milkweeds in his dream is a symbol of social immaturity, infantility and fear of taking responsibility. The upper root foretells the birth or acquaintance with a relative on the paternal side, the lower - on the maternal side.

To dream of discovering that a new wisdom tooth has grown, which in fact is not there, means achieving complete inner enlightenment; from now on the dreamer will never feel helpless.

To see how a new tooth has grown, which recently fell out in reality - the man will regain a good reputation, the woman will become more prudent.

Why do you dream that a tooth has grown?

New teeth mean new opportunities

A dream when a tooth grows and what is new and extra in the dentition is a pointer to annoying acquaintances who are unpleasant for you. Therefore, you should avoid communicating with such people. But if the tooth bleeds, blood relatives will show importunity.

But if during the process of growth it hurts, this is an indication of a rather difficult period of life, associated with family squabbles. But pulling out a newly grown tooth is an indication of loss in the financial sphere of life. Admiring newly grown teeth and brushing them is the appearance of a lover in your life.

But if it is not a new tooth that has grown, but fangs, this is an indication that hidden and very dangerous, influential people have appeared in your environment. They intend to ruin the dreamer’s life, his career and financial affairs, relationships with family and friends. But when a new, newly grown tooth bleeds and crumbles, this is a warning that you should not trust your plans and affairs to unfamiliar people. Enemies with deeds and gossip can bring all your good undertakings to naught.

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