What not to do after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Lip augmentation allows you to make them attractive and beautiful. Additionally, you can correct asymmetry, restore contour and even somewhat rejuvenate your face. Typically, injection methods are used for lip augmentation. They are safe and are not associated with excessive injury. However, they still involve intervention in the human body. Therefore, the final result largely depends on post-injection care. If you strictly follow the recommendations, you can significantly speed up the process and also minimize the likelihood of side effects.

What results can you expect after lip augmentation?

Lip augmentation by injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid allows you to solve several aesthetic problems in a matter of minutes:

  • Increase volume.
  • Eliminate dryness and flaking.
  • Correct asymmetry.

Here it is important to understand how long it takes for lips to heal after augmentation: on average 5-10 days. It is recommended to finally evaluate the result after 2 weeks.

When the recovery period passes, the lips will become moisturized and attractive, while maintaining their natural mobility and sensitivity.

Sign up for an inspection

The one-week check-up is an important part of the injection process. After two weeks, your lips have acquired a new shape. Your esthetician can review them to make sure you are happy with the results! This is a great opportunity for you to ask any additional questions. About your results and add your before and after photos - they are always nice to look at!

If you would like to learn more about cosmetic injectables or would like to book a free consultation. Visit our cosmetic skin clinic today or call.

Possible consequences of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

To enlarge the lips, the cosmetologist injects the drug to a depth of approximately 3-4 ml. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are biocompatible and absolutely safe, because... it is produced by our body. The risk of any complications is minimal.

What you might encounter:

  • Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  • Edema.
    This is a normal reaction of the body to intervention. It goes away within a few days.
  • Bruise.
    It is not dangerous and also goes away within a few days.
  • Lumps in the lips.
    They may arise if the patient does not comply with the recommendations of the cosmetologist after the procedure. Less often due to a specialist error during the procedure.

Knowing what you can and cannot do after lip augmentation , you will avoid unpleasant consequences and shorten the recovery period.

Know the contraindications

Dermal fillers are a safe and effective treatment, but there are always risks associated with any injection procedure. Your doctor will discuss this carefully with you before starting treatment. But it is important to know the contraindications after you leave the treatment room. If you experience bruising that begins to spread, unusual or ongoing pain. Excessive heat in the area or generally feeling unwell. Seek advice and help from your cosmetic specialist immediately!

What not to do after lip augmentation

A cosmetologist will definitely tell you how to care for your lips after the procedure. Compliance with the recommendations is especially important during the first two weeks, because... this greatly affects the result.

It is forbidden:

  • Take a hot bath, shower.
  • Visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium.
  • Drink hot drinks.
  • Take medications that affect blood clotting.
  • Drink alcohol and smoke.
  • Paint.
  • Apply creams and ointments. Exception: those recommended by the cosmetologist after the procedure.
  • Actively move your lips - stretch, press, stretch, strain, open your mouth wide, etc.
  • Visit the dentist.
  • Press on lips.
  • Engage in sports and heavy physical activity.
  • Touch surfaces with your lips that you are not sure are clean, because... high risk of infection.
  • Kiss.


Heat or extreme cold negatively affects the structure of the gel, which is only absorbed by the body during the first seven days. Because of this, punctures on the skin do not heal well, and minor damage occurs inside the soft tissues of the lips. Such wounds can become an excellent environment for the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.

Under the influence of inflammatory mediators, blood vessels dilate, and blood flows more and more to the soft tissues. The already existing swelling can become much greater due to the characteristics of hyaluronic acid. It attracts water molecules to itself, causing lymph to accumulate.

Low temperatures affect the gel itself. Because of them, it is distributed unevenly, and the skin itself becomes excessively dry. Lack of water stimulates the healing process to slow down. The edges of injection wounds may crack.

The elimination of the drug can be slowed down by maintaining the correct temperature. Do not overheat in the sun, go to the solarium or bathhouse. Additionally, refrain from drinking hot or cold drinks, as well as any food, for at least the first 4-10 hours after lip contouring.

Too spicy and salty foods can stimulate blood circulation and cause fluid retention in the skin.


Gymnastics is appropriate only after complete recovery. Not earlier than 2 weeks after the injection.

How to do:

  • Pull your lips out with a tube.
  • Stretch as wide as possible.
  • Compress.
  • Sing vowel sounds.

Gymnastics are performed 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes. A specialist will show you specific exercises.

Post-procedure care

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to use special healing ointments or creams that will help relieve discomfort. This is indeed allowed, but it is important to pay attention to the composition.

The list of approved medications includes:

  • D-Panthenol - relieves irritation and bruises;
  • Dolobene gel - heals the skin, softens it;
  • Traumeel ointment is a homeopathic remedy that contains arnica extract.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. During this period, you should not self-medicate and take medications that reduce blood clotting. Because of this, hematomas may occur at the injection sites. If the pain or discomfort is too unpleasant, the safest painkiller is paracetamol. In addition, it reduces the temperature, which can rise in the first days after contouring. If you took antibiotics during the period of lip augmentation, then there is no need to worry. They do not affect the removal of hyaluronic acid from the body.

After the filler is injected, it is allowed to use hygiene products to soften the lips. Avoid touching your lips with dirty hands to avoid introducing infection and bacteria into the punctures.

There is no need to use scrubbing agents until the soft tissues are completely restored and the gel is distributed inside. You should not apply decorative makeup or use any cosmetics with pigments until the swelling subsides and the former sensitivity of the tissue returns.

When brushing your teeth and other hygiene procedures, be sure to control your usual movements with a toothbrush.

How long does the result last?

The results last from several weeks to several years. On average from 4 to 18 months.

Duration depends on:

  • individual characteristics,
  • the chosen drug,
  • compliance with the recommendations of a cosmetologist,
  • number of procedures (the result of each subsequent procedure lasts longer).

What can and cannot be done to prevent prolonged swelling

Most of those who are faced with the problem of swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are worried about what to do, how to remove it as quickly as possible. The answer is obvious: follow the recommendations of specialists in caring for damaged skin after the procedure, and also avoid some common things during the recovery period that can increase swelling.

Remember that, in addition to special means, the duration of healing is influenced by many different factors: food, lifestyle, physical activity, and environmental conditions. At this time, anything can lead to complications and increased swelling. For example, fluid accumulation in the body, intense training regimen, sunbathing.

After undergoing the procedure, to ensure that the swelling subsides quickly and without complications, you should follow some precautions.

  1. Is it possible to smoke cigarettes after lip augmentation?

First of all, remember that smoking is harmful to your health. True, quitting this bad habit is not so easy. In the article we will not consider the medical aspect of smoking, but will only talk about its effect on swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, that is, how it can affect the swelling of injured soft tissues.

The first undesirable effect is mechanical. While smoking, muscles work, which should be at rest during the recovery period after surgery. Remember how, when smoking, you form your lips into a tube and squeeze the filter to draw in the smoke.

The second effect is thermal. Hot smoke comes into contact with injured lips.

And the third is chemical influence. Nicotine and other compounds irritate and burn damaged tissue, causing further damage.

You will need to give up your addiction for at least two weeks after the procedure, and preferably forever. Thus, you can smoke a cigarette only when the swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid subsides.

  1. Is it possible to stretch lips after lip augmentation?

If your lips are very swollen after augmentation with hyaluronic acid, then most likely you will not be able to stretch them. There are a number of factors that will deter such actions. For example, pain and simply unpleasant sensations, as well as fear of increasing swelling and worsening the condition of damaged tissues after microtrauma. And it is right.

Regarding massage, it is best to consult with the doctor or cosmetologist with whom you had the procedure. It happens that experts immediately give such recommendations. At the same time, it is important to ask what techniques can be used so as not to cause harm to the injured area of ​​​​the body and not cause an increase in swelling.

As a rule, if a cosmetologist prescribes self-massage sessions to a patient after administering hyaluronic acid, he recommends that they be carried out with the application of special preparations for external use (ointments, creams, gels to relieve swelling and reduce bruises).

  1. Is it possible to play sports after lip augmentation?

How long the swelling will last after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid depends, among other things, on the intensity of the load.

It is best to stop playing sports for at least a week, since during physical activity the blood circulates faster, prolonging the period of swelling.

The load on the body can be given only after the swelling has subsided. At the same time, you need to return to the usual rhythm of physical activity gradually.

  1. Is it possible to sunbathe or go to a solarium after lip augmentation procedure?

Hyaluronic acid is very sensitive to high temperatures. It disintegrates under any thermal influence. That is, when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, solarium and sunbathing, the duration of the effect of the procedure is reduced.

Usually, the natural breakdown of the active ingredients of the filler occurs over a year or more (this depends on the condition and individual characteristics of the woman’s body). In case of exposure to high temperature, the rate of resorption of hyaluronic acid increases several times.

In addition to reducing the effect of the drug, you can get a thermal burn of injured tissues and, as a result, increase swelling.

  1. What if you want to nibble on some seeds?

Your lips are already injured and sensitive after the procedure. There will be swelling at the injection sites in any case. As you understand, seeds are an additional damaging factor.

The peeling process involves exactly those muscles that were affected by the introduction of hyaluronic acid. That is, you can not only scratch your already inflamed lips with sharp skins, ruin their shape (the drug collects in one place and forms a “bump”), but also contribute to an increase in swelling.

Therefore, it is better to refuse seeds during the recovery period after the procedure.

  1. Is swimming allowed in the pool?

After a session of hyaluronic acid injection, microdamages in the form of punctures and cracks remain on the skin. Through them, infection can easily enter the body. In any pool or open body of water (lake, sea) there are more than enough pathogenic bacteria.

In addition to microtraumas and swelling, during the recovery period after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, the overall immunity of the body decreases and sensitivity to various negative factors increases.

Therefore, while there is swelling, you should refrain from this type of water procedures.

  1. How long after can you eat after lip augmentation?

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the lip area, certain food restrictions begin to apply. How soon and what food can I eat after the procedure?

To ensure that the effect of the manipulations does not disappear and the pain does not intensify, it is recommended to consume the first dish after four to six hours.

Food should be soft and easy to chew. The jaws and lips should move without much effort.

Until the swelling disappears, you should not overuse spicy, salty, spicy and smoked foods.

Contact of damaged skin with food should be minimized in order to reduce additional irritation and eliminate possible infection.

  1. Is it possible to drink alcohol after lip augmentation?

Alcoholic drinks, including weak ones, cause the blood to move faster, which is contraindicated after the procedure. To effectively relieve swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you must completely abstain from drinking alcohol, even in small doses (including red wine, which is beneficial, according to many doctors).

The reason for this ban is obvious: the alcohol contained in these drinks is irritating, and in high concentrations it burns even healthy skin and mucous membranes (without microtraumas or swelling). The decision is yours.

  1. Do you have a habit of licking your lips?

Women suffering from dry skin have this habit. Even lipstick won't bother her.

In addition to severe (sometimes) swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, dryness of the injured surfaces occurs. And then the habit, reinforced by the desire to somehow moisturize the skin, takes over. You won't even notice how this happens.

Remember! Microorganisms contained in human saliva are not always beneficial. The habit of licking your lips can easily cause infection in small puncture wounds.

  1. Is it possible to kiss after the procedure?

Until the swelling goes down after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you can kiss, but the touches should be gentle, delicate and very light.

There is no direct prohibition, but it is better to hold off on these caresses, since even with a slight mechanical effect on damaged tissue, uneven distribution of the filler and an increase in the degree and duration of swelling can occur. Not to mention that passionate kissing can lead to the formation of “bumps” on your beautiful lips.

Based on the above, while there is swelling, it is better to hold off on kissing.

Do you need to massage your lips?

Lip massage after the injection of hyaluronic acid is absolutely not dangerous. On the contrary, it helps get rid of swelling and formed bumps.

To achieve the effect, the massage must be done in a targeted manner. Circular movements alternate with light claps. Sudden movements and strong pressure on the skin of the lips should be avoided. Massage helps to increase blood flow and smooth the surface of the epithelium. You can also carry out the manipulation using a toothbrush. It is not recommended to use additional scrub. After the lips have healed, you can use a light, gentle scrub with small abrasive particles.

Rehabilitation period

The period that follows the procedure lasts several days, and it involves the presence of certain uncomfortable sensations and phenomena:

  • Volatile pain in the place where hyaluronic acid was injected. Pain is the result of the nerve endings in the skin reacting to the filler.
  • Hematomas. They occur in those with sensitive, delicate skin due to the fact that the doctor pressed too hard on it during the puncture.
  • Redness. This is how the vessels of the dermis react to the filler that was injected.
  • Small papules appear if the needle is inserted superficially under the skin.
  • Puffiness, swelling. This is a reaction that occurs as a result of injecting too much hyaluronic acid. After all, this substance can attract moisture.
  • A blurred outline appears because the gel is mobile until it fills all the voids.

How to disguise bruises and hematomas

No woman likes to walk around with bruises on her lips. Therefore, girls try to hide defects under foundation. A cosmetic pencil will help disguise a bruise.

When painting, it is worth considering the tone of the corrective agent and the color of the bruise. So, an orange tint will help against cyanosis, and green will hide red spots. Light purple hematomas are best tinted yellow. Upon completion, you should retouch the skin with powder.

Correction of complications

To avoid complications, never try to eliminate side effects after cosmetic procedures on your own. Only a specialist can correct negative consequences. At the same time, it is important that he has sufficient qualifications and experience, because your health and beauty depend on this.

Our clinic has a specialized department for dealing with complications after cosmetic procedures. The consultations are conducted by the best doctors of the clinic with many years of experience.

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