Innovative Russian Implantation System (IRIS)


  • LIKO-M [2,37Mb PDF]
  • LIKO-M Evolution [0.86Mb PDF]
  • LIKO-M Slim 3 mm [2,06Mb PDF]
  • LIKO-M Mini [1.5Mb PDF]
  • Orthopedic components [5.94Mb PDF]
  • Toolkit [2.53Mb PDF]

About the manufacturer of dental implants IRIS

The innovative Russian Implantation System (IRIS) of the Likostom company combines 20 years of experience of scientists and doctors. The company produces components for dental implantation.

One of the areas of activity is the production of regeneration materials. There is close cooperation with scientific organizations. The scope of developments includes volumetric prototyping methods for the production of synthetic osteoplastic and scaffolding membranes used in guided bone regeneration.


IRIS products have received the international certificate of Standard ISO 9001-2000, corresponding to GOST R52249-2004.

Production is concentrated in Italy. The company is committed to developing bone implants that can restore serious dental defects and solve problems in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Features of Russian IRIS implants

Russian IRIS implants are the most famous brand of domestic systems for dental implantology. They are released.

IRIS implants meet all modern requirements and have a number of characteristic features:

Systems are manufactured from purified titanium alloy;

The implants have a unique surface microrelief, which ensures high-quality and rapid engraftment of the titanium root;

The systems are equipped with a conical connection that prevents pathogenic microflora from penetrating into the structure;

The shape of the implants creates the maximum area of ​​contact between the rod and natural tissues;

Russian IRIS implants are durable, aesthetic and suitable for successfully solving various clinical problems.

Catalog of manufactured systems

The IRIS system is represented by several series of implants. Each is based on a classic screw artificial root (LIKO-M series) with microthreads in the neck area, which corrects dental pathologies of varying degrees of complexity.

LIKO-M - conical shape, 6-sided anti-rotation element prevents arbitrary twisting of the structure and entry of microbes into the bone structure.

LIKO-M SLIM - diameter 3 mm. Indicated for restoration of incisors of the upper and lower jaw. Compact, functional.

LIKO-M MINI is a model used for installing temporary removable and fixed dentures.

LIKO-M EVOLUTION - equipped with a macro-thread, indicated for simultaneous implantation. Effective for loose bone structure. They have good initial stabilization due to the increased depth of the pointed threads. This speeds up the engraftment process. The downside is the high cost.

Opinion of an implantologist : “Russia has been producing its own dental implants for two decades. The IRIS system was developed by specialists from the Medical and Dental University. High quality rods and components ensure good results. Branded surgical instruments make installation much easier.”

The quality and reliability of implantation largely depends on the correct choice of implantation system. Therefore, many patients prefer mid- and premium-class dental implants from American, German, Swedish and other famous manufacturers. However, the budget segment of implants is also in stable demand - we are talking about Israeli and Korean implant systems. But few patients know that there are Russian-made dental implants.

Like products from Korea and Israel, Russian implantation systems belong to the budget class. Currently, the following Russian brands are available on the dental implant market: Iris, Konmet, Rusimplant.

Russian implantation systems Iris

Iris is a young, but at the same time quite popular brand, under which dental implants produced in Russia are produced.

At a more than affordable price, these implants are distinguished by the proper level of quality and aesthetics, and their survival rate is more than 90%.

Iris implants are represented by the following product lines:

  • LIKO-M is a universal line of fairly reliable implants with good survival rate.
  • EVOLUTION - suitable for implantation with insufficient height and density of the jaw bone, can be used for simultaneous implantation.
  • SLIM are implants of reduced diameter, used for implantation on loose and atrophied bone tissue.
  • MINI - used for mini-implantation, used mainly for removable prosthetics.

Russian-made dental implants Konmet

Konmet is Russia's first manufacturer of dental implants and equipment for dental implantation, which dates back to the late 90s.

The advantages of implants from this manufacturer include the reinforced design of the implant neck, which allows for proper distribution of the chewing load, as well as the material from which the implants are made - a biocompatible titanium alloy.

Konmet's product range includes various lines of implants:

  • Classic - implants of standard shape, length and diameter.
  • Cylindrical - suitable for implantation with insufficient bone tissue, as well as for simultaneous implantation.
  • Conical - suitable for implantation when there is a deficiency of interdental space.

Domestic manufacturer of dental implants Rusimplant

The Rusimplant company cooperates with manufacturers from Germany - some of the products are produced at European enterprises. Despite the low price, Rusimplant products have good performance characteristics:

  • Pure titanium is used to make implants, not titanium alloy.
  • The conical shape and rough surface ensure strong fixation in the bone tissue.
  • The manufacturer presents 6 different lines of implants suitable for implantation using various protocols.

Features of dental implants from Russian manufacturers

Compared to imported analogues, Russian implants have one undeniable advantage: low price. At the same time, the quality and characteristics of implantation systems are relatively good, and in some cases the use of Russian implants will be a justified choice.

However, in many respects, Russian manufacturers have not yet reached the level of their foreign colleagues. For example:

  • Implants produced by Russian companies do not provide the required level of aesthetics and therefore are not recommended for restoring teeth in the smile area.
  • In complex clinical cases, to ensure the reliability of implantation, it is better to prefer foreign implantation systems of the middle or premium class.
  • The range of domestic dental implants does not allow for some types of implantation - for example, all-on-4.

Differences from other dental implants

  • Macro- and microrelief. Provide uniform distribution of load on the bone.
  • New interface node. The conical connection with the anti-rotation element makes it possible to install the abutment at any angle of rotation with tight fixation to prevent the penetration of microbes into the dental structure.
  • New system for transition of superstructure to implant.
  • Thanks to the improved geometric properties of the design, the area of ​​soft tissue contact increases, which reduces the risk of atrophy.
  • Good survival rates.

Dental implants "Rusimplant"

This brand of Russian implants began its work in 1998. Initially, the company's products were produced under the brand name LIKO, but in 2009 the company changed its name and now produces implantation systems under the Rusimplant brand. The company is a joint Russian-German venture, has a research center in Germany, the production of dental implants is carried out using the best equipment purchased from Japan, Switzerland and the USA.

Russian dental implants "Rusimplant" have their own characteristic features:

For the production of systems, grade 4 titanium alloy is used, which has high biocompatibility with natural tissues of the human body, strength, and hypoallergenicity;

The shape of the implants is cylindrical, making it possible to firmly install the rod into the bone

jaw tissue. Russian implants “Rusimplant” have a unique external coating – Smart, which ensures accelerated osseointegration of the artificial root;

The manufacturer provides a 15-year warranty on its products.

Features of MENTOR® silicone implants (“Mentor”):

  • Endoprostheses for breast correction are manufactured using Memory Gel, a patented filler gel. This silicone has shape memory, that is, the implant instantly restores its previous shape after any mechanical impact.
  • The safety of these breast implants has been proven in numerous clinical studies, and the FDA approved MENTOR® products back in 1992. The company provides a guarantee for its products.
  • Memory Gel has a special viscosity, which, on the one hand, allows you to recreate the natural density of the mammary glands, and on the other, does not leak if the membrane is damaged.
  • To reduce the incidence of negative consequences of breast correction operations associated with the development of postoperative contracture, Mentor produces implants with both smooth and textured surfaces.

Thanks to a unique feature, the risk of capsular contracture is reduced: a natural fibrous membrane is formed around the implant, just like around any foreign body; if it becomes too dense, then this is reflected both in appearance (the implant is palpable and becomes noticeable, the breast is deformed) and on the patient’s health.


Conmet implants appeared on the market in 1996, they were the first implants released in Russia.

Konmet company supplies the following types of implants:

  • Cylindrical
    . With a diameter from 3.5 to 5.5 mm and a length from 8 to 16 mm.
  • Conical
    . Their diameter is 3.4-4.5 mm with the same length as the cylindrical ones.
  • Classic
    . Diameter 4.0-4.8 mm, length 8-12 mm.
  • Mini
    . Diameter 1.8-2.0 mm, length 8-12 mm. They produce mini-implants with a cylindrical and spherical head.

A - cylindrical, B - conical, C - classic, D - mini

The aggressive thread on the head of the pin helps to securely install the implant in the jaw, and the micro-thread optimally distributes the load. The company has developed its own biological coating that accelerates osseointegration.

The company's products comply with international quality standards ISO 13485 (for medical devices) and received a European CE


System Features

The design is made on the basis of pure titanium, these are GRADE-4 models. The same material is used for products from premium brands, including Astra Tech, Straumann and others. Cheap Korean, Israeli and other implants are made from GRADE-5 with admixtures of aluminum and vanadium, their quality is lower, the engraftment rate also does not reach the IRIS indicators. Pure titanium does not cause problems during the period of osseointegration; it can be used in patients with allergic reactions. The GRADE-5 alloy does not have such qualities, but it is not used by manufacturers who value reputation.

Iris products have a cone-shaped connection point to the abutment. During installation, the effect of cold welding is achieved with the most durable fastening and a gap of no more than 0.3 microns. This prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the mine, meaning there is no risk of inflammation. This type of fixation is used with premium implants.

There is virtually no funnel-shaped resorption when installing Iris. Loads shift from the cortical area to the spongy tissue. In this case, bone overstrain does not occur, that is, the Patient is protected from the development of necrosis at the neck point.

The implants are cylindrical in shape, which makes integration complete and quick. After installation, the abutment screw stands firmly; it cannot spontaneously unscrew or break due to the peculiarities of its fixation. This makes the structure stable and protects against accidental displacements during chewing loads.

The artificial root is monolithic, which allows you to restore functionality. Even, constant pressure, similar to natural pressure, is applied to the bone. This simplifies the work of the orthopedist and makes the service life unlimited.

How to choose the right Mentor breast implants?

When visiting a plastic surgeon, women, as a rule, want to get a completely new bust, while rarely taking into account the characteristics of their own physique. To ensure that after such operations the breasts look natural and harmoniously combine with the individual characteristics of the figure, Mentor produces a wide range of implants, varying in shape, size and profile. Therefore, the choice of endoprostheses must be approached comprehensively.

All breast implants can be divided into round and anatomical (drop-shaped) according to their shape. Mentor anatomical implants have one distinctive feature: their curvature (curvature of lines) is the most accurate among products of this type on the modern market. Their use allows you to most accurately recreate the natural appearance of the breast.

Mentor round breast implants are well suited for breast correction in patients of normal build. These products allow you to create a large bust with a pronounced upper pole.

If it is necessary to change the shape of the breasts in thin women of asthenic type, it is recommended to use teardrop-shaped Mentor endoprostheses. The edges of such products are not visible under the skin even with a small amount of adipose tissue.

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