Ivocryl teeth – a combination of strength and naturalness


Artificial teeth made of pressed ceramics and high-quality alloys Ivocryl are designed to restore the integrity of lost dentition units located on the upper and lower jaw.

The need to develop durable structures with high reflectivity arose due to the disadvantages of metal-based products.

By developing its own color standard, Ivoclar Vivadent can select a tooth color that best matches the natural shade of the patient’s teeth.

About the manufacturer

One of the leading companies in the industry, Ivoclar Vivadent, was founded in Zurich in 1923 and was engaged in the production of artificial dentures made of ceramics.

The high quality of its products, the introduction of the latest technologies, the network structure of the organization and the development of a unified color standard have allowed the company to gain popularity among users.

Today, the company's manufacturing plants are located in Italy, the Netherlands, the USA, Austria, Liechtenstein, and the Philippines, and the company has branches in 25 countries, including the Russian Federation.

Today, the company's activities are aimed at creating materials for the restoration of lost row units, fixed and removable prosthetics.

The total staff of the organization exceeds 3.2 thousand people, about 175 of whom, in cooperation with advanced research centers, continue to search for new materials and advanced technologies.

What can be the consequences of tooth loss and what needs to be done urgently.

Come here if you are interested in the best methods of dentures immediately after tooth extraction.

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A little about the manufacturer

The German company Ivoclar Vivadent is a world-famous brand. Initially, she specialized in the design and manufacture of ceramic teeth.

Today it is a private enterprise with more than half a century of history, working with a huge range of components and denture materials, systems and devices for orthodontists and technicians.

The official representative office is located in Shan. Branches are located in more than one hundred countries around the world. The company has two dozen subsidiaries.

With a rich research and development potential, Ivoclar Vivadent skillfully combines modern innovative technologies, market orientation and many years of practice.

The company's leading specialists specialize in the production of prosthetic structures and fixation systems, unique materials and alloys. Manufacturing methods are patented and kept secret.

Material characteristics

A wide range of shapes and sizes, quick production and installation of crowns, increased wear resistance and no need for lengthy fitting allow dentists to complete the jaw row in 1-2 visits to the dentist.

Prosthetics using Ivoclar Vivadent materials and technologies involves precise manufacturing of structures based on pressing or using computer programs.

This approach ensures the creation of durable natural elements that best match the color and texture of natural elements, allows us to achieve uniformity, ideal smoothness of outer surfaces, and high resistance to cracks and plaque.

The key to the company’s success is the analysis of the structure of natural teeth and the organization of production based on a scientific basis, which made it possible to create a wide range of prosthetic structures.

Important! In addition to having a large selection, the products offered are distinguished by a combination of excellent appearance and functionality that allows you to perform chewing functions for an extended period of time.

Compliance of products with consumer demands is achieved not least through the use of new production methods and the introduction of new materials.

Most often used for the manufacture of company products:

  1. Metal ceramics obtained on the basis of oxyapatite crystals.
  2. Pressed ceramics , providing increased strength of the resulting products, made on the basis of zirconium dioxide or lithium disilicate.
  3. Plastic.

The use of these materials made it possible to provide an important number of properties of finished products:

  • the ability to select a color scheme for the product that minimally highlights the restored element;
  • high strength values ​​when testing a structure for bending, achieved due to the high homogeneity of the material composition;
  • full compliance with the transparency of the enamel on the tooth surface;
  • low porosity , which, combined with high surface smoothness, prevents the accumulation of bacterial deposits;
  • the possibility of using cementing technology for installation of the finished prosthesis;
  • increased wear resistance of products;
  • lack of reaction on the part of dentures to the action of food coloring , resulting in no food restrictions;
  • reduced size of the crown frame , allowing to minimize preparation procedures.

Structures made from all-pressed ceramics are characterized by high strength indicators, which allows them to be used not only for the production of crowns, but also for the production of removable and fixed prostheses.

Note! Patients who have installed Ivocryl dentures note the absence of allergic reactions, low shrinkage rates, low levels of bite lift, good compatibility of the product with biological tissues, resistance to abrasion and lack of discomfort when using them.


Structures made from high-quality metal-ceramic composition are classified into the following types:

  • IPS Classic is a standard set for forming a metal base base and a porcelain surface layer, characterized by a multiplicity of color shades;
  • IPS d.SING – the main component is a unique optical fiber.
    It makes it possible to obtain an artificial copy of an organ that is practically indistinguishable in appearance from a natural tooth. Functional indicators are identical to the abilities of natural units. Even the surface layer of the crown has the same qualities of relief abrasion as the enamel of a real tooth;
  • IPS InLine - single-layer ceramic application technology allows you to achieve maximum gloss and transparency of the material, while the shade, although rich, is quite natural.

The second group of Ivoclar products is all-ceramic structures. This type of prosthesis is quite common and is actively used in Russian dental clinics as the most optimal option for removable dental prosthetics.

Strong and durable systems are the best solution for the restoration of the frontal part of the jaw row against the background of a weakened structural composition of hard gum tissue.

Indications and contraindications

Of great importance for the normal use of dentures and crowns made of pressed ceramics is the qualifications of the specialist who installs them.

However, an equally important role is played by the correct purpose, taking into account the indications for installation of products:

  1. Poor appearance of individual units or groups of elements in a row.
  2. The presence of lesions of hard structures that have a non-carious etiology.
  3. Accelerated wear of enamel.
  4. The need to replace or update previously placed crowns.
  5. The absence of one or a group of elements in a row.
  6. The presence of chips or mechanical damage to the teeth in the upper or lower jaw.
  7. Detection of curvatures of individual elements in a row.
  8. Refusal to correct detected defects by installing and wearing orthodontic-type structures.

Important! In addition, the restoration procedure using Ivocryl products is prescribed if the patient has increased requirements for the appearance of finished structures and when diagnosing an insufficiently attractive appearance of the frontal group of teeth.

Design disadvantages include the inability to correct row defects using bridge-type structures in the case of a large extent of missing elements and in the lateral areas of the oral cavity.

However, in addition to the disadvantages, there are also a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is necessary to exclude the installation of Ivocryl products.

Among them (from pressed ceramics) experts include:

  • the presence of inflammatory pathologies;
  • severe course of the disease, in which there is a decrease in the functions of the protective system and a deterioration in general health;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • osteoporosis, which has a pronounced manifestation.

Note! In addition to the listed contraindications, the installation of structures made of all-pressed ceramics should be limited during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Using cad/cam

The Cad/Cam automated modeling system provides for the processing of preheated and cooled lithium disilicate workpieces.

After this, the product is processed on a high-precision milling machine using computer-aided design systems, according to the previously obtained scanning parameters of the patient’s oral cavity.

The advantages of this treatment include high reliability and strength.

In addition, detailed scanning of the relief and structural features of the patient’s oral cavity makes it possible to create structures that eliminate the need for further adjustment and fitting.

Dentists consider the main advantage of installing structures made using Cad/Cam technology to be the completion of prosthetics in one visit to the dentist.


Existing technologies make it possible to offer patients a choice from a wide range of company products that are most suitable for each client of the clinic.


The technology allows the production of metal-ceramic structures taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity.

The uniform distribution of microscopic particles provides good modeling properties of the material used.

Among the advantages of the models, dentists highlight:

  1. Economical in terms of the amount of material used.
  2. High efficiency of products of this group.
  3. Attractive appearance of the finished product.

Important! In addition, IPSclassic ensures perfect color reproduction of the natural element.

Experts point out that the strength and stability of the characteristics of the product do not change during prolonged firing.

IPSd. Sign

The ceramic mass obtained from fluorapatite raw materials is an accumulation of particles having microscopic dimensions. This allows the production of simple and complex prosthetic designs.

The properties of the raw materials ensure maximum similarity to the indicators of light transmission and wear of natural teeth.

IPSd product line. Sign is distinguished by the ability to implement design solutions in the field of appearance and product features.

The advantages for dentists include stability of technical characteristics, high translucency, brightness and color saturation of products.

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In this publication we offer detailed information about dental ceramics.

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IPS. InLine

Ceramics made from sodium feldspar with a leucite lining have found wide application in the implementation of layering technology.

Among the advantages, experts include ease of selection of colors, hypoallergenicity, and ease of use.

The pressed ceramic product is an all-ceramic crown that can withstand severe chewing loads.

Such teeth can be used to perform seamless and monolithic restorations, and the absence of metal in the composition of the product allows for use in people with allergic reactions.

Products made from all-ceramic material, depending on the purpose of the product, can be made on the basis of:

  • zirconium dioxide , in the case of the production of bridge structures for the masticatory region, which have a large extent;
  • lithium disilicate , used to make anterior and lateral dentures.

All-ceramic models are distinguished by their accurate reproduction of the anatomical structure of the teeth and have a decent appearance.

Features of the material

During the manufacturing process of the systems, not only the technical characteristics of the constituent elements were taken into account, but also the degree of their transparency depending on the specifics of production, including CAD/CAM technology.

The technique made it possible to create dentures that most accurately imitate a natural tooth thanks to computer design support .

All manual operations have been replaced by automated electronic systems , which completely eliminates even the most minor errors during template production.

The unique structural lattice of facing ceramics belongs to a completely new generation product, and its crystal lattice almost completely imitates the structure of a natural organ. This makes the crown durable and resistant to mechanical damage and chips.

The optimal concentration of crystalline fragments in the composition of porcelain allows, by regulating their quantity, to achieve the desired translucency of the material, maximally matching it to the color of tooth enamel.

Zirconium microlayers used in the production process are one of the innovative areas in the production of metal-ceramic prosthetic systems.

Significantly increasing the strength and quality of adhesion of the facing layer to the frame part, zirconium exhibits excellent light transmission characteristics and high fluorescence.

Generally accepted methods for classifying edentulous jaws by domestic and foreign authors.

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Visual properties

To create teeth that perfectly convey the shade of the elements of the patient's oral cavity, the company created a standard, which is the Chromascop / Ivocryl color scale.

The scale contains 16–20 standards, with each sample classified as gray, orange-gray, yellow or brown.

Ultra-light tones used in the restoration of bleached teeth, in the amount of 4 items, are located in a separate standard.

Important! To determine the shade, the dentist compares the template with the color of the natural unit, establishing a correspondence between them.

Ivocryl ceramics, due to the content of small fluorapatite particles, has a crystalline structure that should be as close as possible to the characteristics of natural teeth.

The type of composition and crystal lattice used determines the translucency, opalescence and light transmittance of the finished structures.

Aspects of shade selection

Determination of compliance when choosing a shade is carried out when the room is illuminated with daylight or the flux intensity is ensured at a level of 5500°K.

Of great importance is chromaticity, which is responsible for the purity of the resulting shade, and brightness, which determines the relationship between light and dark tones of the spectrum.

An important distinctive feature of Ivocryl products is the ability to obtain any tone from ceramic materials, which allows you to maximally convey the color of natural teeth.

When choosing the shade of the prosthesis, the dentist takes into account the background of the oral cavity and the shade of the tissues surrounding the tooth.

It is best to use a gum holder for this purpose, in which the template to be compared is placed, so that the dentist has the opportunity to select a sample that best matches the parameters of the patient’s oral cavity.

Rules for choosing a shade

The correct choice of shade for the crown part of the prosthesis includes the optimal combination of the following material characteristics:

  • fundamental tone;
  • brightness – measured in multiples of values;
  • the intensity of a hue is its color.

It is necessary to choose what kind of crown the crown will be from the point of view of visualization at the stage of starting therapy - this way it will not be able to depend on the color pigmentation of the tooth enamel due to dehydration.

A special color palette will help you choose a shade. The samples correspond most accurately to the restoration parameters, and have almost no errors even with complex shades of tooth enamel.

The visual perception of the color of the crown can change under the influence of soft tissues of the mucous membrane - its color can somewhat distort the color scheme . This should also be taken into account and neutral and cool gray tones should be used in the selection process.

For a more accurate tone match, the specialist applies samples of several shades to the gum area, simultaneously taking photos of them. This makes it much easier to choose the ideal option. As a rule, they take tones that are an order of magnitude lighter, darker and as close as possible to the natural shade.

What are polyurethane dentures and indications for their installation.

This material contains detailed information about the stages of manufacturing clasp dentures.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/semnyie-p/protsess-izgotovleniya-zubnyimi.html we will tell you what factors influence the production time of removable dentures.

The importance of photographic documentation

Taking a photograph is one of the important steps performed at the stage of determining color matching. Color parameters that cannot be detected by the eye can be provided by comparing the tone of natural teeth with the shade of products obtained in the laboratory.

When taking photographs, the digital camera lens should be positioned parallel to the selected template and the natural tooth. After the image reaches the computer, the operator analyzes the parameters, trying to eliminate graphic inaccuracies.

Then, using a graphic editor, the image parameters are calibrated relative to the background.

The available contrast change function allows you to detect the presence of differences in this indicator and evaluate the texture of the relief.

The information obtained is converted into a specific model, which is compared with the capabilities of each of the listed types of ceramic products.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.

Photo documentation

No less important than a well-chosen color is the procedure for photographic documentation of this process of prosthetics using Ivoclar devices.

Manipulation refers to a comparative analysis of shades obtained using photographic images, which allows for better detailing of the main color aspects.

This selection principle is necessary, given that prosthetics involves the participation of a whole team of specialists, each of whom performs their own functions and imposes specific requirements on the external state of the coronal part of the system.

Photographing is done in such a way that the device’s sensor is positioned strictly parallel to the working area and the organ being restored. This is the only way to get the right amount of light from the flash.

The photographs taken are examined in an enlarged state on a computer monitor, and with the help of special programs the color characteristics are calibrated, the shade is tested for compliance with brightness and tint balance.

Next, a comparative tone chart is made and synchronized with the capabilities of the ceramic material.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.


The continuous production of high-quality products has firmly established the company's position in the global market.

Creating your own color scale and conducting photo documentation allows you to select the shade of the manufactured units that best matches the natural tone.

The technologies and materials used make it possible to create a high-strength element that has maximum external resemblance to the natural teeth of each patient.

Despite this, Ivoclar Vivadent continues research aimed at improving existing technologies and searching for new materials.

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