You have been prescribed braces - how long should you wear them?

Reading time 7-8 minutes

Author of the article: Tsurkan Victoria Olegovna

Specialization: Dentist-orthodontist

Total work experience: since 2015

  • Stages of defect correction and expected results
  • How long should you wear traction braces?
  • Brief summary

When deciding on the use of orthodontic structures, patients are often interested in how long they wear braces on their teeth. Since the timing is determined individually, it is important to answer the question of what affects the duration of wear and what results to expect during the treatment process and after its completion.

How long does it take to install braces?

It is possible to answer exactly how long it will take to install braces for an adult or a teenager only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor. The fixation process itself usually takes 1-1.5 hours for any patient. Non-ligature structures are placed faster. Everything is purely individual and depends on each specific case.

However, it is first necessary to treat inflammatory processes in the mouth and have it professionally cleaned. Some designs are made individually, which also takes time: 1-2 weeks.

Is it true that sapphire braces are the best?

Sapphire braces are much more expensive than iron braces, but their advantages do not lie in the effectiveness of treatment. Moreover, in reliability they are inferior to metal ones. But on the teeth, such brace systems look much more aesthetically pleasing, since transparent brace locks are almost invisible.

Let us clarify: the precious natural stone sapphire has nothing to do with the production of such briquettes; we are talking about artificially grown crystals.

By the way, there are also cheaper transparent braces - ceramic (much more expensive than metal ones, but not as expensive as sapphires) and plastic designs. Only the former are too fragile and unstable in relation to food dyes (can lead to yellowing of teeth), and the latter are intended only for short-term use.

How long do you wear traction on braces?

Rods (or rubber bands in other words) on brace systems are special rubber rings that are worn separately. Their purpose is to enhance the traction of the power arc to obtain faster and better correction results. The elastic bands are placed on the teeth approximately 4-5 months into orthodontic treatment. How long the braces are worn during the day depends on the clinical case: either 12 hours at night or around the clock.

Methods for attaching rubber bands:

  • - on identical teeth of different jaws;
  • - for 2 teeth in one jaw and 1 in the second;
  • - square on 4 teeth (2 on top and 2 on bottom);
  • - a combination of several options at once.

How long elastic bands are worn on braces is determined individually, but you need to plan for at least several months .

Where to buy anti-embolic stockings?

You can buy anti-embolic stockings in Ukraine in the specialized chain of Medtekhnika stores - orthosalon ORTO SMART. Why do we not recommend purchasing such products in pharmacies? First of all, because those products that are offered to you in non-specialized stores may not meet quality standards, and, therefore, will not have the necessary therapeutic and prophylactic effect. We want your costs to be justified, so we are ready to provide you with all quality certificates that confirm the effectiveness of the products we offer.

You can always buy Copper, Aurafix or Belsana stockings on the website of our online store Orthosalon. We provide a wide range of products, a rich color palette and affordable prices.

The principle of bite correction using a brace system

The classic system consists of directly braces (clasps), a power arch and ligatures. The clasps are fixed to the front surface of the teeth using an adhesive base. An arc is passed through them and secured with ligatures. In non-ligature designs, the arc clamps are already present on the clasps themselves.

The arch is the main element that ensures the movement of teeth. It is first given the “correct” shape, to which, thanks to the properties of the material, it tends to return. This ensures constant pressure on the teeth. As the periodontal ligaments and bone tissue gradually adapt to this traction, they become in the desired position.

Features of compression stockings after surgery

Products that are used in the pre- and postoperative period are called “anti-embolic”, and are used for speedy rehabilitation, as well as in preparation for surgical interventions. Anti-embolic products are made from hypoallergenic materials and include an absolute absence of seams. Visually, compression products are practically no different from ordinary hosiery, and also have good breathability and do not cause discomfort while wearing.

The main difference between compression underwear and ordinary hosiery is the material from which they are made. Medical knitwear is made of special highly elastic fabric, which exerts graduated pressure on the veins. The compression provided by the products is distributed according to the characteristics of the anatomical structure of the human body, that is:

  1. In the hip area, compression is about thirty to forty percent;
  2. Medium height zone (knees, shins) - up to seventy percent of the total compression force;
  3. Ankle area – maximum 100% compression.

This distribution is necessary in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic and prophylactic effect. This is due to the characteristics of the blood flow, which moves towards the heart muscle.

What factors affect wearing time?

  1. 1. Age. Bone tissue and ligaments in adolescents are more plastic, so eliminating bite problems of any complexity before the age of 18 requires an average of 3-6 months less time. This does not mean that complex defects cannot be corrected for an adult, but more time will have to be spent.
  2. 2. Complexity of the defect. The severity of the anomaly and its type also affect the timing of treatment. Even the most advanced cases of crowding are corrected faster than problems with jaw closure.
  3. 3. Type of system. The material and design of braces affect the timing. Non-ligature metal structures are the fastest to correct. Lingual ones take the longest, but they are invisible.
  4. 4. Doctor's experience. Optimal selection of the system, correct installation, control of tooth displacement - parameters that depend on the experience of the orthodontist. In our clinic, doctors are constantly improving their skills, so they can correct your bite in a minimum amount of time.
  5. 5. Patient compliance with recommendations. Following a diet and proper care of systems are also important. Damage to structures and the development of caries can cause a suspension of correction or a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

How to care for medical knitwear?

As for the rules for caring for compression hosiery, the following can be distinguished:

  • It is recommended to wash anti-embolic stockings daily, as dust, sweat, and dead skin cells accumulate between the elastic fibers every day. This may cause an unpleasant odor;
  • It is best to use mild, non-aggressive agents as cleaning agents. This could be baby soap or specialized preparations for washing such products;
  • Anti-embolic compression stockings should only be washed by hand. Otherwise, the product may lose its therapeutic and prophylactic properties;
  • When washing, it is also extremely important to maintain the water temperature. Medical knitwear cannot be boiled, wrung out or dried on a horizontal surface.
  • When putting on products, be sure to remove rings, bracelets and any other accessories from your fingers that could damage the structure of the compression garment.

Proper care of medical compression hosiery will help increase the service life of the product, as well as preserve its therapeutic and preventive properties.

How to choose the right anti-embolic compression stockings?

It is very important, before purchasing anti-embolic stockings, to choose the correct size. For the product to bring maximum benefit, it must fit well on the foot and provide optimal compression. A stocking that fits too tightly can interfere with circulation, and too little compression will do no good. To choose the right size of compression stockings, you need to measure the volume of the limb in three zones: in the hip area, in the lower leg area and in the ankle area. Based on the three parameters obtained, the required product size is selected. You can find all sizes with their corresponding measurements in the table from the manufacturer, which is presented by brands of compression products.

We can note that brands that have proven themselves quite well in the market include the following companies: Medi (Germany), Aurafix (Turkey) and Belsana (Germany). These brands produce high-quality compression knitwear, which is in particular demand among buyers and is included in the affordable price segment. The price-quality ratio of these brands can be considered more than satisfactory, so the products have earned trust in the European market.

Type of braces and duration of treatment

Depending on the type of system, the duration of treatment varies:

  1. 1. Metal: the fastest and most effective.
  2. 2. Ceramic: due to fragility, they last a little longer than metal.
  3. 3. Sapphire: quite fragile, which increases the wearing period.
  4. 4. Lingual: the longest wearing period is 2-2.5 years, but the best aesthetics.
  5. 5. Self-ligating: on average 1-1.5 years.
  6. 6. Ligature: longer than non-ligature, but the exact period depends on the material.

What are compression garments and why are they needed?

Compression stockings belong to the group of therapeutic and prophylactic products that are made from special innovative materials that provide an anti-embolic effect. Before the advent of stockings, compression was achieved through the use of elastic bandages. Unlike the latter, compression stockings, which can be bought today in almost any specialized store, have significant advantages, practicality in use and a longer service life.

Compression stockings are needed to provide support to weakened veins and muscles. Due to graduated compression technology, compression products increase blood outflow and normalize general blood circulation, preventing the formation of blood clots.

The advantages of compression stockings are as follows:

  • High-quality support for venous and vascular walls;
  • Activation of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • Prevention of further expansion of veins;
  • Support muscle tone and soft tissue;
  • Reducing pain, heaviness and fatigue in the legs;
  • Prevention of cramps in the calf muscles;
  • Treatment and prevention of spider veins.

Minimum and maximum wearing time

The average period of wearing braces is 1-1.5 years. You need to be prepared for this even before visiting the orthodontist. During the initial consultation, the doctor determines the specific duration of the correction, but the timing may change during the course of treatment.

The minimum period for wearing braces is 6 months. This usually applies to children with minor defects. But it is not possible to determine how long braces can be worn. Usually doctors talk about 2.5-3 years. The known record of correction by the system: 9 years and 8 months.

How long should children wear braces?

The child’s dentofacial apparatus is easier to correct even in difficult clinical situations. Therefore, the duration of correction is significantly less than for an adult. 12-16 years old needs to wear braces can only be found out at an appointment with an orthodontist, but rarely longer than 2 years .

How long should adults wear braces?

The dental system of an adult is much less susceptible to external influences. There are several reasons for this:

  1. 1. The dentofacial apparatus is fully formed.
  2. 2. Bone tissue is denser.
  3. 3. Restorative processes in tissues are slowed down.
  4. 4. The speed of any exchange processes is reduced.

18-30 should wear braces . Even minor defects may require treatment for 1.5-2 years. Advanced cases can take 3 or more years to resolve.

In what situations should you wear hospital jersey?

Anti-embolic jersey is recommended during and after surgery, including childbirth, while in intensive care and during long-term bed rest.

All of the above indications are united by the fact that a person is immobile, which slows down the speed of blood flow.

The body reacts to surgery by increasing blood viscosity. This fact, subject to a supine, that is, motionless, position, increases the likelihood of a blood clot forming in the muscle sinuses of the leg, since it is difficult for thick blood to move through the vessels.

As for childbirth, a few weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother’s body begins to prepare for childbirth and also increases blood viscosity. This way the body is protected from unnecessary blood loss during the birth process. And with the mother’s low mobility in the first days after childbirth, the blood thickens even more. This leads to the risk of blood clot formation. As a result, there may be a threat to life in the form of thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

When can you remove braces?

The process of occlusion correction consists of several stages; the structures can be removed after completion of the last one. First, the teeth are aligned along the arch, then the main formation of the bite occurs (the teeth are moved forward or backward, gaps are removed, the position of the jaws is corrected), and finally minor defects are eliminated. An orthodontist removes braces in a dental office.

In some cases, braces have to be removed ahead of schedule:

  • - development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • - allergic reaction to elements of the system (most often to metal);
  • - poor oral hygiene;
  • - the need for surgery to correct the bite.

If possible, after removing the treatment limitation, the system is reinstalled. Otherwise, an alternative method of orthodontic treatment is selected.

Gum recession

Gum recession or exposure of the neck of the tooth root is a fairly common problem in orthodontic treatment. For example, treating severe crowding without extraction can lead to gum recession. The dentition expands and enlarges, but the bone base remains unchanged. In this case, partial or, in particularly difficult cases, complete exposure of the tooth root is possible. The contour of the gum changes, the teeth become visually longer. Sensitivity of teeth appears, reaction to sour, sweet, cold, hot. In addition to poorly planned orthodontic treatment, gum recession is caused by poor dental hygiene, tartar, and subgingival deposits. Therefore, when correcting a bite with braces, I recommend performing professional AirFlow hygiene at least three times during the entire treatment period. Before installing braces, in the middle of treatment and after removing the system. In addition, before starting to correct the bite, I teach personal hygiene while wearing braces and consider the patient’s compliance with the rules of dental hygiene to be a fundamental point in the prevention of possible oral diseases. Gum recession is fixable. The most common and reliable treatment for recession is surgery or gum grafting. And to be absolutely precise - the lateral flap method. A flap of healthy tissue is taken from the gum or hard palate adjacent to the affected area and sutured to the site of recession. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Safe and relatively painless. The patient may experience tolerable discomfort in the area of ​​intervention for a short time, but due to the fact that the tissues are completely identical, healing proceeds quickly and without complications.

How long do you wear retainers after braces?

Fixed retainer
Orthodontic treatment does not end after the braces are removed. Consolidating the correction result requires wearing special mouthguards (retainers). They fix the teeth in the correct position and prevent them from returning to their original incorrect position under the influence of chewing loads.

Retainers are removable and non-removable . The first ones are removed during meals, are noticeable and require self-discipline. The second ones are fixed and removed by a doctor and are not visible to others. As a rule, the patient is first prescribed permanent wearing of non-removable plates. Then he switches to using removable ones around the clock, gradually starting to wear them only at night.

Removable retainer

The orthodontist decides how long to wear the retainer after braces are removed. On average, the time it takes to consolidate the results with mouth guards is 2-3 times longer than the duration of the treatment itself: 3-6 years . For adults with corrected advanced malocclusions, retainers may be recommended for life.

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Is it possible to get used to a posture corrector?

When using various orthopedic products for the back, the orthopedic doctor carefully considers the course of wear and time intervals for use. This is necessary to create a therapeutic effect without the body becoming accustomed to outside help. Therefore, by visiting a competent specialist, you minimize the risk of addiction, weakening of your own muscle tone, and aggravation of defects.

When using a back corset for the first time, you may experience a significant feeling of discomfort, tightness, and unnatural position of the body, muscles, and joints. This is where this type of product begins to work effectively.

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