RDA abrasiveness index in toothpaste: rating of whitening products

A beautiful smile, healthy gums and teeth from a young age to deep gray hairs are often not a gift from nature, but a fair result of high-quality care procedures. The secret of success lies not only in regular oral hygiene, but also in the right choice of care products.

The modern range of products is huge. How to choose the right toothpaste and not make a mistake? Here are several main criteria that affect the quality, properties and safety of toothpaste.

What is the abrasiveness of toothpaste?

Dental cleaning products contain abrasives that provide the following functions:

  • lightening the shade of enamel;
  • reducing the density of stones;
  • strengthening the surface of the teeth.

Each product contains a different amount of abrasives. In order not to harm the teeth, they should be no more than 100 units. Cleansers soften the stones, but not enough to completely remove them. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically visit your dentist for professional cleaning.

Abrasives are recommended for polishing the surface of teeth. Enzymes that settle on the surface of the teeth during chewing of food are eliminated. Therefore, no damage to the enamel occurs.

White Glo

The unique White Glo product provides maximum oral hygiene. Thanks to its special formula, the paste combats the yellowing of tooth enamel that occurs after consuming coloring foods and drinks.

Microwax particles protect tooth enamel from the formation of new stains. WhiteGlo contains vitamin-rich rosehip oil, which improves the protective qualities of the mucous membrane. The effect is noticeable after 3 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of abrasive toothpastes

The presence of abrasives in toothpaste produces the following positive effects for humans:

  • instant results;
  • lightening of enamel up to 2 tones, which helps lighten teeth when smoking or privately drinking caffeine;
  • safety for humans when applied correctly and after reading the instructions for use;
  • affordable prices, lower than professional whitening;
  • less harm compared to professional whitening.

Abrasive particles cause the following harm:

  • thinning of the surface of the teeth;
  • risk of microcracks in enamel;
  • no effect when purchasing products with a low content of abrasive particles.

Not recommended!
If a person has a lot of fillings in their mouth, a product with abrasive particles is not recommended because the color of adjacent teeth will be different. The product cannot make the filling lighter.


To the request of many patients: “advise which toothpaste whitens best,” many dentists answer - “Crest” from the famous company Procter & Gamble.

Today, the Crest brand is synonymous with a healthy and snow-white smile! The strongest specialists in the field of oral hygiene, a powerful research base, the latest scientific achievements, and as a result, the American Dental Association accepts and recommends more and more Crest products.

Safe and effective, Crest toothpaste is a unique offering on the market today and is one of the 100 greatest discoveries of the 20th century. Its special patented formula helps to obtain teeth that are as white as a professional whitening procedure. The product improves the brightness of tooth enamel; with its help, approximately 90% of the darkening and stains of the upper layers are destroyed in just 2 weeks. In addition to gentle and high-quality whitening, Crest protects against caries, polishes teeth and strengthens enamel, and also ensures longer-lasting cleanliness and freshness to your breath.

Crest products are recognized as the most effective and safe and are approved by dentists in Europe and the USA.

RDA index of toothpastes: table

Abrasiveness is determined depending on the rda index. They are listed in the table.

This is interesting: How to choose toothpaste

Index rdaDescription
Up to 50 unitsDaily care to prevent enamel thinning
Up to 80 unitsGentle cleansing, suitable for all ages, long-term use because there is no therapeutic effect
80-100 unitsIt is used for medicinal purposes, so it is applied in courses with breaks between them.
100 units or moreAggressive influence at the sites of application, stones are eliminated, the enamel is lightened, but there is a high risk of destruction of its surface with frequent application

Attention! To prevent negative effects on teeth, the product is applied only as prescribed by the dentist.


The choice of abrasive pastes is quite large; they should be carefully selected, focusing on the composition and condition of the oral cavity. For sensitive teeth, abrasive toothpastes with an RDA of up to 70 are suitable. If the teeth are healthy, then from 70 to 100. It is better to use them in courses, no more than two weeks, and not use electric toothbrushes during this time. Pastes above 100 RDA can damage teeth; it is better to use them no more than 1-2 times a week.

The best option would be to ask your dentist for advice. In some countries, the doctor prescribes toothpaste as well as medicine. And no one would think of buying pasta based on advertising or idle advice.

List of abrasive toothpastes

List of products without abrasive components and of high quality.

  1. Lacalut White. The composition includes silicon dioxide, sodium, potassium hydroxide. The product removes plaque and stone, not aggressively, but gently. Rda coefficient 100 units.
  2. President White Plus. Contains silicon dioxide, calcium glycerophosphate, fluorine. Rda 200 units. The effect appears during the day, the enamel brightens.
  3. Silca artic white. Rda 80 units. Abrasives are applied to the teeth, softening and removing plaque. They do not destroy tissue. With prolonged application, the enamel becomes lighter.
  4. Rembrandt anti-tobacco. Rda 110 units. Gently cleanses, removes plaque, brightens teeth when smoking and drinking coffee.
  5. Rocs pro freshmint. Rda 139 units. Protection against caries, relieving inflammation, eliminating dark spots on enamel.
  6. Splat whitening. Rda 90 units. High fluoride content, which strengthens teeth and prevents plaque accumulation and the formation of stones.

Not recommended!

Before purchasing, the condition of the teeth is taken into account. If they are susceptible to damage, the listed products are not recommended.

Review of the best products from top manufacturers

Before choosing and buying a product, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the top popular manufacturers in the selected segment. Above we have already mentioned such well-known companies as Colgate, Blend-a-Med, and Aquafresh - these are reliable manufacturers that you can trust. Now let’s look at a small rating of other brands with the best reputation and proven effectiveness of their products.

Line "Lakalut"

One of the most popular brands in Russia and in the world. The German brand has proven itself well as a manufacturer of high-quality and safe oral care products. The line includes a standard antibacterial paste that is suitable for daily use. There are lactic acid salts here, which provide a pronounced anti-caries effect and help cope with inflammation.

Price: from 180 to 300 rubles for whitening

Splat Lavendercept

Another popular, but this time a Russian brand, offering a wide range of products for various purposes. Lavandasept especially stands out among other Splat products - experts recommend it for sensitive teeth and gums. It copes well with pathogenic microflora, provides antiseptic treatment of tissues, and prevents the spread of inflammatory processes. There is also a small content of whitening components, but they have the most gentle effect and do not pose a threat to the health and integrity of the enamel.

Price: 130 rubles

Hygienic ROCS

A well-known Swiss brand that produces high-quality products with the most natural composition. It was the safety of the active components that helped this brand become so popular and in demand. By the way, the manufacturer’s assortment includes a separate line called “Antitabak”. The main component here is a special enzyme that helps loosen and dissolve tobacco and coffee deposits. Vitamin E provides additional strengthening of dental tissues and prevents their destruction, while baobab extract normalizes the acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Price: from 260 rubles

PresiDENT "Antibacterial"

A safe composition, as close to natural as possible, is one of the features that distinguishes the products of this brand from similar products on the market. Provides gentle cleansing of plaque, prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora and the development of carious processes. Fluorine is present, but its concentration is minimal. It should also be noted that PresiDENT “Antibacterial” contains a fairly powerful antiseptic chlorhexidine, so experts recommend using it in courses of 2 weeks.

Price: 300 rubles

CREST paste

One of the best representatives of its segment, which is confirmed by numerous enthusiastic reviews from users on the network. The product is not cheap, but effective. Its regular use helps solve a whole range of problems: remove plaque and pigmented spots, whiten enamel (1-2 tones), prevent the development of caries, provide high-quality antiseptic treatment of tissues and freshen breath.

Price: from 650 rubles


Another brand with an impeccable reputation and numerous confirmations of the high quality, safety and effectiveness of its products. The products contain natural ingredients, so most of them are suitable for everyday use. They provide complete prevention of caries and inflammatory effects, promote the formation of a protective shell on the teeth and mucous membranes, which prevents the rapid growth of pathogenic microflora.

Price: from 160 rubles


The products of this German production are presented in a wide range. The variety of the line makes it possible to choose the option that best suits your specific needs. There are products here with a pronounced anti-caries effect, whitening agents, helping to strengthen the gums and get rid of bleeding. The range also includes preventative formulations suitable for daily use.

Price: from 70 rubles

Dentavit "Sensitive"

This product is suitable for brushing teeth with increased sensitivity - hyperesthesia. Active components help reduce swelling and pain, help restore the condition of not only the enamel, but also the gums. There are no aggressive chemicals that could pose a threat to the health of the oral cavity and the body as a whole. Dentavit “Sensitive” is the optimal choice in terms of price and quality.

Price: 130 rubles

Kobayashi with charcoal and mint herbs

Japanese paste is included in the rating of the best, and also has a powerful whitening effect. Its use allows you to achieve a pronounced and at the same time lasting result with minimal risk of damage to the enamel. The contents of the tube have an unusual black color because it is based on charcoal. It is a natural abrasive with a pronounced absorbent effect. Kobayashi is not suitable for daily use, but it always helps in cases where you need to significantly brighten your smile.

Price: from 450 rubles

"Apadent" with a filling effect

An excellent medicinal paste with nano-hydroxyapatite in its composition helps strengthen enamel and prevents the destruction of dental tissues due to carious processes. The manufacturer claims the filling effect of its product. The product saturates hard tissues with useful minerals and trace elements, provides surface mineralization, effectively relieves acute inflammation, and also prevents the development of caries and gum disease. Suitable also for dentures and sensitive teeth.

Price: from 1200 rubles

Medicinal Mexidol

The Mexidol product is devoid of fluoride and aggressive antimicrobial components. The basis is an active substance of the same name - it effectively eliminates acute signs of the inflammatory process, helps soften hardened dental plaque, and copes well with plaque and age spots from coffee and nicotine. Reduces swelling of soft tissues and normalizes blood circulation in the mucosa. Be sure to consult your dentist before purchasing.

Price: from 160 rubles

Russian brand "Forest Balsam"

Another Russian brand whose products are of high quality and affordable price. The natural formula ensures gentle cleansing of plaque and gentle saturation of dental tissues with beneficial microelements. Plant extracts help reduce swelling during gum inflammation and eliminate bleeding. The product perfectly freshens breath and protects teeth from pathological processes.

Price: from 80 rubles

Pros and cons of non-abrasive toothpastes

Before purchasing a product, it is recommended to look at the composition. If it contains no abrasives, it has the following positive aspects:

  • no excessive impact on the enamel, preservation of integrity, prevention of microcracks;
  • soft effect when removing plaque;
  • content of microelements and vitamins that saturate the surface of the teeth;
  • contains antibacterial agents that prevent the proliferation of microbes;
  • Possibility of daily use without harm to health.

This is interesting: What is toothpaste made from?

Non-abrasive pastes have disadvantages:

  • no whitening effect;
  • there is no way to remove stains on enamel after cigarettes and coffee;
  • lack of therapeutic effect for thinning enamel, inflammation of the gums.

Additional Information!

If the paste contains grain, plaque is cleaned without the use of abrasive components.


Perioe Pumping Citrus


  • Very convenient to use
  • Foams well
  • Pleasant taste
  • Good dosage system
  • Rich citrus aroma


  • Expensive

From 590 ₽

Pasta in a very unusual package. It is a soft gel that effectively cleanses teeth of plaque. Special bubbles envelop each tooth, making it less accessible to various infections or caries. The convenient bottle holds 3 regular tubes.

Colgate Total 12 Professional Cleansing (Gel)


  • Soft structure
  • Effectiveness
  • Reduced fluoride content
  • Refreshing taste


  • Does not include whitening ingredients

From 123 ₽

Convenient gel paste for everyday use. It is one of the best in its price category. Perfect for both home use and travel. Provides stable oral protection for a long time. Breaks down plaque and eliminates signs of gum inflammation.

SPLAT Special Zero Balance


  • Suitable for people prone to allergies
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Keeps your breath fresh for a long time
  • Cleans well


  • May not be as effective as some analogues

From 230 ₽

Hypoallergenic toothpaste, which does not contain any essential oils, fragrances, or other similar components. Contains natural antiseptics that block the possibility of pathogenic bacteria. Counteracts caries and periodontitis.

Non-abrasive toothpaste: list

Dentists recommend a list of non-abrasive toothpastes that improve the quality of teeth.

  1. Safety suitable for children and adults. The composition includes plant extracts that eliminate inflammation.
  2. Parodontax. Apply daily, which improves hygiene indicators. Contains microelements that improve the quality of the tooth surface. Antiseptic substances destroy bacteria.
  3. Prevention and treatment of gum inflammation. It is used from the age of 12. The contained microelements heal wounds and microcracks in the gums.
  4. Splat Professional Ultracomplex. The composition includes plant components with a regenerating, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. The risk of hypersensitivity to the components of the product and damage to dental tissue is reduced.
  5. Biorepair intensive night. Natural components restore enamel, eliminating the negative effects of bacteria overnight. In the morning there is no unpleasant smell or accumulation of plaque.

When choosing a toothpaste for daily application, read the indicated composition. It may contain abrasive ingredients that are not suitable for all users. They are used for a whitening effect and strengthening enamel.

Which product to choose - the best manufacturers

According to dentists, the best toothpaste is the one that fully meets the needs of a particular person. Modern manufacturers have significantly expanded the “functionality” of their products, and now it is not just a means for cleansing plaque, but also an indispensable assistant in the fight against inflammatory processes, hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity of enamel), initial carious processes and many other problems. This is unconditional progress, but along with it another problem has appeared: an incorrectly selected product may not only not bring the desired result, but also cause harm.

What types of toothpastes there are and for what purposes they are intended will be discussed in the next section. But first, it’s worth identifying the primary guideline when choosing a good product – the manufacturer and its reputation. Experts recommend giving preference to brands that have been on the market for a long time and during this time have managed to prove their effectiveness and safety.

In fact, there are quite a few good companies, but Colgate, Blend-a-Med, and Aquafresh are considered priorities. These are brands under which a wide range of different oral care products are produced. Numerous clinical studies have repeatedly proven the high quality and effectiveness of their products. The production process in such corporations is strictly controlled, involves the use of the latest technologies and developments, and the use of high-quality and safe raw materials. These manufacturers have been trusted by both professional dentists and ordinary users for many years.

The best pasta is the one that fully meets the needs of a particular person.


The Swiss company Swissdent is known for its high-quality products for maintaining dental health.

Swissdent is produced using the latest technology, combining the action of already proven whitening components with the most advanced nanotechnology.

An effective and safe paste with low abrasiveness and does not damage enamel.

Uses antioxidants, minerals and enzymes to naturally remove dark spots and plaque. The product also contains coenzyme Q10 and fluoride, which makes teeth not only snow-white, but also healthy.


President paste saturates tooth enamel with calcium salts and has a whitening and remineralizing effect. Its unique formula provides high-quality whitening while strengthening enamel and protecting gums.

President contains the following active ingredients:

  • a compound of calcium and silicon - this combination perfectly whitens teeth without harming the enamel, as it has a low abrasiveness;
  • increased concentration of fluoride ions in combination with calcium ensures remineralization of enamel;
  • Icelandic cetraria has an immunostimulating, bactericidal and wound-healing effect;
  • Ginseng extract has a tonic and restorative effect on metabolism in soft tissues.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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