Seven main violations when creating a smile design

Scientists have proven that a smiling person evokes more sympathy than even the most beautiful but gloomy top model. Moreover, employers are more loyal to those with healthy and beautiful teeth. Such people give the impression of being more responsible and efficient. And Dutch researchers claim that with a smile a person always looks younger than his age. How to achieve an ideal smile and what to do if nature has not endowed you with beautiful teeth, says Ilgam Vagifovich Mamedov, leading orthopedist and chief physician of the German Center for Aesthetic Dentistry SDent in Moscow.

Watch your lips

It's no secret that when you smile, it is your lips that attract the most attention. Therefore, it is very important that they are not chapped or bitten. Be sure to use lip moisturizers, and in winter regularly smear with balms or hygienic lipstick.

Don't forget to pay attention to your lip makeup. Try not to use too bright lipstick, especially if you have thin lips - otherwise they will visually become even thinner. It is better to choose products in natural colors, with shine. Products with menthol help to slightly enlarge lips and make them plumper and seductive.

How much does a perfect smile cost?

The cost of a perfect smile depends on the procedures that will need to be completed to achieve the desired result. If we are talking about hygienic cleaning and whitening, then, depending on the technique and level of the clinic, the price ranges from 10,000 to 37,000 rubles for both services. If we talk about the price of lumineers in Moscow, it starts from 35,000 per tooth. Depending on the material used, the cost of ceramic veneers starts from 3,000 to 50,000 rubles or even more. Orthodontic treatment, prosthetics and implantation are procedures that require taking into account many factors on which the price depends.

Publisher: Expert magazine about dentistry

Gymnastics for lips

You may know how to smile correctly, but your muscles just can't create the right smile. Fortunately, they can be trained with simple exercises. All of them need to be done 3-5 times:

  • Stick your tongue out as far as possible, hold for 3 seconds and return back;
  • Exhale sharply, as if you were blowing out a candle;
  • Exhale slowly through pursed lips. After exhaling, relax your facial muscles and smile as wide as possible;
  • Open your mouth a little and start chewing, like camels chew. Try to move your cheekbones as far as possible. You can try making a figure eight with your lower jaw;
  • Sing the sounds A-I-O-U loudly, one at a time, in one breath. Then inhale again, puff out your cheeks and exhale, creating a slight vibration of your lips;
  • Exhale slowly through your pursed lips, as if creating pressure;
  • Stretch your lips forward as much as possible, fold them into a tube and open and close them like a fish;
  • For three minutes, try to whistle any melody as loudly and clearly as possible.

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The signature Hollywood smile that every celebrity is proud of doesn’t come easily...

The Hollywood standard is, first of all, flawless and dazzling white teeth. However, there are stars for whom they leave much to be desired, which did not prevent them from achieving heights in their profession.

Vanessa Paradis. "Highlight"

Vanessa Paradis

Actress and singer Vanessa Paradis is not ashamed of her signature gap - scientifically, a diastema - between her front teeth; on the contrary, she seems to be proud of it, considering it the highlight of her appearance. How else can we explain the fact that Vanessa draws attention to her teeth by choosing a bright lipstick - most often scarlet or red - in color.

The public is divided into two camps regarding Paradis’s gap: the first are surprised why Vanessa, who does not suffer from a lack of money, cannot get “normal teeth” for herself, the second admire them and ask dentists to give them a smile “like Paradis’s.” As for the fashion industry, it seems to be on the side of the actress: in 2011, at Paris Fashion Week, the House of Chanel, together with the Colette boutique, released a series of brooches in the form of Vanessa’s parted lips, demonstrating her diastema in all its glory.

Kirsten Dunst. "I love imperfections"

Kirsten Dunst

As a child, Kirsten Dunst categorically refused to wear braces and, as a result, grew real vampire fangs, which allowed her to play the “child and rampaging killer” Claudia in Neil Jordan’s Interview with the Vampire without a false jaw. Sofia Coppola is also a fan of Kirsten’s “wrong” teeth, who starred her in her film “The Fatal Temptation,” which premiered at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival. “Don’t even think about fixing your teeth,” Coppola told the actress, “they are your personality.”

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True, not all directors are delighted with her teeth. When Dunst was filming Spider-Man, the producers demanded that she fix her teeth and even painted her a perfect smile on the movie poster, but the actress refused. “I’ve been asked many times,” she says, “why I don’t want to do anything about my teeth. And I just love imperfections. Besides, I don’t want to meet the standards of the “dream factory,” where everything is smooth and perfect. People look at the characters in the films and suffer because they cannot meet their criteria, because not everyone understands that beauty in Hollywood is the result of the work of make-up artists and retouchers.”

Benedict Cumberbatch. At random

Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley

One can argue endlessly about Benedict Cumberbatch's external characteristics: the actor himself considers himself far from handsome and sometimes even allows himself to say that he looks like an otter, while his fans - and especially female fans - are sure: perhaps he is not handsome, but damn charming. A special feature is the actor’s teeth: they are located unevenly, as people say, at random, this is especially true for the lower jaw, and this is clearly visible when Big Ben smiles.

Kate Middleton. "Ugly smile"

The Duchess of Cambridge with Prince Louis

What can we say about Cumberbatch, if just recently the teeth of even such a style icon as Kate Middleton were criticized on the Internet. No, of course, she did not suffer from caries, but the Duchess of Cambridge’s lower teeth were uneven in places, and her bite was incorrect, which is why her chin protruded slightly forward. They say that it was for this reason that the gold coins that were issued on the occasion of her wedding to Prince William failed to sell - buyers felt that Kate was depicted there with an “ugly smile.”

See also: The most capricious celebrities: ill-mannered and rude stars

Apparently, the duchess was tired of ridicule, because not long ago she surrendered herself to the famous French dentist Didier Fillion. He is famous for the fact that, thanks to his own “microrotation” method, he makes teeth beautiful, but natural, without Hollywood whiteness and artificiality.

Kate Moss. “How can you live with teeth like that?”

Kate Moss

The fact that Kate Moss abused alcohol and drugs is a well-known fact, but the model’s teeth were damaged not because of this, but because of her addiction to smoking. However, nicotine turned them gray, but she had them small and uneven from birth, which is what haters constantly remind her of. “It would be better if she didn’t smile at all,” Kate’s “well-wishers” write on the Internet, “she urgently needs to see a dentist - how can you live with such teeth?” But it seems that other people’s opinions about her appearance did not bother Moss before, when she became a successful model, and does not bother her now, when, despite everything, she continues to sign multimillion-dollar advertising contracts and appear in glossy magazines.

Katy Perry. "Poison for appearance"

Katy Perry

American singer Katy Perry is aware that her lower teeth are far from ideal - moreover, in an interview she calls them... “rocky mountains.” “My teeth,” Perry admitted in an interview, “are poison for my appearance, they spoil my beauty. They are crooked, but I would like them to be flawless.” At the same time, Katie is not going to correct the situation, since, in her opinion, only children wear braces, and she is definitely not going to replace perfectly healthy teeth with crowns.

See also: How the famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev died. Risky games with death

Keira Knightley. Maximum naturalness

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley, like a true Briton, believes that teeth should be as natural as possible - in other words: what grows, grows. The actress’s hair is strong and healthy, but uneven and not snow-white, which is impossible to hide, although Knightley does not try to do so. “Each smile is individual,” the actress says in an interview, “and I don’t want to be like the Hollywood beauties with the same teeth, like from an incubator.” Well, Kira is right in many ways - after all, it is thanks to her imperfect smile as a beautiful hooligan that she gets roles that, if she had straightened her teeth, would probably have passed her by.

Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Paquin, Charlie Sheen, Michael Strahan, Ashley Smith, Matthew Lewis, Karl Lagerfeld and also cannot boast of good teeth .

Text: Mila Koroleva

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Pay attention to your teeth

How to smile beautifully with teeth? The answer to this question lies primarily in the beauty of teeth. Your smile will be charming only if your teeth are even and snow-white. So treat all cavities and visit your dentist for a professional cleaning - once the plaque and tartar are removed, your teeth will definitely become whiter. And if this is not enough, then you can also whiten your teeth, for example, with a laser - this way they will definitely become significantly whiter.

If you want to become the owner of a truly snow-white smile, then you should definitely think about veneers - thin ceramic plates that completely cover the front teeth and hide all their defects. Many celebrity smiles are the result of using veneers or their thinner analogues - lumineers.

Parameters of an ideal smile

It would seem that it could be simpler: white, even teeth, a complete dentition, absence of dental diseases - that’s all you need. But creating an ideal smile in dentistry is a whole science, and the doctor does not act as a doctor, but rather as an artist creating a full-fledged work of art. An ideal smile has certain parameters that modern aesthetic dentistry focuses on.

  • Parallelism of horizontal lines

    : the eyes, the cut of the mouth, the cutting edges of the front incisors and an imaginary line connecting the cutting edges of the canines.

  • Visual reduction in tooth size from the center to the edges

    , allowing you to create the illusion of perspective. In this case, the ratio of the width of the anterior incisors, lateral incisors and canines is 1.6:1:0.6, and the width of the anterior incisors relates to their height as 0.7 - 0.8 to one. The front incisors should meet on the projection of the midline of the face, connecting the middle of the bridge of the nose and the center of the chin. In addition, the edges of the upper teeth should follow the curve of the lower lip, and the upper lip should cover the gum line of the teeth, leaving only triangles between the teeth.

  • When creating the perfect smile, we also take into account the height of the concave gum line around the necks of the teeth and its level for each group of teeth

    , interdental angles, which should increase from the incisors to the molars, the sharpness of the incisor angles, which is more pronounced in men than in women, and many more parameters. For example, the incisal edges of the incisors may protrude a little more to create a more aggressive appearance. This masculine smile is considered ideal for the stronger sex, because it allows you to create the illusion of strength, success, and self-confidence.

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