How to apply to become a dentist - what exams you need to take

Characteristics of the profession - what it does, functions and responsibilities

Let's see what specializations dentists have:

  1. The therapist is the doctor to whom you turn first. The general practitioner analyzes the general condition of the teeth. Finds problem areas, treats caries, removes nerves, puts fillings and restorations, and prepares teeth for prosthetics.
  2. The surgeon performs operations in the oral cavity: removes teeth, restores the jaw after injuries, prepares the oral cavity for implantation, prosthetics, orthodontic and orthopedic treatment. Deals with problems related to inflammatory processes, cysts and tumors.
  3. An orthodontist corrects malocclusion – a situation where the jaws do not close straight, but deviate to the right or left; corrects the curvature of the teeth - increased crowding, in which the teeth have “not enough space” and they run into each other or vice versa. The result of his work carries an important aesthetic point for the patient.
  4. Orthopedist – comes to the rescue when teeth are missing. Restores them with the help of dentures, removable or permanent, and fully reproduces the important chewing function. If it was possible to save a small part of the tooth, then it uses restoration technology using a crown. This doctor works in tandem with a dental technician - a specialist in the manufacture of dentures and prosthetic elements for a specific case.
  5. Hygienist is a relatively new field. Monitors the cleanliness of the oral cavity, carries out preventive and hygienic procedures to maintain oral health. Removes plaque, tartar, polishes enamel. Provides consultations regarding the prevention of dental diseases.
  6. Implantologist – specializes in restoring lost teeth using implants. Innovative technology allows you to install tooth analogues that are no different from real ones. Conducts a full examination, preparation in several stages and the implantation itself. Observes the patient throughout the entire period of rehabilitation after the intervention.
  7. A pediatric dentist is a doctor who deals with children's dental problems. Removes and treats baby teeth so that the molars develop healthy; puts fillings; fights oral diseases that children are prone to at an early age. A pediatric dentist should not be a doctor, but a kind wizard who will convince the child to treat his teeth and be able to perform all the manipulations without tears.

Core subjects: list and features of study

Schoolchildren who dream of becoming dentists should understand that this profession is not only prestigious, but also very responsible. Even before entering a university, while studying at school, you should pay special attention to your knowledge in the disciplines that are basic for enrollment in Dentistry, and, if necessary, “pull up” them.

The lists of combinations of main Unified State Exam subjects may differ among universities. There are four types of Unified State Exam combinations for admission to the specialization “Dentistry”:

  1. Mathematics, Russian language, chemistry.
  2. Russian language, biology, chemistry.
  3. Russian language, chemistry, foreign language.
  4. Russian language, physics, chemistry.

In our article we propose to take a closer look at each of the above items.

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Why is this discipline needed in dentistry? Mathematics teaches:

  • ability to collect and systematize tasks;
  • development of logical thinking,
  • find different solutions to the problem,
  • correctly calculate the proportions (for example, the dose of administration of a medicine),
  • develop the habit of bringing what you start to fruition.

Russian language

The breadth of one's vocabulary says a lot about a person. It allows you to communicate seamlessly with many people. In addition to vocabulary, literacy is very important. The Russian language is primarily necessary in order to:

  • correctly build a constructive dialogue with the patient;
  • correctly describe the situation (diagnosis) orally;
  • correctly describe the medical history in writing, etc.


This subject is considered a core subject when applying to become a dentist. It needs to be known at the highest level. Knowledge in the field of chemistry is necessary in a future profession to understand:

  • what painkillers and antiseptics are allowed to be used at work;
  • what solutions, alloys, “cements” can be mixed to install fillings and seal canals;
  • what safe proportions of drugs are allowed;
  • what materials are used in the manufacture of crowns;
  • methods, uses of whitening and much more.


It should be noted that not all universities require excellent knowledge in this subject. However, when entering medical schools, you should still have them at least at a basic level. When studying to become a dentist, the following knowledge will be very useful:

  • physical properties of materials (color, density, thermal conductivity, strength, ductility, shrinkage);
  • expansion coefficients of fabrics, materials, metals;
  • laws of quantum physics (for example, when using dental lasers).


This school discipline is also one of the core subjects for admission to dentistry. In the process of dental treatment, not only the physical and chemical properties of materials or components are taken into account, but also the following parameters:

  • way of building the nervous system;
  • factors that influence her condition;
  • structure, state of the human immune system and the reason for the influence on it;
  • structure of soft tissues and their study.

Foreign language

A foreign language is not a required subject for admission to the Faculty of Dentistry. However, some universities in the Russian Federation during the entrance campaign require confirmation of knowledge in the field of foreign languages ​​with a Unified State Examination certificate. Usually this is English, but other languages ​​are not excluded. Details regarding the full list of subjects required for admission must be clarified at each individual university. So does a future dentist need a foreign language?:

  • More opportunities open up for an applicant who is fluent in English. He can be one of the first to be aware of both trends in dentistry and medicine in general. Knowing English at the proper level, you can study textbooks, medical journals from foreign publishers, and also read articles in the original that are posted on medical websites.
  • English will also be useful for those who plan to undergo an internship or work in other countries in the future.
  • New opportunities are opening up to participate in medical conferences outside the country.
  • Upon graduation, a dentist who speaks English can accept foreign patients.
  • Knowing a foreign language, a student can get an education in almost any country in the world. Moreover, today you don’t need to spend your entire fortune to do this.

Tooth structure

What a dentist should know and be able to do - personal qualities and skills

First of all, have a great desire to help people. There is no person who has never had a dental problem.

The doctor must find an approach to everyone, convey the need for the procedures performed and set them up for a positive outcome. Calm and support.

The profession is associated with the ability to work with a large amount of information at the initial stage; in the future, it is important to be able to successfully combine knowledge with practice. This is the basis for making a diagnosis - a decisive role in dental treatment.

A lot of daily work awaits the future specialist. The profession implies constant improvement and training, because modern dentistry does not stand still, new types of treatment appear every year.

What to do during the ZNO exam?

First, complete those tasks for which you know the answers. You can then waste precious minutes on unclear or difficult questions. The fact is that time for cancer is limited:

  • foreign languages ​​and biology – 120 min;
  • history of Ukraine, geography, chemistry and Russian – 150 min;
  • mathematics, Ukrainian language and literature, physics – 180 min.

At large universities, teachers and a security guard may enter the classroom. A security guard uses a portable metal detector to search for gadgets with cheat sheets.

Therefore, it is better not to wear anything metallic during exams, remove coins, and wear underwear without inserts. But with such a “search”, test takers have a couple of minutes to rest from stressful testing.

You must have with you:

  • VNO certificate;
  • identification;
  • exam pass.

Bring pens with black ink to exams – it’s better to have several just in case. It is acceptable to bring water in a transparent bottle.

All gadgets are strictly prohibited: from smartphones to flash drives. If they are found, the applicant will be kicked out of the premises and the results will be cancelled. It is very difficult to cheat, and if you are caught with cheat sheets, you will lose a year of admission.

To feel more confident during the educational process, you can take special courses at your chosen educational institution.

What subjects need to be taken

To enter the Department of Dentistry, students must pass mandatory exams in the subjects of biology and chemistry. An additional subject from the university and one of the applicant’s choice are also taken.

It is advisable to have at least a basic knowledge of Latin, which is the basis in medical terms. After 9th grade, you can go to college, where the requirements for OGE scores are much lower.

Subjects for 11th grade graduates

A certificate of complete secondary education is obtained after successful completion of schooling. This gives the right to choose a university, submit documents to it and enroll in the chosen specialty.

What exams must be taken by eleventh-graders, dentists, for admission to a higher educational institution:

Chemistry: Having deep knowledge in this discipline, you will be able to enter a prestigious educational institution.
Biology: An excellent knowledge of human anatomy and genetics will be required.
Russian language: When entering medical faculties, knowledge in this discipline is also necessary, so it is better to “pull up” your knowledge of the Russian language in advance in order to pass the exams successfully.

Naturally, when applying to become a dentist, you will have to pay special attention to chemistry and biology. Russian and mathematics are considered general disciplines and are not directly related to the profession. But they will affect the overall score, so it is better to successfully pass all exams so that the passing score is higher, as are the chances of admission.

Many universities, especially prestigious ones with a high passing grade, are tightening their selection. They conduct testing that helps teachers evaluate applicants' knowledge. In this case, upon admission, the commission evaluates not only the Unified State Examination results, but also the test results.

Testing is considered a higher priority than the Unified State Examination score; this gives young people who did not pass the exams very well a chance to enter their chosen specialty and still become a dentist.

If preparation for additional testing is not part of the applicant’s plans, then he should choose an educational institution that does not conduct such tests. And those wishing to enroll are “weeded out” in a different way, based on the results of exams in specialized disciplines.

In this case, it will be enough to pass the Unified State Exam successfully to get a passing grade and be enrolled in the chosen university.

Which universities offer training in this specialty?

According to statistics, medical education in Russia is of the highest quality, and this is the key to a healthy nation. There are no special dental universities in our country.

Almost every medical school is recruiting for the Faculty of Dentistry. Depending on the chosen educational institution, different forms of education will be offered: full-time, part-time, evening.

You can enroll after 11th grade. This specialty is also offered by medical technical schools and colleges, which can be entered after completing 9 grades.

As a rule, all educational institutions have budget places. To take them, you need to have a high score on the Unified State Examination, otherwise the cost of training will fluctuate up to 400 thousand for leading universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg and on average up to 250 thousand in the regions. Education in technical schools and colleges costs an order of magnitude lower.

Benefits of residency training

In-depth study of medical subjects and gaining valuable experience - this plays a significant role in the future career of a university graduate.

The residency program is built on the study of theoretical foundations. A more detailed acquaintance with the selected profile is already underway here. Also, students are required to engage in practical activities and research work.

Choose the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” and after completing your studies, which lasts 2 years and 10 months, and successfully defending your diploma, you will receive a state diploma and the right to work in a dental clinic in the relevant types of work. Intercollege offers two forms of training to become a dental technician - full-time and evening. The cost of the educational standard in our educational institution is from 45,000 rubles per semester.

How many years does it take to study to become a dentist?

The duration of study is 5 years to obtain theoretical knowledge; after the second or third year, students will have their first internship and a year of full-fledged internship in their future profession.

After receiving basic knowledge, applicants each go in their own direction.

Is it difficult to study? - applicants ask. As elsewhere, it all depends on interest, abilities and desires.

Where can a dentist work?

Commercial dentistry is now leading the way in providing jobs. The state is pursuing a policy that supports medical workers, providing decent wages, high pensions and the opportunity to purchase subsidized housing.

This profession will always be popular and relevant, because every person has been a patient of a dentist for almost his entire life.

Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova

The country's leading specialized university has the largest number of budget places in Dentistry - 220 full-time and 50 evening. The university presents all types of dental specializations - from therapy and periodontology to maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics, the most popular now. The University has a Clinical Diagnostic Center, a Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, and a polyclinic, so students have at their disposal all the best developments in the industry. This also applies to the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, which annually admits 30 future dental technicians. In the educational dental laboratory, each student has a personal workstation.

Career growth of a dentist

Dentists are divided into categories: first, second and highest. To confirm the first category, you need experience (three years), protection of the following categories after seven and ten years, respectively.

Confirmation is carried out before the commission with a report on the work done. To advance up the career ladder, you need to be a talented and hardworking doctor; your merits will not go unnoticed.

What does a dentist do?

Dentists must know and be able to do many things. The responsibilities of professionals include:

  • carrying out visual and instrumental inspections;
  • making diagnoses;
  • prescription of drug therapy;
  • carrying out various medical procedures using prof. equipment;
  • tooth extraction and fillings;
  • installation of braces, dentures and implants;
  • consulting patients on issues of prevention and hygiene, as well as on the operation of various orthodontic devices and prostheses;
  • knowledge and compliance with all laws;
  • providing psychological support;
  • resolving conflict situations;
  • compliance with ethical rules.

Is it worth studying to become a dentist - the pros and cons of the profession

The main thing is to have a great desire to treat patients’ teeth. Working with people is psychologically difficult, and the profession also involves enormous physical labor: working with your hands, in one position, under tension.

But it's worth it - nothing compares to the happy and grateful faces of patients.

Going to study based on the mere demand for a profession and fairly high wages is not entirely correct. It’s like an artist’s calling to become a musician, because they get paid more, even though he is only talented in drawing. It is better to find a profession you like and achieve success there.

Being a doctor is not only a calling; doctors take the Hippocratic oath, which says “do no harm.” This should be the basis when choosing the profession of a doctor, and a dentist - in the first place!

The dentist profession is quite in demand and is considered very prestigious. Dentists specialize in all problems related to the maxillofacial area; they are competent in modern diagnosis and treatment of teeth. The dentist often acts as a competent consultant in matters of disease prevention and proper oral care in general.

Who is a dentist: what do you need to know about the profession?

A dentist is a doctor who treats the teeth, jaw, soft tissues, or other organs of the oral cavity. The dental profession is a fairly broad concept, so specialists with a narrower profile are distinguished:

  • The dentist treats caries, puts fillings, and restores teeth;
  • dental surgeon – this focus involves diagnosing dental diseases using x-rays;
  • orthopedist-dentist – a prosthetist who restores teeth and prevents the further development of various oral diseases;
  • pediatric dentist.

In addition to dentists, dental technicians, orthodontists and medical assistants often work in clinics and dental offices. The duties of such an assistant include sterilizing dental instruments, conducting physical therapy procedures, preparing the office, and assisting the doctor in maintaining documentation.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Dentists have a wide field of activity, since the very concept of this specialty is quite capacious and is divided into several areas. Depending on them, the tasks and responsibilities of the doctor will vary. In a broader sense, the dentist's primary goal is to treat the patient's oral health.

Dentistry is a high-tech branch of medicine, so the doctor must be a master of various special equipment and instruments.

Work and salary

The dentist profession is prestigious, so the earnings of these specialists are quite high. Dentists can work in public clinics or in private offices.

The peculiarity of this profession is that there are several options for career growth. In the first case, the doctor can remain in the same position, constantly improving his qualifications and gaining experience. In addition, a dentist always has the opportunity to move up the administrative ladder and reach the position of chief physician. Also, a specialist can choose a scientific career and defend a doctoral dissertation, if desired, at the same time working for himself and improving his financial condition.

The average salary of a beginning specialist is about 30-40,000 rubles, while doctors with experience can receive from 100,000 rubles.

Future profession

The specialty program is structured in such a way that the student gets acquainted with a wide range of important disciplines, gains practical skills, and learns research and organizational work. As a result, he is able to solve various professional problems. First of all, this is expressed in the provision of specific medical care to the patient. In his work, the young doctor is guided by the latest achievements of science and chooses humane means and techniques. Of course, he cannot do without the ability to correctly diagnose. A specialist can also engage in expert work. He has the right to apply for managerial positions, supervising junior and middle staff.

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