Which toothpaste is best for brushing teeth with braces?

Toothpaste is an important element of comprehensive hygiene. It allows you not only to clean your teeth and braces from plaque, but is also an excellent means of preventing many dental diseases - after all, in the presence of braces, the risk of developing caries, gum inflammation, darkening and pigmentation of tooth enamel significantly increases.

Is it necessary to carry out hygienic cleaning before installing braces?

If there is evidence for this, then it is necessary, since braces must be installed on clean enamel. It is important that there is no accumulation of plaque underneath them, otherwise caries may develop under the braces. In addition, if there is a lot of plaque, it will be difficult to remove it with braces - it is better to do this before the system is fixed.

However, if you have recently had dental hygiene, it is better to postpone the procedure a little and go through it 2-3 months after installing the braces system - it will be much more effective.

Active components

All toothpastes are divided into two main types: therapeutic and preventive. They differ in the presence of active substances or components. Let's consider which pastes are suitable for use in the presence of installed braces.

  • with fluoride: effective protection of teeth from caries, strengthening and saturation of enamel,
  • with calcium: restores and strengthens tooth enamel, fights caries,
  • with low content of abrasive particles and potassium: reduces tooth sensitivity,
  • with herbal ingredients: reduce inflammation and bleeding of gums,
  • with a large number of abrasive particles: whitening pastes that allow you to remove pigmented plaque from the enamel.

There are orthodontic pastes that are specially designed to protect teeth while wearing braces. They simultaneously cope with many problems: reduce the sensitivity of enamel, strengthen it, stimulate the restoration and healing of soft tissues, and freshen breath.

What products are needed to care for teeth with braces?

Caring for teeth with braces

Various toothbrushesBraces are placed in stages: first on the upper jaw, after a few weeks or even months - on the lower jaw.
Therefore, you can brush your teeth without braces as usual. But for those teeth that have braces attached, it is better to purchase a brush with a V-shaped groove specifically designed for braces. Additionally, thin mono-tuft brushes will be useful, which will allow you to reach narrow and hard-to-reach places and better clean the braces themselves. Try different options - this way you can choose the best and most convenient one for yourself, and your attending physician will evaluate how well you perform hygiene with the chosen products.
Toothpaste After installing braces, teeth often break, the enamel becomes thinner, and the teeth react sharply to external influences. Therefore, a toothpaste for sensitive teeth must be in your arsenal. After the condition of the enamel is normalized, it can be changed to whitening or anti-plaque. Do not forget to change the paste every 3-4 months or even more often, selecting it in accordance with the problems that you have.
Interdental brushes and/or dental floss Use after every meal, carefully cleaning the interdental spaces. Also use brushes under the arch and along the top of the plates - these are places where pieces of food often remain.

Choose the product of the desired thickness - start with the thinnest ones and choose the option that is right for you, taking into account the size of the spaces between the teeth. It is better if the kit includes brushes of different sizes - for different intervals.

Irrigator It is not only possible to use it, but also absolutely necessary to clean the interdental spaces.
Mouthwash Choose any one that suits you - you can leave the one you used before installing braces.
Protective wax Buy it on the first day, since braces (their protruding edges and arch) can rub the inside of the cheeks, especially in the first days.
Travel set At first glance, this may seem like a waste of money, but this is a great option for those who travel often or lead an active lifestyle - throw this set in your purse and carry out hygiene after any snack. You can form it yourself by packing all the necessary products in a small cosmetic bag.

Cost of toothpaste for braces

You can purchase the product at any store or pharmacy. Below we will give some examples of the most popular and effective dental care products that have high ratings.

Parodontax against gum diseasefrom 140 rubles
Splat medicinal herbs against gum inflammationfrom 120 rubles
Lacalut Sensitive for sensitive teethfrom 220 rubles
Lacalut Aktiv to treat gum inflammation and protect teeth from cariesfrom 140 rubles
PresiDENT Classic for caries preventionfrom 130 rubles
Colgate Elmex for caries preventionfrom 230 rubles
Orthodontic toothpaste Pierrot Natural Freshnessfrom 300 rubles
Gel for strengthening teeth ROCSfrom 400 rubles
Gel for strengthening teeth ROCS for children and adolescentsfrom 400 rubles

Can I use an electric toothbrush?

Ultrasonic is not possible, conventional electric is possible. The first can lead to the plates coming off, the second should not have a moving head and strong vibration - this will not harm the braces, but it will be inconvenient for you to use such a brush, since the bristles will get stuck. You can use several toothbrushes at once - a regular one to clean the inner surface of the teeth, and an orthodontic one to clean the outer surface where the braces are located.

“The braces are fixed quite securely - you need to try hard to peel them off the surface of the teeth. Therefore, hygiene must be carried out without fear and in no case reducing its intensity, making allowances for braces. If the care is poor, after removing the system we will find caries and white spots on the enamel.”

Rustamova Gunel Bakhmanovna, dentist-orthodontist, work experience more than 4 years make an appointment

Systems and whitening preparations

Experts strongly recommend excluding lightening pastes during treatment.

This is explained by the fact that after removing the structure, the areas of enamel to which its elements were attached will stand out significantly.

Such a defect cannot always be corrected even in the dental chair.

Causes of dental crowding and ways to eliminate pathology.

In this publication we will talk about the procedure for performing orthognathic surgery.

At this address https://orto-info.ru/ortodonticheskoe-lechenie/osnovnoy-period/kak-snimayut-breketyi.html we offer to learn how braces are removed.

What diet should you follow?

There are three main rules that must be followed after installing braces:

  1. avoidance of excessively hard and “sticky” foods – nuts, seeds, toffees, chewing gums,
  2. hard fruits and vegetables, meat must be cut into small pieces, chewing with side teeth,
  3. food and drinks should be warm, but not hot - this can lead to the records coming off.

Your diet should remain unchanged, with the exception of the three points listed. Do not overuse liquid and soft foods - your teeth must receive stress for normal functioning. You can minimize the consumption of viscous foods (chocolate, waffles, chips) - but not because they are prohibited, but because they accumulate on braces and under the archwire. They will simply be very difficult to remove.

How to eat immediately after getting braces

In the first 1-2 weeks after installing braces (as well as after their activation), especially with a significant defect and the choice of ligature structures (they put more pressure on the teeth than self-ligating ones), you will experience pain. The degree of intensity is completely different and depends on many factors, including your sensitivity. Therefore, if at first you find it painful and unpleasant to eat your usual food, change it to a more liquid one - give preference to soups, dairy products, yoghurts, or puree the main dishes. This will reduce the load on the teeth and reduce painful manifestations.

Is periodic replacement required?

Unfortunately, our body tends to get used to the constantly used composition. As a result, the degree of exposure to paste components is significantly reduced. Therefore, the orthodontic hygiene product should be changed periodically.

For example, you can use a calcium-rich formula for several months to strengthen your enamel. Then replace the product with a fluoride toothpaste to prevent tooth decay. Next, you can pay attention to anti-inflammatory compounds.

Before purchasing a paste, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will assess the condition of the oral cavity and recommend which composition is best to start with.

Rules for daily hygiene care

If you have braces, you should make it a rule to take care of your teeth every day - morning, evening and after every snack. This will help maintain healthy teeth and a snow-white shade of enamel after removing braces.

  • Brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste in the morning and evening. If you have a special brush, it is necessary to carry out horizontal movements along the arch of the braces (there is a recess inside the bristles for the arch). Use a regular brush without strong pressure, using both horizontal and vertical movements. Move the head actively, clean each record separately,
  • After the main cleaning, use a single-tuft brush or brushes to clean every gap between the brackets/archwires, the surface of the teeth, as well as the plates themselves, top and bottom. Pay special attention to the brackets that are located on the farthest teeth - it is on them that the largest amount of plaque accumulates, since it is with these elements that we chew food,
  • Rinse your mouth with water and mouthwash for 1-2 minutes.

Cleaning can also be supplemented with an irrigator (can also be directed at the plates - the pressure should be reduced only in the presence of ceramic and sapphire systems) and dental floss.

Rules of application

To effectively combat bacterial plaque, a special paste composition alone is not enough. You still need to master the cleaning technique.

There are no special rules for using orthodontic paste. The product, as when cleaning enamel with the usual composition, is squeezed onto the brush in an identical amount. The technique of brush movements and the duration of the procedure play a big role.

It is necessary to pay attention to each tooth to which the structure is adjacent, and especially to the area of ​​​​contact between braces and enamel. For this purpose, modern dentistry suggests using brushes, monotuft brushes, and irrigators.

The duration of the procedure should not be less than 5 minutes, otherwise the beneficial components of the composition will not have time to fully manifest themselves.

Why do my teeth hurt after installing and activating braces?

In the first days after installation, and subsequently after activation of braces, aching sensations of varying degrees of intensity are possible - the stronger the defect, the greater the pain. When fixing ligature systems, the pressure is greater, so the teeth will hurt more. Soreness in general is a completely normal reaction, since braces from the first minutes after fixation already have an impact on the teeth and change their position.

If the pain is severe, then in the first days after installation or activation of the system, you can take painkillers. But no more than 2-3 days. If discomfort persists, contact your orthodontist for system correction.

Differences from regular paste

Regular paste is intended for daily cleansing. It contains a minimum amount of abrasive elements, fluorides and other substances. The product for cleaning teeth and braces is better and has the following properties:

  • deep cleansing, which allows you to eliminate plaque even in hard-to-reach places near braces;
  • prevention of caries development;
  • destruction of bacteria and fungi.

Additional Information! With daily use of the cleaning component, the patient prevents diseases that may develop while wearing braces.

What to do if your braces chafe?

For inflammation of the mucous membranes, you can use special gels and ointments that have an antiseptic and soothing effect - for example, Metrogyl Denta, Vinilin.

To prevent inflammation, it is also recommended to use orthodontic wax. The purpose of its use is to isolate and protect soft mucous membranes from solid elements of the system. Apply to sharp protruding parts and replace as they fall off. It is recommended to remove the wax while eating.

Silicone strips for braces, like wax, are used to protect soft mucous membranes. Silicone is presented in the form of strips that can be used to cover one bracket or the entire row. Unlike wax, it does not crumble and is used repeatedly.


When purchasing orthodontic paste, you don’t have to follow the lead of cunning marketers who attract customers with bright advertising and beautiful packaging. First of all, you should be interested in the content of the funds.

Experts recommend using cleansers that contain fluoride and calcium. These elements are necessary when correcting defects with braces, as they help strengthen the enamel and fight bacteria.

Please note! At the beginning of orthodontic treatment, the fluoride and calcium content should be minimal so that the strength of contact between the system and the enamel is not impaired.

In addition, the presence of other elements is required, which will be discussed in more detail below.

What to do if the bracket comes off?

This happens quite rarely. And, as a rule, with budget models that are initially poorly fixed, or after some time after using the system. In such a situation, you need to make an appointment with the orthodontist as quickly as possible, or even come without an appointment during his working hours: gluing the plate will only take a few minutes. Metal braces can be re-glued at least 2-3 times. Ceramic or sapphire - also 1-2 times, but you need to look at their general condition.

It is unlikely that the bracket will be swallowed, since even if it comes off the surface, it will still be fixed to the arch with the help of ligatures or locking fastenings. If the plate does fall off, do not throw it away, but be sure to take it with you to your doctor’s appointment.

How to choose the right pasta

If a person has braces installed, he visits the dentist to correct the system. During the treatment period, it is recommended to consult about the choice of paste. The doctor will examine the teeth, gums, and other soft tissues, prescribing the best product.

When wearing braces, choose products with enzymes that improve cleaning ability. Since a person cannot reach everywhere, enzymes will independently dissolve pieces of food and remove plaque.

How often should I visit a doctor after getting braces?

If you have ligature systems, you need to visit your doctor monthly. Self-ligating ones also require regular correction, but the frequency is slightly less - every 1.5-2 months. In addition, every 2-3 months you will need professional oral hygiene. And it is better to have it done in the same clinic where you got your braces - your attending physician will carefully remove the arch, you will undergo the procedure, after which he will return the arch to its place. This way the system will not be damaged, and you will get teeth that will be thoroughly cleaned of plaque.

Paste composition

The composition may include the following chemical components:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate - foams the substance so that it reaches distant areas, but can cause an allergic reaction;
  • parabens, propylene glycol - preservatives designed to increase shelf life, but in high concentrations lead to cancer and toxic damage to cells;
  • triclosan is an antibiotic that destroys bacteria and fungi;
  • fluorine is a substance that enhances the strength of enamel and deeply cleanses the surface;
  • abrasive components – eliminate plaque, prevent the development of stones, which can damage the enamel;
  • glycerin – moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • polyphosphate - makes the structure of the product thick, has toxicity to the gastrointestinal tract.


Many of these substances negatively affect the body in high concentrations. But without their addition, the product has less cleaning power.

Natural ingredients:

  • plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, sage, mint, oak bark) - relieve inflammation, destroy bacteria and fungi, moisturize, saturate tissues with vitamins and minerals;
  • clay – eliminates plaque, cleanses without destroying enamel;
  • sea ​​salt – saturates tissues with microelements;
  • vitamins – enhance metabolism, increasing the regenerative ability of cells;
  • ginger, cloves – destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • lemon – gently whitens without destroying enamel;
  • silicon, calcium and other minerals – increasing the strength of enamel, preventing caries.

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Depending on the condition of the patient’s teeth, the doctor prescribes a product with a certain composition. If he is predisposed to caries, use a paste with minerals, fluorides, and abrasive elements. If there is periodontitis caused by wearing braces, a product containing substances that relieve inflammation is applied.

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