What is an ionic toothbrush? Operating principle and instructions for use

In order to maintain health for many years you need to take proper care of your body. One of the most important elements this concern - oral care.
A properly selected toothbrush will ensure regular, high-quality hygiene of teeth and gums.

There are many brushes on the market at the moment, but ionic models occupy a special place .

This article will tell you about the advantages, operating principle and opinions of those people who have already used this innovative thing.

What is an ionic toothbrush?

Reference! Japanese scientists developed an ionic toothbrush. This model is a type of electric, but with a different principle of operation.

It also runs on a regular battery , but is fundamentally different from most analogues. It does not function through mechanical action, but changes the polarity of the dentition.

This unique development is capable of caring for teeth much more effectively than its competitors.

Using an ionic brush will provide you with not only teeth cleaning, but also their gradual treatment.

What is it for?

The oral cavity is a place where a huge number of pathogens of various types accumulate. The infection can cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Infectious diseases of internal organs often originate from here.

It is not always possible to clean your teeth perfectly, especially if the device is chosen incorrectly. The ionic type of accessory is similar to a standard electric dental cleaning device, which is powered by a battery. But the principle of operation differs from classical analogues. An ionic toothbrush is needed primarily to:

  • Effectively clean enamel from plaque;
  • Reduce bleeding gums;
  • Eliminate unpleasant odor without the help of toothpastes;
  • Destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Many may think that these are the main tasks for any toothbrush, but the ionic model allows you to combine not only mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth. It also has a beneficial effect on soft tissues with the help of a special magnetic field that can reduce and gradually eliminate gum inflammation, improve the condition of capillaries in the mouth and eliminate pathogens.

Operating principle

You need to delve into the theory to understand how this unusual invention functions.

The operating principle of an ionic toothbrush is based on the properties of charged particles .

Note! The main operating element is a metal rod made of a special alloy, coated with titanium dioxide.

After applying energy, it produces ions with a negative charge.

Further, along the bristles of the brush, the particles enter the saliva, and from it are distributed over the surface of the teeth.

Plaque has a positive charge, so it begins to be repelled from the enamel and attaches itself to the negatively charged villi of the device.

Thus, with the help of ionic action, the most effective removal of soft and hard dental plaque is ensured, even from hard-to-reach places without physical impact.

The device does everything independently, and most importantly, efficiently.

How the device works

Scientists have found that the surface of the enamel of our teeth has a negative charge, while pathogenic microorganisms have a positive charge. According to the laws of electrodynamics, differently charged particles attract each other. In an ionic brush, the bristles acquire a negative charge. At the moment of its contact with the enamel, a weak electric current appears, but quite significant for microbes. In the area of ​​contact, the charge changes - it becomes positive. As a result, bacterial plaque is literally magnetized to the bristles.


For your information! In addition to the fact that when using such a product, the risk of developing caries is reduced (up to 50%), it also has a number of advantages over conventional devices:

  • normalizes the acidity level of the oral cavity;
  • improves the condition of the gums ( eliminates bleeding);
  • removes bad breath resulting from the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • enhances the effect of paste on enamel;
  • Gently cleanses the oral mucosa without injuring it;
  • can be used in any conditions, even in the absence of water ;
  • thoroughly removes stains from tea, coffee and cigarettes;
  • saves toothpaste;
  • gradually whitens teeth until they acquire a natural shade ;
  • has a disinfecting effect on orthodontic structures - crowns, bridges;
  • has the ability to carry out electrophoresis and galvanization procedures.

What is good about an ultrasonic brush?

Ultrasonic brushes have a number of advantages:

  • They destroy bacterial chains, preventing the formation of plaque.
  • Copes with both soft and pigmented plaque.
  • Ultrasound penetrates into hard-to-reach places, so an ultrasonic toothbrush can clean interdental spaces and other difficult areas well.
  • Promotes better penetration of the medicinal components of toothpaste deep into the tooth.
  • It works absolutely silently.


Keep in mind! There are fewer disadvantages to an ionic toothbrush compared to the long list of advantages.

Weaknesses of the model:

  • the battery , which is the power source, cannot be replaced ;
  • you need to change the attachments every 2-3 months for hygiene purposes, and this is an additional expense. There are also designs that do not allow replacement; you will have to buy a new brush;
  • some models require constantly holding your finger on the power button , which is not always convenient for the user.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Regular use of such a brush helps to normalize the acid-base balance in the oral cavity, eliminate unpleasant odors, and provide complete antibacterial treatment. In addition, the flow of electrons accelerates the dissociation into ions of the medicinal components that make up the toothpaste - calcium and fluorine compounds. In other words, ionization helps to better absorb minerals and trace elements beneficial for teeth1.

How it helps freshen your breath

Conventional manual, electric and sonic – all these brushes mechanically remove plaque from the enamel surface. But a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms remain in “free movement” in the oral cavity, including in the salivary fluid. It is they that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor, unless, of course, the cause is pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. The device has a bactericidal effect not only on enamel, but also on saliva, as well as the surface of the oral mucosa. It provides better cleansing and effectively fights foreign odors, freshening your breath for a long time.

This brush helps get rid of unpleasant odors.

What is good for gums

Problematic gums, prone to inflammation and bleeding, significantly complicate hygiene. For such cases, standard bristles are not suitable. You have to switch to a soft one, but it doesn’t clean the surface of the teeth from bacteria well enough. As a result, the plaque hardens and turns into tartar, and only a dentist can remove it. An ionic brush solves two problems at once - it effectively removes plaque and bacteria, but does not injure the oral mucosa. In addition, ionization helps improve the condition of soft tissues and strengthen them. This is an excellent prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Using a brush prevents periodontitis and gum inflammation

As for the shortcomings, there are very few of them. Firstly, it is quite expensive. Secondly, when using some devices, you need to constantly hold the button - during the entire cleaning procedure. This may cause some inconvenience. Thirdly, some devices do not provide the ability to change the nozzle, and in this case, after a while you will have to buy a new one.

How to choose?

Stay up to date! The main things you need to pay attention to when choosing such a device:

  • It is worth giving preference to models that run on a battery with a solar panel or removable batteries ;
  • It is better to start using brushes from South Korean and Japanese manufacturers ;
  • choose a device with replaceable attachments in order to use it on a long-term basis;
  • you need to buy the product only in trusted licensed stores;
  • find a model in which you do not need to hold a wet finger on a special indicator.


You should never buy the first thing you come across - everything has its own subtleties, without knowing which you will not be able to make the right choice and may not get even half of the promised effect.

When choosing an ionic brush, you need to consider the following parameters:

  1. Power supply
    . A brush that can't be opened and runs on a battery won't last long. You'll have to throw it out and replace it. Therefore, it is better to purchase a model with the ability to replace batteries, or an expensive but convenient one that is charged from solar energy - such a brush will last much longer.
  2. Nozzle
    . The bristles of a brush tend to wear out over time, even if it is exposed to current rather than friction. Therefore, you need to buy a brush with the ability to change attachments, and it is desirable that they can be purchased separately. This will significantly increase its service life.
  3. Ionization
    . The stronger the flow of ions, the better the tooth enamel is cleaned. Therefore, you should not buy a weak model when you can buy a strong one. At the same time, it is better if it is produced in Japan or South Korea - Russian and Chinese versions often arrive with defects, or are simply not ionized strongly enough.
  4. Convenience
    . You need to make sure that the brush fits comfortably in your hand, and to use it you do not need to hold a wet finger on the handle (this is extremely inconvenient, because your finger will have to be constantly wetted, and it can easily slip off).
  5. Salesman
    . Buying a brush from a small store from an unknown supplier is a bad idea. There is a high probability of getting a fake or simply a low-quality product. It is better to first read reviews on the Internet about the place where you are going to make a purchase, and even better, order a brush directly from the manufacturer, via the Internet.

How to use?

The use of this device is simple and easy to understand even for children . That is why ion devices are recommended even for children, and they successfully cope with them.

The product can be used with or without paste , but dentists strongly recommend using it.

You should know! It is recommended to do the following:

  • carry out the tongue cleaning procedure , gradually moving from its root to its tip;
  • after this, you need to clean the mucous membrane of the gums and palate from plaque ;
  • then you need to rinse the device under running water , apply a small amount of paste on it and begin cleaning the teeth themselves ;
  • clean as you would with a regular manual product, however, the intensity and duration can be reduced;
  • At least once a month it is necessary to remove the nozzle and thoroughly clean the metal core.

What are the contraindications?

It is worth noting! The use of the device is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • those people who currently have some kind of ulcers, inflammation or putrefactive processes formed on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. In this case, you first need to be cured, and then use a device with ionic exposure;
  • smokers. The soft tissues in a person's mouth become covered with plaque and waste from smoke. The ionic device may begin to attract plaque not only from the teeth, but also from the inner surface of the cheeks or gums, thereby aggravating existing problems and causing discomfort;
  • people suffering from chronic dry mouth . The ionization process in this case can have a negative effect and lead to metabolic disorders;
  • in the presence of neoplasms in the oral cavity.

Even if you have no obvious contraindications, you still need to consult with your dentist, he will give an accurate answer.

Who shouldn't use it?

  1. People with chronic dry mouth
    . With such a disease, ionization can aggravate the disease and damage the oral mucosa.
  2. People with diseases of the mucous membrane
    . For example: with tumors, candidiasis, leukoplakia, dyskeratosis - use can lead to their aggravation.

Let's talk in detail about Mexidol toothpaste and look at its varieties.

In this article, read about Forest Balm mouthwash.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/president-vidyi-opisanie-i-otzyivyi.html - the advantages of President toothpaste are considered.

Five best models

Know! Due to the variety of ionic toothbrushes on the market today, it is sometimes very difficult to make a choice in favor of the most effective and high-quality device.

Below are five of the most popular brushes of this type of device .

Kiss you

This ultra-thin ionic device model with medium-hard bristles , made in Japan.

Its characteristics:

  • the ability to change attachments , which can be included in the kit;
  • while brushing your teeth, you need to hold your finger dipped in water on a special plate;
  • thanks to the bristles of different shapes, you can clean even hard-to-reach places from germs ;
  • There are special models for children and adults ;
  • Available in three color variations - the body can be white, blue or pink;
  • There are copies for people with increased gum sensitivity and oral diseases;
  • has a low cost .

Note! The average cost is 600-700 rubles.


The device from Japanese manufacturers is presented in various models, each of which has its own characteristics.
The main difference between Hapica is the presence of a replaceable AA battery.

Almost all Hapica ionic toothbrushes are electric.

At the same time, in 60 seconds the device makes up to 7000 vibrations, which ensures the deepest and most effective cleaning.


  • the fibers are soft and made from natural materials ;
  • fine bristles effectively clean plaque and remove food debris in all areas of the oral cavity ;
  • Thanks to the delicate effect on tissue, the mucous membrane and teeth are not damaged.

Keep in mind! The average cost is 1000-1500 rubles.

Splat with replaceable nozzle

This ionic toothbrush is the result of the work of domestic manufacturers.

The device
is equipped with a lithium battery that cannot be replaced.
As with all devices, it remains operational for 1.5-2 years with daily use.


  • the body can be made in blue or pink;
  • there are two removable attachments - with soft and medium bristles and different lengths;
  • To activate the device, you must hold your wet finger on the metal sensor plate.
  • intended for adults and children ;
  • has a whitening and antibacterial effect;
  • effectively removes tartar and bleeding gums;
  • a budget option.

Stay up to date! The cost of this product model averages 700-800 rubles.


The Soladey professional toothbrush was developed in Japan. It is equipped with a solar battery , which significantly extends its service life.

Detailed Specifications:

  • metal handle, no need to hold your finger in one position to activate the device;
  • the metallic plastic case has an insert in one of five shades (red, blue, green, yellow, black);
  • The kit includes one removable nozzle ;
  • The device is suitable for adults and children of all ages ;
  • can be used for a long period.

Cost - 1500-2000 rubles.

Ion Hosoy

Important! The ions of the device have a beneficial effect on biologically active points located in the mouth.

They also help eliminate bleeding gums and prevent gingivitis without leaving home.

The battery life of the device is designed for 1.5 or 2 years.

But this model has a significant drawback - it is impossible to purchase a replacement nozzle for it.

It will be expensive to buy a new product all the time.

Cost - from 700 rubles.

Therapeutic effect

Since the effect is largely due to three components - mechanical, magnetic and electrical influence - this device can significantly affect the condition of not only the enamel, but also the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is already reflected in research data from leading dentists in the world that:

  • The effectiveness of cleaning teeth from plaque is increased by almost 50%.
  • Tissue sensitivity is reduced by more than 60%;
  • Bleeding of the soft tissues of the mouth and gums was also reduced by more than 50%.

If we talk about brushing teeth with an ionic brush, then we can say that a person essentially carries out local physical therapy every day. Acupuncture therapy takes place thanks to the smallest bristles of the accessory. At the same time, the impact on biologically active points can have a positive effect not only on the health of the oral cavity, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Electrophoresis is done by exposing oral tissue to ions. In this way, tartar is destroyed and more effectively separated from the surface. This does not damage the enamel. Further cleaning allows saliva to ionize and prevent the build-up of new tartar. Metabolic processes are improved in the oral cavity.

And as a result, under the influence of a current with a reduced density, galvanization is carried out, which reduces the sensitivity of the teeth. The inflammatory process in the oral cavity is reduced, and its main symptoms are gradually relieved: swelling, bleeding and tissue pain.


Below are some reviews from customers and dentists. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

Ekaterina, 40 years old, Kursk.

I have always suffered from the problem of increased tooth sensitivity and could not find the ideal brush for myself that I would be comfortable working with.

In 2022, I bought a Kiss You ionic toothbrush and the result amazed me: my teeth whitened, plaque and tartar disappeared, and incredible freshness appeared in my mouth.

Plus, this brush has a very convenient shape. I recommend trying this device, you won't regret it.

Konstantin, 25 years old, St. Petersburg.

I heard about this brush from my doctor, he advised me to use it because I have very painful gums.

I bought the Splat model, but didn't have high hopes. I tried using a brush and after the first brushing I was very pleased: my teeth practically creaked from the cleanliness.

And now my gums don’t bleed at all. I recommend the Splat ionic toothbrush to everyone.

Yuri, 41 years old, Moscow.

I heard about these brushes back in 2016. Before recommending them to my patients, I tested them on myself. The effect is amazing - the brush cleans your teeth just fine.

Ionic technology really works, teeth shine after a hygienic procedure and plaque accumulates less intensely throughout the day.

Now I advise each of my clients to use these particular models for whom conventional brushes do not bring the desired result.

Anastasia, 37 years old, Samara

As a doctor, I can say one thing - it is necessary and possible to use brushes with ions, but with toothpaste.

Toothpaste helps enhance the effect of brushing and is a very important and useful element; you should not brush your teeth without it, even with such an advanced brush.

I also use this device every day and chose Hapica. I said goodbye to tartar and plaque.

Plus, I always feel confident that the ionic brush provides fresh breath all day long. I confidently recommend her to my patients and to you.

Products from different manufacturers

On store windows and pharmacy kiosks you can find several types of ionic brushes, which are produced by various manufacturers.


The Soladay model operates on replaceable batteries, so its service life can reach several years.

A definite plus is the presence of a metal handle. This allows you to comfortably use the brush while brushing your teeth. You just need to slightly moisten your hand, and not hold your finger on a specific latch.

The device comes with three replaceable attachments, which allows several family members to use the device or change them when they become unusable, without the need to purchase a new component.

The only drawback of the Soladay model is its high price. The cost is 2,000–3,000 rubles.


The Splat model belongs to the category of budget inventions, which in a certain way affects the ease of use. To bring the product into working condition, you must constantly hold your finger on a certain button.

This creates discomfort during the hygiene procedure and makes it difficult to clean distant teeth and elements of orthodontic structures.

The device is powered by non-removable batteries, which means you need to purchase a new model after their service life expires.

In addition, the kit comes with only one replacement nozzle, which means that after three months you will have to get a new nozzle.

The disadvantages of the model are compensated by its cost. The average price is 600-700 rubles.

To learn how to choose and brush your teeth correctly with the Splat ionic brush, watch the video.

Kiss You

The assortment of models from the Japanese company Kiss You includes devices with various options for the arrangement of bristles on a removable head.

Nozzles can be equipped with bristles of various lengths, degrees of hardness, thickness or arrangement. This allows you to choose the model that is most suitable in each specific case.

In addition, the manufacturer offers a series of products for children, adolescents and adults, taking into account the structure of the dentition.

The disadvantages of the product include two points - non-removable batteries, which reduce the service life to 1.5-2 years, and the need to hold the power button with a wet finger, which creates certain inconvenience.

The cost of the device fluctuates around 600-700 rubles.

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