Features of sandblasting teeth cleaning. Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Everyone dreams of a beautiful and snow-white smile. But with age, unfortunately, one has to forget about the beauty of teeth.
Poor nutrition, smoking, excess coffee or tea stain our teeth an unpleasant yellowish color.

The listed factors also contribute to the development of tartar on the surface of the teeth, which does not make the smile attractive and the teeth healthy.

With the development of medicine, such problems are far behind us..

For your information! Sandblasting teeth cleaning is one of the procedures that will help cope with difficulties of this kind.

What is sandblasting teeth cleaning?

Professional cleaning is a comprehensive preventive measure.

It helps prevent the development of various dental diseases, improve the health of gums, dental tissue and oral cavity .
Sandblasting is one of the mandatory stages of professional tooth enamel whitening.
The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate dense pigmented and mineralized plaque on teeth and tartar.

This cannot be done at home with just a toothbrush.

Pros of cleaning

You should know! As a result of this procedure, the tooth surface becomes smooth, smooth, shiny and, importantly, becomes several shades lighter.

In addition to the purely aesthetic side of the matter, this type of cleaning also solves dental problems.

Regular scaling prevents the development of dental caries and related complications that can lead to tooth loss.

You should not eat or drink for the first hour after cleansing.
For 48 hours after the procedure, the patient must adhere to a “white” diet.
You should not consume foods and drinks that have a coloring effect.

Among them are beets, carrots, cherries, blueberries, mulberries, coffee, tea, Coca-Cola, wine and other drinks with dyes. You should not smoke for two days!

Modern methods of caries treatment without drilling

Unfortunately, all treatment methods without a drill are aimed mainly at combating the superficial form of caries. Their task is to stop the carious process that has begun, and in some cases, to prevent it. Before the advent of such techniques, caries treatment was carried out only when the disease began to progress, and in the early stages it was simply not paid attention to. However, this is not the only plus. The main advantages of using these technologies are the absence of a drilling machine, as well as the ability to remove the affected tooth tissue without affecting its healthy part. So, the treatment of carious lesions without drilling is based on different principles of influence. Some of the most common techniques in the newest dental industry include infiltration, ozone therapy, air abrasion and laser dental treatment.

Execution Sequence

The total duration of the procedure is about half an hour - an hour , it all depends on the condition of the oral cavity.

Stay up to date! It is not complicated, but requires special equipment and qualified medical personnel.

Sandblasting is carried out in several stages:

  1. Consultation with a doctor . During the procedure, the dentist will determine which method will be used to remove tartar. This will become possible only after examining the patient’s oral cavity. The choice of cleaning method will depend on the condition of the tooth surface and the degree of its neglect.
  2. Removal of subgingival and supragingival tartar using ultrasonic, manual, mechanical or combined methods.
  3. Direct sandblasting teeth cleaning . It is performed using a special device that delivers a stream of water under high pressure to the surface, which contains cleaning agents (a powder mixture of synthetic soda bicarbonate). After such manipulation, the tooth surface becomes uneven and has a porous structure. To avoid even more contamination of your teeth in the future, you need to take a number of actions.
  4. Polishing the surface of tooth enamel with special brushes and pastes that give them ideal smoothness and shine.
  5. Applying an antiseptic bandage to the gums and fluoride varnish to the treated tooth surface. This is to reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel.

Many patients are concerned about the pain that may occur during such cleansing.

You should immediately reassure impressionable people: the procedure is absolutely painless .

Sometimes some patients talk about unpleasant sensations, but this is purely individual: everyone has their own pain threshold.

Advantages and disadvantages of sandblasting

Sandblasting cleaning of dental surfaces has a number of advantages :

  • Excellent appearance of tooth enamel : they become significantly lighter, acquire smoothness and shine.
  • The procedure is a good preventive measure for the development of caries, gum inflammation, and periodontal disease.
  • The enamel remains intact after the procedure .
  • Absence of pronounced pain.
  • Relative duration of preservation of the obtained result .
  • No complications in the future.
  • The pressure of water with a cleaning agent is able to clean even the most difficult to reach places in the oral cavity.
  • The procedure is not considered expensive.
  • Cleaning is considered completed in one session.

Remember! Like any procedure, sandblasting has certain disadvantages:

  • The need to keep your mouth open for 20 - 30 minutes .
  • Salty taste of the emulsion used for processing.
  • Preservation of enamel sensitivity for several days (2 – 3 days) after the procedure.
  • Following restrictions on food and habits for some time.
  • There may be irritation of the palate and tongue .
  • Sometimes patients experience bleeding gums.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons can you make the right decision about the need for sandblasting.

Reference! Modern dentistry offers an alternative method of drilling: instead of a drill, ultrasound, laser, and in some clinics, sandblasting are sometimes used.

What are the contraindications?

Like any medical procedure, sandblasting teeth has its contraindications.

It is not recommended for the following categories :

  • Children.
  • Patients with acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, asthma, stomach ulcers.
  • Allergy sufferers (in particular, to soda and some medications). It would be wiser to let the dentist know before the procedure if the patient is allergic to anything. Most likely, the procedure will not be contraindicated, but the doctor must be aware.
  • Persons with wounds in the oral cavity.
  • For those whose gums are inflamed.
  • Pregnant women with a threat of miscarriage.

Ozone treatment method for caries

Ozone therapy was developed in England. Unlike other modern methods of treating initial caries, the ozone method is aimed at suppressing tooth-destroying bacteria and subsequent remineralization of dental tissues. But it also allows you to avoid drilling, and therefore anesthesia. In some cases, it is possible to do without a filling! The essence of the method is this: a special device converts oxygen into ozone, which instantly neutralizes carious lesions and destroys harmful bacteria that provoke the destruction of dental tissue. Then the substance “comes out” of the tooth, again being converted into oxygen. Healthy cells remain unaffected, as they are more resistant to oxidation and can withstand the effects of ozone. The procedure lasts about 20 – 40 seconds.

Who can be recommended for caries treatment with ozone? Almost any patient with the initial stage of caries, because ozone cannot cause allergic reactions, as well as irritation of the oral cavity. But if a deep carious process is observed, then you will still have to resort to drilling. In addition, ozone treatment is recommended to everyone without exception as a preventive measure for caries in adults and children. Despite all the advantages of the method, the practice of introducing ozone therapy into dental clinics in Russia is small. The reason for this is the relatively high cost of equipment. To get an idea of ​​how ozone treatment occurs, see the figure below.


Below are some reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

Vladimir Perepechko, Krasnodar.

I don’t smoke, but for several years now I have been a real “coffee addict”, capable of drinking several cups in a row.

After drinking your favorite drink, a persistent yellow plaque has formed on your teeth that cannot be removed with a toothbrush.

A friend recommended sandblasting. I didn’t put off going to the clinic until later.

I expected to spend a long time in it, but it was all over in 40 minutes: conversation with the doctor, ultrasonic teeth cleaning, sandblasting procedure, grinding.

None of the above caused me any noticeable discomfort.

Vasilisa Gorbatko, Kazan.

I heard about sandblasting teeth cleaning and mentally compared it to brushing teeth with an emery tool.

But she still dared, because she really wanted to impress her colleagues. But the process turned out to be completely painless and short-lived.

The doctor only needed one attachment; I had a special tube in my mouth to remove saliva and fluid.

Finally, the dentist cleaned my teeth with a special paste and polished their surface. And now - the snow-white smile belongs to me!

Air flow technology - description of the procedure

An enamel cleansing session usually takes no more than half an hour. The top plaque formed under the influence of food and drinks, especially those containing coloring pigments, is removed. It should be noted right away that the technique does not refer to a method of artificially lightening enamel, which means that the procedure allows you to achieve natural whiteness of teeth. If your natural enamel shade is slightly yellowish or grayish, you should not count on a snow-white Hollywood smile. To make the natural color flawlessly white, you will have to undergo a professional lightening procedure or resort to the help of veneers.

Preparatory activities

First, you will have to undergo a standard oral examination by a dentist. The specialist will assess the extent of the problem and offer the best option for removing supra- and subgingival deposits. If you are prone to allergic reactions or suffer from intolerance to the components of the products used, be sure to inform your doctor. It is better for women not to use cosmetics before the session, as washing may be required after the procedure.

Before the procedure, you need to undergo an examination by a dentist

Description of the enamel cleansing session

The process of cleaning enamel using the Air Flow device involves several stages. Below is a brief step-by-step description of the procedure:

  • first, the doctor covers the patient’s lips with Vaseline so that they do not dry out,
  • after this, a saliva ejector is placed in the mouth, which helps to avoid excessive salivation during the procedure,
  • then a special hat and glasses are put on to protect the face and hair from small particles of abrasive powder for brushing teeth,
  • the doctor carefully treats each tooth, making sure that the jet does not fall on soft tissues and dentin in the presence of caries and erosions,
  • the treated enamel is coated with a special fluorine-containing composition, which ensures that the achieved effect is consolidated.

The photo shows the procedure for brushing teeth with the Air Flow system.
The dentist independently controls the force of the jet pressure, thus optimizing the intensity of its effect on soft and hard deposits. As a result, effective, but at the same time gentle removal of plaque and food debris occurs, which serves as the best prevention of caries.

Recovery stage

Immediately after the session, the teeth lose their thin surface film, so for some time the enamel may react sharply to mechanical stress and sudden temperature changes - a completely natural phenomenon that does not need to be alarmed. To preserve the achieved effect, experts recommend not smoking, drinking caffeine-containing drinks, black tea and colored soda for 2-3 hours. It is also worth at least temporarily limiting the consumption of fruits and berries that contain intense coloring pigments.

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