Why do you need Tooth Mousse remineralizing gel?


The immediate cause of caries is usually demineralization of the enamel. It can occur for various reasons - due to poor dental care, poor diet, acids entering the oral cavity along with food and medications, metabolic disorders in the body, etc.

The first sign of demineralization is the appearance of white spots on the enamel. At this stage the disease is easily reversible. If the pathological process is left unattended, it will inevitably develop into deep caries, then into pulpitis, and the matter may end in tooth loss.

Effective caries prevention involves a comprehensive approach that includes good oral hygiene, regular professional cleanings, a healthy diet and the use of remineralizing products such as Tooth Mousse.

Why are dental remineralizing agents needed?

When increased sensitivity of the enamel appears, teeth begin to react sharply to temperature, acid and mechanical factors. In such cases, a diagnosis of hyperesthesia is usually made. But this phenomenon is quite common, usually associated with demineralization of the enamel layer, that is, a lack of necessary microelements. The protective layer of teeth weakens and becomes too susceptible to external influences; over time, it may darken and begin to crumble.

The drug is used for tooth sensitivity

The reason may be hormonal changes during pregnancy, some kind of systemic disease, insufficient oral hygiene or aggressive influence, for example, this is often observed after professional whitening and bite correction with braces. Remineralizing agents are designed to replenish the mineral composition of the enamel, strengthen it and provide reliable protection against thinning and destruction. One such product is Tooth Mousse dental gel.

Composition and principle of action - advantages of the drug

"Tus Mus" is a water-based paste. It contains phosphates and calcium, which are fully absorbed by the enamel. The active components neutralize increased acidity in the oral cavity, that is, they normalize the acid-base balance and block the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in plaque, thereby protecting dental tissues from destruction1. Today, the market for hygiene products offers a wide variety of all kinds of pastes, gels and mousses with a remineralizing effect. But Tooth Mousse has a number of obvious advantages, and here are the main ones:

  • normalization of pH levels in the oral cavity,
  • the ability to choose a pleasant flavor shade,
  • no age restrictions - the drug is suitable for children, adults and the elderly,
  • availability for use during pregnancy and lactation,
  • pronounced remineralizing and strengthening properties,
  • absence of discomfort and unpleasant sensations during use,
  • absolute safety even in case of accidental ingestion of a small amount of the product,
  • ensuring comprehensive prevention of dental diseases,
  • prevention of caries and erosive damage to enamel,
  • the admissibility of the simultaneous use of fluorine-containing formulations due to the absence of fluorides in the composition.

The active ingredients neutralize increased acidity in the oral cavity.
It is important to understand that Tus Mus gel cannot be a complete replacement for toothpaste. Its use must be combined with standard daily brushing of teeth in the morning and evening.

Tooth Mousse gel release form

The drug is sold in 40 g tubes. The manufacturer also offers ready-made kits with various variations of the gel with different flavors. So, in one set there can be one or two tubes with each type of taste, or in one set there can be several packages of gel with one flavor. There are five varieties: fruit (T), melon (M), strawberry (S), mint (I) and vanilla (V). Each flavor is assigned its own letter of the Latin alphabet - you can see it on the packaging immediately after the batch number.

The product has five different flavors

Indications and contraindications

Tooth Mousse, a product for strengthening enamel, is indicated both for preventive purposes and as maintenance therapy in the treatment of various pathological conditions. Among the indications for its use, dental experts highlight the following cases:

  • hyperesthesia, including after professional whitening. As a preventive measure, the drug is recommended to be used not only after the procedure, but also before it,
  • after using topical fluoride-containing preparations,
  • as part of the treatment of dental diseases such as xerostomia, erosive lesions, fluorosis, hypoplasia,
  • after carrying out certain therapeutic measures, including after ultrasonic cleaning and gum curettage,
  • disorders associated with salivation, including dryness of the mucous membranes,
  • the appearance of abundant plaque and caries at the white spot stage,
  • presence of demineralized areas,
  • desire to restore the natural whiteness and shine of enamel,
  • after orthodontic and orthopedic treatment – ​​after removing braces or installing a removable prosthetic device,
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth,
  • for the prevention of caries and enamel destruction.

The drug may be needed after braces are removed.
Prevention with the use of such remineralizing compositions is especially important during periods when the teeth need additional replenishment with useful minerals and trace elements. These periods include pregnancy, menopause and adolescence.

“I once bought Tus Mus paste, my dental hygienist recommended it to me. This was after pregnancy, the enamel darkened a little and became sensitive. Then I noticed brownish spots on some of my teeth. I was prescribed ultrasonic cleaning and this product was recommended. I simply applied it with my finger, morning and evening. It was a pleasant surprise when my teeth actually became lighter and stopped reacting to hot tea. I didn’t expect much from this pasta, but it pleasantly pleased me.”

Marina, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

Milk proteins are used in the production of the product. Therefore, the drug is contraindicated if you are allergic to dairy products. It is also not recommended for use in cases of hypersensitivity to benzoate preservatives and pathological conditions when fluoridation is contraindicated - diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

The best products for remineralizing teeth –

All remineralization products can be divided into several groups:

  • gels and varnishes with a high concentration of fluoride,
  • sources of calcium and phosphates,
  • combined products, where sources of calcium and phosphates are combined with fluorides.

Preparations with high concentrations of fluoride can only be used by a dentist. The effectiveness of fluorides for the remineralization of teeth should not be underestimated, and their effectiveness lies not only in increasing the resistance of enamel to acids (due to fluoridation of enamel apatite crystals). Fluorides have a multifaceted effect, for example, they enhance the phase transformations of mineral substances, accelerating the remineralization of enamel with calcium and phosphate ions contained in saliva or as part of a dental preparation.

In addition, when teeth are treated with high concentrations of fluorides, a so-called “sacrificial layer” is formed on the tooth enamel, consisting of globules of calcium fluoride (24stoma.ru). Subsequently, under the influence of acid attacks, this layer slowly dissolves (with the release of active calcium and fluoride ions), which activates the process of enamel remineralization. Some authors do not classify “fluoridation of teeth” as true “remineralization,” but as we see, this is completely in vain. Using fluoride for remineralization is the best choice if you need to protect your teeth from tooth decay.

But on the other hand, if we are talking about the treatment of the initial form of caries (in the white spot stage), as well as the need to strengthen the initially low-mineralized enamel (baby or recently erupted permanent children’s teeth), then fluorides will not be the optimal choice. In this case, the needs of the enamel are primarily calcium and phosphates, and not fluorides. And in this case, for remineralization we will use sources of calcium and phosphates (for example, Tus mousse gel) for a course of 25-30 days. You can conduct such a course yourself at home, and it is not at all difficult. Details below.

Fluoride varnish “MI VARNISH” (Mi Varnish) –

The drug "MI Varnish" is produced by the company GC, and it is an excellent professional tool for remineralizing teeth, intended for use in a dental office. The drug contains 5% sodium fluoride and Recaldent® complex (this name stands for CPP-ACP, namely “amorphous calcium phosphate associated with casein phosphopeptides”). CPP-ACP is one of the most effective calcium and phosphate compounds designed to remineralize teeth.

Varnish “MI Varnish” –

Research shows that adding CPP-ACP to 5% sodium fluoride provides 4 times more fluorapatite incorporation into tooth enamel (compared to using varnish with only 5% sodium fluoride). The drug is recommended for remineralization of dental tissues for the prevention of caries and dental hypersensitivity. The drug can be applied only once (once every 3-6 months) - as a periodic prevention of dental caries. Or we can use a short course of 2-3 procedures (with an interval of several days) - when we need intensive remineralization, for example, with increased sensitivity of teeth or a decompensated form of the carious process.

Clinpro White Varnish –

Clinpro White Varnish is produced by the famous American Varnish, and it contains a combination of protected tricalcium phosphate and 5% sodium fluoride. Tricalcium phosphate is a source of active calcium ions and phosphates (as is CPP-ACP in the preparation above). Applying varnish leads to the formation of a thin layer on the teeth, from which calcium and fluoride ions, phosphates will penetrate into the tooth enamel within 24 hours, intensively remineralizing it.

Clinpro White Varnish Remineralizer –

The cost of treatment will be from 2600 rubles for both jaws. Depending on the condition of the teeth and the quality of oral hygiene, either a single procedure every 3-6 months may be recommended, or, if intensive remineralization is necessary, a course of 2-3 procedures with an interval of several days. This is a very good drug, but it must be said that if we compare different compounds (sources of calcium and phosphates) with each other, then in our opinion CPP-ACP will be slightly more preferable than tricalcium phosphate. That's why we put Clinpro White Varnish only in 2nd place.

Fluoride varnish “Colgate Duraphat” –

Colgate Duraphat Fluoride Varnish contains 5% sodium fluoride, which corresponds to 22,600 ppm of active fluoride ions. This is an excellent remedy specifically for the prevention of dental caries, if you carry out repeated procedures once every 3-6 months (the frequency depends only on the quality of your oral hygiene, and whether you consume carbohydrates between meals). The only limitation is that it will not be particularly effective in patients with dry mouth, because... To form a layer of calcium fluoride on the surface of the enamel, calcium ions contained in saliva are necessary. But for xerostomia, MI Varnish and Clinpro White Varnish, which already contain sources of calcium and phosphates, are quite suitable.

Colgate Duraphat Fluoride Varnish –

The cost of treating all teeth for a child is about 1,000 rubles, and for adults – about 2,000 rubles. Modern research shows that a single remineralization of teeth (once every 3-6 months) with varnishes and gels with 1% sodium fluoride can reduce the risk of developing caries by approximately 30%, and when using 5% sodium fluoride, this figure increases to 63%. . The varnish has excellent properties - it can be applied even to wet teeth, which sets it apart from most similar products that cannot be applied to wet teeth (this is especially important at a children's appointment).

In case of irregular oral hygiene, it is advisable to carry out the procedure every 3 months, and in case of regular hygiene – once every 6 months. This frequency of use will significantly reduce the risk of developing caries. If an intensive course of remineralization is necessary, 3-5 procedures are carried out within 1 week (usually this is the scheme that can be found in some textbooks on dentistry - when carrying out remineralization of white spots on the enamel, i.e. initial caries in the white spot stage).

Comparison of the effectiveness of fluoride varnishes and gels -

Preparations for remineralizing teeth containing high dosages of fluoride can be either in the form of varnishes or gels. Varnishes are much more effective because... By applying varnish, long-term contact of the enamel surface with the components of the drug is achieved (up to 24 hours). As for fluoride gels, they are introduced into the oral cavity in special spoons (drop trays), and the contact of the gel with tooth enamel will last only a few minutes. Therefore, we recommend that you carry out remineralizing therapy with preparations with a high fluoride content - only in the form of varnish.

Of the fluoride gels, the most effective are those that have an acidic pH of 3.0 to 4.0 (this is achieved by acidification with phosphoric acid). An acidic pH will allow the resulting calcium fluoride globules to adhere much more firmly to the enamel surface. Research shows that in this case, calcium fluoride is detectable (on the surfaces of teeth that are not subject to mechanical stress) – even several weeks after the application of the fluoride gel. Accordingly, a fluoride gel with an acidic pH will provide longer-lasting remineralization than a fluoride gel with a neutral pH.

An example of such an acidified gel is “Topex (Topical) APF gel”. Well, another advantage of fluoride gels is the lower cost of the procedure (compared to fluoride varnishes). In most clinics, the cost of fluoridation with gel using aligners averages from 800 to 1000 rubles for both jaws. This is ensured by both the lower price of consumables and significant time savings - the procedure for fluoridating teeth with gel takes only a few minutes. But we repeat once again that this option of fluoridation will not be effective in patients with reduced salivation.

Important: after fluoridation of teeth, the patient is prescribed toothpaste that has an increased remineralizing effect. For example, your dentist may recommend Clinpro Tooth Creme toothpaste, which contains a combination of tricalcium phosphate + 900 ppm sodium fluoride. Either “Biorepair PLUS Total Protection” or “APADENT Total Care”, which contain nano-hydroxyapatite (nanoparticles of an artificially synthesized analogue of natural tooth enamel). Or Colgate Duraphat 5000 ppm toothpaste, which contains a high dosage of sodium fluoride. Read more in the article at the link below.

→ Medicinal toothpastes

Disadvantages of remineralization with fluorides in the presence of foci of demineralization (white spots) –

All of the fluoride varnishes listed above with 5% sodium fluoride are excellent for strengthening enamel and protecting teeth from caries, but they will not be the optimal choice if there are foci of enamel demineralization (white spot caries). It should be noted that the main loss of calcium and phosphates occurs in areas of demineralization - not at all on the surface of the white spot, but in the subsurface layers of the enamel. Using a product with a high concentration of fluoride will lead to the formation of a white spot on the surface - a dense mineral “crust” with a high content of fluorapatite and fluorohydroxyapatite.

High fluoride content on the surface of the white spot –

Such a crust will impede the penetration of calcium and phosphate ions into the depths of the demineralization site. Therefore, although the initial use of high concentrations of fluorides may lead to a reduction in the size of demineralization foci, they will not allow you to get rid of them completely. Below you can see electron microscopy images of enamel, which clearly show the differences in the remineralization process, in cases where it is carried out only with sources of calcium and phosphates, and in the second case - with a preparation with a high fluoride content.

The photographs show that in the first case, a uniform decrease in the depth of the demineralization focus was achieved. In the second image, a reduction in the focus of demineralization has been achieved, but we see stripes (with a lighter color closer to the surface of the enamel), which indicates the formation of a highly mineralized layer of fluorapatite on the surface of the focus of demineralization. Therefore, if there are foci of demineralization, at the 1st stage it is necessary to use remineralizing preparations with sources of calcium and phosphates (preferably based on CPP-ACP), and only at the 2nd stage - to complete the remineralization course, coat the teeth with varnish with 5% sodium fluoride.

How to use the gel correctly - instructions

According to the instructions for use, the mousse should be applied daily, every time after meals. It is better to use it at least three times a day, always in the morning and before bed. Before using the product, you should brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste. As for how exactly to use gels, there are two options – let’s look at each in more detail.

Applications using a mouthguard

The first method involves the use of an individual mouth guard - its production can be ordered at a dental clinic. The scheme for using the product is as follows:

  • First you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. The mouth guard also needs to be rinsed under running water.
  • a small amount of mousse should be squeezed inside the mouth guard so that the composition fills all its insides,
  • after this, the mouthguard must be put on the dentition and left there for literally 2-3 minutes,
  • After this time, the lining can be removed, and the remaining gel on the gums can be distributed over the surface of the teeth. After this, you need to keep your mouth open for a few more minutes. Saliva should not be spit or swallowed,
  • At the end of the procedure, you can spit out the saliva, but you should not rinse your mouth. You will have to give up food and drink for half an hour.

The product can be applied to the mouth guard.
After removing the mouth guard, it should be thoroughly rinsed in water and dried. As mentioned above, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

Direct application method

The second method involves applying the gel without the help of outside agents. The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  • teeth should be brushed and lightly dried with a clean napkin,
  • Squeeze out a small ball of paste from the tube and spread it over the teeth with a clean, dry finger or cotton swab. To treat hard-to-reach places, you can use a brush,
  • Then you need to keep your mouth slightly open for about 2-3 minutes.

With this method, the drug is applied with clean, dry fingers.
As in the previous case, after the procedure it is enough to simply spit. But you should not eat, drink, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth for another half hour, otherwise this will negatively affect the therapeutic properties of the drug. At the same time, the children's version of using the product is absolutely identical to the instructions described above.

Question answer

  • At what age can Tooth Mousse be used? Tooth Mousse has no age restrictions; it can be used by both adults and children from the moment the first tooth erupts.
  • What is the difference between Tooth Mousse and MI Paste Plus? Tooth Mousse is a universal remedy and can be used from the first teeth. And MI Paste Plus contains fluoride. Its concentration is 0.2% (900 pmm), which approximately corresponds to the amount of fluoride in adult toothpaste. Therefore, it can only be used at home from 12 years of age. Which product to use for an adult - with or without fluoride - is decided individually by the dentist.
  • What are the contraindications for Tooth Mousse? The use of Tus Moussa has no age restrictions, however, the product has contraindications. Recaldent remineralizing complex (CPP-ACP) is produced from milk casein, so the drug should not be used in patients with a proven or suspected allergy to milk proteins or in patients with hypersensitivity or allergies to benzoate preservatives.
  • How to check the authenticity of products? Each box officially supplied to the Russian Federation has a sticker with a verification code under a protective layer - using this code you can check whether the product you purchased is original or counterfeit. The inspection site is also indicated on the sticker. Please note that there are 2 types of stickers - blue and green, each sticker has its own verification site. Important! The code can be checked only once; this is to protect the code from copying. If you request again, a negative result will be automatically returned. If you have any questions, you can use the verification hotline: 8800-100-100-9. Opening hours: Mon-Thu 10.00-17.00, Fri 10.00-15.00.
  • How to use Tooth Mousse at home? Brush your teeth with any toothpaste. Then, using a toothbrush, a clean finger, or a cotton applicator, spread a small amount of the product over the surface of your teeth. Leave for at least 3 minutes and avoid spitting or swallowing as much as possible. The longer the saliva and Tooth Mousse stay in your mouth, the better. Use your tongue to spread the remaining cream over your teeth and soft tissues of your mouth. You can spit out the saliva, but do not rinse your mouth - any traces of the product will quickly dissolve. Do not take water or food for 30 minutes after the procedure.
  • Can Tooth Mousse be used instead of toothpaste? Tooth Mousse is not a substitute for using toothpaste. It should be applied after brushing your teeth with any toothpaste.
  • What is the shelf life after opening the tube? If not exposed to moisture and stored with the lid closed, the shelf life of the opened tube is limited only by the total expiration date indicated on the tube. Can be stored at room temperature, in the bathroom on a shelf along with toothpaste.
  • What flavors does Tooth Mousse have? Tooth Mousse is available in five flavors: Strawberry
  • Multifruit
  • Melon
  • Vanilla
  • Mint
  • What is the course of use for caries prevention? For prophylaxis, the drug is used once a day, once every six months for 1 month. If there are symptoms of the disease, the duration of the course can be increased up to constant use 2 times a day.
  • What toothpaste should I use before using Tooth Mousse? Before using the cream, you can use any toothpaste. Including toothpaste with fluoride.
  • How often should I use Tooth Mousse for sensitive teeth? Use Tus Mousse 2 times a day during the acute phase of the disease, then you can use it once a day. The duration of the course is from 4-6 weeks until the problem disappears. Can be used in combination with toothpastes for sensitive teeth.
  • What is the advantage of using the product together with a mouth guard? Mouthguards prevent premature rinsing of products, which significantly saves the products used and enhances their effect due to longer contact with the gums and teeth.
  • How to use a thermoplastic mouth guard? Place the mouthguard in hot water at a temperature of 60-80°C, holding it by the special handle. Don't boil!
  • Hold it there for a few seconds. The workpiece will become softer.
  • After making sure the mouthguard is not too hot, place it in her mouth.
  • Press the mouth guard onto your teeth on the outside and inside of your teeth with your fingers. The mouth guard will take the shape of your teeth.
  • Remove and rinse the finished mouth guard under running cold water.
  • Cut off the handle that you use to hold the mouthguard. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • What happens if a child swallows Tooth Mousse? The drug has a registration certificate as a medical product. It is issued on the basis of compliance with state standards after evaluation of the composition and a series of tests, including toxicological ones. If the dosage is observed, ingestion of the product is not dangerous.
  • We bought the gel in dentistry (in a pharmacy, in a store), but there is no test sticker on it. It's a fake copy? Counterfeit goods are quite common on the Russian market - from pharmaceutical products to complex technical devices. If you buy a product at a pharmacy, dentist or other place without a verification sticker, you can with a high degree of probability say that you purchased a counterfeit. All GC products officially imported into Russia have stickers with a verification code.
  • Does Tooth Mousse whiten teeth? Tooth Mousse is a remineralizing agent. Due to remineralization, the enamel becomes stronger, its natural color becomes more noticeable. If the enamel is naturally light, then the teeth may become lighter. But Tooth Mousse does not have a whitening effect.
  • Why is the product called a gel, but the instructions say cream? This product is called differently - gel, paste, mousse, but according to the instructions it is a “water-based cream”. The confusion arises due to the fact that cream is usually called a substance based on oils, but Tus Mousse has a water base, which is typical for gels. Gels are usually transparent, but in this product the color is white and not transparent, like a paste.
  • Is it possible to apply cream to the mouth guard and leave it on all night? Using the product causes increased salivation. If there are voids in the mouth guard due to a loose fit, then saliva can accumulate in them and the risk of choking increases. Therefore, using the product with a mouth guard at night is not recommended.
  • Should I rinse my mouth after removing the trays? No, there is no need to rinse, and it is advisable not to drink or eat anything for at least half an hour.
  • There is caries, the child is 2 years old. How often should I use it? Prevention of caries - 1 time per day 1 month every six months. If there are white spots - 2 times a day for at least six months - only then can you evaluate the result and make a decision on canceling or continuing use. But, if the caries is already deeper, there is a cavity or pain, then treatment by a dentist is necessary. Using Tooth Mousse will help strengthen other teeth to prevent new cavities from occurring.
  • Can Tus Mousse be used by an adult? Yes, it has no age restrictions, it is used by both children and adults.
  • Which gel is better to use for a child - with or without fluoride? Only a dentist can say individually whether fluoride is needed in dental care products or not. If not, then only Tooth Mousse is used. If fluoride products are needed, children under 12 years of age should select a toothpaste containing fluoride in accordance with their age and use Tooth Mousse after brushing their teeth; From the age of 12 you can use MI Paste Plus.

If you have any questions, call or write to us. 9 from 9:00 to 17:00 Moscow time, +7 927 038-84-64 (Whatsapp),

Basic Precautions

Despite the fact that Tus Mus is a high-quality and safe product for teeth, experts strongly recommend taking certain precautions. The following are the main warnings:

  • close the tube tightly each time after using the product, otherwise it may deteriorate,
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, quickly rinse them with plenty of water. If necessary, consult an ophthalmologist,
  • if an allergic reaction occurs, immediately stop using the composition and consult a doctor,
  • If the mousse gets on your clothes, wash it off with water immediately, otherwise the stain will be difficult to remove later.

It is better to store the drug in a dry place, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Optimal temperature conditions are from 8 to 25 °C. Shelf life – 2 years. A large number of positive reviews about Tooth Mousse indicate its high effectiveness and safety. The drug is suitable for people of any age and has a minimum number of contraindications. However, before you start using the product, you should consult your dentist.

1According to information at the office. brand website: tooth-mousse.ru.


The mousse not only helps eliminate existing problems, but works proactively, thereby preventing erosive and carious lesions of dental tissue. Positive reviews about the product concern only its therapeutic effect, but also the presence of a wide range of flavors. There are no problems with choosing Tus Mousse gel for children with the taste and aroma that the child will like most.

The innovative remineralizing gel Tooth Mousse is the best option for restoring enamel yourself at home. Widely used by doctors for the prevention and treatment of dental problems. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialty stores. Store the product in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees. The shelf life of the unopened gel is 2 years.

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