Gel "Tooth Mousse": composition, purpose, instructions for use, results and reviews

Modern dentistry is rich in drugs that effectively strengthen tooth enamel. Especially convenient are those medicinal products that you can buy and use yourself. It’s worth learning more about one of them, the Tooth Mousse remineralizing paste. Is this really a unique remedy, or just another advertising gimmick and a waste of money?

Tus Mousse was developed at the University of The School of Dental Science in Melbourne (Australia). This mousse is manufactured by the licensed trademark * RECALDENT.

Why are remineralizing agents needed?

If a person’s teeth become hypersensitive, it means that he had to face the problem of demineralization, i.e. loss of essential microelements by teeth. Dentin owes its strength primarily to three essential elements: calcium, phosphorus and fluoride. Normally, tooth enamel consists of 98% microelements and is the hardest tissue of the human body. However, due to various problems in the body (diseases, pregnancy, poor oral hygiene, whitening procedures, etc.), teeth often lose their former strength and begin to react to sweets, hot or cold.

The arsenal of remineralizing (restoring mineral composition) preparations includes many mousses, pastes and gels. One of the representatives of this series of products is Tooth Mousse gel, which dentists often recommend as a super product that can restore teeth to their former strength.

Packaging and flavors

One tube contains 40 g of the drug. Pharmacy kits can consist of several versions of the gel with different flavors: contain 2 tubes of each flavor, have a set of one flavor or each flavor in one copy.

This mousse can have five varieties of flavors in the form of:

  • Fruity (T);
  • Melons (M);
  • Strawberries (S);
  • Mint (I);
  • Vanilla (V).

Flavor variations are indicated by letters of the English alphabet and are indicated on the tubes after the batch number.

Composition and properties when used

Tooth Mousse is a water-based cream containing phosphates and calcium. RECALDEN in Tus Mousse is an amorphous or bioavailable calcium phosphate, which is perfectly absorbed by tooth enamel.

The action of the gel is based on its ability to bind dental plaque (biofilm) with CPP-ACP molecules and settle on dental tissues, promoting the most complete absorption of the calcium-phosphate complex.

Tooth Mousse paste has the following complex effect on dental tissue:

  • neutralizes excess acidity in the mouth, blocking the work of acid-producing microorganisms in dental plaque;
  • provides protection to teeth from the destructive effects of internal and external factors.

To maximize the effect of remineralization, it is important to combine local treatment by applying a paste with the introduction into the diet of foods containing components necessary for teeth (meat and dairy products, fish, green vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc.)


The mousse is made on a water basis. It contains no sugar, CPP-ACP is present - casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate or the patented Recaldent complex. In simple terms, the main ingredients, the main building blocks of the tooth, are phosphates and calcium. Their molecules, after penetrating the oral cavity, begin to settle on soft and hard tissues, thus remineralization occurs.

The flavoring additives included in the Tus Mouss dental gel are responsible for stimulating salivation. Saliva enhances the effectiveness of the molecules of the main component, eliminates food debris and bacteria from the mouth.

Indications for use

Tooth Mousse remineralizing gel is used in many European countries in situations:

  • after topical use of fluoride-containing drugs;
  • hypersensitivity due to tooth whitening procedures (whitening, teeth cleaning) - before and after procedures;
  • for local treatment of diseases (xerostomia, erosion, Sjögren's syndrome, hypoplasia, fluorosis);
  • after therapeutic dental procedures (curettage, ultrasound);
  • to overcome dry mouth with problems with salivation;
  • with damaged tooth enamel with symptoms of permanent plaque and white spots;
  • pain due to mechanical or thermal effects on the teeth (when brushing teeth, hot or cold food);
  • existing demineralized areas on the enamel from the initial stage of caries in the form of the appearance of white spots;
  • if necessary, return teeth to their normal color and structure;
  • for the prevention of caries due to demineralization;
  • during orthodontic manipulations in the oral cavity (after wearing braces or removable dentures);
  • with a repulsive odor from the mouth or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

It is especially important to carry out preventive remineralization of teeth at times of the body’s greatest need for minerals (menopause, pregnancy, adolescence).

Indications and contraindications

Reviews of Tus Mousse dental gel are left positive by both patients and doctors, which is why it is widely used all over the world. Dentists advise using it for:

  • violation of the structure of tooth enamel;
  • eliminating dry mouth, preventing problems with salivation;
  • hypersensitivity after bleaching or hygienic cleaning;
  • painful reaction of teeth to hot and cold.

The product helps to cope with caries when it just begins to appear as a white spot. As a result of its use, the enamel returns to its previous structure and color. The use of this drug helps prevent and treat caries at any stage, as well as numerous carious lesions.

Doctors welcome the use of Tus Moussa during the period of wearing braces, as well as in case of unpleasant odor or taste from the oral cavity, in the treatment of hypoplasia and fluorosis.

Those who are allergic to benzoate preservatives and milk proteins should not use this gel.

Benefits of using gel

Compared to other professional products, Tooth Mousse has several advantages:

  • stabilizes the pH level in the mouth;
  • flavoring additives allow you to choose the most acceptable aroma and taste for every adult or child;
  • the drug has no age limit and is used by adults, children and the elderly;
  • the gel is approved for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • perfectly remineralizes porous tooth enamel;
  • does not cause any discomfort or pain when used;
  • safe if swallowed;
  • not only eliminates existing dental problems, but acts proactively, preventing carious and erosive lesions of dental tissue;
  • allows the parallel use of fluoride-containing drugs, since it does not contain fluorides.

Tooth Mousse remineralizing gel does not replace mandatory daily oral hygiene with traditional toothpaste and brush.

How to use Tooth Mousse Gel correctly

According to the instructions, Tooth Mousse cream is used every time after meals (but at least 3 times). Be sure to use the gel in the morning and before bed.

There are 2 options for using this product: with and without an individual mouthguard.

When applying Tooth Mousse cream using a mouth guard, you must:

  1. The oral cavity is treated after eating in the usual way: teeth are brushed and then rinsed. Additionally, you can use dental floss.
  2. The mouth guard for individual use is washed with water (running).
  3. A little mousse is squeezed into the mouthguard to fill its entire interior with the drug.
  4. The mouthguard is placed on one (right or left) or both rows of teeth, and after 2-3 minutes it is removed. Keeping the gel longer will allow it to remain in contact with the dental tissue longer and restore it better.
  5. After removing the tray, a certain amount of product remains on the gums, which is distributed onto the teeth. After this, the mouth is kept slightly open for several minutes. You should not spit or swallow saliva.
  6. After the procedure, saliva and remaining gel are spat out, but without rinsing the mouth.
  7. For half an hour after using the mousse, no impact on the oral cavity is allowed (chewing gum, drinking, eating).
  8. After the procedure is completed, the mouth guard is washed and dried again.

It is also possible to carry out the teeth remineralization procedure without a tray.

The technique for direct application of Tooth Mousse on teeth is as follows;

  1. The teeth are cleaned and blotted with a clean napkin to remove moisture.
  2. A small ball of paste is squeezed out of the tube, which is applied with a dry gloved finger or a cotton swab to the upper row of teeth, and then to the lower row. In hard-to-reach places, the gel is applied with a brush.
  3. The gel is distributed over the entire tooth surface and gums.
  4. With your mouth slightly open, the product is kept for about 2-3 minutes. The longer the Tus Mousse and saliva are in the mouth, the better the result of the treatment.
  5. Then the remaining gel with saliva is spat out. There is no need to rinse your mouth, as the remaining gel will quickly dissolve.
  6. For another half hour after such a procedure, it is forbidden to eat, drink, brush your teeth or rinse your teeth.

Instructions for use


DESCRIPTION GC Tooth Mousse is a water-based cream containing RECALDENT TM (CPP-ACP: Casein Phosphopeptide - Amorphous Calcium Phosphate). In the oral cavity, CPP-ACP molecules bind to biofilm, dental plaque, and hydroxyapatite crystals of dental enamel and settle on soft tissues, localizing bioavailable calcium and phosphate.


Salivation enhances the effectiveness of CPP-ACP, and flavorings, in turn, increase salivation. The longer the CPP-ACP complex and saliva are in the oral cavity, the more effective the result.

Dental cream containing bioavailable calcium and phosphate.

  • Provides additional protection for teeth.
  • Helps neutralize excess acidity caused by the activity of acid-producing plaque bacteria.
  • Helps neutralize excess acidity caused by exposure to other internal and external sources of acidity.


RECALDENT TM (CPP-ACP) is produced from milk proteins. Do not use the drug in patients with a proven or suspected allergy to milk proteins and/or hypersensitivity or allergy to benzoate preservatives.


  • Before and after whitening procedures performed in the clinic.
  • After ultrasound and curettage procedures.
  • After professional teeth cleaning.
  • After topical use of fluoride-containing drugs.
  • For local relief of symptoms in patients suffering from erosion, xerostomia or Sjögren's syndrome.
  • During orthodontic treatment.
  • Prevention in patients at high risk of developing caries.
  • For patients with specific diagnoses.

I. _ Application using a custom tray.

  1. Rinse the mouthguard thoroughly under running water before use.
  2. Squeeze a thick layer of GC Tooth Mousse into the tray and place the tray on the upper and/or lower row of teeth.
  3. Leave the aligner in place in your mouth for at least 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the mouthguard.
  5. Instruct the patient to use their tongue to spread the remaining GC Tooth Mousse over the surfaces of the teeth and oral tissues. Then ask the patient to try for as long as possible (about another 1-2 minutes) not to spit or swallow saliva. The longer GC Tooth Mousse and saliva remain in the mouth, the more effective the results.
  6. Ask the patient to spit out the saliva and any remaining drug as thoroughly as possible and, if possible, not to rinse the mouth. Minor possible residues of GC Tooth Mousse will dissolve quickly. Warn the patient not to drink or eat for 30 minutes after the end of the treatment session.
  7. If there is any GC Tooth Mousse left in the mouthguard, it should be rinsed thoroughly with water immediately after use.

​II. Application without mouthguard:

  1. If necessary, remove excess saliva from the surface of the teeth using a cotton swab. However, it is NOT necessary to dry the surface of the teeth with a jet of air.
  2. Apply GC Tus Mousse to the surface of the teeth using a cotton swab or a gloved finger, and use a special brush in hard-to-reach interproximal areas.
  3. Leave GC Tus Mousse on the surface of the teeth for at least 3 minutes.
  4. Instruct the patient to use their tongue to spread the remaining GC Tooth Mousse over the surfaces of the teeth and oral tissues. Then ask the patient to try for as long as possible (about another 1-2 minutes) not to spit or swallow saliva. The longer GC Tooth Mousse and saliva remain in the mouth, the more effective the results.
  5. Ask the patient to spit out the saliva and any remaining drug as thoroughly as possible and, if possible, not to rinse the mouth. Minor possible residues of GC Tooth Mousse will dissolve quickly. Warn the patient not to drink or eat for 30 minutes after the end of the treatment session.

​Applying Tus Mousse at home:

​III. Apply during the day after brushing your teeth as recommended by your dentist.

  1. Apply a sufficient amount of Tux Mousse to the lower and upper teeth. A ball of the drug the size of a large pea is the required minimum for each dentition. The drug is applied to the surface of the teeth using a cotton swab or a dry, clean finger. In hard-to-reach places (between the teeth), use a special brush or dental floss lubricated with GC Tooth Mousse.
  2. Leave Tus Mousse on the surface of your teeth for at least 3 minutes.
  3. Then use your tongue to spread the remaining GC Tooth Mousse over the surface of your teeth and oral tissues. Try not to spit or swallow saliva for as long as possible (about another 1-2 minutes). The longer GC Tooth Mousse and saliva remain in the mouth, the more effective the results.
  4. Carefully spit out the saliva and any remaining medication and, if possible, do not rinse your mouth. Minor possible residues\ GC Tus Mousse will dissolve quickly. Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes after applying the cream.

IV. Apply at night after brushing teeth as recommended by your dentist.

  1. Apply a sufficient amount of GC Tus Mousse to the lower and upper teeth. A ball of the drug the size of a large pea is the required minimum for each dentition. The drug is applied to the surface of the teeth using a cotton swab or a dry, clean finger. In hard-to-reach places (between the teeth), use a special brush or dental floss lubricated with GC Tooth Mousse.
  2. Leave GC Tus Mousse on the surface of the teeth for at least 3 minutes.
  3. Then use your tongue to spread the remaining GC Tus Mousse over the surface of the teeth and tissues of the oral cavity. Try not to spit or swallow saliva for as long as possible (about another 1-2 minutes). The longer GC Tooth Mousse and saliva remain in the mouth, the more effective the results.
  4. Carefully spit out the saliva and any remaining medication and, if possible, do not rinse your mouth. Minor possible residues of GC Tooth Mousse will dissolve quickly. Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes after applying the cream.


Strawberry, Melon, Vanilla, Mint, Fruity.

Storage Store in a cool, dry, dark place with low humidity at a temperature of 8-25°C (46.4-77.0°F). (Expiration date: 2 years from the indicated production date).

​Packaging One tube contains 40 g (35 ml)

  • Assorted set 10 x 40 g (2 tubes of each flavor - Strawberry, Melon, Vanilla, Mint, Fruit)
  • Set of one flavor shade 10 x 40 g of each flavor shade: Vanilla, Strawberry, Melon, Fruit, Mint
  • Individual tubes 1 x 40 g tube of any flavor shade

NOTE GC Tooth Mousse, containing a unique CPP-ACP complex, was developed at The School of Dental Science, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. * RECALDENT is a licensed trademark. CPP-ACP technology has related patents or patent applications in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Canada and the USA.

Precautionary measures

  • After use, always close the tube lid tightly, after removing any remaining paste or excess moisture from the neck of the tube and from the inside of the lid.
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult an ophthalmologist.
  • If it gets on clothing, wash off the product with water.

Please note that when using a cap, the consumption of the gel increases noticeably.

All about fakes!

Instructions for use GC Tooth Mousse

GC Tooth Mousse Certificate

GC MI Paste Plus Certificate

GC Tooth Mousse Authentication Instructions

You can order and pay for Tus Mousse with delivery on our website.

Read: Tooth Mousse and MI Paste Plus – professionals in protecting teeth

Precautionary measures

When using Tus Mousse, you need to know the following:

  1. It is important to close the tube tightly after each use. Before this, you need to remove any inclusions from the inside of the neck (remains of paste, drops of moisture, cotton fibers).
  2. If the drug gets into the eyes, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with plenty of water. If necessary, you should consult an ophthalmologist.
  3. If symptoms of drug intolerance or angioedema appear, the drug should be discontinued immediately and medical attention should be sought.
  4. If the drug gets on clothing, it should be washed off immediately with water.


The role of fluoride in the remineralization of teeth should never be underestimated, and here's why. Fluorides actually play a key role in the remineralization process - they stimulate the so-called phase transformations of mineral substances. In particular, this is manifested by the acceleration of the growth of hydroxyapatite crystals (which makes up the enamel), i.e. in the presence of a moderate amount of fluoride ions, remineralization always occurs faster. Therefore, remineralizing gels have now appeared that contain sources of calcium and phosphates, and at the same time fluoride.

An example of such a drug is “GC MI Paste Plus”, which contains CPP-ACP + 900 ppm sodium fluoride. This is a more advanced version of the well-known drug “Tooth Mousse Gel” (GC Tooth Mousse). In this case, fluoride not only increases the anti-carious effect of the drug for remineralizing enamel, but also allows accelerating the phase transformations of the deposited layer of amorphous calcium phosphate on the surface of the enamel - into hydroxyapatite of tooth enamel. Studies have shown that GC MI Paste Plus is approximately 15% more effective compared to GC Tooth Mousse gel. We hope that our article was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. National Library of Medicine (USA), 3. “Comparative characteristics of modern drugs for remineralizing therapy” (Antonova), 4. “Chemical bases of demineralization and remineralization of tooth enamel” (Butvilovsky, Barkovsky, Karmalkova), 5. “Substantiation of the caries-preventive effect of remineralizing drugs during hypomineralization of enamel” (Kostikova, Berendeeva).


On the Internet you can find many reviews about the use of this tool.

Veronica, 32 years old

I bought tooth mousse gel for my youngest son. Already at the age of 2 he started having problems with his teeth, although I don’t give sweets to children. I smeared his teeth after brushing, although the baby was unable to withstand the gel according to the instructions. However, my son’s teeth have really gotten better. The disadvantage of this product is that it is too expensive.

Olga, 28 years old

I bought tooth mousse paste on the advice of my dentist. After pregnancy, dark spots appeared on the enamel, which even ultrasound did not remove. I was skeptical about the prescription of the cream, but I bought it. I smeared my teeth with my finger morning and evening. It’s surprising that the teeth actually turned white and stopped reacting to hot and cold.

Oleg, 39 years old

I had incredibly sensitive teeth. I was amazed that already on the second day of use the sensitivity decreased, and on the third it stopped. The effect of the gel also pleased my wife. The teeth became harder and stopped crumbling. The downside is that I drool heavily when using it.

Natalya, 22 years old

I didn't like the vaunted Tooth Mousse at all. I tried to use it during pregnancy, but gave up: every time I burned my tongue and lips from the inside. Then for 3 days I felt like my mouth was scalded with boiling water.

Tooth Mousse gel is a professional dental restoration product with a minimum of contraindications, which is easy to use on your own. Its huge advantage is the ability of the gel to quickly eliminate tooth sensitivity and fight caries in the early stages.

On the Internet, Tooth Mousse gel has the maximum number of positive reviews from patients whom it really helped. It is important that this product can be used by people, regardless of their age. Take care of your teeth!

Sources used:

  • Oral hygiene / Yu.A. Fedorov. — M.: Medicine
  • General hygiene/Bolshakov A.M., Novikova I.M.//Textbook for medical universities. M.: Medicine, 2002.
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