9 reasons not to ignore the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Current Problem For most people, heartburn is simply an occasional discomfort. Approximately 20%
Diabetes. Symptoms, causes and treatment of diabetes
Symptoms of the disease This pathology occurs in type I diabetes mellitus, but it can also occur
Infection with STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) through oral sex
Infectious pathologies that are transmitted during coitus are increasingly being registered by dermatovenerologists. Moreover, among the patients
Tryptase: a marker of dangerous allergy manifestations
What is angioedema of the larynx? Most likely, the majority of respondents not related to medicine did not
Seizures in the corners of the mouth - causes and treatment. How to get rid of a cold on your lip
Many people have encountered the problem of sticking in the corners of their mouth. It can occur periodically, causing significant
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: causes, symptoms, treatment
Inflammation of the vaginal cervix. Symptoms – nagging pain in the lower abdomen, purulent or mucous
Tongue cancer: how to recognize the disease at an early stage, types, causes, symptoms, treatment
Tongue cancer is a fairly rare disease, but despite this, it is being registered every year.
Housewives recommend: choosing a functional clothes dryer
What is it? If a pimple appears on the tongue, the main thing is to understand the following - on the tongue
What is inflammation of the tongue, its causes, symptoms and treatment
We are used to the fact that we need to go to the dentist if we have problems with our teeth or gums.
Symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy: tolerate or fight?
The term "heartburn" usually refers to a burning sensation in the chest or throat, like
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