Lip frenuloplasty: indications, technique, rehabilitation

What is labial frenuloplasty?

The labial frenulum is a fold of mucous membrane that connects the lip and gum. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper and lower lips is done to eliminate pathologies that can have unpleasant consequences in the form of impaired diction and the formation of malocclusion. This operation itself is very simple and has minimal contraindications. It is done if the frenulum is too short or too wide, which affects the position of the teeth and the condition of the gums. For example, due to a wide frenulum, a diastema may appear - a gap between the central incisors. In this case, either surgery using the classical method or laser plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum will help.

Sometimes plastic surgery is performed on the frenulum of the tongue - the membrane connecting the lower part of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the lower jaw. In children, surgery promotes the correct formation of the bite and prevents speech defects; in adults, it is a necessary measure for effective prosthetics with a removable structure or implantation. Read more about tongue frenuloplasty here.

Contraindications to cutting the frenulum

Despite the fact that with the help of frenuloplasty you can once and for all get rid of the complexes and troubles that are caused by the frenulum, there are a number of contraindications that may interfere with the procedure. Among them are:

  • Caries;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Stress, mental disorders;
  • Dysmorphophobia;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Infectious processes in the oral cavity;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Oncology;
  • Predisposition to collagenosis;
  • Addiction to alcohol.

This issue is discussed at a meeting with the attending physician, who clarifies all possible difficulties before the operation.

What are the differences between upper and lower lip frenuloplasty?

Although the operations themselves to correct pathology on the upper and lower lips are similar, they require a different approach to rehabilitation. After plastic surgery of the lower lip frenulum, the wound takes longer to heal, about two weeks, while plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum requires only a few days to recover. In the first case, anti-inflammatory therapy is often prescribed to prevent complications.

When is lip frenuloplasty required?

The pathology of the labial frenulum does not always indicate that the patient requires surgery. Sometimes it is minor and does not cause any particular inconvenience. As a rule, surgery is necessary in the following cases.

  • Diastema.
    The excess gap between the central incisors tends to widen, causing the teeth to move forward and move apart in different directions. Also, constant stress on the gums leads to periodontitis.
  • Orthodontic treatment.
    Correcting the bite with braces requires that the frenulum be of the correct shape and have an anatomical location. Therefore, before starting treatment, the orthodontist often sends the patient for plastic surgery.
  • Periodontal diseases.
    A short frenulum can expose the roots of the teeth.
  • Complete prosthetics.
    A short frenulum does not allow a removable denture to be firmly and securely fastened. This is one of the most common cases when plastic surgery of the lower lip frenulum is performed in adults.

Photo of a short frenulum of the upper lip in a child.

Types of plastic surgery

The operation to trim the frenulum lasts no more than 20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, which is often called freezing. At the moment, there are several types of oral plastic surgery.

  1. Frenectomy, which completely excises the cord. It is recommended for large widths.
  2. Frenotomy, which involves partial dissection of the connective tissue cord. The operation is performed with fewer injuries than with a frenectomy.
  3. Frenuloplasty, which helps to change the attachment sites of the mucous fold.
  4. Limberg frenuloplasty, which involves two incisions at an angle of 60-90 degrees. No mistake should be made here, otherwise the problem will not be fixed. This method is the most unpopular, due to the fact that it is almost ineffective.

Is it necessary to perform labial frenuloplasty in children?

Pathology of the labial frenulum in a child can lead to many unpleasant consequences, both medical and aesthetic. Therefore, if a specialist recommends plastic surgery, you should definitely take his advice. In children, this anomaly can cause the following problems:

  1. The upper lip in newborns is actively involved in the sucking process along with the tongue, therefore, if the frenulum is shortened, the child will not be able to feed normally;
  2. A frenulum of the upper lip that is too short does not allow the correct pronunciation of labial sounds and some vowels, as a result of which the child will experience difficulties with diction;
  3. Frenum defects are directly related to malocclusion and chewing functions. Thus, there is a risk of digestive problems.

According to doctors, it is best to perform plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum in children aged 5 to 8 years (the indications for surgery on the lower lip are identical). At this time, the child’s baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, and it is important that this process proceeds correctly. However, if necessary, plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum can be performed in adults or adolescents. As for newborns, it is recommended that they undergo surgery only in case of serious nutritional disturbances.

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Methods of lip frenuloplasty

There are three main methods of lip frenuloplasty: frenotomy, frenectomy and frenuloplasty. The choice of technique depends on the characteristics of the pathology.

  • Frenotomy is a dissection of the frenulum. It is performed when the process is too narrow and is not attached to the edge of the alveolar ridge. The frenulum is cut transversely.
  • Frenectomy - excision of the frenulum. This method is used for excess soft tissue width, with the incision along the ridge.
  • Frenuloplasty - relocation of the frenulum attachment site.

In all three cases, self-absorbable threads are used to suture wounds. The operation usually lasts about 15 minutes and is painless using local anesthesia.

Recently, laser lip frenuloplasty has become widespread. This operation is more expensive, but easier to tolerate. A focused laser beam removes excess tissue while sealing the edges of the wound. This means that there is no need for stitches, the operation is completely bloodless, and recovery takes less time. Laser plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum in children is preferable to the classical technique, since it is performed with less trauma. Of course, we also recommend giving preference to laser frenuloplasty of the upper lip in adults.


Lip frenuloplasty is a corrective operation to trim the fold that attaches the lip to the jaw. Lip frenuloplasty was first performed in the middle of the last century. But now this procedure can be performed using a laser. It is laser lip frenuloplasty that will be discussed later in this article.

If there is an incorrect structure of the frenulum, a person begins to experience problems from this even in childhood, and over time they gradually intensify. The development of malocclusion, predisposition to periodontal disease, problems with articulation - this is not all that a person with an irregular lip frenulum may encounter.

Laser lip frenuloplasty can not only make your smile more beautiful, but also correct various problems with speech or with the installation of orthopedic structures, which are often observed in patients with improperly developed labial frenulum.

Laser excision of the labial frenulum is performed without complex special preparation, and the entire operation takes place quite quickly, and the patient does not experience any significant inconvenience. Laser surgery for lip frenuloplasty is a modern and excellent method of correcting it.

Post-operative care

The rehabilitation period takes one to two weeks. To avoid complications, you must follow your doctor's recommendations:

  • monitor the hygiene of the oral mucosa and perform procedures prescribed by a specialist;
  • exclude hot, sour and solid foods;
  • undergo a follow-up examination with the surgeon who performed the operation;
  • do gymnastics to strengthen the chewing muscles.

The above rules will help you return to your normal lifestyle in a short time and prevent deterioration in your health after lip frenuloplasty.

Rehabilitation process after plastic surgery of the frenulum and tongue

The process of rehabilitation and full recovery after frenulum grafting takes only a few days. Only the first few hours may become uncomfortable due to disorientation due to the anesthesia used.

In order for the wound on the frenulum to heal and heal as soon as possible, you will need to follow the instructions that the doctor will leave:

  1. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and rinsing your mouth after every meal;
  2. For 3-4 days after surgery, eat mostly liquid food at room temperature;
  3. Visit a dental consultant within the first week after trimming;
  4. Conduct independent studies in your spare time to develop “new” functions of facial expressions and chewing.

Don’t worry that you will still have difficulties with pronunciation for some time. In this case, only hard work on yourself and your pronunciation will bring the desired result. Within 5 days, the wounds will heal and the discomfort will disappear.

How much does lip frenuloplasty cost?

The price for lip frenuloplasty usually starts at 3,000 rubles and reaches 5,000 - 6,000 rubles. In this case, there is usually no difference whether we are talking about the price of plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip or the lower lip. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip with a laser is more expensive and can cost from 3,500 to 8,000 rubles. Traditionally, the cost of the operation already includes anesthesia, but this must be clarified in advance. Parents often ask how much it costs to have upper lip frenuloplasty in children. Typically, the costs for this procedure are no different from those for surgery in adults.

Laser plastic surgery

Laser has become an innovative method in modern medicine. With his participation, the procedure will not last even 5 minutes. Laser plastic surgery, like conventional plastic surgery, also involves primary sanitation and, if necessary, treatment.

Laser frenuloplasty is performed under local anesthesia. In this case, nothing is required for preparation except a special gel. The attending physician directs a laser beam at the source, under the influence of which the cord is cut. The advantage of this method is that the same beam carries out parallel work on disinfecting and sealing the edges of the wound.

Why are clients increasingly choosing laser surgery? This is easily explained by the fact that there is no blood loss, no stitches are required, no pain or scarring. This type of operation will allow you not to change your usual lifestyle.

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