Miramistin solution 0.01% 50 ml with gynecological attachment in Lipetsk

Sexually transmitted diseases are a group of infectious diseases that are transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

The causative agents can be various groups of microorganisms: protozoa, bacteria, viruses.

To combat them, antiseptics are used, which are applied topically.

Miramistin is one of these drugs.

Since the drug is active against STIs, it is used in venereological practice externally at the site of the lesion.

Properties of Miramistin

The main active ingredient is benzyldimethyl.

The mechanism of action of the substance is based on the destruction of the cell wall of pathogens.

But the epithelial cells of the urogenital tract are not exposed to the negative effects of Miramistin.

This property allows it to be successfully used in venereology.

The antiseptic is used not only for the treatment of urogenital infectious diseases, but also in other areas of medicine.

The drug has an antimicrobial effect against protozoa, bacterial microflora, fungi, and viruses.

Miramistin is able to cope with HIV and the herpes virus.

The drug is effective even against strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

Because of this property, it is used for preventive and sometimes medicinal purposes.

Among the advantages of the drug:

  1. It should be noted that there is no irritating effect. The product does not cause chemical burns, discomfort in the form of tingling or burning sensation. Patients easily tolerate treatment. If there are ulcerations or erosions on the mucous membrane, then the use of Miramistin in no way affects the ability of tissues to regenerate.
  2. Lack of ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and into the systemic circulation, even when used in large quantities. As a result, there are no side effects, which ensures the safety of the drug.

Studies have found that the drug is highly effective if used in conjunction with antibacterial agents.

In combination with antibiotics, Miramistin has a stronger effect.

Question answer

It is better to spray the medicine into the throat in front of a mirror. Aim the nozzle of the sprayer at the back of the throat and press the dispenser. Then irrigate the palatine tonsils with the solution.

Do everything according to the instructions. It is usually recommended to spray into the throat after eating. So that the drug acts on the inflamed tissues in the pharynx for as long as possible.

You need to remove the cap from the bottle, take the gynecological attachment out of the package and connect it to the bottle without removing the urological applicator.

Features of the drug Miramistin

Before using Miramistin, you must carefully read the instructions.

Since the drug has some features:

  1. When using the product, a slight burning sensation may be noted, which is acceptable. As a rule, the discomfort quickly goes away on its own.
  2. Miramistin is a drug whose effect is manifested only externally, so it is not prohibited to use during pregnancy.
  3. If you have individual intolerance, which is manifested by swelling, hyperemia, itching, burning, and the appearance of spots, you should inform your doctor. In this case, it is better to replace the drug with another antiseptic.

Does Miramistin help against infections?

Miramistin is most effective against bacterial cells, against fungal infections and Trichomonas.

Treponema pallidum, gonococcal infection, streptococci, and staphylococci are sensitive to it.

Miramistin exhibits selective activity against viruses.

For example, the instructions for use say that the drug inhibits the herpes and HIV viruses.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

It can dry out inflamed areas without interfering with the formation of epithelial cells.

Venereologists confirm that Miramistin can be used as emergency preventive measures.

  1. The drug is maximally effective against gonococci, trichomonas, Treponema pallidum and Candida fungi.
  2. If previously Miramistin was used to treat myco- and ureaplasma infections, at the moment it is impossible to talk about one hundred percent prevention of infection with these pathogens.
  3. The drug does not show particular activity against chlamydia, since they can form D-forms, allowing them to evade the effects of Miramistin.
  4. The product does not provide protection against hepatitis B and C, since the pathogen enters the body through microcracks, and the antiseptic only works from the outside.
  5. The causative agent of genital herpes and papillomavirus can be transmitted not only during sexual contact, but also in other ways, so Miramistin cannot provide one hundred percent safety.

What does it work on?

Miramistin acts on many harmful bacteria:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • E. coli;
  • Klebsiella;
  • pseudomonas;
  • aspergillus;
  • penicillin and yeast fungi.

In addition, it acts on chlamydia, Treponema pallidum, and gonorrhea pathogens.

There are so-called hospital infections that can be picked up in a hospital setting. Such infections are often resistant to multiple antibiotics. There have always been difficulties in treating them. But Miramistin is precisely capable of influencing such pathogens.

Miramistin treats burns of various origins, including sunburn. It also protects burn surfaces from bacteria. It may also reduce bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

How to use Miramistin after sex

The antiseptic is widely used in venereology after unprotected intimate intercourse.

You can learn how to use Miramistin correctly to prevent infection by reading the instructions.

Miramistin is used to treat the urethra in the stronger sex, and the urethra and vagina in women.

If there was an oral type of sexual contact, it will be necessary to treat the oral cavity, and the rectum in the case of anal contact.

This measure is necessary because sexually transmitted infections can provoke the development of pharyngitis or proctitis.

The treatment does not prevent infection, but is often effective and helps prevent disease if done within two hours of sexual intercourse.

Method of using Miramistin by men after sex:

  1. To start using the antiseptic, you need to remove the cap from the bottle.
  2. Attach the nozzle for insertion into the urethra and inject the product in an amount of 2-3 ml.
  3. Keep the antiseptic in the urethra for as long as possible, but not less than 3 minutes.
  4. Additionally, treat the pubic area, genitals and inner thighs.

Women should use Miramistin after unprotected sex in the same way:

  1. Since the female urethra is very short, no more than 2 ml of antiseptic is injected into it.
  2. A special nozzle is used to treat the vagina. Having put it on, you need to insert about 10 ml of Miramistin into the vagina and hold it there for some time.
  3. Hips can be treated using a spray nozzle.

Preventive measures should be taken if no more than 2 hours have passed after sex.

It’s even better if you do the treatment right away.

It makes sense to use Miramistin after unprotected sex even if a little more time has passed.

After 5 hours, the antiseptic will not be able to eliminate the possibility of infection.

In any case, you need to visit a doctor.

A specialist has more effective preventive techniques in his arsenal.

This is, for example, instillation of deeper parts of the urethra and the prescription of agents with antimicrobial activity.


Polyethylene vials of 50 ml, 100 ml with a urological applicator with a screw cap.

50 ml polyethylene vials with a urological applicator with a screw cap along with a spray nozzle.

Polyethylene vials of 50 ml, 100 ml with a urological applicator with a screw cap, with a gynecological attachment.

Polyethylene bubbles of 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml with a spray nozzle or with a spray pump and a cap, with a measuring polyethylene cup.

500 ml polyethylene vials with a screw cap with control of the first uncorking.

How to use Miramistin during oral sex

The use of the drug is also effective in case of oral-genital contact.

Many infections can be transmitted this way.

These include gonorrhea, genital herpes, and syphilis.

If there has been unconventional sexual intercourse, then using Miramistin after oral sex can completely eliminate the possibility of infection.

To do this, rinse your mouth well with an antiseptic.

In the oral cavity, infections are more difficult to manifest themselves than in the urogenital tract.

Therefore, the use of an antiseptic will highly likely reduce the risk of infection by pathogenic bacterial microflora.

Miramistin is more difficult to cope with a viral infection.

How to use Miramistin if anal sex has taken place

After anal sex, doctors recommend using Miramistin to treat the rectum to destroy invading pathogens.

This preventative measure will reduce the likelihood of developing proctitis.

Infectious lesions of the rectum are a rather delicate problem.

The disease may be asymptomatic, and in some cases may be accompanied by pain in the rectum, the presence of pathological discharge, false urges or constipation.

The use of Miramistin will help prevent such symptoms from developing.

Is Miramistin effective if used before sex?

The instructions included with the drug do not indicate whether it is necessary to use an antiseptic before having unprotected sex.

This measure is ineffective.

Miramistin does not make sense to use for sex.

The antiseptic was created to protect against possible infection if a pathogen suddenly gets on the mucous membranes.

If there is information that a sexual partner is infected with a contagious disease, you should not have sexual intercourse.

It should be understood that Miramistin cannot 100% exclude infection, i.e. a person will still get sick.

Why contact the patient?

It must first be cured so that it cannot spread pathogens.

If you urgently need to have sexual intercourse with a patient, then, as a last resort, you can use a condom.

It can serve as protection against many infections.

If you don’t have a condom, you can use Miramistin, but even in this case the product does not protect against infection.


This drug appeared in the middle of the last century. Previously, it could only be found in the first aid kit of spaceships. Later it appeared everywhere and was widely used by Russians.

The drug is available in the form of an ointment, spray, solution. It acts on many harmful bacteria, but the remedy is powerless against viruses. Miramistin is used for prevention and treatment in urology, gynecology, and ENT practice.

The drug treats diseases such as:

  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • vaginosis.

You can also use it to prevent sexually transmitted infections after unprotected sexual intercourse. After operations, it is recommended to treat sutures with Miramistin.

Different forms of release are used for different diseases. For example, a small bottle with a dropper is sold for sinusitis. For gynecological and urological purposes, a large bottle with a long nozzle is produced.

Can Miramistin be used for STDs?

Miramistin should not be used in the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

The drug is prescribed for emergency prevention of STIs.

The drug cannot penetrate deep into the tissue to kill all pathogenic microflora.

For this reason, the product is not used for sexually transmitted infections.

For nonspecific infection, Miramistin can be used.

For prevention, it is injected into the urethra one to two times a day for ten days.

When infected with a sexually transmitted disease, the drug is prescribed in complex therapy.

To do this, the patient takes antibiotics orally or by injection.

An antiseptic is used for local therapy as an adjunct, without excluding the use of antibacterial drugs, which allows you to quickly remove symptoms.

Moreover, the use of Miramistin does not affect the change in dosage in the direction of reducing other drugs.

If you read reviews of people who have used Miramistin, there is information about the high effectiveness of the drug as a prophylactic agent, and therefore it is actively used in venereology.

An antiseptic reduces the risk of developing the disease several times.

But, as a rule, this is not enough.

It is necessary to go to a specialist so that he can prescribe more effective preventive measures.

Also, after prophylaxis with Miramistin, the patient will need to undergo tests in two weeks to understand whether infection has occurred.

You should not assume that if there are no symptoms, then there is no disease.

Most infections are hidden or symptoms appear very late.

In this case, the patient can serve as a source of infection for the people around him.

There is a high risk of developing negative consequences, which may include the inability to conceive a child.

If pregnancy occurs, then, as a rule, it may end in miscarriage.

Therefore, it is imperative to go to the doctor to undergo an examination in order to exclude hidden pathology.

Currently, there are many types of tests, so getting diagnosed will not be difficult.

If the test is positive, treatment should be started immediately.

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