Priestley's raid photo
Black plaque on children's teeth - Priestley's plaque. Causes. How to get rid of it.
What is Priestley's plaque? Priestley's plaque is dark spots on baby teeth.
The tooth fairy - who is it, what does it look like, what does it do and where does it live according to legend?
The tooth fairy - who is it, what does it look like, what does it do and where does it live according to legend?
Every child aged 5 to 7 years has an exciting first time.
How to distinguish teething from a cold or other inflammatory diseases?
Young children are susceptible to many diseases and ailments, which are sometimes difficult to understand even for the most experienced
Colgate 360 ​​electric toothbrush and its types
Electric toothbrush “Colgate 360”: application, features of use, review of attachments, reviews
980 All products from this manufacturer are aimed at improving the quality of life of the consumer and electrical
The anatomical structure of the human tooth: simple about the complex
The lower jaw (mandibula) is unpaired, horseshoe-shaped, the only movable bone of the skull. It consists of two
Treatment of stomatitis in children - when to go to the doctor
Inflammatory gum disease in adults and children is called gingivitis. It is most often observed in
sore throat symptoms
A-STREPTOCOCCAL TONSILLITIS: clinical significance, issues of antibacterial therapy
Methods of treating bacterial tonsillitis Modern medicine uses two methods of treating bacterial tonsillitis - surgical
Anatomy of the throat: location of the tonsils
Purulent sore throat in children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
September 9, 2022 Tonsillitis is an infectious disease that affects one or more tonsils.1
SPEEDEХ - Spidex - set of silicone impression mass
SIDE EFFECTS Polysiloxane has high biological tolerance. To date, no
Make an appointment
The main stages of treatment with braces: changes - month by month
Braces are the most reliable and effective way to correct a malocclusion. You won't have to wear the design alone
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