There is a smell in the room after sleep - recommendations for elimination. Part 2

Ambre after sleeping indoors
There is a smell in the room after sleep: recommendations for elimination will help you get rid of it. Maybe someone prefers to ventilate the room every morning, while for others it’s enough to wash the bed linen. But we will not talk about these simple factors. This is the problem you face every time you wake up. And helping yourself to keep the room fresh is the main task, because there may be guests, children, and it’s nice for yourself when it smells nice. The main reasons may be banal “dust collectors”, as well as other reasons, which you will learn about from the video materials and our article.

Urgent measures

Surely, every person has encountered such a problem as a musty smell. It usually appears in small rooms where most of the free space is occupied by a sofa or bed. These can be the most expensive mattresses, silk bed linen, luxurious panoramic windows with three ventilation functions at different times of the year. It happens that a person himself is the cause of such a smell. But how to get rid of it if this fragrant trace was left by a guest, and not your household?

It's simple, because no pungent odors can live long due to their structure. It is much more difficult to remove a light, stale aroma. In such cases, people often begin to open windows, wash sheets and change washing powders. They are partly right, but will it help in such conditions? Let's figure it out:

  1. Ventilation . Eliminates most of the aroma from the air. But it will not completely remove it from wallpaper or furniture. Fortunately, if you urgently need to freshen up the house after a party before your parents arrive, this is a lifesaver.
  2. Wash . It will help refresh and clean bed linen or upholstered furniture covers. It’s bad if the mattress is soaked and will need to be replaced over time. And when this “later” comes, we will find out in the next section.
  3. Dirty clothes . Many women are familiar with men's “hides” in the form of socks, made for a rainy day. We assure you that the smell of damp, sweaty fabrics is the cause of the odor, and by removing it from the room, the plume will remove itself behind them.
  4. Human . The main problem is that there are some factors that influence the formation of odors.

Since the above measures can help remove the aroma immediately and for a long time, the last factor cannot be eliminated. If there were no people in the room, there would be no smells. As you know, each body has its own specific aroma, and it’s not about perfume or active physical activity, but much deeper.

Why does high humidity occur in the house?

Moisture inside a home appears in two ways: it penetrates from the outside or accumulates from the inside. The first case indicates mistakes were made during construction work, the second situation is typical for rooms with excessive condensation formation.

External causes of dampness in the house:

  • the presence of unclosed gaps in the roof, through which precipitation (snow, rain) periodically penetrates into the home;
  • gradual destruction of the foundation due to the lack of tide, as a result of which moisture accumulates under the floor covering;
  • the formation of multiple cracks on the walls of the building;
  • the use of a material (for example, plastic) for cladding a house that does not “breathe” and contributes to the accumulation of moisture inside the building;
  • improper arrangement of supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • close occurrence of groundwater in the absence of high-quality waterproofing from the outside and inside of the building.

Important! Dampness in a newly built wooden house often appears as a result of the use of poorly dried wood during construction.

There are several types of drywall, but for bathroom renovations only moisture-resistant material can be used Source zhk-akvapolis.rf


In 90% of cases, the cause of the smell in the room is the inhabitant himself. What can you say right away? The unpleasant smell in the room after sleeping is the result of the processing of products that are consumed by humans. From here “legs grow”, and the reasons emerge on their own. Firstly, it is important to consider the compatibility of the skin with the fabrics on mattresses and bedding. If there is no irritation, then you just need to change and clean them on time. Dead skin cells, working sebaceous glands, sweat and dust - all this remains on your underwear after sleep. This is especially felt in winter, when it is impossible to open the window at night to simultaneously refresh the air. Add to this human breathing, natural processes, etc.

However, if a person is healthy, has no bad habits, does not drink alcohol, and constantly showers, how can a smell form? Previously, experienced shamans could determine by the aroma what a person was sick with and how much time he had left. Now this is also the case here, since a completely healthy family member can also emit unpleasant odors. And it's not about cleanliness and order, washed socks or changed sheets.


A man or woman may not smell anything for 24 hours, but after sleep, an unpleasant musty smell always appears. It usually comes from the bed and does not spread throughout the room. The paradox lies in the excessive consumption of delicacies: fried and peppered foods, spicy cuisines and seasonings. If you wash everything down with water, then at night, when the sebaceous glands are activated, the processed odor comes out along with sweat. You can understand this if there is a fatty layer on your face.

Endocrine system

Hormonal problems, especially in men, can cause excessive sweating while sleeping. Even a slightly open window will not help here, especially in summer. It is important to change the mattress, lay linen made from natural fabrics, and not eat or drink 2-3 hours before bedtime. These are urgent measures and you should consult an endocrinologist.


It is no secret that people with diabetes have a specific odor from their medications, which is acidic and damp.


If there is a sour smell in the room after sleep, but the person is healthy, the reason for this is fermented fruit. When you exhale, foods that have not had time to digest simply release gases. It is recommended to have such snacks at least 5-6 hours before bedtime. A good dinner would be: boiled chicken, buckwheat, baked fruit.


Clothing plays an important role in organizing the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The skin should “breathe” during sleep, and not sweat. If the vapors stagnate, the person will begin to sweat. Moisture-soaked blankets and sheets made from synthetic fabrics absorb moisture, but do not release it due to high humidity. Ventilation won't help. And each sleep will be accompanied by a new stagnation of moisture with the beginning of rotting of previous microorganisms that are formed as a result of dampness. Cotton pillows and synthetic padding in a blanket are enemies for human skin.


In some countries there is no central heating, and many people sleep in nightcaps and pajamas. This is not savagery, not at all. The fact is that radiators constantly accumulate dust, and when the temperature rises at night (when it gets colder), they warm up a layer of bacteria. They multiply and settle on the surface of bedding. Then rotting and decomposition of microorganisms occurs.


There are a number of hormonal medications that are prescribed to women to treat candidiasis in the genital area. Their action is aimed at improving microflora. As a result of death, the fungal bacteria remain in the mucous membrane, ending up on the woman’s underwear. The smell in the room after sleep is sour with admixtures of drugs - this is the result of the beneficial effects of the pills. Temporary, does not require any additional elimination measures.

Cat smell

There is a group of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. If they are prescribed drugs such as Mezim Forte, then after active recreation, sports, or light jogging, strong sweat appears that smells like cat urine. If it is possible to replace the medicine with an analogue, good. Otherwise, you should use deodorants that do not block sweating, but prevent the appearance of odors.


It is a rare case that bran food is taken in bed. Perhaps someone likes to have breakfast without getting out of bed. Some types of foods contain unprocessed fiber. It is also present in human subcutaneous fat. Once on the bed, it activates the microflora. Bacteria multiply, so in such cases the surface should be treated with isepamycin. Gram-negative bacteria are sensitive to it.

Gastrointestinal diseases

If, after eating a colored product, the urine becomes colored and not the feces, it is worth checking the functioning of the intestinal tract. What the intestines cannot digest goes into the kidneys. This releases toxins, often after prolonged use of antibiotics. There is no smell during the day, it appears when the back and face sweat.

Trimethylaminuri bacteria can also cause odors in the morning. The specificity is expressed in the manifestation of a pungent rotten smell, called “fish syndrome”. Women over 50 may also notice, during the period of exacerbation of menopause, bright outbursts of anger, accompanied by an ebb and flow. This leads to sweating and unpleasant odors in the morning. Some people should see a doctor because persistent odor due to sweat can cause hepatitis B to replicate. Others should listen to advice and avoid such incidents.

Problem solving

To get rid of the causes of odors forever, you need not only to visit a doctor, but also monitor your diet and health. Some simple advice will also help those who really don’t see any other reasons. It is worth noting that constant cleanliness is much worse than systematic cleanliness, but once a week. Therefore, we give recommendations and voice solutions to problems with photo support.

Through ventilation

Cotton blankets

Silk sheets

Comfortable clothes

High-quality pole

Air humidity

With all these indicators, the air will be clean and remain so until the morning. Even if the bed linen is not only washed, it will not become soaked with sweat. The blanket should always be made from natural fabrics, and additional cross-ventilation will allow air to circulate without creating drafts. If everything is installed correctly, as the instructions say, then during sleep it will be easier to breathe due to fresh air.

There are often cases when the cause of musty breath is bad breath. This is also a difficult problem to solve overnight, which requires a medical examination, conclusion and advice.

How to get rid of humidity at home

In a private building, it is much easier to eliminate excess moisture than in an apartment, where the appearance of mold is often caused by a violation of the construction technology of the entire building.

Laying waterproofing

Before dealing with dampness inside the building, you need to tackle the basement (if there is one). The use of concrete-containing dry mixtures will help normalize humidity. Using the latter, you need to plaster the area under the floor, seal all the cracks and crevices. For air outflow, it is necessary to install a hood with access to the street.

Then you need to move on to waterproofing the entire house. To do this, carefully plastering the external walls is performed. In a wooden building, the gaps between the logs are sealed with tow or glass wool.

It is important to pay special attention to the roof, even if there are no visible leaks. To prevent moisture from penetrating through the roof, its interior should be finished with any waterproofing material.

The next stage is the implementation of internal waterproofing of the building. Drywall is perfect for all rooms, but for the bathroom it is important to use a moisture-resistant type of such material or plastering.

If the neighbors above flood the plasterboard ceiling in the bathroom, it will have to be replaced: it will not be able to withstand such a load Source


How to remove moisture in a house if it is not possible to carry out major repairs? In such cases, it is worth trying to perform surface repairs.


  • Remove wallpaper damaged by dampness.
  • Clean the surface from fungus, treat with an antiseptic (for example, copper sulfate).
  • Wait a few days until the room dries out, or use a heater.
  • Apply a layer of primer to the walls, and then plaster them or cover them with plasterboard.
  • Finish the wall surfaces (hang wallpaper, paint).

It is advisable to replace the floor covering, even if it is not badly damaged, with a new one.

Arranging a plasterboard box is an excellent solution in cases where you need to hide risers or beds with a large diameter Source

Causes of bad breath

It would seem that bad breath can harm the desire to communicate with a person. However, plaque or tartar does not always cause the spread of bacteria. At night, when a person sleeps, the smell is still present, since the problem lies not in his teeth or gums, but much deeper.


A sweet-sour or cloying smell may indicate unfermented foods. There is no need to treat this disease, although you will have to contact a gastroenterologist for advice. To eliminate the smell, you need to ventilate the rooms.

Undigested proteins

The smell of raw products indicates the presence of liver and pancreas diseases. Acrid fumes can be absorbed into fabrics, so periodic dry cleaning is required, and the person needs treatment.


The sour-rotten smell from the mouth, which spreads throughout the room during sleep, indicates excessive abuse of tea and coffee. Without having time to digest, part of the liquid is thrown into the esophagus. This also leads to heartburn and belching. Often found among pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimester.

Smell of chemicals

There is a reflux of bile into the stomach and esophagus, where the smell appears. The problem is solved by treating or preventing gastrointestinal diseases.

Yeast smell

The presence of such an odor indicates only one disease - mucosal candidiasis. It occurs in both adults and children. Ventilation will save the room, but not the person - he should undergo a course of antibiotic treatment.

Rotten smell

If there is a smell in the room similar to that emanating from rotten meat, then the person is sick with cancer. This may be a stage of remission, so ventilation alone will not do.

Advice: If you can’t get rid of unpleasant odors with your own hands, we recommend that you do not delay the fight against ailments, do not use pastes from different manufacturers, mouth rinses, but simply find out the reason.

When a person is absolutely healthy, this also applies to teeth, then no odors should be present during the night. The body is resting. There may be a slight smell of mustiness, stuffiness - this is a small enclosed space, after ventilating it, everything will return to normal. Sometimes for such solutions it is possible to install ventilation “through to the street” in order to constantly ventilate the premises. If this is not possible, install an air freshener, but do not overuse it. Before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of lemon water, unsweetened juices and hot drinks without dyes (green or white tea). We also recommend watching the video in this article,

revealing the reasons for the manifestation of some symptoms of diseases in the form of a constant odor emanating from a person.

Using special household appliances

Elderly people do not know what household odor eliminating devices are on sale. We need to help them. The range is large, so it’s easy to choose a device of the required power for your apartment. There are good reviews about the use of aromatic lamps and ozonizers. They serve reliably for several years and improve the atmosphere in the apartment.

Dry fog generator

A special device—a dry fog generator—gets rid of the smell of old age. It releases a substance into the air that neutralizes unpleasant odors. Its microscopic particles penetrate the tissue structure and deactivate molecules that irritate the sense of smell.

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