Celebrities have braces, which actors and celebrities wear braces?

As dentists say: “It’s rare that a person is born with a perfect smile, but not everyone can put up with it.” A child’s correct bite is not only an indicator of social status, a requirement of society, but also the health of the entire body. There is quite a lot of scientific evidence that malocclusion affects the body and can cause some pathologies. Modern dentistry offers a wide selection of tools and treatment methods that allow you to achieve unsurpassed results. And one of them is braces. Despite the fact that this treatment system has existed for a long time, patients still have many questions, and there are even more fables around it. IllnessNews debunks myths about braces and also talks about celebrities who decided to correct their bite.

Bite in a child: normal and pathological

During an examination in the dentist's chair, the doctor is interested not only in the presence of caries and gum inflammation, but also in the correct relationship of teeth in children - occlusion. According to the medical dictionary, occlusion is the position of the teeth when the jaws are closed. It can be correct (physiological) or incorrect (pathological).

There are a huge number of types of malocclusion. And there are even more reasons for this phenomenon.


The most common causes of malocclusion in young children are: artificial feeding, dietary errors, heredity, early loss of baby teeth due to complications of caries or injury.

Bite pathologies are not only teeth growing at random, it can also be an incorrect relationship of the jaws and their closure, which significantly affects the appearance of the child and can cause the development of dangerous and serious diseases: diseases of the temporomandibular joint, some postural disorders, respiratory diseases and much more.

Parents should understand that if the dentist has diagnosed a pathology or the prerequisites for its formation and advises starting treatment, it must be started immediately.

Danny Glover

American film actor Danny Glover got braces for himself when he was already an adult man. In 2006, he appeared at a photo shoot dedicated to the release of the film “Rehabilitated,” giving everyone present a smile decorated with iron orthodontic brackets. The actor once again proved to everyone around him that braces can be worn not only in childhood.

Danny Glover

Prevalence of bite pathologies

According to statistics, only 20% of people can boast of a correct bite. The rest have various types of deviations: crowded teeth, dystopic teeth, that is, protruding from the dentition, incorrect jaw relationship, lack of tubercular contacts and more pronounced pathologies that even a layman can recognize.

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

Such a wide spread of malocclusion pathologies has not spared celebrities, among whom there are quite a few patients from whom American dentists have earned a fortune. IllnessNews reveals the secrets...

Experience ceramic from TOMY Inc (Japan)

Since 2012, the official distributor of orthodontic products manufactured by the Japanese company TOMY Inc is the German corporation GC Orthodontics.

The photo shows Experience ceramic braces

What are Experience systems? A whole line of products is produced under this name, but here we will only talk about the aesthetic ceramic models Experience ceramic and Experience ceramic mini. Both bracket systems operate on the principle of self-ligation, that is, the power arc is snapped into them using special locks. At the same time, the clips of the clasps are coated with a thin layer of rhodium, which allows them to completely merge with the body of the bracket and improves the aesthetics of these devices.

Read the article on the topic: TOP 20 dentists where you can correct your bite.

Braces marked mini are compact and provide increased comfort for the patient. They are very durable and impact resistant, just like the Experience ceramic model.

The cost of bite correction with these devices is about 85 thousand rubles per jaw.


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  1. According to the official website of the manufacturer in Russia: dentsplysirona.com/ru
  2. According to the manufacturer's official website: americanortho.com

Expert “Today, orthodontists have a large number of models of ceramic braces from different manufacturers. They all look decent, but the choice should depend not only on individual preferences and financial capabilities, but also on the clinical situation. For example, not all ceramic models are suitable for correcting complex malocclusions. Therefore, it is better to first undergo a thorough diagnosis in order to understand what you are dealing with, and then consider different options.” Orthodontist Vagapov Zakir Irkinovich

Consulting specialist

Chorny Stanislav Vladimirovich

Doctor rating: 9.8 out of 10 (4) Specialization: Orthopedist Experience: 20 years

Even wizards correct their bite

The famous “sorceress” Emma Watson herself, who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, previously considered herself a real ugly duckling because of her crooked teeth. But it was precisely these shortcomings that allowed her to pass the casting for one of the main roles in her life. It is noteworthy that even in the book itself, JK Rowling described the defects of Hermione's teeth.

Dentists note that Emma simply did not have enough space for full teeth to erupt on her jaw, which is why her smile line suffered. But a short treatment with an orthodontist changed the actress for the better, and her smile today meets all the requirements of Hollywood.

“Hermione” wasn’t the only one to become an orthodontist’s patient. Matthew Lewis, who played the role of Neville Longbottom, underwent a significant transformation between filming. Due to lack of space in the upper jaw and presumably early loss of baby teeth, the actor's lateral incisors of the upper jaw erupted behind the central ones. During long-term treatment, the lateral incisors were literally pulled into the correct place, and cosmetic dentistry methods turned the boy into an attractive man with a charming smile.


Among American and European stars, malocclusion, yellow or crooked teeth are not at all a defect in appearance, but a kind of highlight that helped them become who they are.

  • Brigitte Bardot. The world-famous beauty, whom millions of men prayed for, had not previously been distinguished by her attractive appearance. As a child, Bridget had strabismus, which she was able to cure. But the incorrect bite and, as a result, a slightly protruding lower lip remained with the actress forever. However, the skillful Bridget was able to turn her disadvantage into her main advantage, arousing admiration from society.

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  • Vanessa Paradis. This singer and actress not only did not correct the diastema (a gap between the front teeth), but also made it a fashionable feature.

Interesting! Many girls specially sawed out their gap in order to resemble their fashion idol.

  • Kirsten Dunst. The peculiarity of this actress is her protruding fangs, which she is not going to part with. At one of the interviews, Kirsten said that her mother repeatedly tried to tidy up her smile, but Kirsten did not follow the dentist’s recommendations and simply threw away the plates, which she does not regret at all today.

This is interesting: Facet in dentistry - what it is, how it is used, its varieties

  • Johnny Depp. This actor has everything perfect except his smile. Johnny not only did not treat his teeth, but also disfigured them even more. Then he couldn’t part with the image of Jack Sparrow and wore decorative metal teeth, and then even put on gold grills.
  • Kate Moss. Another star for whom crooked teeth are not a problem. Kate, thanks to her unconventional appearance and charisma, was able to break into the world of modeling and take one of the leading positions there.

  • Amy Winehouse. The late singer had a very terrifying smile. Her teeth were crooked and her bite was wrong. After a while, when Amy began to abuse smoking, alcohol and drugs, her teeth began to fall out. As it turned out later, almost before her death, Amy began to visit the dentist and get her smile in order.

  • Keira Knightley. One of the highest paid actresses of our time is not at all embarrassed by her overbite and always smiles broadly at reporters. According to Kira herself, she has never been a fan of the perfectly straight and unnaturally white teeth that American celebrities love so much. The girl visits the dentist regularly, but only to keep her teeth in order.

  • Kate Middleton . The Duchess of Cambridge had an overbite and several uneven teeth. This state of affairs did not bother her at all until she married Prince William and became a victim of paparazzi ridicule. Kate couldn’t make up her mind for a long time, but not long ago she finally visited a famous French dentist, who gave her a natural, even smile.

Interesting! In honor of the wedding of William and Kate, a coin was issued in England with an engraving in the shape of the bride's face with a protruding chin due to an incorrect bite.

  • Karl Lagerfeld . The late designer, whose clothes all women in the world dreamed of wearing, never smiled. And all because his teeth had long since rotted and fallen out. And those that remained were crooked and yellow.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch. The performer of the role of Sherlock and Doctor Strange has always disliked his appearance, and especially his crooked teeth. However, such self-criticism did not affect his acting abilities, which overshadowed all of Benedict's shortcomings.

  • Katy Perry . For this singer, crooked teeth have become a real flaw of which she is ashamed. But Katie is in no hurry to correct this defect. She believes that braces will not suit her, and this is not an adult thing. Therefore, Perry tries to hide such a hateful smile behind his antics and constant changes of image.

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  • Madonna. The bright highlight of this singer has always been a small gap between her front teeth, which she recently corrected, giving herself the notorious Hollywood smile.

  • Lindsay Lohan. Since childhood, the actress had beautiful and perfectly straight teeth. But after she began to lead a rather wild lifestyle and became addicted to smoking, her smile became yellow-brown. Lindsay periodically removes plaque, but the effect of visiting the dentist is short-lived.

  • Ashley Smith. Her gap can be called “royal”, since it is much larger in size than Paradis’s. For the girl, the diastema also became a peculiar feature, which “let her in” to the world of modeling and made her one of the highest paid models.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is considered one of the most beautiful women on the starry Olympus. The actress was helped to achieve such success in her field not only by her unconditional talent, but also by her excellent natural abilities, charm, charisma and, of course, her orthodontist. As a teenager, Angelina wore braces, like many of her peers.

Angelina Jolie

Prince Harry

It turns out that even members of the royal family are no strangers to the problems of ordinary mortals. For example, Prince Harry once suffered from severe crooked teeth. A favorite of the fair sex and, perhaps, the brightest representative of his family, at the age of 15 he was very worried about ridicule about the iron braces that adorned his teeth at that time. But now the prince impresses with his brilliant smile and continues to collect the hearts of handsome men from all over the world.

Prince Harry

Gwen Stefani

Distinguished by her unusual character and perfect teeth, Gwen still resorted to the help of orthodontists. At the age of 30, she installed a system with metal locks on both jaws.

There was no need for this, but in this way the actress decided to attract the attention of fans and the press . Simultaneously with the construction, Gwen dyed her hair provocatively pink, shocking the audience.

Unlike many, Gwen has always been attracted to such devices, which is why she chose them to increase her popularity, as an aesthetic element. Such a PR move sharply increased the artist’s rating and excited journalists.

Katy Perry

In one of her conversations with journalists, Katy Perry admitted that she is proud of her slightly crooked teeth in the lower jaw and is not going to correct this “zest.” However, the singer explained that she perfectly understands the importance of wearing braces in the presence of severe bite defects, and therefore respects orthodontic treatment. To support teenagers during the difficult period of wearing braces, the singer starred in the Last Friday Night video and showed the whole world that a girl with iron braces on her teeth can also become the most beautiful and popular in school.

This is interesting: Lingual braces

Katy Perry

Tom Cruise

The artist is in the first place of the TOP, since there is a big difference between today's smile and what it represented many years ago. During the period of change of bite, Tom Cruise experienced severe separation of the anterior incisors.

In addition to everything, at a young age there was an accident that ended with the breaking off of a significant part of the incisor. At the first filming, the artist appeared with an unaesthetic smile.

Having restored the lost part of the tooth, Tom no longer worked on correcting dental defects. Already married to Penelope Cruz and having a child, he thought about orthodontic correction.

The reason for this was a visit to the dentist to determine the child’s bite. It was then that the orthodontist advised the artist to undergo treatment with braces, which would completely transform his smile.

Heeding the doctor's advice, Cruz installed braces in 2002.

He went through a multi-stage treatment process, during which the diastema between his incisors was first eliminated, and only then they began to restore the aesthetics of his dentition.

Drew Barrymore

Photo: Drew Barrymore before and after bite correction

Acting in films since the age of 7, Drew had uneven teeth. The great popularity that came to the girl after the release of the film “The Extraterrestrial” led her parents to the idea that it was time to prepare her for a big career in cinema.

One of the stages of preparation was treatment with braces, which Drew installed at the age of 11 . She noted separation of teeth and changes in their position. A few years later she was able to boast a perfect smile and worldwide popularity.

The actress has never discussed the topic of her orthodontic correction. But judging by her negative reaction to the temporary fixation of the system for the filming of one of the films, her feelings were not the best.

Danny Glover

American film actor Danny Glover got braces for himself when he was already an adult man. In 2006, he appeared at a photo shoot dedicated to the release of the film “Rehabilitated,” giving everyone present a smile decorated with iron orthodontic brackets. The actor once again proved to everyone around him that braces can be worn not only in childhood.

Danny Glover

Nicolas Cage

Famous actor Nicolas Cage decided to undergo orthodontic bite correction in adulthood. The man was not afraid to show off his “iron” smile during one of the ceremonies in Beverly Hills in 2003. First, the actor installed braces on the lower jaw, and after some time he supplemented the corrective apparatus with plates for the upper teeth.

Nicolas Cage

Emma Watson

Emma Watson proudly holds the title of one of the highest paid actresses in the world. Today it’s hard to believe that as a child, little Hermione from “Harry Potter” considered herself an ugly duckling because of problems with her teeth. By the way, it was precisely this feature that gave her a pass to the world of big cinema, when the little girl was casting for the role of a little sorceress. Later, Emma Watson resorted to the help of an orthodontist and got herself braces. Now the actress happily shows off her flawless smile on the red carpet.

Emma Watson

Cindy Crawford

One of the first artists to undergo orthodontic adjustments as an adult is Cindy Crawford. She allowed herself to correct the position of her teeth and bite during active filming .

At that moment, in addition to films, she starred in Pepsi commercials and often performed on the catwalks. Cindy's face with a wide smile in metal braces in 1995 could be seen on television screens and advertising stands.

Many argue that the model’s image did not suffer at all, but became even more interesting.

Carrie Underwood

Only at the age of forty-five did Kerry decide to start correcting her bite. Today, the socialite openly demonstrates her braces, presenting them as decoration .

Having opted for a transparent sapphire model, she did not lose at all. The locks emphasize her aristocracy, and in combination with the jewelry that Kerry wears every time she goes out, they make her look unique.

The star justifies her late decision by saying that as a child she was terribly afraid of any, even painless, dental procedures.

Only now has Underwood been able to consciously cope with her fears.


The twelve-year-old daughter of the famous singer Madonna was always under the watchful eye of her mother, who carefully monitored her health. But this did not help to avoid the development of malocclusion.

The girl had an abnormal position of the anterior teeth. To correct the situation, it was decided to install braces.

Positive results were not long in coming, since 12 years is considered the optimal age for orthodontic correction . Today, Lourdes's bite is of the correct shape and she can safely boast of the beauty of her smile.

This is interesting: Braces for children - how and when is the best time to install children’s braces

Valturi vampires also have problems

Dakota Fanning, who played Jane in the leading romantic vampire epic Twilight, also did not have a perfect smile as a child. But this did not stop her from becoming a successful actress and getting a role.

As a child, Dakota had a so-called “hare smile”, when the front incisors of the upper jaw are larger and pushed forward. The girl had to undergo multi-stage and long-term treatment in the orthodontist's chair, wearing not only braces, but also a very bulky orthodontic apparatus with wide arches. Treatment began at age 13. And, although Dakota’s peers were embarrassed by braces, the young star wore them with pleasure and regarded them as decoration, changing only the color.

Today Dakota is a successful actress who has received many awards. But the main award, the Oscar, is still ahead.

Drew Barrymore / Drew Barrymore

  • “E.T.,” “Miss You Already,” “50 First Dates.”

Drew Barrymore became a celebrity at the age of 7, starring in Steven Spielberg's cult film E.T. The film footage clearly demonstrates the terrible state of the young actress’s teeth at that time. Drew had a severe malocclusion and his upper incisors were the wrong size and shape. In order to correct dental problems, the girl was fitted with permanent braces.

Hollywood's Most Expensive Smile - Julia Roberts

A smile from ear to ear - that's about her! The owner of a truly beautiful and mesmerizing smile, Julia Roberts underwent long-term orthodontic treatment - the result was stunning.

Looking at Julia’s childhood photographs, you don’t immediately recognize her as the fatal beauty who always ran away from the crown. A large gap between the front teeth, glasses - an ugly duckling, and that's all.

Braces, correction of the shape and color of teeth using veneers/lumineers, did their job. And Julia’s signature style is her charming smile with perfectly straight teeth.


For a long time, the singer did not advertise that she wore braces to straighten her teeth. But in 2014, she published a photo on her Instagram page in which she was 13 years old. In this photo, the future star openly demonstrated iron braces.

As the singer herself has admitted more than once, she has long considered herself an ugly duckling. And her parents never called her beautiful either. But now Alsou is the owner of a perfect Hollywood smile. She is considered one of the most attractive pop stars. Not the least role in this was played by staples, which helped get rid of malocclusion.

Braces are a very popular method of correcting bites and straightening teeth. Celebrities also often get braces to achieve a perfect smile, which is an integral part of their celebrity look. At the same time, they prefer invisible (more expensive) models, so wearing braces often remains a secret for their fans.

Cristiano Ronaldo and his success story

A successful football player, an eligible bachelor and just a handsome man, Cristiano Ronaldo is an idol of millions, who also suffered from dental problems. Cristiano is one of the most striking examples of the consequences of premature tooth loss and a small upper jaw, where there is no room for teeth to erupt.

In this photo, even non-professionals will notice the absence of the maxillary lateral incisor on the left. In fact, the tooth is dystopic, that is, it is located outside the dentition.

Cristiano underwent long-term orthodontic treatment. Thanks to this, it was possible to increase the size of the upper jaw, pull the lateral incisor into place, and the methods of restorative dentistry made it possible to create a smile that meets all Hollywood standards.

For kings - royal braces

Even royal blood is not a guarantee of health and proper bite. Prince Harry began his orthodontic treatment at age 15. At the same time, without feeling any embarrassment, he actively attended social events.

As a child, the prince had a fairly large gap between his teeth and his front incisors diverged in different directions. Orthodontic treatment made it possible to remove three teeth and straighten the dentition.

Carrie Underwood

Imagine a forty-five-year-old society lady in a dazzling dress, necklaces and... braces. Moreover, in her case, the design was so stylish that it could well be considered as a decoration and addition to the image.

Carrie admitted to reporters that the need to install such a system arose during her childhood, but then the future star was terrified of the dentist.

Time has passed, and now she has a truly impressive smile thanks to wearing braces.

Braces as a podium decoration

One of the most successful and sought-after models of our time is Cindy Crawford, the owner of not only an ideal figure, skin and hair, but also teeth. The model took care of her smile as an adult, while climbing the ladder of popularity. The model was not at all embarrassed by her braces and continued to walk the catwalk, appearing on magazine covers and commercials. Moreover, Cindy was not at all shy and smiled widely during filming.

Anna Mikhailovskaya

  • "Captain", "Mannequin", "Karpov".

One of the most beautiful actresses in Russian cinema, the owner of a stunning smile, during her school years, Anya also had a special metal structure installed to straighten her bite.

The list of actors who wore braces on their teeth goes on for a long time. Among those who corrected dental defects are Blake Lively (Gossip Girl, The Age of Adaline, City of Thieves), Gwyneth Paltrow (Seven, Iron Man, The Talented Mr. Ripley) ), Scarlett Johansson (Jojo Rabbit, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Avengers), Emma Stone (La La Land, Maniac, The Favorite) and many others . And we must admit that the result of the specialists’ work is impressive. Just look at the photos of stars before and after the intervention.

It's never too late to take care of your teeth

One of the most striking transformations belongs to Tom Cruise - another proof that you can correct your bite even in adulthood. As a teenager, Tom had a real problem with his bite, which caused a lot of inconvenience for the teenager. Reversed front incisor, “bunny smile” are just minor characteristics and problems.

The actor began his treatment at the age of 40. Moreover, with “brackets” he was filming for a magazine, presenting the film “Minority Report”.

Tom Cruise

The world-famous Hollywood actor began to think about correcting his bite even when he was at the peak of his popularity. Moreover, this idea came to him completely by accident. In 2002, the 39-year-old actor, being in a close relationship with Penelope Cruz, accompanied her child to the dentist, decided to consult him about the condition of his teeth.

As a result, he was asked to install a permanent system to correct the bite, which Tom wore for a year, removing it only during filming.

"Don't speak" and Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani is a shining example of success and love for braces. Dentists say that Gwen has the correct bite and the need for correction was minimal. But the singer, winner of many music awards, wore braces as a decoration, a kind of accessory.

After such a move, Gwen's rating and popularity skyrocketed. According to the singer's representatives, the actress used braces only for decoration, but the changes are noticeable. The singer also underwent surgery to correct her gummy smile.

Demmy Moor

It is quite possible that it was thanks to Demi’s new smile that she once managed to win the heart of Ashton Kutcher. “The actress’s missing teeth on the sides were clearly replaced with a bridge, which was later replaced with implants,” says dentist Ruslan Sabanov.

Read also

Celebrities who wore braces

Braces: everything you need to know before installation

Zac Efron's charming smile

Today Zac Efron is the owner of the most charming smile, having received the People's Award. As a child, Zach had no significant bite problems. And to non-professionals it seemed that everything was ideal, except, perhaps, for the three spaces between the front teeth.

After orthodontic treatment and minor cosmetic restoration, Zach shines in new roles and is gradually gaining popularity.

Megan Fox / Megan Fox

  • “Transformers”, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, “Rock and Roll on the Road”.

Like most of her colleagues, Megan also turned to specialists for help. In her youth, she had some problems with the location and shape of her teeth. To correct these defects, the girl used a special design for a long time, and later, being already a famous actress, she had snow-white ceramic veneers installed.

Princess Nesmeyana: Victoria Beckham

The most mysterious celebrity of our time who never smiles is Victoria Beckham. The whole world is waiting for her smile, but she adheres to the “Snow Queen” style. As a child, Victoria had a large gap between her front teeth, the crowns of her teeth were small, and she had a large, gummy smile.

Despite the fact that Victoria does not smile in public, you can still find photographs that capture her smile. In addition to orthodontic treatment, the singer and designer corrected her gummy smile. Not without veneers.

Famous handsome men with braces

Men, despite their brutality, also want to be beautiful, and rightly so. Famous actors and representatives of the secular society of Hollywood stars have to pay special attention to the impeccability of their image.

Tom Cruise

This handsome man's teeth weren't always so straight. In 2002, the actor received braces. Tom Cruise only took them off during filming. His girlfriend of those days, Penelope Cruz, was not at all embarrassed by this. The actor installed an orthodontic device for himself after visiting the dentist with his child. It turned out that he himself needed braces. The fact that celebrities do not neglect the advice of dentists encourages us to make the right decisions. Tom Cruise realized long ago that healthy teeth are the key to the beauty of world stars.

Nicolas Cage

In 2003, the actor’s lower jaw teeth were decorated with braces. It looked very good. Nicolas Cage wore the design long enough to say goodbye to his crooked teeth once and for all.

Vlad Lisovets

Vlad Lisovets is a fashion stylist who simply needs to dazzle everyone with a smile with straight teeth. Otherwise, the stars may turn to the services of another specialist. Only after celebrating his fortieth birthday, Vlad Lisovets decided to update his image. The stylist made the wise decision to put braces on his slightly crooked teeth to achieve the perfect result.

But is it only celebrities who can afford to captivate the public with the help of orthodontic systems? Popular video blogger Sasha Spielberg corrects crooked teeth. The girl claims that the braces look invisible, with them she does not lisp or lisp, which many are afraid of. Sasha fearlessly talks about all the intricacies of the interesting procedure and the rehabilitation period. We invite you to watch her useful and inspiring video.

Perfect in everything Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is the most charming and desirable woman in the world. Among her fans are not only men who appreciated her beauty and attractiveness, but also women who admire her perseverance, femininity and activity.

Meanwhile, as a child, Angelina was forced to visit the dentist and correct her naturally occurring malocclusions. But immediately after treatment, young Angelina entered the family business, after which she was a successful model, tried herself in acting, and today she is successfully engaged in directing.

Malocclusion - “highlight”

Despite the high demands of modern society on appearance, there are a number of stars who bypassed the dentist's office and decided to remain the way nature created them.

Steve Buscemi, a brilliant actor who plays negative characters best, himself noted that his appearance was simply created for such roles. Indeed, his natural abilities allow him to create the most striking roles of inveterate villains and cunning people without additional makeup.

Amy Winehouse, who died tragically in 2011, is recognized not only by music critics, but also by a large number of fans. Amy was loved for her vocal talent and sincerity. And, although she could afford the services of the best dentist, she chose not to correct her bite and teeth, remaining the way nature created her.

An incorrect bite is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a threat to the health of children. The connection between bite pathologies and incorrect posture, as well as changes in facial shape, has been proven. Today, orthodontists are working on a more detailed understanding of the connection between malocclusion pathologies and diseases of the respiratory system.

There is no need to be afraid of the diagnosis. Currently, modern dentistry is capable of much: treatment time is significantly reduced, new methods appear. Significant transformations are best demonstrated by celebrities, who are also affected by this problem.

Faye Dunaway

  • "Bonnie and Clyde", "Arizona Dream", "Chinatown".

The winner of the coveted Oscar statuette, the foreign film star turned to orthodontists for professional help already in adulthood. The actress was 61 years old when she decided to correct her bite and put on metal braces. Once her teeth were in place, Faye had veneers installed.

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