Braces or aligners: what to choose to straighten teeth?

The selection and installation of aligners and self-ligating braces is carried out in the Implantmaster clinic using modern equipment, under the guidance of orthodontists with extensive experience, in comfortable conditions, at an affordable price.

The problem of curvature of teeth, their improper closure and other dental anomalies cause a lot of negative experiences for people. Installing braces comes to the rescue, but not everyone decides to do this, due to the aesthetic imperfections of such orthodontic devices and the discomfort when wearing them.

Fortunately, today a new device has been developed to cope with aesthetic defects in the oral cavity - aligners. These are advanced orthodontic appliances made of clear plastic. They are characterized by increased wearing comfort, are quite easily removed from the mouth and do not require special care rules. However, the key advantage of aligners is aesthetic perfection - they are practically invisible on the teeth even during close communication with others.

Next, we will talk about the pros and cons of braces and aligners in more detail. You will also learn about the cost of the above orthodontic devices in modern dental clinics.

At Implantmaster dentistry, the installation of aligners and braces is performed by specialists with impressive professional experience. In this case, advanced diagnostic methods are used, and dental impressions are created in digital format. This greatly simplifies orthodontic treatment, improves its quality and comfort, and also guarantees extreme precision in the production of orthodontic appliances.

Orthodontic treatment and basic devices

As you know, orthodontists are involved in identifying, eliminating and preventing dental anomalies. In their opinion, regardless of the patient’s age, there is always the opportunity to move the tooth to the right place, as well as to stimulate or inhibit the development of the bone structures on which the teeth are attached. This is due to the compliance of the supporting-retaining apparatus.

There are several ways to perform orthodontic treatment, namely:

  • Conservative therapy. It consists of using special devices: braces, transparent aligners, thin overlays on teeth, etc.;
  • Surgical intervention. This method is used in difficult situations when it is not possible to eliminate the defect using orthodontic appliances. However, a prerequisite after surgery is the use of braces or transparent aligners.

To understand what is better to choose after surgery - aligners or braces - you should pay attention to the following criteria.

Stages of treatment

The aligners are made of soft silicone, they are very thin and fit tightly to the teeth. Aligners are developed strictly individually and only in the companies that develop these products. That is, preparation, approval of the plan, taking impressions and monitoring of the treatment are carried out directly in the clinic.

The patient is given a full set of aligners for the entire period of treatment (and its duration is usually about 9-12 months, less wearing braces). (the amount varies depending on the severity of the malocclusion). Each aligner has its own shape and has a specific effect on the teeth, causing them to move in the desired direction. If you use the system correctly, the first results will be noticeable within 3-4 months.

According to numerous studies, mouth guards have virtually no restrictions on their use. And with a competent approach, they allow you to solve problems of malocclusion of any complexity1.

How to wear aligners

Each mouthguard must be worn for about 2 weeks, strictly observing the date of replacement. The daily norm of wearing a mouthguard is at least 20 hours; the aligner must be removed while eating or performing hygiene procedures.

After removal, the aligner must be cleaned; after eating, be sure to brush your teeth and remove any remaining food from the interdental spaces. It is important to store the aligner in a special container that will protect the aligner from dust and external influences.

What is more comfortable - aligners or braces?

Bracket systems have a complex structure. Most often, they are represented by locks that are attached to the surface of the teeth, a special wire that connects the locks to each other, and, most often, tiny devices necessary to fix the arch in the groove. All of the above components allow you to create a traction force, which helps change the position of the teeth in the row. The cause of discomfort after fixing braces is their bulky design. It can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, especially if such a device is installed on the inside of the jaw.

Today there is a better alternative to braces – aligners. We are talking about orthodontic devices made of plastic and characterized by increased wearing comfort due to the absence of sharp elements. They are easily removed from the mouth for the purpose of cleaning, eating and performing at any social events. Simply put, clear aligners do not force a person to give up their usual lifestyle. But, even if you decide to use aligners instead of braces, you should remember that to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, they should be worn at least 22 hours a day. This means that it is advisable to remove them from the mouth in exceptional cases - for hygiene purposes and for the purpose of eating food. However, such self-monitoring can negatively affect the treatment, since patients often lose aligners and delay their re-installation.

What is more expensive

Installing aligners instead of braces is more expensive, especially with long-term treatment in several stages. But with a correct comparison, the difference is not so significant.

The price of the cap depends on the brand. Domestic - Star Smile is cheaper than foreign Invisalign. The cost of braces is affected by the brand and type of construction and material. The most affordable metal models. Systems made of ceramics and sapphire are more expensive. Lingual devices are expensive, their cost is higher than vestibular devices.

Any braces are purchased for one time, without taking into account the time of wearing. If the teeth are positioned correctly on one jaw, a structure must also be installed on it. Braces cannot be placed on one row of teeth.

With aligners, everything is different. The treatment is simulated step by step using a computer program. The doctor immediately sees how many caps are needed in a particular case. The longer the correction period, the more plates will be required. The final price also depends on this. But if one row of teeth does not need correction, the number of trays is reduced, since the patient needs to undergo fewer stages of treatment.

Aesthetic characteristics of aligners and braces

The aesthetic criterion is fundamental when implementing orthodontic treatment. In the production of aligners, special transparent plastic is used, which ensures almost impeccable aesthetics. According to the manufacturers, even with close communication, others will not understand that you have transparent aligners installed.

Trying to independently understand the difference between braces and aligners, many focus on this indicator – the visibility of the structure on the teeth. However, today you can find devices that are highly aesthetic, for example, sapphire or ceramic braces. In this case, the shade of the locks adapts to the natural tone of the enamel, and the wire is made of transparent material. Moreover, lingual models of braces have now been developed, which are fixed on the inside of the jaw. This makes them almost invisible even during close dialogue with others.

Seriously speaking, it is best to be treated with aligners

Yes, because they have a huge number of advantages over braces. There are only a few difficult dental pathologies that aligners cannot handle. But all other problems of crooked teeth are perfectly corrected by aligners! Star Smile is represented by orthodontists in more than 70 (!) cities of Russia. And we guarantee you the most comfortable prices for treatment with aligners! To make sure of this, leave a request for a FREE consultation with an orthodontist in your city. Do you want to visit an orthodontist completely free?

Our team of doctors

Maxillofacial surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Experience: 11 years

Dental surgeon, Implantologist

Chernov Dmitry Anatolievich

Experience: 29 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilievich

Experience: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Alexandrovna

Experience: 22 years

Orthopedic dentist

Tsoi Sergey Konstantinovich

Experience: 19 years


Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Experience: 3 years

Are aligners more effective than braces?

When the question arises about what to choose – braces or aligners, it is important to pay attention to the effectiveness of their use. Despite the fact that orthodontic appliances made of transparent material can achieve the desired result, their effectiveness has not been proven in certain situations. For example, in cases where corpus movement of teeth is required, the use of braces is considered more appropriate. When using clear aligners, this process may take longer. However, if we are talking about malocclusion pathology, in which the overlap between the upper and lower teeth is impaired, the need for using aligners is justified.

When trying to decide on a choice between aligners or braces, you should pay attention to the obvious advantages of the latter. These orthodontic devices allow you to correct even the most complex defects, unlike transparent aligners. But you should remember the nuances of specific braces models. For example, ceramic and sapphire devices are more fragile and susceptible to breakage. In turn, lingual systems demonstrate better results in the fight against deep bites.

In any case, the difference between braces and aligners is obvious: classic orthodontic devices cope with severe pathologies, while improved transparent aligners are designed to eliminate only minor deficiencies.


At the moment, the treatment I carry out using aligners is based on the use of especially strong, reinforced trays to straighten teeth. This design of the aligner allows you to reduce treatment time and reduce the number of additional corrections due to the fact that the aligner did not work 100% during the main course.

In my practice, I use a unique orthodontic treatment method - VIP protocol for teeth straightening and bite correction using aligners.

What does the VIP protocol mean when using mouth guards to straighten teeth:

  1. The patient undergoes a computed tomography scan, which shows the location of the roots of the teeth that are to be moved. During a routine examination, the doctor cannot see the roots of the teeth, he only guesses how they are located. A high-resolution computed tomogram creates a 3D model of the patient’s dentition and root system.
  2. The patient takes impressions of his teeth, which are placed in an extraoral 3D scanner. This system provides significantly greater accuracy than scanning teeth in the oral cavity.
  3. In a 3D computer modeling program, a computer tomogram of teeth and roots is combined with a 3D scan of the dentition. Our orthodontist, using the latest generation software, simulates the movement of roots and teeth, virtually aligning the teeth and correcting the patient’s bite.

Thus, the VIP protocol is a 3D planning of the alignment of not only the teeth, but also their root system using computed tomography, which allows you to normalize the bite and straighten the teeth in a shorter time, without complications and get a more correct and durable result that will last a lifetime .

Read my large article on teeth straightening and bite correction using aligners. In it you will find a lot of up-to-date information about this technology, the cost of the course, many photographs before and after treatment using aligners for teeth straightening.


Look at the review of my patient, actress and TV presenter Yana Troyanova about treatment with aligners.

Adaptation to aligners and braces

The problem of getting used to orthodontic devices is considered one of the most serious for modern patients. In this case, the question is: “Aligners or braces, which is better?” - disappears on its own. Of course, transparent devices are advantageous in terms of adaptation, since they can be periodically removed from the oral cavity. In addition, such mouthguards are made of elastic and soft materials, which eliminates massive pressure on the teeth.

As for braces, they are fixed once and for a long period of time. Consequently, the process of getting used to them is more difficult and longer. This is also due to the complex design features of traditional devices. They are represented by many elastic bands, hooks, locks, wires and other additional elements, compared to soft and smooth aligners.


These are rather complex non-removable orthodontic structures that are designed to correct the position of teeth and correct the bite. They consist of clasps of various types, which the dentist attaches to the outer or inner surface of the tooth using special glue, and arches of various thicknesses and shapes, which create the necessary pressure on the dentition. The entire system together allows you to move teeth within a row and around their axis to ultimately create an even and beautiful smile.

The brace system dates back to the invention of the orthodontic arch at the dawn of the twentieth century by Edward Engle, a talented dentist who not only classified the types of bite problems, but also came up with ways to solve them. Braces have come a long way - from the complex and bulky metal installations that you might see on teenagers in American films, to small, elegant designs made from various materials that can be individually chosen. So, today the range of braces includes not only the familiar silver metal options, but also transparent ceramic and even colored braces, which make the long treatment process a little more fun and are more popular with children.

Reception write with aligners and braces

Since it is not possible to remove the braces before eating, the patient must adhere to a strict diet: solid foods must be crushed, and during the correction it is necessary to exclude the intake of seeds and nuts. When it comes to using aesthetic devices, all dishes with food dyes are excluded from the diet.

In the case of using transparent aligners, there are no restrictions on removing the structures while eating food. The main rule is to brush your teeth before fixing the aligners again.

Caring for braces and aligners

If you still haven’t decided what to prefer, aligners or braces, and considering their pros and cons, pay attention to the simple rules of care in relation to transparent aligners. Experts recommend removing them from the mouth after each meal, rinsing thoroughly with water and cleaning with a brush. They have a polished surface that is not prone to deposits. In turn, due to the absence of sharp elements, it is possible to prevent the accumulation of food particles. However, there is one undesirable point - the high probability of plastic staining when drinking coffee and tea.

As for traditional braces, they are much more difficult to clean. Particles of solid food may accumulate under the arch and in the area of ​​the locks, which indicates the need to use special brushes, brushes and dental floss. In the absence of proper hygiene, deposits can provoke the appearance of carious lesions.

What is cheaper – braces or aligners?

Consultation with an orthodontist

  • X-ray panoramic image
  • Oral examination
  • Drawing up a treatment plan with costs

Price : 2,000 ₽
*if treatment continues in the clinic according to the plan, the consultation is not paid

Self-ligating metal braces Damon Qfrom 250,000 ₽
Self-ligating ceramic braces Damon Clearfrom 250,000 ₽
Aligners - trays for straightening teethfrom 350,000 ₽

If you are wondering what to prefer - aligners or braces - price is not always the main selection criterion. In some cases, the cost of treatment with standard orthodontic systems and transparent aligners can be the same. For example, if we are talking about the use of sapphire or ceramic bracket systems, the prices for them are considered identical to aligners. Ligature devices made of metal are considered more affordable in cost.

There are differences in payment procedures:

  1. A set of transparent trays necessary for the complete correction process is manufactured at a time. After this, they are transferred to the patient. The need to visit a specialist is present only once every two months - for consultation.
  2. If you use traditional braces, at each return visit to the orthodontist you will need to pay an additional fee for replacing certain elements.

In turn, a negative point when treating with transparent aligners is the increased likelihood of damage or loss. Sometimes there is a need to replace them - in case of significant cracks or a noticeable change in shade. Braces are also susceptible to fractures. Often, carious lesions may appear under such devices, which requires additional treatment costs.

In Implantmaster dentistry, the cost of installing transparent aligners has a lower limit of 350 thousand rubles. When fixing ceramic or metal braces in our clinic, you will have to pay from 250 thousand rubles.

In what cases are braces used?

Since braces are a permanent structure, they are installed on adults and children over 10-12 years old, that is, when the dental system has already been formed. Until this point, orthodontists advise correcting teeth using lightweight removable structures - plates or trainers. They are quite enough to have an impact on mobile children’s teeth.

Installation of braces is necessary to solve significant problems of an already developed jaw. Thus, they show their effectiveness in cases of severe crowding and rotation of individual teeth relative to their axis. Braces slowly but surely create the correct position of the dentition and secure the teeth in new places through prolonged wear. On average, the structure is installed for 1.5-2 years. It is difficult to talk about the timing of treatment, because much depends on the physiological characteristics of a particular patient. The cost of braces includes the price of the elements themselves, their installation, as well as visits to the dentist and is calculated individually during the treatment process.

From an aesthetic point of view, braces are unsightly: they are visible and protrude. And at first they cause discomfort to the patient: they rub their cheeks, lips, and it’s uncomfortable to eat in them. It is not so easy to maintain oral hygiene with braces; food gets clogged, you need to use special threads, brushes and an irrigator.

It is not recommended to eat very solid foods, because... you can simply “bite” the braces. These difficulties fade into the background when the first changes become noticeable, and over time, patients get used to both these features and the braces themselves and stop noticing them.

Orthodontist Kozhevnikova N.I.

Obvious pros and cons of aligners and braces

If you are faced with a choice between braces or aligners, and want to find out the orthodontist’s opinion on this issue, experts do not recommend focusing on cost. The fact is that the inflated price of transparent mouth guards is made up for by the numerous advantages of their use. This is an aesthetic component, increased wearing comfort, and the absence of dietary restrictions.

If you have any doubts about the treatment method, consult our experienced specialists. We will perform a study of the dentofacial system using modern X-ray and orthopantomogram methods, carefully examine its condition and select an orthodontic device option that will best cope with the aesthetic problem. Implantmaster specialists also provide services in the field of creating digital impressions using the latest 3Shape Trios scanner, carry out 3D modeling of each stage of treatment in three-dimensional format with visual animation of the transformation process, make impressions, fix a suitable orthodontic device and give recommendations regarding its further care .



Aligners are a new direction in dentistry, which appeared as a result of the development of innovative technologies and are also intended to correct dental defects. Essentially, this is a system that allows you to predict changes in occlusion under several scenarios using 3D visualization. Even before the start of treatment, the orthodontist can simulate the result and demonstrate it on the monitor.

The appearance of the aligners is transparent aligners. They are made from a dental impression. For the full course of treatment, a set of caps is prepared. The plates change sequentially, which allows you to gradually move the teeth into the desired position along the trajectory planned by the doctor. The mouthguards are invisible in the mouth and do not interfere with articulation. To achieve the desired effect, you need to wear the aligners for at least 18 hours every day. The products are optimally suited for the treatment of defects of mild to moderate complexity.

Dentists at the PROPRICUS clinic place 2 types of mouth guards:

  • Invisalign is the #1 aligner in the world. The products are durable and clear, manufactured in the USA to fit the shape of the patient's teeth. Recommended not only for adults, but also for children over 7 years old. Delivery time for the finished kit is 2-4 weeks.
  • Star Smile are Russian-made devices with a lower cost. The total amount depends on the number of plates in the set. Quickly produced and delivered to the patient.

Aligners are an analogue of braces, since they correct the dental apparatus according to the same principle. There are differences in properties and functions.

Who are they suitable for?

Transparent plates have many advantages, so this treatment method is suitable for everyone. High-quality correction is guaranteed provided that it is worn regularly. If parents are not sure that their child will constantly wear the plate, you can purchase a device with a marker. This model allows you to monitor a teenager when he is left unattended and determine whether the child wore the device for the required time or not. Transparent mouth guards are also recommended for public people whose work is related to television, show business, etc.


Aligners have a number of advantages:

  1. They are practically invisible in the mouth, which is important for patients who do not want to demonstrate to others the fact of orthodontic treatment.
  2. Small and thin - they are comfortable to wear.
  3. Comfortable to use - easy to remove, do not injure soft tissues, do not interfere with diction.
  4. Provides quick adaptation.
  5. There are no problems with care - just wash the aligners regularly in soapy water.
  6. There are no dietary restrictions.

The plates are effective and work delicately with minimal discomfort to the individual. The treatment speed is faster.

What can be corrected with aligners?

Any dental defect can be treated with Invisalign aligners. The plates eliminate diastemas and tremata, crooked teeth, deep, open, mesial and crossbites. Uneven teeth are effectively corrected for children when baby teeth have not been completely replaced by molars. Invisalign aligners are made from a soft biopolymer composition. The material is safe for humans, does not stain under the influence of organic dyes, does not cause irritation and does not injure soft tissues.

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