"Invisalign": reviews. Invisalign aligners for teeth straightening

Today you can create a beautiful smile not only with the help of braces, which practically do not limit the possibilities of bite correction. If it is extremely important to hide the treatment process from others, you can use Invisalign clear aligners. You just need to understand that in any case, the effectiveness and efficiency of the process will be determined not by the orthodontic system itself, but by the knowledge and skills of the dentist using it. Therefore, when choosing a correction method, you should still focus on his opinion, and not solely on your desires.

Normal bite

Bite is the relationship between the upper and lower dentitions with their maximum contact and complete closure. It can be temporary or permanent, physiological or pathological. With a pathological bite, the load on the teeth is unevenly distributed, which can lead to their loss. Bite abnormalities also distort the oval of the face. The task of an orthodontist is to form a bite that is as similar as possible to its physiological appearance.

If you have uneven teeth, you need to visit an orthodontist to prevent the situation from getting worse. He will guide you through the stages of treatment, cost, duration and likely consequences. During the examination, the doctor takes age into account as it affects the way the teeth are aligned.

The dangers of uneven teeth

Uneven teeth make them difficult to clean, which leads to tooth decay. They can also be easily injured. This pathology also leads to headaches, diseases of the ENT organs and eyes. And if there is no effective chewing of food, then the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Serious consequences lead to malocclusions.

Straight teeth are the dream of many people. Anomalies appear from poor heredity, trauma or improper dental care in children. If they are crowded, teeth protrude from a row, or have other deficiencies, a visit to the orthodontist is required. Sometimes the problem is made up. Only a specialist can determine this. A preliminary diagnosis is made at the first appointment, and then the doctor offers treatment options.


What is Invisalign in dental treatment? These are effective designs for eliminating malocclusion and should be prescribed by a doctor. Aligners or aligners "Invisalign" are presented in the form of a system that was created and patented by the American company Align Technology. They are used to adjust teeth.

Invisalign aligners are made of transparent biopolymer material. They are practically invisible on crowns. The products accurately follow the size and shape of the teeth, fitting tightly to its surface. Wearing the pads leads to almost no discomfort and has a short adaptation period. The system is no worse in effectiveness than Invisalign braces.

Why is Invisalign considered orthodontic perfection?

Among orthodontic bite correction systems, Invisalign occupies a special place. Due to the success of the treatment results, doctors from all over the world became interested in the system. It is popular today in all countries and on all continents. Possessing an excellent orthodontic effect, it allows for gentle correction. A person with an orthodontic problem quickly gets used to the aligners, gets used to the aligners and stops noticing them. Today you can find orthodontic aligners in Moscow in many clinics. We offer an American system; smile correction will be as comfortable as possible, quickly, without pain, discomfort and unpleasant sensations. To find out how much they cost, call us by phone or call a specialist in the online window that pops up on the site.


Due to their unique technology, Invisalign aligners have many indications. They are prescribed to correct the bite and restore the correct position of the teeth. Products are used:

  • when the crowns are crowded, when they overlap each other;
  • in case of gaps between crowns;
  • if there is a distal type bite, in which the upper jaw protrudes forward in relation to the lower jaw;
  • with an open bite;
  • in the case of a crossbite, in which the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward;
  • with bruxism;
  • if there is a need for a fastening system;
  • after using other methods of teeth correction.

As reviews indicate, these devices are often recommended in orthodontic clinics because of their effectiveness. It is important to follow the rules for their use so that the results of such treatment appear very quickly.

Innovative technology for gentle bite correction

The appointment at the clinic is led by orthodontist Armen Fedorovich Kazaryan, Clinical Director of Invisalign Russia.
Member of the Russian Society of Orthodontists since 2001. If nature has not rewarded you with a snow-white smile and even teeth that look like pearls, there is no reason to be upset. Modern technologies will give you the result you have dreamed of for so long. Instead of unaesthetic braces, dentists recommend Invisalign, an American development for correcting bite pathology, which eliminates all defects within a period of one and a half months to two years.


Conventionally, there are 3 age groups of patients who can get rid of the problem of uneven teeth:

  1. Children 5-10 years old. At this age, it is sufficient to carry out therapeutic and preventive measures.
  2. Teenagers under 18 years of age. From the age of 14, doctors recommend using aligners. Depending on the problem, other products may be prescribed.
  3. Adults over 18 years old. Treatment is complicated due to age-related changes, the presence of filled teeth or their absence.

It is up to the doctor to decide whether to use mouthguards or not. Removable structures will bring results if used correctly. During the entire treatment period, you must visit a doctor.

Children and adolescents treated with Invisalign experience teeth straightening at an increased rate. The reason is that before the age of 25, bone tissue regeneration occurs faster in a person, the ossification of bone sutures has not completed, so orthodontic treatment will be more effective.

But you can help adults too. Dentists have long practiced straightening teeth for people of all ages. It just takes more time. Orthodontists usually suggest the use of braces or aligners. If only 1 or 2 teeth are incorrectly placed, doctors use veneers. These very thin overlays will help solve the problem of an imperfect smile. If the problem is in several teeth, and the doctor has identified malocclusions, then orthodontic structures are needed.

Invisalign – from abroad to Russia

Moscow was the first to evaluate and try the Invisalign technique in its practice. Capital clinics have mastered the certified method, and today it is confidently spreading throughout Russia. It is truly innovative: there is no discomfort, difficulty or disruption to the overall aesthetics of appearance. But there is an affordable cost for bite correction and a fairly quick result from effective treatment.

Despite the fact that Invisalign is firmly entering the horizons of orthodontic treatment, not all clinics in the capital can credit its use to their merits. Its use requires good technical equipment in dentistry, the latest software and qualified doctoral staff.


According to reviews, Invisalign is considered an effective way to correct almost any developmental disorder of the dentition. But still, this system also has contraindications. If the malocclusion is severe or the teeth are severely crooked, it is not advisable to use the device.

To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to perform treatment with braces in advance. And aligners for straightening teeth should be used after this as a fixing device. Age under 12 years is considered a contraindication. According to reviews, dentists usually advise starting treatment after the age of 14, namely after the jaw is fully formed.

Features of nutrition when wearing mouth guards

There are no dietary restrictions while wearing aligners! It is only prohibited to consume chewing gum and sticky candies (taffy): they can stick to the surface of the device or get into the space between it and the teeth, which will create a favorable environment for the development of caries and tartar.

When studying Invisalign reviews online, you will note that mouthguards do not require compliance with any strict rules and regulations. With aligners, a person does not change the usual rhythm of life and does not become a hostage to circumstances. When purchasing braces on Ozernaya in Moscow or another city, you can be sure that the new dental product will not become a stumbling block in changing your established daily routine and hygiene. You will also be able to eat foods that you enjoy.

Before sitting down at the table, it is enough to remove the aligners. After eating, they are washed with running water so that bacteria and harmful microorganisms do not accumulate in them. Then, with a slight movement of the hand, the system is put into place, continuing to work as usual and changing your teeth for the better.

Famous politicians, show business and cinema stars noted the ease of use. Since the aligners are invisible on the teeth from the outside, you are unlikely to notice them on your favorite stars. However, representatives of the star Olympus wore Invisalign; photos of Invisalign can be found on our website. Among the fans of the orthodontic system you will find Khloe Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise, Eva Langoria and others. They have repeatedly left reviews about the Invisalign system, confirming its high status and orthodontic excellence.


The use of aligners to straighten teeth is increasingly in demand. Although the devices are expensive, patients usually choose mouthguards from this company. This is due to the following advantages:

  1. Individuality. Sets of mouthguards are created only for a specific patient, repeating the shape and size of the teeth. This helps to effectively influence the crown.
  2. High aesthetics. Invisalign aligners are the clearest and fit over crowns.
  3. Short adaptation time. Usually it is no more than 5 days.
  4. This is a convenient design for teeth whitening.
  5. Trauma is excluded. The design does not rub the mucous membrane and does not injure the edges of the gums.
  6. Can be combined with removable distalizing devices and braces.

According to reviews, Invisalign does an excellent job of correcting bites. The main thing is to use the design based on the attached instructions. The result allows you to evaluate the photo. Teeth look different before and after Invisalign.

Therapeutic effect when correcting a bite - with braces or aligners

Since veneers are not involved in correcting the bite, the comparison is between braces or aligners. Advantages by position are highlighted in red. Leadership lies with the aligners.

Treatment speed30% faster than braces30% slower than alignersno healing effect
Therapeutic effect (bite correction)YesYesNo
How the effect is achievedsimultaneous rotation and displacement in the desired direction due to the tight grip of each toothsequential rotation, horizontal/vertical shiftstick on crooked teeth
Actual teeth straighteningYesYesNo
Risk of developing cariesNoYesNo
Whitening effectonly before or after treatmentonly before or after treatmentimmediately after installation
Possibility of changing the appearance of teethNoNoYes
Rehabilitation period (after removal)retainers are a MANDATORY PROCEDUREretainers - wearing retaining mouth guards at night MANDATORY PROCEDUREabsent
Reversibility of treatmentpartially reversiblepartially reversibleirreversible changes
Possibility of remineralizing therapy, strengthening tooth enamelYesNoNo

Removal, damage to teeth, enamel, oral mucosa. Aligners are the best

Removal, damage to teeth, enamel, oral mucosaALINERSBRACKETSVENEERS
Wisdom teeth removalYesYesnot necessary
Removing part of tooth enamelNoNoYes
Separation of teeth before treatmentof necessityof necessityYes
Risk of damaging existing teethNoyes (enamel)There is
Possibility of injury to the oral mucosaNoYesNo


Like the Invisalign braces system, aligners have their own manufacturing features. Since the method is patented by an American company, the production of aligners is carried out only in the USA. During the diagnosis, the dentist collects detailed information. To do this, an X-ray examination is performed, impressions and photographs of the teeth are taken.

After this, the collected material is sent to the USA. All information, including a scanned copy of the impression, is entered into a special program that creates several treatment options and provides them in the form of videos indicating the intermediate and final results. All options are shown to the patient. He chooses one, and based on it, a set of mouth guards is created using laser equipment for the entire duration of treatment. Typically this set includes 30 pieces. After production, the kit is sent to the customer.

If something goes wrong... Our guarantees

Yes. This happens sometimes. Even the smartest computer cannot 100% calculate the movement of teeth; there is always a small error, and it can lead to the fact that during the process or at the end of treatment we get something slightly different from what we planned.

For example, we planned to rotate the canine by 55 degrees, but it turned by 45, or we planned to lower the incisor by 3 mm, but it dropped by 2 mm, etc.

For this case, I have provided a special FREE procedure called refinement (clarification, improvement, refinement). At the same time, we tell you “Hello again!”, take impressions again, send them to the laboratory and receive a new set of clarifying aligners. lite case treatment option we get one refinement, and in the full case and teen case there are as many as three! And all three are free! With this approach, 100% results are guaranteed!

And one more gift from Align Technology, Inc. — free midcourse correction (correction in the middle of the course of treatment). Imagine that a course of treatment consists of 30 pairs of aligners, for example. Let’s say the patient is currently wearing pair 10 (or 11 or 20, whatever), the end of treatment is still far away, but the discrepancy with the plan is already noticeable. In this case, we take impressions again absolutely free of charge, send them to the company, receive a new KlinChek and, after its approval, receive a set of new aligners with which we will complete the treatment. Previously, midcourse correction cost $800, but since last year Align Technology has made it free.

Well, in general, in case of “failure”, if the standard course plus “midcourse correction” plus three refinings do not make your teeth straight))), we guarantee that we will straighten your teeth with braces for FREE. )) The probability of this event is practically zero.

INVIZILINE advertising brochure

Features of treatment

Invisalign is the ideal design for straightening teeth. But it is important to take into account that the adjustment takes a long time. The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Reception and diagnosis are carried out. At the first visit, the doctor examines the oral cavity. Then he makes impressions of the dentition. A detailed examination is carried out using x-rays, computed tomography, and internal scanning. Based on the data received, individual parameters are set and sent to the manufacturer.
  2. A whole set of mouth guards is made, and the manufacturer sends it to the customer. At this stage, you need to visit the dentist to determine the treatment option.
  3. When the kit is received, hygienic cleaning of the mouth and fixation of the device is required. The aligners take no more than half an hour to install. First, the dentist does this, and then the patient carries out the installation himself.

As reviews confirm, Invisalign works almost the same as braces. In this case, the shape memory rule works. During fixation, the device is deformed and wants to return to the position that was specified when created. Therefore, pressure is applied to the teeth, which moves and rotates them.

When the initial installation is completed, the next visit to the dentist is made after a month and a half. The doctor analyzes the effect of the treatment and, if necessary, prescribes adjustments with the replacement of aligners. With Invisalign, bite correction is performed efficiently.

Invisalign clear aligners and braces - a comparative analysis... Which will correct your bite better and faster?

When anyone realizes the need to correct their bite, the first thing that comes to mind is braces. And, to tell the truth, few people are delighted with these thoughts. It's quite clear why. Life with “hardware” in the mouth seems to many to be something terrible. And the search for alternatives begins. Is it possible to correct an adult's bite without braces? Is it possible to make this process less noticeable to others? Yes! Today we will talk about transparent aligners for correcting Invisalign bites .

Any potential orthodontic patient wants to find beauty right away, even without temporary sacrifices or any compromises. Any doctor would like to invite his patient to realize this dream. But is this possible? In this article I will try to objectively compare the bracket system and the Invisalign clear aligner .

First, let's try to understand the first questions that usually arise when mentioning this means of orthodontic treatment. How does treatment with invisible aligners differ from treatment with conventional braces? How to make the right choice? How Invisalign aligners really? What could be the pitfalls of treatment with removable aligners?

The first and most important feature of Invisalign is that the patient is much more responsible for the course of treatment compared to “braces.” The fact is that Invisalign aligners can be easily removed and put on yourself, without the participation of a doctor, whereas this is impossible to do with braces.

There are undoubted advantages to this fact. For example, there are no restrictions on food choice. You will be able to enjoy your favorite foods throughout the entire treatment period, chew kebabs, nibble nuts, indulge in toffees... in general, those with braces with their cereals, purees and yoghurts will definitely envy you at least during the lunch break. In addition, at a very important moment for you (wedding, public speaking, filming), etc. You will be able to remove the aligners and temporarily forget that you are an orthodontic patient.

But behind all these undoubted conveniences there are pitfalls. The effectiveness of your treatment will greatly depend on the intensity of wearing the aligners. If you are not confident in self-control, are subject to all sorts of temptations, the concept of “discipline” is not for you and you are afraid to regularly leave the race, leaving the mouth guards lying on the shelf or in your pocket, then this is not your method of treatment.

You must clearly understand that lying in your bag, the system will not work and your course of treatment will be disrupted. Then, you may have to make adjustments to the plan, “roll back” during the treatment process, order additional aligners, and this is a big plus to the duration of the entire treatment, and sometimes to its cost. This prospect is of no interest to either the patient or the doctor.

The second feature is the very method of moving teeth under the influence of aligners. When teeth move during treatment with braces, everyone understands: the bracket is attached to the tooth and hangs on the arch, the arch tends to straighten, the bracket slides along it, and with it the tooth.


In this case, the doctor can act on each tooth separately. Essentially, he can move it anywhere (there are certain anatomical restrictions, of course, but that’s not the point now).

How does a tooth move during treatment with Invisalign ? Let's try to figure it out.

When scanning teeth, we receive 3D models of the jaws, then the technician uses a computer to implement a 3D model of the treatment result according to the “technical specifications” from the orthodontist. Next, the computer program creates a gradual transformation of the initial situation into the desired result.


This video captures the virtual treatment process. That is, roughly speaking, if you make a stop at every second of the video, then we will see minimal movements of the teeth during treatment; at each such “stop” an aligner is made that registers the new direction of tooth movement. Each subsequent aligner gradually guides the teeth into the desired position. However, the manufacturer himself warns about some limitations in the capabilities of Invisalign aligners, so only an orthodontist, after a thorough analysis of the pathology, can assess whether it is possible to cope with your particular problem with the help of aligners.

Due to the mechanics of tooth movement, it is sometimes possible to complete treatment if the teeth are not in ideal position. Such defects, in fact, can only be visible to a professional or a very scrupulous patient. Invisalign is a solution for those who are ready to improve the situation, almost imperceptibly for others, without changing their diction, without having food restrictions, but are also ready to accept possible small shortcomings at the end of treatment. This doesn't have to happen, but your doctor can't guarantee it because Invisalign's ability to position each individual tooth perfectly is somewhat limited.

It is worth noting that Invisalign aligners are an ideal solution for those who do not have serious problems with their bite, but have minor cosmetic flaws associated with uneven teeth. Usually, due to slightly rotated or tilted front teeth, few are willing to put themselves in a brace system, because even the simplest treatment usually takes several months. This means that all the inconveniences that accompany wearing braces will have to be endured for quite some time. For such patients, aligners are often the best solution.

Now a few words about the invisibility of the treatment process with aligners... What still cannot be hidden while undergoing Invisalign treatment?

1. The presence of special protrusions (attachments) on the teeth. The fact is that in order to improve the effect of the aligner on the teeth, the doctor must temporarily fix special attachments on the tooth (these are buttons made of light-curing filling material). They are almost invisible, but they are still there.

2. Sometimes, even when wearing mouth guards, there is a need for additional devices such as intermaxillary traction (elastic bands with funny animalistic names like “Elk”, “Antelope” or “Ram”, familiar to many orthodontic patients). In this case, a button is fixed to one of the jaws, a cut is made on the aligner of the opposite jaw, and an elastic is pulled between them.

3. In case of treatment involving tooth extraction, a tooth simulator is placed in the mouthguard in the “hole” area. It allows the patient to feel comfortable during the initial stages of movement, while the space is not yet closed. At the same time, I remind you that the patient always has the opportunity to remove the aligner during an important event. But here's the thing... after removing the mouthguard, you will be left without a tooth. I think that the patient in this case would prefer to be in a barely noticeable aligner rather than have a gaping hole in the dentition. Although this point can also be taken into account when planning treatment, if you warn the doctor about the approaching important event.

Many potential Invisalign users are concerned about the pain of the aligner treatment process. And here it must be said that when moving a tooth there will always be slight pain, regardless of WHAT it is being moved. Whether it's braces or aligners, the teeth will react in any case. The degree of severity of unpleasant sensations is very individual: some teeth will hurt more, some less, and no one has yet canceled the patient’s personal sensitivity; everyone’s pain threshold is different. Therefore, pain has nothing to do with the method of treatment. In this case there is no difference. Here you just need to return to the beginning of the note... if you are not patient and at the slightest inconvenience, in a fit of self-pity for your loved one, you remove the aligners, the treatment will be long and ineffective. With braces firmly glued to the teeth, this trick will not work, which means this system should be considered less sensitive to the degree of discipline of the patient. So, if orthotherapy cannot be avoided, and at the same time you are a sensitive nature, it is difficult to adapt to inconveniences and painful moments, once again it is worth weighing your readiness to resist the temptation to constantly remove the aligners, delaying the achievement of the final.

So, it's time to make the first generalizations. If you decide to make your smile beautiful, then the choice of treatment (aligners or classic braces) should be made after listening to the opinion of a professional. Braces have virtually no restrictions on the ability to move teeth; removable aligners still have some limitations. If in your case both treatment options are possible, and at the same time it is extremely important for you to make the process least noticeable to others, then Invisalign will cope well with this task! At the same time, it is important to remember one indisputable truth: the result of treatment largely depends on the specialist, and not on the patient’s choice of treatment. Remember that it is not the filling material that treats you, but the dentist-therapist, not the implant, but the surgeon, not the crown, but the orthopedist... The same goes for orthodontists - any orthodontic system itself cannot do anything without the knowledge and skills of a doctor.

If you have already chosen the Invisalign system as a means of correcting your bite, then you will probably have many questions at the beginning of treatment, and during the process too. In the next post I will publish answers to the most common of them. A unique FAQ on the Invisalign aligner system.

Author of the article: orthodontist Daria Kostina

After installation

Within a few hours after installation, the structure is perceived as a foreign body. There is an increase in salivation, and some pressure is felt on the teeth. The adaptation time depends on the quality of the material and the hardness of the aligners.

The degree of pressure depends on the difference between the bite and the aligners. During the first couple of hours, it is advisable not to eat or drink, since it will be difficult for the body: food will come in, but there is an object in the mouth that cannot be swallowed. When the strong secretion of saliva disappears, you can eat and drink, usually this happens after 1-2 hours.

Additional doctor visits and procedures

Additional doctor visits and proceduresALINERSBRACKETSVENEERS
Frequency of doctor visitsOnce every 4-6 weeksevery 2 weeksafter fixation once 6 months
Probability of root canal treatmentlowlowhigh

You should most rarely visit a doctor after installing veneers, most often - every two weeks - when installing braces. Aligners are a relatively comfortable visit once every month to a month and a half.

Difference from braces

A special feature of mouth guards is aesthetics. The aligners are not visible in the mouth, which is why they are called “invisible” braces. And braces, even aesthetic ones, include grooves, a metal arch and small elastic bands. Such constructions are visible during conversation.

Thanks to the soft impact of the aligner, adjustments are less painful. They are much easier to care for compared to braces, which require the use of a brush and irrigator. But braces are universal and can solve even complex problems.

Invisalign is an excellent option for correcting minor malocclusions when you don’t want to wear braces. They are great for shy teenagers, public and business people.

Preparation for treatment with braces, veneers and aligners

Virtual setup: a computer program allows you to create a three-dimensional model of the dental systemYesNoYes
Opportunity to discuss the results and progress of treatment with the doctorYesNoYes
Patient participation in treatmentYesNoNo

When a patient sees on the computer his future smile, in which all the teeth are aligned, it seems fantastic. But in fact, the 3D virtual setup is a super program from Star Smile, considered one of the best in the world and used by clinics in more than 25 countries

world and
100 cities of Russia
. This program for visualizing the future result of treatment using more than 40 parameters simulates all processes of bite correction and allows you to accurately plan treatment. Exactly with the same great result that the patient will see BEFORE the start of treatment.

Braces do not have this option - all treatment is carried out blindly, and the patient can only live in hope for the future.

And a huge plus in preparing and conducting treatment is the participation of the patient. The aligners are removable and are completely under the control of the person being treated. Therefore, the answer to the question: “What is better - braces or aligners at the initial stage?” — aligners.

Use and care

In aesthetic orthodontics, these are the aligners that are most often used. High-quality adjustments are only made when used correctly. To do this, you need to follow the wearing time determined by the dentist.

Aligners can be worn for at least 20 hours a day. They are removed only for eating and hygiene. It is undesirable to skip even a day of wear, as this can lead to reversibility of the process. Every 2 weeks the products are replaced with the next ones.

At first there may be minor discomfort due to pressure on the crowns. Usually these manifestations disappear after 3-5 days. Attention must also be paid to the order of use. The possibility of attaching a mouthguard that is not intended for this time should be excluded. The use of previous designs causes loss of results and the appearance of pain.

During treatment, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The aligners are removed before eating.
  2. Before fixing the onlays, the surface of the teeth must be cleaned.
  3. When using, it is necessary to regularly treat the mouth guards with antiseptic solutions.
  4. Don't skip visits to the orthodontist.

When using this system, you do not need to adjust your diet. Thanks to the density and elasticity of the material, you can eat solid food. In this case, you don’t have to worry that food will lead to deformation of the device.

Request for consultation

The laboratory for the production of aligners is located in Costa Rica. After examination in the clinic, dental casts are sent to Mexico, where they are scanned and virtual models of the jaws are obtained. Next, specially trained dental technicians use a computer program to move the teeth of our virtual jaws into the desired position, record something like a video (called ClinCheck) and send it by email to the clinic.

At the clinic, the doctor and the patient watch this video, if they don’t like something, they send it for revision, and if they like it, they approve it. From this point on, all the data is transferred to Costa Rica, where, using a stereolithography printer, a series of jaw models are made, slightly different from each other, on which the teeth are gradually moved into the desired position. Next, aligners (aligners) are stamped onto them using vacuum molding, which are sent to the clinic. The process is fully automated. This is a conveyor belt on which hundreds of thousands of aligners are churned out per day, packaged and sent to clinics around the world.

The entire process from taking impressions to the start of treatment takes 6-8 weeks. The duration of treatment depends on the situation and usually does not exceed one year. The mode of wearing aligners is constantly, at least 22 hours a day. Each aligner must be worn for 2 weeks, then it is replaced with the next one.

Thus, the doctor and the patient can see the final result of the treatment and know how much time it will take even before it begins, at the planning stage!

In the above example, it can be seen that to correct this situation, 15 pairs of aligners will be required (scale below), 2 weeks for each, which means the treatment will last 7.5 months. It is very important. And this cannot be done by any other methods.

Another important point is that if we want to improve the appearance of your front teeth, we no longer have to wait a year and a half for them to become straight with the help of braces; using aligners instead of braces, we can immediately start with teeth whitening and restoration, before starting orthodontic treatment. The aligners themselves not only do not worsen the appearance of the teeth, but even give them a pearly shine.

Invisalign appeared in Russia in 2011. In the Krasnodar region in 2012. We are pleased to inform you that the doctors of our clinic were among the first to be certified in this unique method of orthodontic treatment.

We are absolutely confident that methods of correcting bites with aligners (aligners), in particular Invisalign, are the most modern and progressive today. Any braces compared to them, in our opinion, are a thing of the past, so we abandoned braces and completely switched to aligners.

Of course, not all orthodontists think the same way.

Personally, before I met Invisalign, I had been using braces for 15 years (since 1996) and was sure that it was good. Now it seems to me that I have been driving a cart all these years and only recently switched to a foreign car.))

Believe me, this is so...

Braces appeared almost 100 years earlier than aligners, at the beginning of the 20th century, and non-removable arch devices have been known since the 18th century.

Braces today are a classic of the genre. All medical schools teach students that braces are the most modern orthodontic device. Manufacturers of braces regularly hold presentations of “new” braces with “unique” designs and “unique” properties. Almost all training seminars and advanced training courses for orthodontists show clinical examples of successful orthodontic treatment using braces. You have to understand that this is a business, an entire industry that is not going to give up its positions.

As a result, everyone uses braces, but only a few use aligners. This won’t last long, I’m sure, “you can’t hide an awl in a bag.” But for now, the majority of orthodontists can talk about the effectiveness of treatment with aligners purely theoretically or, in general, modestly remain silent about this technology.

We often hear from patients who wear braces that this is the first time they have heard about aligners, and that “their doctor” did not say anything like that, or said that there are some aligners in the world that seem to correct the bite, but immediately dissuaded them , said that the technique is untested or not effective enough.

In no way, I don’t want to judge anyone, I’ll just comment on the most popular misconceptions about treating malocclusion with aligners.


Since the system is considered an innovative technique that corrects bite problems using individually developed treatment, its price is noticeably different from similar methods of teeth straightening.

But even in one clinic there is a noticeable difference in prices. This is due to the fact that the cost is influenced by the following factors:

  1. The complexity of the aligner design, which is determined by the severity of the anomaly and the characteristics of the formation of the dentition.
  2. Number of kappa Corrections may require plates to be placed on both jaws. In this case, the price increases by 2 times.
  3. Treatment time. If a long-term and gentle option is chosen, then more aligners will be required, which increases the price. To save money, you can choose a set with a minimum number of aligners. In this case, it must be taken into account that the treatment will be painful.

Depending on the chosen method, the average price is 230-350 thousand rubles. Although these designs allow you to correct your bite, treatment will only be effective if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.


Both patients and doctors themselves respond very well to the results of treatment with Invisalign clear aligners. However, both of them note the need for a responsible attitude towards undergoing treatment, as well as complete and strict adherence to literally all the specialist’s recommendations at each stage.

If you have experience using Invisalign aligners, share it in the comments to this article.

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