Tablets for toothache "Ketanov" and "Ketorol"

Characteristics of Ketorol

Ketorol belongs to the group of NSAIDs. The active ingredient is ketorolac. It has several dosage forms - film-coated tablets, solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections, gel for external use. It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ketorol is used to relieve acute pain, the cause and location of which may be different, including:

  • periods after various medical procedures - orthopedic, gynecological, laparoscopic;
  • injuries and burns;
  • migraine, toothache;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • pain symptoms in sickle cell anemia;
  • neuralgia, neuritis, pain syndrome with herpes zoster.

The drug is not used in the treatment of chronic pain.

Ketorol is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the substances included in its composition. The medicine is not prescribed for aspirin-induced asthma, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, hemostasis, hemorrhagic stroke, congestive heart failure. This painkiller should not be used in the treatment of children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

If medical recommendations are not followed, side effects may develop, which are manifested by pain in the abdomen, dyspeptic symptoms, drowsiness, emotional anxiety, and allergies.

These drugs are considered the most powerful medications that can fight not only pain, but also inflammation and fever.

What can be replaced

“Ketanov” and “Ketorol” are quite powerful medications that are known not only for their effectiveness, but also for their rather strong negative effects on the body. Therefore, many people have a question about what can replace these drugs. If we consider less harmful painkillers, we can highlight the following medications:

  • "Dolak" - available in tablet form, also refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • “Nimesil” is a drug in powder form that must first be dissolved in water and then the resulting solution must be drunk.
  • “Analgin” is an old, proven remedy, which, however, gives a rather weak effect and also does not have the best effect on the body as a whole.

All these painkillers are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. As potent analogues of “Ketanov” and “Ketorol”, it is worth highlighting such products as “Ketorolac” in tablet form, as well as “Adolor” and “Ketalgin”.

Characteristics of Ketanov

The active component of the drug is ketorolac. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. A strong analgesic effect is the main therapeutic property of the drug. It also fights inflammation and relieves fever.

Ketanov is considered the most powerful pain reliever among the drugs included in the NSAID group. Effectively combating pain of various origins, the drug is not a narcotic drug, i.e. it is not addictive.

Ketanov is used if it is necessary to quickly relieve pain of any location and origin:

  • after operations and injuries;
  • dental, muscle and postpartum pain;
  • drug withdrawal;
  • after dental procedures;
  • renal or biliary colic;
  • tumors;
  • osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

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? The drug has many contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • hemophilia and hypocoagulation;
  • hemorrhagic stroke and diathesis;
  • angioedema;
  • aspirin asthma;
  • spasms in the bronchi;
  • chronic pain;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

You should not take Ketanov without a doctor's prescription. This is a strong remedy and not recommended for everyday use.

You should not take Ketanov without a doctor’s prescription; it is a strong remedy and not recommended for everyday use.

Description of "Ketanova"

The main active ingredient of the drug is ketorolac. It comes in the form of tablets for internal use and intramuscular solution. It has a strong analgesic effect. In addition, it relieves inflammation and normalizes temperature.

Among similar medications in the NSAID group, Ketanov is the most powerful. Quickly eliminates even severe pain, but does not contain narcotic substances.

Ketanov should be used to quickly block pain:

  • – after surgery;
  • – injuries of various origins;
  • – postpartum pain;
  • – tooth and muscle pain;
  • – during drug withdrawal;
  • – after dental procedures;
  • – colic of the kidneys or gall bladder;
  • – tumor;
  • – joint pathologies;
  • – with an inflammatory process in the sciatic nerve.

The medicine has many limitations:

  • – stomach ulcer;
  • – hemophilia;
  • – hypocoagulation;
  • – diathesis;
  • - stroke;
  • – bronchospasm;
  • – angioedema;
  • – asthma;
  • – period of gestation;
  • - lactation;
  • – chronic pain syndrome;
  • – children under 16 years of age;
  • – individual intolerance to substances.

It is not recommended to take Ketanov without a doctor's prescription. The medication is very strong, so it is not suitable for daily use.

Before using a pain reliever, you should definitely consult a specialist. Taking such strong drugs on your own can cause unforeseen complications.

Comparison of Ketorol and Ketanov

The drugs have both similarities and differences.


Both drugs contain the same active ingredient, the same indications for use and contraindications. Ketanov and Ketorol belong to the same pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Both medications have the same release forms - for oral administration, injection and external use.

What is the difference?

Despite the great similarity, the drugs still differ from each other, for example by their manufacturers. Ketanov is produced by the Indian company S.K.Therapy S.A., and Ketorol is produced by another Indian company Dr. Reddy S Laboratories.

Which is stronger and more effective?

Ketanov is a stronger remedy. It is recommended to take it for complex injuries and burns. Under the influence of Ketorol, platelets stick together, so this medicine is considered more effective for wound healing.

When choosing a drug, you should also take into account contraindications, so you should carefully read the instructions. Ketanov has more of them.

Ketorol is less dangerous during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But you still shouldn’t use it without consulting a doctor.

Ketorol is less dangerous during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but you should still not use it without consulting a doctor.

Which is cheaper?

Ketorol price:

  • tablets - from 40 rubles;
  • solution - from 130 rubles;
  • gel – from 230 rub.

Ketanov price:

  • tablets - from 50 rubles;
  • solution - from 100 rubles;
  • gel – from 340 rub.;
  • cream – from 310 rub.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Both drugs, available in gel or cream form, are over-the-counter products, and tablets and ampoules are available with a doctor's prescription.

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“Ketanov” and “Ketorol” - do they help with toothache and how do they differ?

Toothache can cause severe discomfort, and in order to dull the acute symptom at least a little, you have to use various methods: from cold compresses to taking painkillers. A tablet is the simplest and most effective method of combating unpleasant sensations, but not every drug is capable of dulling severe pain. In this regard, “Ketanov” and “Ketorol” save toothache better than many other drugs. Despite the similarity of names, they have some differences. Later in this article we will figure out whether it is possible to take these tablets for toothache and how to do it correctly.

Which is better: Ketorol or Ketanov?

Even a doctor cannot accurately answer this question. When prescribing, many factors are taken into account, including the patient’s health status. It is not recommended to choose a medicine on your own.

For osteochondrosis

Ketorol has good anti-inflammatory properties. It copes with inflammation and pain quickly, so doctors often recommend it for osteochondrosis. But the contraindications of the drug should be taken into account. It is not suitable for some patients. Although the medicine is a better pain reliever, it is replaced with less effective medications.

For toothache

For toothache, Ketanov is considered a more suitable remedy. This is especially true for those patients who have had a diseased wisdom tooth removed, since their roots penetrate deep into the jaw. After removal, wounds remain that take a long time to heal, so the doctor recommends painkillers.

It is better to consult a doctor about what doses to take the medication.

Comparison of side effects of Ketanov and Ketorolac

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Ketanov's side effects are almost the same as Ketorolac's. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Ketanov are similar to Ketorolac: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

Patient reviews

Yulia, 27 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: “I met Ketorol just a year ago. A friend advised me to take a pill when I had a toothache. Since then I have kept this medicine in my home medicine cabinet. I try not to overuse it. And recently I had such a headache that I had to take the pill again. Helped almost immediately. I recommend".

Leonid, 61 years old, Krasnoyarsk: “My daughter brought Ketanov about six months ago, when he complained to her of severe pain in his knees. The drug helps well, but my daughter warned me not to use it too often. I only take pills when the pain is unbearable.”

Clinical picture

The key symptom of the disease is pain, but its nature can vary, as can the accompanying clinical signs:

  • with pulpitis, the pain subsides during the day and increases in the evening, having a wave-like character and intensifying with physical contact of the tooth with any object;
  • with periodontitis, the pain is more intense and does not subside for a minute, which is associated with damage to the bone tissue around the apexes of the roots. Damage to the ligamentous apparatus and the breakdown of nerve tissue not only causes discomfort, but also makes the tooth itself mobile, and any movement of it in the socket is accompanied by a new attack of pain;
  • if the cause of the disease is an abscess, then the periodontium around it will differ from healthy tissue by the presence of edema and hyperemia, complemented by a feeling of pulsation in the gums. A localized abscess in some situations does not cause pain if the nerve endings have died, but this scenario can lead to the development of osteomyelitis.

Reviews from doctors about Ketorol and Ketanov

Igor, 40 years old, neurologist, Samara: “Ketorol is an effective pain reliever that can quickly eliminate pain in inflammatory joint pathologies. But I prescribe it for a short period of time, only at the beginning of the development of the disease, in order to alleviate the patient’s condition.

The drug has many contraindications that should be taken into account. But the medicine has a great advantage - several forms of release make it possible to take the medicine internally, give injections and apply externally.”

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Olga, 48 years old, dentist, Khabarovsk: “For severe pain that occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth, I prescribe Ketanov. The tablets quickly relieve pain. I warn patients that they should not take this medicine often or for a long time, as unpleasant consequences are possible. The medication has many contraindications and side effects are possible.”

Which drug is better?

Even a specialist will not give an exact answer to this question. When determining the appropriate remedy, the doctor takes into account many factors. You should not take these medications without first consulting a doctor.

Joint diseases

"Ketorol" effectively eliminates joint pain, and "Ketanov" blocks the development of inflammation that occurs in the tissues of the joints.


In this case, “Ketanov” is more suitable. It is often prescribed after the removal of a wisdom tooth, because its roots are located deep in the jaw and after the operation the patient feels acute, severe pain. Wounds take a very long time to heal, so it is necessary to take painkillers. The dosage can only be prescribed by the attending physician. The appointment is carried out according to the exact instructions of the dentist.

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Oncological diseases

For severe pain in oncology, only Ketorol is prescribed. Other medications in this case will be powerless.


Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, Ketorol quickly relieves inflammation and blocks pain. This drug is ideal for patients with osteochondrosis. However, before taking it you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. If for some reason the drug is not suitable, then it is better to stop taking it and choose an equally effective medicine.

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