Features of Listerine mouth rinse and instructions for use

Regular teeth cleaning does not always eliminate bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach places, and those, in turn, begin to rot in the oral cavity.
All this causes an unpleasant odor and puts a person at risk of developing inflammatory processes (stomatitis, gingivitis and other pathologies, not counting caries).

For these purposes, special rinses are provided, which are used both after cleaning and after eating.

Keep in mind! One of the popular brands producing such a product is Listerine.

How does this mouthwash work and what does it contain? What are the advantages of Listerine mouthwash and how to use it correctly? As well as consumer reviews and reviews of popular Listerine lines.

Operating principle

For your information! Once in the oral cavity, the active components of Listerine begin to act as follows:

  • They break down plaque accumulated on teeth, which serves as a source for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Destroy the protective shell of bacteria.
  • Prevents the development of putrefactive processes.
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor and refreshes the oral cavity.

In order for the mouthwash to effectively attack accumulated bacteria and plaque, it must be used regularly (and preferably after brushing your teeth).

Listerine mouth rinse and how it works

When you brush your teeth with a regular brush and toothpaste, even if you follow the correct technique, up to 70% of pathogenic microorganisms still remain in your mouth1. They usually accumulate in places that are difficult to reach with a brush, in the interdental spaces, as well as on the surface of the mucous membrane. It turns out that standard daily cleaning cannot guarantee protection against the rapid proliferation of bacteria and the development of pathogenic microflora. As a result, caries appears as if out of nowhere, followed by signs of gum inflammation. But the root of all troubles is precisely insufficiently high-quality and thorough cleansing of the tissues of the oral cavity.

To enhance hygiene in this area, dental experts suggest using special antibacterial rinses after every brushing and meal. One of the reputable products in this segment is Listerine, or rather a whole line of high-quality and effective products for the care of teeth and gums.

The active components of Listerine destroy pathogenic microflora

While most of these products provide only superficial washing, the active components of Listerine literally destroy pathogenic microflora and wash away most pathogens. The impressive effectiveness of this brand's products is proven by the results of numerous clinical studies. Its regular use will have a positive effect on the condition of teeth and gums:

  • “Listerine” will prevent the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of hard supra- and subgingival deposits, and this is an excellent prevention of caries,
  • the activity of enzymes that secrete pathogenic microbes will significantly decrease. This will also prevent rapid contamination of dental tissues and oral mucosa,
  • systematic rinsing with Listerine after meals will ensure the highest quality cleansing from the smallest food residues, which will prevent further growth of bacteria,
  • the active components of the composition form something like an invisible protective membrane that covers the surface of the teeth and mucous membranes and for some time does not allow bacteria to multiply freely, thereby controlling the population of pathogens,
  • The product perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors and provides fresh breath for a long time.

Systematic rinsing with Listerine will ensure the highest quality cleansing.
The manufacturer does not stop there and continues to improve the formula, on the basis of which it creates high-quality, effective and safe oral care products. Thus, according to reviews from specialists and their patients, Listerine products really help in the fight against plaque and plaque, and also provide excellent prevention of caries, inflammatory gum diseases and other dental problems.

Listerine mouthwash ingredients

You should know! The composition of the medicinal product includes the following components:

  • Eucalyptus essential oil has an antibacterial effect and helps eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Menthol essential oil has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, actively combats unpleasant odors.
  • Thymol essential oil is highly effective against yeast fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms, and also eliminates itching.
  • Methyl salicylate - relieves pain and stimulates blood flow to the gums.
  • Fluoride - saturates the oral mucosa with macro- and microelements.
  • Zinc chloride - softens hard plaque.

Each of these components actively interacts with each other.

Due to this, a powerful cleansing and preventive effect is created.


The product contains 4 valuable components. They have the following actions:

  1. Menthol . This component freshens breath and also destroys harmful microelements.
  2. Eucalyptol (cineole) . Maintains healthy gums, helps stop bleeding during meals and brushing teeth.
  3. Timol . This ingredient is derived from thyme. It has a powerful disinfectant effect. In folk medicine, thyme tinctures are often used to rinse teeth.
  4. Methyl salicylate. Eliminates plaque of various types. In relation to thymol it gives an antibacterial effect.

Important! Many products stop working after a while as bacteria adapt to them. Listerine is famous for the fact that its natural composition does not allow harmful microorganisms to develop immunity.

In addition to all this, Listerine products contain sodium fluoride. This substance guarantees protection against caries, and also replenishes calcium reserves, necessary for dental health.

The video presents a comparative description of Listerine with products from other manufacturers.

Pros of using Listerine mouthwash

Stay up to date! The advantages of using this rinse aid are:

  • The effectiveness of the product against different types of bacteria.
  • No harmful substances in the composition.
  • Painless removal of dental plaque.
  • Possibility of use in childhood.
  • Many varieties of Listerine brand products.

The only disadvantages allergic reactions , but they are extremely rare.

Indications for use

Note! Mouthwash " Listerine

» has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity in the following cases:

  • When used as a preventive measure for dental diseases.
  • For existing problems in the oral cavity (caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, etc.).
  • In case of persistent bad breath.
  • In inflammatory processes of the oral cavity of bacterial or fungal etiology.
  • In case of weakened and bleeding gums.
  • To eliminate discomfort after surgery (tooth extraction, gum incision, etc.).

Therefore, due to its versatility, the medicinal liquid “Listerine” is equally good for use both for the treatment and for the prevention of dental diseases.


The Listerine line of rinses includes products for both comprehensive preventive oral care and professional ones to eliminate certain problems with the mucous membrane.

Gum protection

The purpose of Listerine Expert “Gum Protection” rinse is to maintain the health of gum tissue.
This drug belongs to the category of medicinal. It helps reduce gum bleeding by up to 94%, relieve inflammation and swelling, reduce pain and restore the natural microflora of the oral cavity.

The mouthwash is indicated for use twice a day after normal oral hygiene.

The cost of the product is 250-270 rubles.

Protection against caries

Listerine Expert “Caries Protection” mouthwash is intended for daily use.

The main tasks of this tool:

  • restoration of enamel strength;
  • destruction of bacteria and a decrease in their growth rate, which helps reduce the production of acid, which is a catalyst for the development of carious damage;
  • provides long-term protection against the formation of new bacteria.

The average cost of a 250 ml bottle is 150 rubles.

What does geographic tongue look like in a child and the causes of pathology. In this article we suggest learning how to choose the right ointment against stomatitis.

Follow the link https://dr-zubov.ru/ortodontiya/apparaty/brekety/lingvalnye/inkognito-komfortnoe-ispravlenie-defektov.html and read reviews about Incognito lingual braces.

Strong teeth. Healthy gums

Listerine "Strong Teeth" Healthy Gums” was developed for people suffering from the problem of weak gums and sensitive tooth enamel.

The action of the rinse is aimed at destroying pathogenic microflora and preventing the penetration of new bacteria into the oral cavity. As a result, existing mucosal pathologies are eliminated.

Thanks to a carefully adjusted composition, the drug helps break down plaque and strengthen the dental crown.

In addition, as a result of using a rinse aid, the microflora of saliva is normalized, which reduces the possibility of the proliferation of new microorganisms.

The cost of the rinse aid is 160 rubles.

Expert whitening

Listerine Expert “Expert Whitening” is designed to professionally combat pigmented areas of the tooth surface.

According to clinical studies conducted by company employees, daily use of the rinse aid for two weeks helps lighten the enamel by several tones.

As a result of using the drug, up to 99% of the bacteria involved in the formation of dental plaque are eliminated.

The main advantages of using the product include:

  • lightening the enamel with the formation of a protective barrier on it that prevents the formation of new stains;
  • remineralization and strengthening of enamel due to the presence of fluoride in the composition of the product;
  • absence of abrasive components among the components of the rinse aid.

The average price for Listerine Expert “Expert whitening” fluctuates around 350 rubles.

Listerine Advanced

The main purpose of this rinse is to prevent and combat gum tissue pathology called gingivitis.

Due to the presence of components that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, metabolic processes in the gums improve.

The tasks assigned to Listerine Advanced mouthwash include:

  • reducing the number of bacteria on the oral mucosa;
  • splitting and further removal of tartar;
  • creating a protective barrier that prevents the formation of new deposits on the tooth surface.

The drug has a specific menthol taste that irritates the receptors of the tongue, so during initial use you should limit yourself to a minimum time of rinsing your mouth.

The price of this mouthwash in pharmacies and stores reaches 300 rubles.

Total Care 6 in 1

Listerine Total Care 6 in 1 comprehensive mouth rinse has six benefits when used:

  • helps reduce plaque;
  • maintains healthy gum tissue;
  • strengthens the enamel, protecting it from the formation of caries;
  • fights bacteria, which are the main cause of plaque formation and gum inflammation;
  • freshens breath.

The mouthwash contains no alcohol, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children over 6 years of age.

The cost of the product is 350 rubles per 500 ml bottle.

Whiteness of teeth

Listerine Teeth Whiter effectively removes colored pigments on the tooth surface.

The rinse is designed to restore the natural whiteness of teeth, combat the formation of tartar and darkening of enamel. In addition, the drug eliminates up to 99% of harmful bacteria involved in the formation of plaque and the cause of gum inflammation.

Thanks to peppermint oil extract, the mouthwash effectively freshens breath.

The cost of a 250 mm bottle is 160 rubles.

Green tea

Listerine “Green Tea” mouth rinse prevents the formation of plaque, which causes inflammation of the gum tissue.

The presence of green tea extract in the composition of the drug contributes to the active fight against microbes and restoration of the oral mucosa.

Two weeks of daily use of the rinse will reduce the amount of plaque on the enamel surface by 24%.

The fluoride contained in the substance will strengthen tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries. The pleasant taste of green tea promotes long-lasting breath freshening.

The cost of the rinse is 120 rubles per 250 ml bottle.


Dentists recommend using this rinse after professional teeth whitening procedures.

It contains fluorine, which helps strengthen and restore enamel and close the pores formed in it.

In addition, the elements included in the mouthwash help destroy microbes that cause the characteristic putrid odor in the mouth.

As a result, the breath is refreshed and acquires minty notes.

The cost of such a mouthwash in supermarkets ranges from 110 to 150 rubles.


It is worth noting! The following factors are contraindications to the use of Listerine:

  • Individual intolerance to the active ingredients in the product.
  • Increased dry mouth.
  • Children's age (up to 6-12 years, depending on the type of rinse aid).

When using the product, side effects such as dry mouth and burning of the mucous membrane are possible.

Changes in the perception of taste for certain products and local allergic reactions are possible.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, it is recommended to use the rinse aid as follows :

  1. Open the bottle and pour 20 ml of liquid into a glass (you can use the cap from this bottle).
  2. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds and spit out the mouthwash without swallowing.

Reference! The product is recommended to be used 2 times a day (after thoroughly brushing your teeth). It does not need to be diluted with water.

If you have dental diseases, the number of procedures can be increased up to three times a day.
Children should only rinse their mouths under adult supervision .
If the product is accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention.

Summing up

Having examined the Listerine mouthwash, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Listerine is an effective oral hygiene support;
  • the economical price of the liquid makes it accessible to anyone;
  • you can choose a rinse aid for everyone, aimed at solving their particular problem;
  • the method of using the product is simple but highly effective;
  • The product must be used 2 times a day, after brushing your teeth.

Regular use of the mouthwash will allow you to achieve healthy teeth and gums, get rid of pathogenic microbes and bacteria, forget about plaque and tartar, gain white teeth and become 100% confident in yourself.

Sources used:

  • American Academy of Periodontology. Parameter on acute periodontal diseases.
  • Donald L. Bartlett, James B. Steele. Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big Business and Bad Medicine. — 2004.
  • Trezubov, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Clinical dentistry: textbook: Study guide. — 2015.
  • Rachel Abrams. Adapting Listerine to a Global Market. The New York Times (September 12, 2014)

Review of popular lines

The most common types of mouthwashes, produced under the Listerine brand:

Listerine Expert "Night Recovery"

The product remineralizes tooth enamel and protects against caries, and also actively fights the effects of food and drink.

Need to know! The advantage of using this mouthwash is that it works during sleep, saturating tooth enamel with minerals.

And all this thanks to the high fluoride content and Rapid Fusion technology, which increases the effectiveness of fluoride and helps restore and strengthen teeth while you sleep.

Among other things, the drug helps prevent caries and cleans up to 100% of the oral cavity , penetrating into hard-to-reach places and destroying pathogenic bacteria.

The mouthwash is available in 400 ml bottles and is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets. Price: 210 rubles.

Listerine Expert “Protection of gums and teeth”

This rinse has a double action :

  1. Provides healthy gums.
  2. Strengthens teeth.

The first results can be observed after 2 weeks of use.

The product has a pleasant taste of eucalyptus and mint, and is suitable for daily use.

For your information! The mouthwash is available in 250 ml bottles. Price: 280 rubles.

Listerine "Children's"

The product is intended for children over 6 years of age. Listerine “Children’s” cleans up to 100% of the oral cavity (even in places where a toothbrush cannot reach).

This liquid
strengthens tooth enamel, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and protects against caries.
The product has a pleasant berry taste, so children use it with pleasure.

Frequency of use: 2 times a day. Price: 270 rubles (250 ml).

Listerine "Green tea"

The product contains natural green tea extract, which fights gum inflammation and freshens breath.

Among other things, the product reduces the formation of plaque and strengthens the enamel .

Note! The drug has a pleasant refreshing taste of green tea.

The rinse is available in bottles of 250 and 500 ml, respectively, and the prices will be different: 210 rubles (250 ml) and 320 rubles (500 ml).

Listerine "Fresh Mint"

everyday oral hygiene
product The liquid has an antibacterial effect, prevents the formation of plaque, provides long-lasting fresh breath, and strengthens tooth enamel .

The drug is available in bottles of 250 and 500 ml. Price: 210 rubles (250 ml) and 320 rubles (500 ml).

Listerine Expert “Gum Protection”

The product helps prevent gum inflammation and bleeding, provides 24-hour protection against bacteria, ensures fresh breath and reduces the formation of plaque .

Keep in mind! At the same time, the drug does not upset the balance of oral microflora.

Price: 470 rubles (250 ml).

Listerine Total Care

The advantages of this type of liquid include the following properties:

  • Prevents the formation of tartar.
  • Supports gum health.
  • Protects against caries.
  • Helps maintain teeth whiteness.
  • Has an antibacterial effect.
  • Provides long-lasting protection against unpleasant odors.

Price: 270 rubles (250 ml) and 400 rubles (500 ml).

How does Listerine mouthwash work?

The oral cavity is covered with a mucous membrane in which food debris accumulates, and therefore is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Listerine mouthwash is designed to fight pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity. What is important is that the rinse aid acts only on harmful microorganisms, without negatively affecting the natural microflora. Listerine works as follows:

  • the liquid does not allow plaque to form (which later turns into stone and destroys a healthy tooth);
  • improves the color of teeth, with regular use makes them whiter;
  • kills bacteria and reduces the destructive activity of the enzymes they secrete;
  • forms a protective layer on the mucous membrane, which prevents microbes from spreading in the microflora;
  • makes tooth enamel stronger, saturates all its layers with useful microelements;
  • reduces tooth sensitivity and, as a result, eliminates unpleasant pain syndromes;
  • improves blood flow in gum tissue;
  • Gives fresh breath throughout the day.

Listerine, merciless to bacteria, stops the process of their reproduction and prevents the spread of infection throughout the body.


The uncompromising effectiveness of Listerine is ensured by the rich composition of the product:

  1. The main active ingredients are essential oils:
  • eucalyptus, which fights bacteria and relieves swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • methyl salicylate, which improves blood flow to the gums and reduces their soreness;
  • thymol, which eliminates itching, has an antiseptic effect and fights bacteria and yeast-like fungi;
  • menthol, which kills bacteria and provides fresh breath.

2. The auxiliary substances are:

  • zinc chloride - kills all plaque that accumulates on the teeth and in the folds of the gums;
  • fluoride - saturates the enamel with useful microelements, thereby increasing its strength;
  • alcohol - allows the active substances to actively bind to each other (this element is present only in some types of mouthwash).

All substances included in Listerine are of natural origin, which eliminates the risk of addiction and adaptation of pathogenic strains.

When is Listerine needed?

The peculiarity of Listerine is that it can be used not only as a prophylactic agent, but also to combat serious oral problems. Listerine is used in the following cases:

  • if tartar develops on the tooth enamel;
  • if a person is bothered by bad breath that does not go away even with regular brushing of teeth;
  • for inflammatory gum diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis), accompanied by bleeding and pain in the gums;
  • if you notice mobility of the crowns;
  • to remove plaque resulting from the activity of microbes;
  • for comprehensive oral care and maintenance of dental health.

The progressive effect of Listerine has been scientifically proven - after using this rinse, the number of bacteria in the dental cavity is reduced by 90%.

Listerine should not be considered a panacea - the product gives good results only with regular brushing of teeth and regular visits to the dentist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Those who regularly use Listerine note the following positive qualities:

  • Listerine has many varieties; you can choose the appropriate type of rinse aid;
  • the mouthwash can be used to care for children's teeth;
  • Listerine works painlessly - it does not cause burning, irritation or other unpleasant sensations;
  • the rinse aid does not contain artificial components, it contains only natural elements and oils;
  • effectively destroys different types of pathogenic strains.

Almost no disadvantages of the rinse aid have been identified. In rare cases, consumers report the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Consumer reviews about use

Listerine mouthwash has mostly positive reviews. Here's what users write about this drug:

Svetlana, 32 years old.

Economical and very effective product, easy to use.

I want to tell you about one feature of this drug: unlike other similar products, it foams a lot.

Therefore, I use it in a smaller dosage than indicated in the instructions.

What else can be added - a pleasant taste, long-lasting fresh breath, elimination of minor problems with the gums (bleeding, inflammation, etc.).

In general, Listerine mouth rinse is completely worth its cost and I am pleased with the result.

Irina, 23 years old.

This is the first rinse that I feel benefits from.

Its obvious advantages include: a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness on the teeth, solving problems with the gums (for me they periodically became inflamed and bled a little).

However, during the first use, I literally experienced a state of shock.

It's all about the taste of the liquid: it resembles something between gasoline and kerosene (or so it seemed to me). But even after brushing my teeth, this taste did not disappear.

The disadvantages include a burning sensation in the mouth. Overall, I recommend the product for use.


The main advantage of Listerine is its effectiveness. The components of the drug composition are aimed at solving specific problems.

Due to this effect, these rinses are known all over the world, as they are simply more effective than others.

Elixirs freshen breath throughout the day and completely remove food particles and microbes from the surface of the teeth. Listerine can be used every day without fear of side effects. The drugs do not pose any danger to humans.

In the video, watch a specialist’s review of the drug.


Summarizing the above, we can note the following:

  1. Listerine mouthwash is an effective and economical means for maintaining oral hygiene.
  2. Under the Listerine brand, different types of mouthwashes are produced (mint flavored, for children, green tea flavored, etc.). Therefore, you can choose a product according to your needs.
  3. The instructions for using this drug are simple and understandable even to a child. Use mouthwash 2 times a day after brushing your teeth. Under no circumstances should the product be swallowed or diluted with water.
  4. With regular use, Listerine will help strengthen tooth enamel and eliminate inflammation and bleeding gums. It will also help get rid of plaque and enjoy fresh breath every day.


In recent years, there has been a tendency towards an increase in the incidence of gonorrhea, which is associated with an increase in unprotected sexual intercourse, especially among homosexual men. The study authors noted that in Australia alone, the number of new cases of infection doubled from 6,892 to 11,508 over the past 5 years, with 70% of cases occurring among homosexual men. The growing antibiotic resistance is also noteworthy. In the context of the above, the development of new preventive measures is necessary. Interestingly, as early as 1879, long before the advent of antibiotics, Listerine manufacturers claimed that it could be effective in patients with gonorrhea, but to date no studies have tested this hypothesis.

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