How to properly use brushes to clean your teeth? Review of popular manufacturers

While wearing braces, careful oral care is necessary .
For these purposes, various means are provided (special brushes, dental floss, irrigators, etc.).

And one of such effective devices is brushes for braces .

They are designed to clean the interdental space and braces from stuck food particles.

Also, brushes have a massaging function and, thereby, prevent bleeding gums.

For your information! Today they are produced in a wide variety (in size and shape) and everyone can choose the option that suits personal preferences and certain needs.

What is a toothbrush?

For reference! The appearance of such a product for the oral cavity is similar to a regular brush used for cleaning glass containers, but its size is several times smaller.

two components in this device :

  • pen;
  • The product itself is a brush, which is used to clean the surface between the teeth.

The length of the bristly rod reaches several centimeters.

Its basis is a steel wire on which synthetic bristles are attached.

They are most often made from nylon, although other synthetic materials are also used.

The rod is additionally covered with plastic. This was done to prevent the occurrence of static discharges during use of the device.

Note! The materials used in the manufacturing process of these products are always environmentally friendly, durable and inert.

Thus, they do not enter into oxidation processes upon contact with saliva during the procedure.

Depending on the manufacturer, these devices are available both as attachments and as a one-piece design. The first ones come with special holders.

What is this

A dental brush is a special device that allows you to clean out food debris from between your teeth. In appearance, it resembles an ordinary household brush, reduced significantly.

The product consists of 2 parts:

  • handle holder;
  • working part (the brush itself).

There are many variants available. Between themselves, they depend on the size, hardness, density and length of the bristles, the material from which the rod for attaching the bristles is made, and the diameter of the working surface.

The brushes are suitable for daily use, easy to use, efficiently clean hard-to-reach areas, do not injure the mucous membranes, and are suitable for caring for healthy and affected areas. This is an ideal device for keeping your mouth clean when wearing implants, braces, and crowns.

A short video review of dental brushes can be seen in this video:

Why are such interdental products needed?

The purpose of these interdental products is to remove dirt between teeth and in hard-to-reach places (in the case of installed braces).
Thanks to high-quality cleaning of the dental cavity using a brush, the risk of caries and periodontal disease is reduced, bad breath and bleeding gums are eliminated .

The lateral surface of the teeth makes up 40% of the entire dental surface.

It is difficult to clean dirt from these areas with a regular brush, but it is between the teeth that putrefactive bacteria develop most actively.

Indications for use

It is worth noting! As for the indications for the use of interdental brushes, it is advisable to use this product along with a regular toothbrush and, after basic cleaning, clean with this simple device.

The use of tooth enamel brushes especially recommended for the following categories of people:

  • patients with installed dental implants , as well as devices for aligning the bite, for example, braces. Using a toothbrush, it is impossible to remove all plaque and food debris from small parts and elements of braces, bridges or implants. The brush, due to its size, is able to penetrate even the smallest holes and crevices;
  • those on their tooth enamel from drinking coffee, tea or smoking
  • there is a need to carry out a daily light massage of the gums and clean them ;
  • those who suffer from malocclusion but have not yet used teeth straightening devices such as braces. Plaque and food particles are more likely to accumulate between teeth that are uneven. Accordingly, bacteria multiply there.

What is a dental brush for?

People use a baby bottle brush when they need to remove milk residues that could not be removed with regular water. The situation is similar with dental brushes. They are used if necessary:

  • remove pieces of food from the interdental spaces that cannot be rinsed with water or removed with a regular toothbrush;
  • clean the back surface of the teeth;
  • ensure better oral hygiene.

There are a number of medical indications for which it is necessary to use a dental brush:

  • wearing braces;
  • presence of dental prostheses or implants in the mouth;
  • periodontal pathology;
  • a large number of diastemas and three;
  • crowded teeth and their irregular shape;
  • smoking and frequent consumption of coloring products;
  • chronic diseases that, even in a vegetative state, have a bad effect on the microflora of the oral cavity.


You should know! There are several types of such devices, namely three. They are divided depending on their shape and purpose:

  • the curved variety is distinguished by the fact that the handle together with the rod is made in the form of a semicircle. This type of product is convenient to use for cleaning teeth straightening devices from dirt. Thanks to the semicircular shape, it is easy to reach the plaque accumulated on the elements of the braces;
  • cylindrical variety. A distinctive feature of the species is the same length of the villi. Used to remove oral contaminants and care for gums. It is purchased by those who have a dental implant installed, since with the help of this cylindrical device it is easy to remove dirt from the neck of the implant;
  • cone-shaped. It received this name due to the arrangement of the bristles in the shape of a cone. The longest are located at the base of the rod, at the end - the smallest (up to 1 mm). It is recommended to use this type of product for those who have the correct structure of teeth and an even dentition.

How to use it correctly?

Stay up to date! Using a brush is very simple; after basic cleaning, it is enough to use a brush to remove the dirt that has accumulated between the teeth.

It is recommended to do this on both sides of the dentition.

Those using the product to clean between teeth are advised to adhere to the following tips:

  • The device is replaced weekly. The maximum time that one brush can be used is 14 days. It is worth changing it even if there are no visible defects on it;
  • Manipulations in the oral cavity should be carried out without paste;
  • it is impossible to clean the incisors and the surface between them;
  • movement up and down on the surface of tooth enamel is not allowed .

If the device is used for the first time, then do not be alarmed if slight bleeding occurs.

Important! If after 3 days this symptom has not disappeared, then you need to stop using this device and consult a dentist.

Before you start using a dental brush, it is important to choose the right one .

Below are recommendations that you should use when choosing a device :

  • villi length. This parameter is determined depending on the distance between the teeth. If your teeth are tightly spaced, it is recommended to buy a brush with bristles up to 1mm. If there are small gaps in the dentition, then the length of the villi should be 2-3 mm. But, if a dental implant is installed, then, regardless of the distance in the oral cavity, it is recommended to purchase a device with the shortest bristles;
  • length of the product. Brush brushes are available in five different lengths. Here you should pay attention to the size of the oral cavity and the age of the person. Children are purchased with the S marking; for an adult, the best option would be size XL;
  • villi hardness. You will have to choose between soft and medium hardness. Those with sensitive gums, as well as children, are advised to buy devices with soft bristles. This variety is better suited for cleaning implants;
  • Rod material: metal or plastic. If your gums are prone to inflammation and often bleed, it is better to purchase a device with a plastic rod. Due to its elasticity, it will not injure the gums;
  • product quality. This is the main criterion and you shouldn’t skimp on it. It is better to give preference to products from popular brands that have already proven themselves.

Why do you need to use special brushes for cleaning with braces?

It is worth using brushes for cleaning, because they are able to eliminate even the smallest particles of food , which inevitably remain in the interdental space and in the braces themselves .
Ordinary this 100% .

As a result, colonies of pathogenic microorganisms form in the oral cavity, subsequently leading to the initial stage of caries and other adverse consequences.

Keep in mind! Regular use of these brushes helps keep your teeth clean and healthy.

At the same time, the brace system used retains a well-groomed appearance longer.

Sequence of application

Keep in mind! The product should be used according to the instructions below:

  • Initially, the oral cavity is cleaned with a toothbrush and paste or tooth powder;
  • after that it’s the turn of the dental brush. It is slightly moistened with water and inserted between the teeth until the rod reaches the other side of the dentition;
  • It is recommended to maintain a 90 degree angle during cleaning; If the rod is difficult to fit into the gap between the teeth, then it is prohibited to apply force and drive it into the tooth gap. It is better to try to choose a different type of device.
  • then several light movements of a reciprocating nature are performed. Additionally, you need to rotate the brush several times around its axis;
  • completing the cleaning of tooth enamel is removing the device and rinsing it under running water;
  • A similar manipulation must be carried out with each interdental space.

It is worth noting! It is allowed to use a brush every time after regular cleaning of the oral cavity with a brush.

Brushes and brushes for braces

At first glance, oral hygiene devices seem strange. Although this is a misconception, many people find them uncomfortable. Additional accessories will not interfere with your orthodontic treatment. If you are wondering where to buy orthodontic toothbrushes and cleaning accessories in Moscow, ask your dentist or search online.

Today, most pharmacies, like many online stores, are ready to offer a full range of hygiene products. This also applies to patients undergoing orthodontic rehabilitation. The prices for these tools are quite different. You can find products from leading brands (such as brushes and accessories for Curaprox devices) and, of course, affordable alternatives from other manufacturers.

How should I care for my braces? In general, the basic principles of oral care have remained unchanged:

  • Active brushing of teeth: at least 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed.
  • If necessary, rinse your mouth after each meal.
  • Regular visits to the dentist.
  • Systematic preventive oral hygiene.

Given the availability of orthodontic appliances, each of these steps takes more time and requires the use of very specialized instruments.

Orthodontic Brushes for Orthodontic Appliances: Special Applications This accessory is almost the same as a regular brush, but there are still some differences. Firstly, these devices are only produced with soft bristles or medium-hard bristles on the sides. Secondly, the length of the bristles varies from longest at the edge to shortest in the middle of the brush. Therefore, the appearance of the accessory resembles the letter V.

Buying toothbrushes for orthodontic devices in pharmacies today is quite simple, because this model is already included in the portfolio of almost all well-known brands, from the economy segment to the most expensive products.

How to properly clean your mouth with braces with an orthodontic toothbrush? The process will take place in three stages:

  • The buccal (outer) surface of the teeth (where the braces are located) is cleaned using horizontal movements. Horizontal movements are performed from the inside, moving accordingly in an arc.
  • Removal of unwanted deposits under the archwire. Place the toothbrush at a 450 angle to the surface of the gum and gently clean the structure and crevices.
  • We brush our teeth from the inside (outside if the braces are lingual) as usual.

Cleaning the bracket with a special brush - basic rules

Special brushes are a completely new tool. While you won't surprise anyone with a set of staple brushes, such a device is rarely found in the average person's arsenal. The accessory is a small brush with vertical bristles, which makes it very easy to cross the interdental spaces. This accessory is necessary for cleaning the surface of the teeth under the arch. Carefully slide it under the braces and twist clockwise to remove plaque and sticky food debris.

An important rule of hygiene is to change brushes. If an orthodontic toothbrush is ready to serve its owner for 2-3 months, the toothbrush should be changed every 2 weeks. For patient convenience, brushes for cleaning orthodontic instruments are usually sold in several sets.

How to use the brush?

In the photo, the bandage-brush looks like the letter “G”. This is a miniature tuft of lint placed at an angle on a long handle. It should be used with special sweeping movements from the neck of the tooth to the crown. Cleaning braces with this accessory is extremely convenient, since the working head is small in size, which allows you to penetrate into the most difficult to reach places.

Most brands offer multifunctional brushes. There are accessories on the market with various orthodontic attachments. When choosing, pay attention to the overall ergonomics of the design. The handle should fit comfortably in the hand (it is advisable to have rubber stops or notches), and the lids themselves should fit snugly to it.

As for bristles, when caring for orthodontic structures, it is recommended to give preference to soft and semi-hard brushes so as not to damage the miniature structures.

How to use an electric toothbrush with an orthodontic mechanism? Some patients wonder whether it is possible to clean orthodontic appliances with an electric or ultrasonic toothbrush. This is allowed, but you should choose models with special inserts. As a rule, the accessory looks like a single-ray brush, but has a slightly larger diameter.

The brush itself should have soft or medium bristles. An important feature of electric brushes is the presence of a special low-intensity mode, which will allow the braces not to deteriorate during cleaning.

Often, manufacturers of high-quality models post videos on the Internet about how to properly brush teeth with braces, and the instructions provide a link to the product or to an application that must be installed on your phone. This greatly simplifies the task for most patients.

Features of different brands

Despite the fact that the design and appearance of these orthodontic products are mostly the same, there are some differences depending on the manufacturer .
Below are the distinctive features of brushes for cleaning teeth from different brands.


There are various products in both shape and size . They are equipped with a comfortable handle.

The cross-section of the bristles is triangular, making cleaning quick and efficient .

The diameter of the tip varies and ranges from 2 to 5 mm.


Need to know! The teeth cleaning device is made using a special surgical alloy and plastic coating.

Additionally, in the kit .

It can be used as a handle extension.

Oral bi (Oral-b)

Conical and cylindrical products with a special holder.

The set includes a special container for storing the device.


They produce products of various models and purposes.

For your information! There are those that are suitable for daily and regular use, for cleaning orthodontic structures, dentures or implants.

The length of the bristles varies between 2.2-5 mm.

Popular manufacturers

Today, many manufacturers produce special brushes for cleaning braces, but not all of them are of high quality.

So, the most effective products are from the following brands :

  • Lacalut (lacalut) - products are equipped with a metal rod made of hypoallergenic materials, covered with insulating plastic. This reduces trauma during use. Average price: 300 rubles and above.
  • Colgate Total (colgate) – a distinctive feature of this product is that the products are produced in a set, which includes brushes with different bristle lengths. The cost of the product is on average 250-270 rubles.
  • Miradent - are available in the form of a set that includes 4 brushes with ultra-soft bristles and a wire rod. The products differ from each other in the length and thickness of the bristles, as well as the diameter of the rod. The cost of the set is 500 rubles.
  • Oral-B (oral bi) – products are cylindrical and cone-shaped, sold in small containers (include 1 pc.). Also available in sets. The price ranges from 250 to 400 rubles.
  • Curaprox (curaprox) - products are made from a special alloy that is used in the surgical industry. The brushes produced under this brand are of high quality and have a long service life. Therefore, they cost around 1000 rubles.

Products from the above brands are not only highly effective, but also absolutely safe to use.


Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

Oksana, 32 years old.

I used to always use only a brush, but bad breath began to appear.

I thought there was something wrong with my stomach, but it turned out that I was just not brushing my teeth well)), or rather, in the wrong way.

After I started using the brush, the smell disappeared.

Denis, 36 years old.

I have braces and what a hassle it is to clean them every time after eating, especially with a brush.

Long, ineffective, inconvenient. The brush solved my problems in one go.

Although my wife doesn’t have braces, she also uses this device. Teeth look perfect.

Useful video

From this video you will learn what dental brushes are needed for and how to choose the right one:

Despite the fact that most people are accustomed to considering a toothbrush to be the main device for performing oral hygiene procedures, this is not so.

A brush for cleaning teeth is an equally important device for dental care .

It is recommended to use both a brush and a brush every time you clean the surface of the tooth enamel.

Product varieties

Brushes of different models allow the patient to provide high-quality oral care while wearing braces. Typically, the working area of ​​such products is equipped with cone-shaped or cylindrical bristles. It is durable and movable, and has varying degrees of rigidity. It is made from synthetic bristles, which are hygienic and safe for health. The device holder has a small or large base - it depends on what types of teeth the item is intended for.

Mono-beam toothbrush Miradent, with 4 replaceable heads

Cleaners are disposable accessories. An orthodontic brush is used for repeated use. Its main characteristics:

  • has larger dimensions;
  • used to cleanse only the lingual side of the enamel;
  • is used for no longer than 1 – 2 weeks (service life depends on frequency of use and wear).

In addition to the mentioned products, it is necessary to acquire dental floss, as well as other special devices that help clean the interdental spaces - brushes cannot fully cope with this task.

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