Imudon - instructions and 7 cheap analogues with current prices

Imudon is a drug from the group of immunostimulants produced in Russia. The tablets are of bacterial origin and can be used in the treatment of dental diseases and dysfunction of the ENT organs.

Also, the drug is used to prevent secondary infection after implantation of an artificial tooth root, during the preparation period, and also after tonsillectomy.

In general, the medicine is well tolerated by patients of all age groups. However, due to the high cost, or in the presence of autoimmune diseases, it is necessary to replace Imudon with cheaper analogues, and their effectiveness should be no lower than the original product.

pharmachologic effect

The drug helps provide an immunostimulating effect similar to a vaccine. The effect of Imudon is due to its ability to stimulate the process of capture and digestion of solid particles that are part of pathogenic microorganisms.

Under the influence of the drug, the quantitative content of lysozyme, interferon, and immunoglobulins— the main immune cells of the body—increases.

The tablets consist of a polyvalent antigenic complex - a mixture of bacteria and products of their breakdown into individual enzymes, which include elements of the cell walls and intracellular contents of the microorganism.

The medicine has a composition similar to the causative agents of those pathological processes that are most often observed in the mouth and pharynx, due to which the body begins to intensify the production of its own protective bodies against specific types of bacteria.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Imudon is used during treatment and prevention:

  • Superficial and deep periodontal disease, glossitis, aphthous stomatitis.
  • Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity.
  • Catarrhal and ulcerative gingivitis.
  • Periodontitis in acute and chronic course.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Chronic form of tonsillitis.
  • Acute and chronic infectious or aphthous stomatitis.
  • Traumatic or decubital lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
  • To prevent secondary infection before and after surgery in the oral cavity.

The drug is widely used by maxillofacial surgeons. The medicine can also be used for ulcers caused by dentures.

Dosage for adults and children

For patients over 14 years of age, the total dosage is 8 tablets per day, and Imudon must be taken at regular intervals (every 1-2 hours.)

The duration of the course for the treatment of acute forms or exacerbations of chronic pathologies is 10 days. To prevent immunodeficiency, the dosage is reduced to 6 tablets per day, and the total duration of administration is increased to 20 days.

Children of younger age groups from 3 to 14 years are prescribed 6 tablets per day, at least two hours should pass between doses. The course of treatment for acute forms and exacerbations is 10 days, prophylaxis lasts 20 days. In both cases, the number of tablets remains the same - 6 per day.

The total number of treatment and preventive courses is no more than four per year.

Imudon - instructions for use

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm, Russia
Dosage form: lozenges

Ingredients: bacterial lysates

Imudon is approved for children from 3 years of age, up to 6 tablets per day.

For adults and adolescents over 14 years old - a tablet every hour (8 pieces per day).

The duration of therapy is 10 days; prophylaxis will require 20 days.

The regimen for taking Imudon for the purpose of prevention is the same for all age groups - 6 pieces per day at regular intervals.

How to take Imudon - before or after meals?

It is advisable to take Imudon after meals and not drink or rinse your mouth for 1 hour so as not to reduce the effect. Imudon tablets can only be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Imudon is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, since there are no reliable clinical studies on the safety of the drug for women and children.

Patients with bronchial asthma should refrain from taking Imudon to avoid exacerbations.

Undesirable side effects when taking Imudon are rare. Dyspeptic gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions to the skin may occur. Over-the-counter drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Imudon is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance to active or auxiliary substances, as well as in case of:

  • Treatment of patients under 3 years of age.
  • Therapy for people with autoimmune diseases.

The drug is well tolerated. According to patient reviews, in a number of cases the development of:

  • Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria, angioedema.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, pain impulses in the abdominal area.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Cough and exacerbations of bronchial asthma.
  • In isolated cases, erythema nodosum, thrombocytopenia, and hemorrhagic vasculitis occurred.

If patients notice the occurrence of these or any other undesirable side effects, they should inform their doctor as soon as possible.

List of analogues is cheaper

As a prevention of ENT diseases during pregnancy, Lizobact is a safe and cheap replacement for the original immunostimulant.

The price of Imudon in January 2022 is from 470 rubles. for 24 pcs., from 610 rub. for 40 tablets. If we consider a 10-day treatment course for adults, then you will need two packages of 40 tablets, which will amount to an average of 1,220 rubles.

Prevention will cost from 1830 rubles and will require 120 tablets. Patients often ask whether there are analogues of Imudon that are cheaper, but no less effective?

Imudon does not have exact structural analogues (generics), so if necessary, the doctor can offer a list of drugs that are similar in their action, from a similar pharmacological group, but with a different composition.

  • Anaferon - from 210 rub. A homeopathic remedy that has a similar immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. Treatment begins with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. After improvement occurs, it is recommended to use the tablets for 1 week - 10 days. The medication is well tolerated by patients; in rare cases, allergic reactions have been reported.
  • Derinat - from 290 rub. An inexpensive immunostimulant that activates cellular and humoral immunity. The drug is intended for local use, preparing a solution for rinsing the mouth, applying applications, and performing irrigations. The medicine is well tolerated by patients.
  • Ribomunil - from 260 rub. A cheap analogue of Imudon based on bacterial ribosomes: the most common pathogens of infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs.

At the beginning of treatment, nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation, stool disorders, and allergies may develop. This is normal and there is no need to stop the medication.

The drug is recommended to be used in the morning, on an empty stomach.

During the first 3 weeks, the medication is taken on the first 4 days of the week. In the next 5 months - in the first 4 days of each month.

The selection of similar drugs and substitutes should be trusted to a qualified doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it may not provide the desired therapeutic result.

Analogues of Imudon for children

Also on the pharmaceutical market is the following list of analogues of Imudon for children:

  • Bronchomunal-P – 1 capsule contains 3.5 mg of lyophilized bacterial lysate. Capsules are used once a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the indications prescribed in the instructions. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, its contents can be dissolved in water.
  • Anaferon for children - the cost is from 210 rubles. for 20 tablets. The drug can be used in the treatment of children older than one month. The dosage regimen is also determined by the pediatrician.
  • IRS 19 is a close analogue of Imudon. Can be used in the treatment of children from 3 years of age. The medicine demonstrates good organic stimulation, which manifests itself in the form of increased runny nose at the beginning of therapy.
  • Ribomunil - when treating children, preference is given to the dosage form in the form of granules for internal administration.

It is recommended to trust the selection of a suitable drug to replace the original only to a pediatrician.

Imudon or Lizobakt

Both drugs differ in their pharmacological action. If necessary, the doctor may recommend the combined use of these medications.

Lizobakt acts locally, tablets are prescribed for the treatment of chronic and acute tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, erosions affecting the oral cavity.

Lysobact is an antiseptic that is produced in the form of lozenges. The active substance of the drug has the ability to convert insoluble bacterial membranes into a soluble mucopeptide.

Tablets are used up to 4 times a day for a week. In the future, the doctor may decide to extend the course of using the antiseptic.

Both drugs are not recommended for use in the treatment of patients under 3 years of age, as well as in cases of individual intolerance to the active component. The cost of Lizobakt is from 280 rubles. for 30 lozenges.

Imudon or Grammidin - which is better?

Manufacturer: Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Russia
Dosage form: tablets

Ingredients: gramicidin C hydrochloride + cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate

Grammidin Neo is a combined medicine for the treatment of the throat and oral cavity. The components in the analogue determine its antimicrobial and antiseptic activity.

It exhibits a bactericidal effect against most pathogens of throat infections and does not cause resistance.

Grammidin Neo alleviates pain, facilitates swallowing, relieves inflammation in sore throat and other acute conditions.

Grammidin Neo is approved for children from 4 years of age.

Side effects include allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Which drug would be the best choice - Imudon or the Grammidin Neo analogue - depends on the patient’s disease picture.

Both analogues are suitable for the treatment of infections of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat; for prevention - only Imudon for a course of 20 days.

Ismigen or Imudon

Ismigen, like Imudon, is presented in the form of sublingual lozenges, which can be recommended for patients over 3 years of age. The pharmacological effect of the analogue is similar to the original due to the composition, which includes bacterial lysates:

  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Streptococcus pyogenes.
  • Catarrhal micrococcus.
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B.
  • Klebsiella ozena.
  • Klebsiella pneumonia.
  • Pneumococcus.

Under the influence of Ismigen, stimulation of both local and systemic immunity is observed. As a result, there is a reduction in the frequency, severity, duration of acute respiratory infection, relief of symptoms in the form of cough, shortness of breath, and increased body temperature.

The drug is often prescribed for acute, subacute and recurrent pathologies affecting the ENT organs. A substitute for Imudon is used from the age of 3; the tablets should be taken on an empty stomach.

Isigmen is prescribed to patients with:

  • Recurrent, acute and subacute infections affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract: bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis.
  • Complications after a viral infection, including influenza.
  • To prevent exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

Imudon has a wider range of indications and a more extensive composition, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of various dental diseases, and is also prescribed to patients who have had their tonsils removed. Otherwise the drugs are identical.

Ismigen has a more convenient method of administration: the manufacturer recommends using the medicine one tablet per day for 10 days, so the course of treatment will cost less than Imudon.

The cost of Ismigen is from 505 rubles. for 10 tablets, from 1290 rub. for 30 pcs.

Imudon or Ismigen - which is better?

Manufacturer: Bruschettini, Italy
Dosage form: tablets

Composition: lysates of 8 bacteria

The Imudon analogue Ismigen is an immunostimulant, treats respiratory infections and protects against repeated episodes.


  • supports local and systemic immunity;
  • wide range of applications (diseases of the respiratory system);
  • Convenient administration - once, in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tablet under the tongue.

The disadvantage of Ismigen is the treatment of oral infections only as an auxiliary drug.

Thus, an intelligent choice in favor of one or another analogue can be made based on the patient’s exact diagnosis.

Bronchomunal or Imudon

Bronchomunal is an immunomodulatory drug with a multicomponent composition intended for internal use. Helps reduce the frequency and severity of infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract, as well as reduce the duration of use of drugs with antibacterial action.

It is not an exact structural analogue of Imudon; Bronchomunal contains lyophilized bacterial lysates.

The readings of the original and its substitute are similar. Bronchomunal can be used:

  • During the complex treatment of frequent relapses of infectious diseases affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, and rhinitis.
  • The advantage of Bronchomunal is that it can be used in the treatment of acute infectious diseases that do not respond to standard treatment regimens involving antibacterial drugs. The drug is also prescribed for the development of complications after a viral illness. It is recommended to take the capsules on an empty stomach for 10 days to 1 month.

The cost of Bronchomunal in January 2022 is from 520 rubles. for 10 capsules of 7 mg (drug for adults) and from 490 rub. for 10 capsules of 3.5 mg (for the treatment of children).

Imudon or Broncho-munal

Manufacturer: Lek, Slovenia
Dosage form: capsules 7 mg and 3.5 mg for children

Composition: substance OM-85 (mixture of bacterial lysates)

Broncho-munal is an analogue of Imudon from the group of immunostimulants. In combination with other medications, it is prescribed for acute respiratory tract infections and to protect against relapses of chronic bronchitis.

Analogues of Imudon Broncho-munal and Ismigen are similar in composition and action in the body, they differ in the form of release and the presence of Broncho-munal in a children's dosage, permitted from six months.

Broncho-munal has conflicting reviews about its use: some patients experienced side effects (diarrhea, abdominal pain, cough, rash), while others tolerated the drug well. Therefore, the attending physician will help you choose the appropriate drug after studying your medical history.

IRS-19 or Imudon

The drugs are similar in composition, but differ in the form of release. The analogue is presented in the form of an aerosol for intranasal administration.

The drug can be used in the treatment, as well as for the prevention of the development of chronic diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. The aerosol is also used in preparation for planned surgical intervention in the area of ​​ENT organs.

The drug IRS-19 is preferred when it is not possible to use drugs in tablet form, including Imudon.

The aerosol cannot be used in cases of individual intolerance to active substances, in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, and children under 3 years of age.

The cost of IRS-19 is from 490 rubles. for 20 ml. A course of prevention and treatment will cost less than a similar course of Imudon.

Imudon or IRS 19

Manufacturer: Mylan Laboratories, France
Dosage form: nasal spray

Composition: bacterial lysates

IRS 19 is an immunostimulant, is of bacterial origin and exhibits antiviral and antibacterial activity. Spraying a nasal aerosol helps quickly develop a local immune response in the body.

Distinctive features of the IRS 19 analogue:

  • manufactured dosage form – nasal spray;
  • used for the treatment and prevention of infections of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi (rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), but is not suitable for the oral cavity;
  • allowed for infants from 3 months;
  • high cost of the drug;
  • it is necessary to comply with the storage conditions of the spray - temperature from 2 to 8 degrees.

The above differences between Imudon and its analogue IRS 19 will help you decide on the choice of a drug that meets the needs and demands of the patient.

It is important to remember that analogues of drugs are prescribed by a doctor based on treatment experience, medical examination and clinical recommendations for the management of a patient with a similar diagnosis.

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