Cheap analogues of Lizobact - list of substitutes with prices

Treatment of throat diseases is always comprehensive and includes the use of local antiseptics. Representatives of drugs from this group are considered to be Lizobact tablets, which are combined drugs used in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.

Lyzobact is produced by the pharmacological company Bosnalek/Akrikhin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in a single form - lozenges.

The package contains 3 blisters of 10 lozenges each. The medicine belongs to the middle price category (the cost does not exceed 320 rubles per package), but many are trying to find a cheaper analogue of Lyzobact, which will have the same mechanism of action in the fight against diseases of the oropharynx.

Before considering synonymous drugs, you should familiarize yourself with the pharmacological properties, indications and contraindications for the use of the brand.

How does Lizobact work?

The product has an excellent antimicrobial and immunostimulating agent.

The composition contains two active ingredients - lysozyme hydrochloride and pyridoxine hydrochloride plus auxiliary ingredients.

  • Lysozyme is an enzyme with a strong antiseptic effect; it is obtained from the white of chicken eggs. It destroys the cells of most existing bacteria and viruses, preventing their further reproduction and penetration into tissues.
  • Pyridoxine, also known as vitamin B6, restores mucous membranes damaged by bacteria and heals ulcers.

Lysobact is not an antibiotic, but it effectively fights viral microorganisms that are resistant to antibodies and fungi.

The composition of Lysobakt when used in ENT therapy and dentistry gives the following result:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • reduces sore throat;
  • relieves swelling;
  • increases immunity in the area of ​​application;
  • restores mucous membranes;
  • promotes faster recovery;
  • reduces the risk of complications and recurrence of the disease.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: BOSNALEK JSC (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Release form: lozenges

Active ingredient: Lysozyme, Pyridoxine

Synonyms: Lorolysin

Lizobakt belongs to the combination medicines, as it contains two active substances:

  1. Lysozyme is an enzyme of protein origin. Has a direct effect on viruses, fungi, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Also participates in the regulation of local immunity;
  2. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) – protects the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat (anti-aphthous property). Does not affect the healing properties of lysozyme.

List of cheap analogues of Lizobact

This product is an original drug and costs approximately 320 rubles for 30 tablets. It is quite difficult to select analogues of lysobact in terms of price and composition, since there are no drugs with the same set of active ingredients.

At the same time, there are a number of cheap drugs that contain components with similar effects:

  • faringosept – 20 tablets of the drug will cost approximately 170 rubles;
  • grammidin - 20 tablets cost approximately 160 rubles;
  • hexoral tabs – 20 tablets cost about 180 rubles;
  • falimint – 20 tablets cost approximately 180 rubles;
  • sebidine - 20 tablets of this drug can be bought for 160 rubles;
  • septolet - a pack of 30 tablets of the substance will cost 170 rubles;
  • adjisept - 24 tablets of the product cost 120 rubles.

Inexpensive analogues of Lizobact for children include drugs such as faringosept, septolete, neo-angin.
In addition, you can give your child Hexoral Tabs and Agisept. There are quite a few effective antiseptics that can be used to treat the throat and oral cavity. Reviews of lysobact analogues confirm the high effectiveness of the product.

This category includes the following drugs:

  • Lugol containing glycerin - 50 g of this solution costs approximately 115 rubles;
  • furatsilin (instructions) - 10 tablets for preparing a solution cost approximately 55 rubles;
  • kameton - an aerosol with a volume of 30 g costs about 60 rubles;
  • ingalipt - 30 ml of the product in the form of an aerosol can be purchased for 70 rubles;
  • malavit - a 300 ml oral product will cost 180 rubles;
  • hepilor - a drug in the form of a 20 ml spray can be bought for 120 rubles.

It is best for pregnant women to use lysobact itself . However, sometimes patients ask to choose cheaper drugs. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an analogue of Lysobact tablets, such as Cametone or Faringosept.

Substitute drugs for children

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from diseases of the throat and mouth, so the choice of treatment should be approached with caution and always consult a pediatrician.

Analogues of Lysobact for children in the form of lozenges are recommended from the age of 3.

In practice, the following antiseptics are most often used:

  • Faringosept is a drug similar to Lizobact in its therapeutic effect. Used in pediatrics for children over 3 years of age. The tablets have a pleasant taste and have a high effect in the treatment of ENT diseases. Faringosept has a small number of contraindications and costs about 140 rubles per pack of 20 pieces.
  • Hexoral is a series of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs. Available in several forms, including lozenges. The drug has an antiseptic, analgesic effect, suppresses the aggressiveness of pathogenic flora and is well tolerated.
  • Tonsilgon N is a drug based on herbal components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Children after 1 year are prescribed in the form of drops. Starting from the age of 6 years, you can use lozenges for resorption. The price of the medicine is 300 rubles.
  • Septolete is an antiseptic for children over 4 years of age. The composition contains levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, thymol and mint. The use of lozenges allows you to eliminate soreness in the throat, relieve inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane. If you are hypersensitive to any component of the drug, the tablets are contraindicated. The average price for medicine in pharmacies is 160 rubles.

There are other antiseptics used in pediatrics for the treatment of ENT pathologies, but most doctors, as well as parents, prefer aerosols with a similar effect.

Children often refuse to dissolve tablets, so you can replace them with sprays, such as:

  • “Orasept” (117 ml) – 300 rubles.
  • Aerosol “Inhalipt” (30 ml) - 60 rub.
  • “Hepilor” (50 ml) – 120 rub.
  • “Lugol” solution with glycerin (25 ml) – 20 rubles.

When choosing any remedy for treating a throat in children, it is important to study the instructions and consult a doctor.

Foreign analogues of Lizobakt - list with prices

Medicines for throat diseases from Western companies are often very expensive, but you can find budget-friendly and effective remedies.

Decathylene (Israel). The composition contains dequalinium chloride, dibucaine hydrochloride, peppermint oil and sorbitol. Release form: lozenges. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, it kills bacteria and prevents their reproduction. Dequalinium chloride fights most bacteria, as well as fungi and spirochetes. The second substance is an anesthetic that relieves the sensitivity of nerve endings. Used for stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Price – 300 rub. per pack of 20 pcs.

Suprima lor (India). Almost duplicates the testimony of Lizobakt. The composition contains dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol and herbal extracts. The product is antiseptic and relieves sore throat well. Release form: lollipops with different flavors. The packaging consists of several blisters per package, 10 pcs per blister. Price – from 150 rub. per package.

Strepsils (UK). The composition contains dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol, levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, tartaric acid and glucose. Release form: lollipops. The package contains 2 blisters, each containing 12 lollipops. Very quickly relieves sore throat, effectively acting against microbes. Children under 6 years of age are prohibited from use. Price – 180 – 260 rub. per package.

Foreign substitutes

A good alternative to domestic analogues would be drugs from foreign pharmaceutical companies.

The disadvantage of such drugs is most often their higher cost, but among them you can find affordable and effective remedies.

  • Suprima ENT is an inexpensive substitute for Lizobact (from 150 rubles per pack). The active components of the drug are amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol, as well as various herbal extracts. Indications are similar to the original. Used as an antiseptic, it helps relieve pain in the throat by reducing pathogenic flora.
  • Decathylene is a low-cost combination drug with a pronounced antiseptic effect. The active component of the tablets is dequalinium chloride and 0.03 mg of dibucaine hydrochloride. The drug has a pleasant mint taste, quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and relieves pain. Prescribed in the treatment of stomatitis, sore throat, pharyngitis. The cost of tablets is about 300 rubles for 20 pieces.
  • Strepsils - have a quick and long-lasting antiseptic effect, has antimicrobial and antimycotic effects. Allowed for use from 5 years of age. The price of the medicine is from 160 to 300 rubles per pack of 24 pieces.
  • Grammidin is an effective analogue to replace Lysobact with good tolerability and high antimicrobial activity. Widely used in ENT practice for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis or pharyngitis. The price of the medicine in city pharmacies is 250 rubles for 18 tablets.

The best analogues of Lizobakt for children

Children have a sore throat much more often than adults. Children's mucous membrane is still very tender and takes the first blow of the virus in order to protect the body. Therefore, children experience severe sore throats. They need effective drugs to quickly relieve pain. And at the same time, you need to choose a medicine for them carefully. In any case, doing this without a pediatrician is strictly prohibited.

Some children do not like to dissolve tablets and tolerate sprays better, while others do the opposite. Pharmacies sell a huge number of drugs, including children's ones. But in pediatric practice the following drugs are generally accepted:

  1. Hexoral, tablets. From 3 years. Price – from 160 rub. per package (20 pcs).
  2. Faringosept. Tablets with a pleasant taste. From 3 years. There are almost no contraindications. Price – from 140 rub. per package (20 pcs).
  3. Tonsilgon N. Natural preparation. Can be used after a year in the form of drops. After 6 years, tablets can be used. Price – 300 rub.
  4. Septolete. Natural drug. Quickly relieves sore throat, relieves inflammation and swelling. For allergy sufferers, use with caution. Price – 160 rub.

Aerosols used in pediatrics:

  • Hepilor, price – 120 rubles.
  • Ingalipt, price 60 rub.
  • Orasept – price – 300 rub.

Lopinavir and ritonavir

A combination of antiviral drugs called kaletra is used to treat HIV. According to WHO, the use of the drug in combination with other medications is effective in the fight against coronavirus. At the end of January, the Ministry of Health included lopinavir with ritovinar in the list of drugs recommended for COVID-19 as antiviral therapy. As a result, the demand and sales of kaletra increased tenfold. Experts warn that uncontrolled use of the drug without a doctor's prescription can cause harm to health, including diarrhea and liver damage.

Chinese scientists have found that lopinavir and ritonavir are not effective in treating mild to moderate COVID-19. Taking medications does not improve the clinical picture; moreover, it may cause side effects. The experiment involved 86 patients, of which 34 people took a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir, and 17 patients did not receive any drugs. After two weeks, both groups showed similar results, but those taking the medications experienced side effects.

Indications, composition and dosage of lysobact

Lysobact is produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Release form: lozenges, 30 pcs per package.

It is prescribed when there are such diseases:

  • sore throat of various origins;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • stomatitis with aphthae (ulcers);
  • catarrhal sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • erosions or herpes in the oral cavity.

The tablets must be dissolved slowly. You should not chew them or drink them with water. After resorption, for greater effect, do not eat or drink for an hour.

Reception regimen:

  • adults and children over 12 years old – 2 tablets three times a day;
  • from 7 to 12 years – 1 tablet 4 times a day;
  • from 3 to 7 years – 1 tablet 3 times a day.

The course of treatment is 5 days, sometimes up to a week. Improvement occurs already by the third day of taking the drug: redness, swelling and sore throat go away. Lysobact is not prescribed as a single remedy; it is prescribed as part of a complex treatment.

The tool has few limitations, but they are:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • diabetes.

When it comes to pregnancy, the drug is not prohibited, but it can only be used on the recommendation of two doctors - a therapist and a gynecologist, who will take into account the state of the body.

Side effects may include:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • minor rashes.

An overdose is impossible, but daily intake should be no more than 8 tablets.

The cost of the drug is considered average (280 - 320 rubles per package), but if the patient for some reason cannot take it or wants to find a cheaper analogue, the doctor should tell about the drugs that have a similar mechanism of action on diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Treatment of children with acute pharyngitis with local anti-inflammatory drugs

What are the symptoms of acute pharyngitis? What do treatment measures include? What are the features of treating infants?

Acute pharyngitis is an acute inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa - a common manifestation of acute respiratory diseases. Typically viral in origin, it may also be associated with group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or other pathogens.

As a rule, with pharyngitis, children complain of pain, discomfort in the throat (burning, soreness, itching), coughing, and sometimes itching and pain in the ears. Infants cannot complain of being unwell, but attentive parents pay attention to restless behavior, sleep disturbances, and worsening appetite. Pharyngitis can be combined with other manifestations of acute respiratory infections, such as runny nose, cough, fever, conjunctivitis.

The diagnosis of pharyngitis is made based on examination of the pharynx: there is hyperemia, swelling and infiltration of the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx, velopharyngeal arches, and sometimes the soft palate. With lateral pharyngitis, hyperemia and swelling of the lateral ridges of the pharynx are determined. It is difficult to distinguish viral pharyngitis from bacterial pharyngitis based only on physical examination data. In both cases, during pharyngoscopy, the mucous membrane of the pharynx may be slightly hyperemic or severely inflamed and covered with a film or purulent exudate. Fever, cervical lymphadenopathy and leukocytosis are observed with both viral and bacterial pharyngitis, but perhaps they are more pronounced with the latter.

Therapeutic measures for pharyngitis include the following manipulations.

  • Gargling with antiseptic, herbal solutions (for example, a solution of chlorophyllipt, rotokan, sea salt, eucalyptus, etc.) 3 - 4 times a day after meals.
  • Irrigation of the pharynx with antiseptic or antibiotic-containing aerosols (such as Hexoral, Ingalipt, Cameton, Stopangin, Yox, Bioparox, Tantum Verde, etc.) 2-3 doses 2-4 times a day.
  • Resorption of tablets or lozenges with an antibacterial, analgesic, emollient substance (faringosept, falimint, strepsils, laripront, etc.).
  • For bacterial pharyngitis, systemic antibiotics are necessary.

Infants and young children cannot gargle or swallow tablets, so they are only prescribed to drink plenty of fluids and irrigate the throat with an antiseptic. It should be noted that children under two years of age should use all aerosols with caution due to the possibility of developing a spasm of the glottis.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex of local conservative measures administered to children with acute pharyngitis.

The study covered the period from October to December 2002. We observed 32 children (15 boys and 17 girls) aged 5 to 15 years (average age 9 years) with a diagnosis of acute pharyngitis. In most cases, pharyngitis was a manifestation of an acute respiratory viral infection. Children with ARVI complicated by other pathologies of the ENT organs or upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, acute catarrhal otitis media, tracheobronchitis), as well as patients with tonsillitis, were not included in the study.

Table 1. Prevalence of complaints in acute pharyngitis in children

The main complaints made by children are reflected in table. 1.

As can be seen from the table, the main complaints presented by children were pain, soreness and/or itching in the throat. Approximately half of the children had other signs of acute respiratory infection (runny nose, coughing). 10 children (31.3%) had a rise in body temperature (maximum up to 37.8°C), and 8 (25%) had general malaise. Sleep disturbance and loss of appetite were observed in isolated cases.

Pharyngoscopy revealed more or less pronounced hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the anterior palatine arches and the posterior pharyngeal wall in all children. Swelling and hyperemia of the lateral ridges of the pharynx were observed in 7 (21.9%) patients. In 5 (15.6%) patients, pronounced inflammatory phenomena were observed.

All children underwent the following course of conservative treatment with local anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Gargling with a 1% solution of chlorophyllipt 3 times a day.
  • Irrigation of the pharynx with hexoral solution, 2 doses 2 times a day.
  • Resorption of pharyngosept tablets, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment was 7 days.

The effectiveness of treatment was assessed on the 4th and 7th days after the start of therapy. The criteria for the effectiveness of treatment were the following indicators:

  • cessation of complaints;
  • normalization of the pharyngoscopy picture;
  • good drug tolerance.

The results of the treatment are presented in table. 2.

Table 2. Treatment results

From the presented data it is clear that on the 4th day after the start of the course of treatment, complaints ceased in more than half of the patients (56.3%), the pharyngoscopic picture returned to normal in 12 patients (37.5%). By the end of treatment (on the 7th day), none of the children had any complaints; In all children, inflammatory manifestations in the pharynx were relieved. No adverse reactions were observed during treatment with these drugs in any of the subjects studied.

Thus, a set of conservative measures using local anti-inflammatory drugs is effective in the treatment of uncomplicated acute pharyngitis in children and allows one to avoid the use of systemic antibacterial agents.

R. Kh. Nurmukhametov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Moscow


  • Acute pharyngitis is an acute inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa and is a common manifestation of acute respiratory diseases.
  • Pharyngitis can be combined with a runny nose, cough, fever, and conjunctivitis.
  • The diagnosis of pharyngitis is made based on examination of the pharynx
  • The main complaints presented by children are pain, soreness and/or itching in the throat.
  • Carrying out a set of conservative measures using local anti-inflammatory drugs is effective in the treatment of uncomplicated acute pharyngitis in children

Lizobact or Laripront - which is better?

Laripront or lysobact - which is better? This question is relevant for many people. Thus, Laripront contains 2 active ingredients - dequalinium chloride and lysozyme. The first element replaces vitamin B6, which is present in lysobact.

The instructions for the Lysobact analogue state that Laripront must be consumed after 2-3 hours. The number of tablets must be determined by the doctor, since this point is not included in the annotation. It is strictly prohibited to independently select the dosage. The main advantage of Laripront is its price - this substance costs 100 rubles less. This is often the key factor.

When choosing Lysobact or Laripront, it is worth considering that both drugs have similar antimicrobial properties. However, laripront also thins mucus and helps control minor bleeding. The products have the same list of indications and prohibitions.

  • Contraindications and side effects are the same for both drugs.
  • Both drugs exist only in tablet form.
  • Laripront, thanks to two powerful components, effectively and quickly relieves pain and inflammation in the throat, and can also thin phlegm.
  • Another of its advantages is a more affordable price.

Lysobact or hexalize - which is better?

Hexaliz is considered a fairly similar drug in composition. In addition to lysozyme, it also contains other ingredients - in particular, enoxolone and biclotymol. At the same time, the cost of this product is only 20 rubles lower. Therefore, hexaliz cannot be called a cheap analogue of lysobact.

The maximum daily dosage of this drug is the same. However, the full course of therapy requires a little more time – up to 10 days. It can be used by children over 6 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to take the product only if there are strict indications. This is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor.

Hexalize or lysobact - which is more effective?

A close analogue of Lizobact are Hexaliz tablets, which have a different composition, but the same effect from use.

The basis of the medicine is lysozyme, enoxolone and biclotymol, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect. They are used in the complex treatment of pathologies of the throat and oral cavity.

Unlike Lizobact, Hexaliz can be used by children from 6 years of age. It is prohibited to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Hexaliz is not a cheap analogue of Lyzobact. Its price is about 360 rubles per package.

Lysobact or grammidin - which is better?

Lizobact or Grammidin - which is better? These drugs have different compositions. Thus, grammidin is considered an antibiotic, the active substance of which is gramidicin C. The activity of this ingredient is aimed at eliminating a wide range of bacterial microorganisms, especially when using high concentrations of the drug.

The use of this substance provokes strong production of saliva, which provides natural cleansing of the oropharynx. Lysobact has less pronounced activity against bacterial microorganisms. It stops their spread, but does not help destroy them. Therefore, in difficult situations - with sore throat or tonsillitis - you should give preference to grammidin.

When choosing grammidin or lysobact, it is worth considering the main contraindications. Thus, antibiotics should not be taken during lactation. Pregnant women can use the drug exclusively in the 2-3 trimester, and this should be done under strict medical supervision.

This drug is contraindicated for children under 4 years of age. At the same time, the indications and side effects of the drugs largely coincide. The key advantage of grammidin is its cost - the price of the drug is approximately 2 times lower.

  • If there are serious sore throats, tracheitis, tonsillitis or complications after an infectious disease, then Grammidin comes into play as a stronger remedy.
  • Lysobact is less active in the fight against bacteria and is used, rather, in complex therapy.
  • The cost of Grammidin is lower.

Grammidin or lysobact

These are drugs of different composition with an antiseptic effect. Unlike Lizobakt, Grammidin is classified as an antibiotic.

Its use in the treatment of ENT diseases makes it possible to effectively combat a wide range of microbes. Indications for use include tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and tracheitis, which are caused by bacterial flora.

Lysobact exhibits less activity against bacteria, so we can consider that Grammidin is a stronger drug.

It should not be taken during pregnancy, or for children under 4 years of age. The advantage of Grammidin is its price, which is much lower than that of Lizobakt.

Lizobact or faringosept

When choosing faringosept or lysobact, you should carefully study the composition and effect of these drugs. Thus, faringosept includes ambazone - an antiseptic substance. Therefore, we can conclude that the product is completely different from lysobact. Faringosept is active against pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. The medicine does not affect the intestinal microflora and therefore does not provoke dysbiosis.

In addition, faringosept leads to increased production of saliva and activates the functions of beneficial bacteria, helping them fight harmful microorganisms. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of pathogenic microflora, eliminate irritation and have a moisturizing effect on the mucous membranes of the pharynx and oral cavity.

Both drugs are available in the same form - lozenges and have the same characteristics:

  • use in children over 3 years of age and in pregnant women;
  • mechanism of action;
  • antiseptic;
  • contraindications and side effects.

These drugs have the same contraindications and side effects. At the same time, lysobact contains a larger number of indications. Both products can be used starting from 3 years. Pregnant and lactating women can use the medicine only when necessary. This should be done under the supervision of a specialist.

The undoubted advantage of pharingosept is its cost - the price of the drug is approximately 1.5 times cheaper than lysobact.

  • List of inexpensive but effective lozenges;
  • What to do if a child’s voice is hoarse;
  • What medications can pregnant women use to treat a sore throat?

Lizobact or Imudon - what to choose

When choosing lysobact or imudon, it is worth analyzing the composition of these drugs. Imudon is a substance that includes a mixture of lysates and bacteria. It can be used to strengthen local immunity in ENT practice and dentistry. This substance is largely considered a prophylactic agent. It successfully normalizes the microflora of the affected mucous membranes.

Lysobact has a weaker immunomodulatory effect. Moreover, the product has an additional feature - a clear antiseptic effect. It is much more often used for acute infectious diseases.

Both products can be used starting from 3 years. However, imudon is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Also, this substance should not be taken in the presence of autoimmune pathologies. It has more side effects. At the same time, the indications for use largely coincide with lysobact.

The main disadvantage is the cost. So, 24 tablets of Imudon cost approximately 450 rubles.

The difference between Imudon:

  • contains a mixture of bacterial lysates;
  • slight antiseptic effect;
  • normalization of mucosal microflora;
  • prophylactic and postoperative drug.

Imudon has more contraindications, these are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • autoimmune problems.

Imudon or lysobact

Analogues of Lyzobact include the drug Imudon, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at increasing local cellular immunity.

Unlike Lizobakt, Immudon is recommended for use as a preventative measure for frequent diseases of the ENT organs. It contains bacterial lysates.

The drug normalizes the microflora of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and has a mild antiseptic effect.

If we compare both drugs, it can be noted that Lizobact is a stronger drug and the range of its indications is wider.

Immudon is prohibited during pregnancy, but can be prescribed to children from 3 years of age, at the same time, it has more contraindications and side effects, as well as a higher cost, which is 450 rubles for a pack of 24 tablets.

In any case, you can pick up 7 inexpensive analogues of Imudon.

Lizobact or Hexoral - what to choose

When choosing lysobact or hexoral, you should carefully study the features of these products. Thus, hexoral is produced in the form of an aerosol with a menthol aroma. The drug is an effective antiseptic that has antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial properties. In addition, the substance successfully relieves pain.

To cope with the disease, Hexoral should be sprayed in the mouth, paying special attention to the affected areas. If the substance is used in excess, there is a risk of vomiting. In such cases, gastric lavage is required.

Hexoral can provoke disruption of the functioning of taste buds, which is one of the main differences from lysobact. The price of an aerosol can vary significantly - it all depends on the form of release and volume. On average it ranges from 90 to 400 rubles.

Lizobakt - instructions for use

Lysobakt acts on pathogenic pathogens locally. For the greatest effect, the tablet should be taken after meals, dissolved slowly in the mouth, retaining the dissolved mass as long as possible. Do not chew the pill; small children are allowed to mix it with a small amount of water to form a pasty mixture.

The dose of Lysobact is used according to age:

  • children 3–7 years old – 1 table. three times a day;
  • children 7–12 years old – 1 table. 4 times a day;
  • teenagers from 12 years old and adults – 2 tables. 3 to 4 times a day.

The duration of the course of therapy is 8 days.

How to take Lizobact - before or after meals?

The medicine should be taken after meals.

Lizobact or Miramistin - which is better?

When choosing lysobact or miramistin, it is worth considering that these drugs have certain differences. Thus, miramistin is an antiseptic substance that has a wide spectrum of action. It is actively used in dermatology, ENT practice, dentistry and other fields of medicine.

The medicine does not have a toxic effect, therefore it is allowed to be taken by all patients, including pregnant women.

The main disadvantage of the product is its high cost, therefore it cannot be called a cheap analogue of lysobact. Thus, a 100 ml bottle of Miramistin costs from 160 to 250 rubles.

Lizobact or Lisoprim Lor

Manufacturer: Kvadrat-S, Russia
Release form: lozenges

Active ingredients: lysozyme, pyridoxine hydrochloride, inulin

Lisoprim Lor is a cheap analogue of Lizobact with the same components and additionally inulin in the composition. It differs in that it is registered as a dietary supplement. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Supports local immunity of the oral cavity, increases protective functions.

The analogue Lisoprim Lor is indicated for use as an additional source of biological substances contained in the composition.

Adults are recommended to dissolve 2 tablets at once up to 5 times a day. Do not drink or eat afterwards. This cheap analogue of Lizobact for children and pregnant women is not recommended for use.

Lysobakt or tantum verde

Which is better - lysobact or tantum verde? To answer this question, you need to analyze the principle of operation of these funds. Tantum verde is included in the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This means that the drugs are in different clinical and pharmacological groups. The active substance in Tantum Verde is benzydamine hydrochloride. This substance belongs to the category of indazolones.

When choosing lysobact or tantum verde, it is worth considering that the second remedy has antiseptic and antifungal characteristics. This medicine perfectly stops inflammatory processes. Unlike lysobact, the product additionally has an analgesic effect.

Indications for use of the products are the same. At the same time, tantum verde contains an additional contraindication, namely phenylketonuria. Moreover, these products can be used by children, adults, pregnant and lactating women. The course of tantum verde therapy can be longer - up to 15 days. In some cases, it is even allowed to be used for up to 25 days.

It is worth considering that this drug often provokes side effects. These include a feeling of dryness, skin rashes, numbness, and burning in the mouth. Children very rarely develop larigospasm. The cost of 20 tantum verde tablets is about 270 rubles.

Lysobact or strepsils

When choosing lysobact or strepsils, you need to take into account a number of differences. Thus, strepsils is produced in the form of tablets intended for resorption. This combined substance for local use has a pronounced antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

Strepsils contains no sugar, and therefore can be consumed by patients with diabetes. It is important to take into account that the substance is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age.

The cost of the medicine is 150-200 rubles for 24 pieces.

Strepsils is prescribed in complex therapy for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tosillitis, periodontal disease and ulcers in the oral cavity.

In dentistry, Strepsils is used after surgical operations to prevent inflammation.

Strepsils contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions to products produced by bees.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Strepsils is permitted if there are no other contraindications.

When choosing between Lizobact and Strepsils, you need to take into account the following differences:

  • Lyzobact has a wider range of uses, Strepsils is an antibacterial drug;
  • Strepsils is produced in the UK and Lyzobact is produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for some this difference matters;
  • Lizobact can be used by children from 3 years old, Strepsils - from five;
  • Lizobakt has more serious side effects - from rash to anaphylactic shock; Strepsils has almost none;
  • Lysobact enhances the effect of antibiotics; Strepsils does not have this property;
  • Lizobact can be taken (dissolved) several tablets per day during a course of treatment of 5 to 8 days. Strepsils can be taken every 2-3 hours with a course of treatment of 3 days.
  • Strepsils is much cheaper than Lizobact.

Lizobact is considered a fairly effective drug that allows you to cope with a variety of pathologies of the ENT organs. It is very important to follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. If taking the drug is impossible for some reason, it is worth choosing effective analogues.

Lisoprim or Lizobact, differences, which is better

The pharmaceutical product "Lisoprim Lor" is not a drug. This is a dietary supplement that consists of inulin, lysozyme hydrochloride and pyridoxine (or vitamin B6).

The main active ingredient of the dietary supplement is the same as that of Lyzobact - it is lysozyme - an antibacterial component that, by destroying the cells of microorganisms, fights infection. Therefore, Lisoprim is often recommended in the complex treatment of throat diseases, as well as in dental therapy.

Despite the fact that it is a dietary supplement, Lisoprim successfully treats pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, stomatitis with aphthoses and various fungal compounds. But it also has a difference: in complex therapy, it also copes with burns, frostbite, ulcers, erosions and conjunctivitis.

Lisoprim Lor is cheaper.

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