Why do Damon braces come off faster than regular braces?

  • The whole truth about the Dimon braces system
  • It is reliably known that since the invention of brace systems, no development has become as popular as the Damon System self-ligating braces produced by the American company Ormco. They managed to win over not only specialists, but also the patients themselves. Therefore, this remedy began to be positioned as a real panacea. But you should not exaggerate the facts, because the real state of things is much more important.

    The main design feature of such a bracket system is the reduced friction of the arch in the space of the bracket grooves, which makes it possible to effectively apply weak forces for the necessary displacement of teeth at each stage of the orthodontic process. This means that the forces developed by Damon braces are sufficient to provide the required level of stimulation of cellular activity without disrupting the blood supply to the periodontium.

    The Damon concept is the formation of a correct bite through the influence of a system of weak forces on the muscles of the maxillofacial complex.

    At the same time, the Damon braces system itself is a combination of the latest design of a passive self-ligating device and the unique treatment principles of Dr. Dwight Damon.

    Treatment benefits stated by the manufacturer:

    • Wider choice of solutions when planning treatment. They influence the reduction of indications for tooth extraction in case of orthodontic disorders;
    • The treatment period is reduced by at least 25%;
    • Fewer work visits required. At the beginning of treatment, the intervals between visits to the doctor are 8-10 weeks;
    • Reducing the level of discomfort for the patient during the treatment period due to the use of weak forces;
    • Less time-consuming work process required to install and replace metal and elastic ligatures;
    • Lower requirements for the apparatus combined with easier closure of the space;
    • High level of results after completion of orthodontic correction.

    How much do they usually wear?

    According to the manufacturer, the wearing period of Damon ligature and non-ligature braces generally requires 20-25% less time than when using alternative orthodontic systems. However, there is no factual confirmation of such a statement, which reduces it to an ordinary theory or a classic marketing ploy.

    If we talk about this product as one of the varieties of braces, then usually it can take up to 2-3 years to completely correct defects in the dentition. But the first results of treatment can be visible after three months. It should be understood that early removal of braces is unacceptable, and strict adherence to the deadlines agreed by the orthodontist is mandatory.

    However, there is a minimum period for wearing this device, which is only six months. This indicator completely depends on the complexity of the curvature of the teeth, as well as the age of the patient. In addition, sometimes there is a need to increase the time of wearing braces, which can radically change the doctor’s initial calculations.

    Principles of proper nutrition while wearing Damon braces

    Despite the fact that metal structures are designed to withstand a certain load, braces must be handled with care and precision. You can achieve optimal results by following the rules of use outlined by your doctor.

    In order for the systems to work with maximum efficiency, experts recommend excluding from the diet:

    • products with a high content of food dyes;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • solid foods (nuts, crackers, raw vegetables);
    • products with a sticky or viscous consistency.

    You need to chew food slowly, in small portions, evenly distributing the load between the molars. To reduce discomfort, the front teeth should participate as little as possible in the chewing process. It is also very important to observe the temperature regime and not experiment with cold or hot drinks. A sharp temperature change negatively affects the wear resistance of the structure.

    While wearing braces, it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. As you know, nicotine changes the color of tooth enamel, and alcohol dries out the mucous membranes. The oral cavity becomes more sensitive to the effects of braces. This creates a risk of tissue injury.

    Damon 3

    The Damon 3 bracket system is a high-tech continuation of the Daemon 2 braces and is a self-ligating passive type design. Thanks to the very low level of friction of the archwire in the groove space, it is possible to use only weak forces to correct the dentition throughout the entire treatment.

    The degree of force developed when using this orthodontic system is in the so-called “biozone”, which guarantees safe stimulation of cellular activity without the risk of circulatory impairment in the periodontium. And various torque options make the design truly universal. Thus, Damon 3 self-ligating braces offer a number of enormous benefits for both orthodontists and patients themselves.

    The process of installing braces

    You need to make an appointment with an orthodontist at Faceline Clinic. After the examination, the doctor will suggest the best option for orthodontic instruments and name the price for installing braces with turnkey treatment.

    The diagnostic and planning stage is especially important. You will need a panoramic image of the jaws, a computed tomography scan, a photo protocol, and impressions of the dentition. Based on these data, the laboratory produces a system specifically for your clinical case.

    Sanitation of the oral cavity (ultrasonic cleaning, enamel polishing and remineralization) is mandatory.

    The installation itself takes on average 1 hour. The orthodontist firmly attaches each bracket to the outer surface of the tooth with an adhesive compound and connects the retainers with an orthodontic archwire.

    In the future, you will need to visit the orthodontist once every month to month and a half to monitor treatment and correct the arch. Don’t forget to make an appointment every 2-3 months for professional hygiene to clean your braces and teeth from plaque.

    Damon 3mx

    The Damon 3MX bracket system is based on a revolutionary self-ligating mechanism technology. From the design side, this means the presence of a special cover designed to hold the arch in the space of the bracket groove without the need to use ligatures. While Damon 3MX metal braces are not comparable in design to the aesthetics of Damon Clear systems, they have an improved opening and closing mechanism and a more rounded style of detailing.

    The strength and durability of this orthodontic system are another undeniable advantage for its use in the treatment of irregularities in the dentition. And the small size of such braces and their design features make the correction process very effective and at the same time simple.

    Recommendations for caring for Damon systems

    For high-quality oral hygiene, you need to purchase several additional accessories, since a regular toothbrush will not be able to cope with hard-to-reach places. Considering that it is advisable to brush your teeth after every meal, you should make a choice in favor of proven care products.

    After installing braces, it is necessary to take into account that hygiene procedures will now require more time. Open areas can be easily cleaned of food debris with a toothbrush. As for the orthodontic system, special brushes, dental floss and irrigators are used to care for it.

    Brushes are intended for cleaning structural elements and areas that a toothbrush cannot get to. The movable head of the brush allows you to change the angle of inclination and thoroughly clean the areas of greatest accumulation of food debris. Dental floss is used to treat the interdental space and the area located directly under the arch.

    The best option is an irrigator. The operating principle of this device is to target the source of pollution with a water jet. The irrigator helps to cope with stuck pieces of food and dental plaque, prevents the proliferation of microbes in the oral cavity and prevents many dental diseases.

    For more gentle cleansing, it is necessary to select pastes without adhesive effects. They do not cause damage to structures and are characterized by increased foaming. If hygiene procedures are not possible, you can use a rinse aid. It is used as a prophylactic and prevents the proliferation of microbes in the oral cavity.

    Damon Q

    The Damon Q bracket system is rightfully considered one of the most popular types of Damon braces. As a bio-advanced orthodontic device, it is considered a clear example of the development of the latest low-friction technology and passive self-ligating systems that effectively apply low forces to provide reliable yet controlled tooth movement to achieve tremendous results.

    Metal braces Damon Q are endowed with the following qualities:

    • combine a relatively small size and thin profile;
    • groove depth optimized;
    • The design uses high-tech Spin Tek latches with a “sliding door” function;
    • thoughtful design with a beveled shape of the groove entrance for easier fixation of the arches;
    • possibility of high-precision positioning when installing braces;
    • the presence of double grooves for additional elements and updating the treatment method.

    In general, Damon Q self-ligating braces are a universal means for correcting uneven teeth.

    What are the indications and contraindications for Damon?

    The Damon system is recommended for patients with the following diagnoses and conditions:

    • uneven bite;
    • interdental gaps;
    • crowded dentition;
    • introduction of unerupted teeth into the dentition;
    • dystopia (the position of one tooth when it is tilted or turned in a different direction than all the other teeth in the row);
    • excessive development of one jaw in relation to the other.

    Damon braces are able to cope with a problem of any level of complexity - in terms of their effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to their ligature counterparts. Damon is also installed at the preparatory stage of prosthetics and during body movement of crowns.

    This technology has only two contraindications: it cannot be used on teeth with too many fillings - but orthodontists encounter this situation extremely rarely - and it is not suitable for patients diagnosed with serious somatic diseases (malignant tumors, tuberculosis, inflammation in the oral cavity , circulatory system disorders).


    Gum diseases are not a contraindication for installing the Damon system. The only problem for which the orthodontist will advise postponing bite correction is acute periodontitis. But classic ligature systems cannot always be used for sore gums.

    Damon Clear

    The latest sapphire braces, Damon Clear, are virtually invisible in everyday wear. It is as convenient and safe as other Ormco designs. But these advantages are only a small part of the rather extensive list of advantages of this orthodontic device:

    1. A fully transparent variant of Damon's line of self-ligating braces, with the standard low force and low friction features for more efficient tooth movement.
    2. Using durable polycrystalline aluminum oxide, Damon Clear braces are completely resistant to discoloration and staining.
    3. The base of the structure is designed using a patented laser etching process, which provides the necessary adhesive force for the proper degree of retention and at the same time simple process of removal of the system.
    4. The presence of a high-tech mechanism for opening and closing the SpinTek cover in the Damon Clear invisible bracket system guarantees a quick and convenient change of archwires.
    5. The diamond shape of the brackets, removable positioners and the vertical engraved line on the surface of the base greatly facilitate the precise positioning of the device to give a beautiful smile shape;
    6. Damon Clear self-ligating braces are fully compatible with the Damon Q system.

    Thus, the totality of the qualities of this orthodontic design allows us to judge its undoubted advantage over other similar devices. However, the main advantage of Damon Clear self-ligating aesthetic braces is their visual invisibility, which allows you to effectively hide the very fact of wearing braces.

    The whole truth about braces of this system

    It is a very common belief that Damon metal braces are much more comfortable than other types of ordotonic devices. However, this judgment can only be true from an aesthetic point of view, since all self-ligating braces can cause significant pain, which is explained by the faster process of tooth movement. On the other hand, self-ligation also has a positive effect - the absence of high friction force is highly recommended at the initial stage of treatment. But this advantage of Damon braces is very limited, since at the final stage of bite correction it creates a completely opposite effect.

    Many of Ormco's statements are not entirely true and are embellished, but Damon braces are good without any advertising gimmicks.

    Also, many people incorrectly believe that the designs of this manufacturer eliminate the need for frequent visits to the dentist. In fact, rare visits to the doctor are appropriate only at the beginning of treatment, as is the case with other braces. But the most dangerous misconception, which concerns primarily orthodontists, is the myth that Damon braces completely eliminate the need for tooth extraction. This opinion can lead to exposure of the tooth root and further problems with the periodontium due to the pushing out of “extra” teeth when they are excessively crowded.

    Manufacturers of these orthodontic devices claim that the result after their use becomes visible after just a couple of months, which is supposedly unattainable when wearing other braces. Moreover, they do not require complex care. In fact, this effect applies to any similar design. And the myth that Damon systems are easy to clean is due to their self-ligating mechanism, which reduces cleaning time by only a couple of minutes.

    Features of Damon braces

    Just like any brace system, Ormco products consist of clasps that are firmly fixed to the surface of the teeth and a metal arch. It is thanks to its rigidity that a certain pressure is created on the teeth, forcing them to move in the desired direction. The arch is attached to the clasps using ligatures, which are rubber bands or wires, or without them, by means of a fixing device in the braces structure itself.

    Damon braces cannot fail to begin with the fact that these are self-ligating systems. Replacing the ligatures with a clip mounted in the lock determines the peculiarities of the system’s functioning and is a significant advantage. This technology is called SpinTek and is considered innovative.

    Ligature-free braces have a softer effect, are easier to care for and are less cumbersome. Thanks to these features, an additional effect is created on the periodontal muscles and their work is stimulated. Conducted studies indicate that the use of non-ligature braces can reduce the duration of correction by almost a third. Despite the fact that non-ligature models are more expensive, Ormco made the choice in favor of their manufacture for a reason.

    Other features of D a mon :

    1. Several lock options available. This allows the orthodontist to choose the most preferable one based on the position of the tooth and the specific situation;
    2. The use of a special alloy in the manufacture of the arc, taking into account the interaction with the facial muscles. This ensures the effectiveness of the correction in combination with the soft nature of the movement;
    3. Wide indications for use.

    Indications and contraindications

    Any orthodontic system, including D a mon braces , is indicated to eliminate malocclusion and ensure correct closure of teeth. However, their use is possible only when the permanent dentition is fully formed, that is, from the age of 14. Cases in which the D a mon bracket system is indicated are not limited to an anomaly in the location of an individual tooth. It is effective when it is necessary to correct the entire dentition. In this way you can

    • move teeth if they are crowded or have other malocclusions;
    • tilt or rotate the tooth in the desired direction;
    • get rid of gaps between teeth;
    • return the tooth to its place when it sinks into the gum or moves out of the dentition;
    • correct the situation if certain teeth interfere with the development of neighboring ones;
    • improve the situation with abnormal development of one of the jaws, etc.


    Installation of braces can be carried out only in the absence of caries and inflammation of periodontal tissues, as well as with a satisfactory level of oral hygiene. Another obstacle to orthodontic treatment using the Damon brace system is

    • mental disorders;
    • oncological diseases;
    • a large number of crowns and filled teeth.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    D a mon braces are due to their unique technical characteristics and the absence of ligatures. This ensures:

    • high accuracy of arc pressure, contributing to the effectiveness of the correction;
    • ease of removing food debris and performing other hygiene measures;
    • absence of prerequisites for the development of caries;
    • comfortable sensations during tooth movement while maintaining high efficiency of orthodontic treatment;
    • significant reduction in time for replacing arches;
    • reducing the number of visits to the clinic for corrective measures;
    • minimizing cases of tooth extraction prior to the start of correction;
    • the reduced size of some models and smoothed edges prevent injury to soft tissues, tongue, and gums;
    • Possibility of re-fixation in case of unsticking.

    D a mon braces are obvious not only to patients during the operation of the systems, but also to specialists. Using such unique models, the number of patients in the clinic is constantly increasing, since the orthodontic problem can be solved faster, more aesthetically and without the unpleasant feeling of pressure on the teeth. Those patients who have been putting off their visit to the orthodontist for a long time are more actively starting treatment with the advent of such a product on the market.

    It is people who value comfort and the external manifestations of treatment, who prefer not to skimp on its quality, that make up the main category of those who Damon braces system . As for Damon braces , they also exist. Given the wide range of models, the shortcomings in each case may be different:

    1. Ceramic models are characterized by increased fragility compared to metal counterparts, so there is still a possibility of breakage and the need to replace the lock;
    2. The insufficiently miniature parameters of some braces models may limit their use in patients with small teeth, especially in the lower jaw.

    All these disadvantages of Damon are insignificant and can be easily eliminated: the wide range of proposed options allows you to choose a model for treatment that differs in the required physical parameters. The correct approach would also be to abandon the use of ceramic models in favor of metal ones if we are talking about a severe clinical case.

    However, the main disadvantage of braces from the Damon line is their high cost. It is in strict accordance with their declared quality and impeccable characteristics. Specialists who value their reputation strongly recommend refraining from treatment in a clinic where this type of correction is offered much cheaper, and ask for certificates confirming compliance with the declared quality of the products.

    Model range of Damon braces

    A description of the different types of Damon braces involves studying the most popular models:

    • Damon Clear;
    • Damon 3;
    • Damon 3MX;
    • Damon Q.

    Damon Clear is the most aesthetic model in the line, as there are no metal elements in the design. Her clasps are made of special ceramics and are completely transparent. Unlike less advanced systems, Damon Clear does not lose its external properties when exposed to food colorings, and is completely resistant even to nicotine. Among all Damon braces , it is preferable in cases where invisibility of treatment is one of the main wishes of the customer. Its use does not cause any psychological discomfort or embarrassment in the patient, and even gives some confidence and additional charm.

    In addition, Damon Clear models offer all the best features of ligature-free braces. The use of a special mechanism in the design of the lid makes it easy to open and reduces the likelihood of breakage. Currently, Damon Clear braces , so if the clinical case allows, each patient has the opportunity to carry out orthodontic correction in the most preferable way.

    Despite the fact that other types of Dimon braces are not as aesthetically perfect, they also have strengths that are unique to them. Damon 3 braces made from metal and ceramic. At the same time, the ability to choose a shade that matches the color of the patient’s tooth enamel contributes to invisibility when carrying out corrective measures. The combination of materials that differ in their properties provides a combination of high aesthetic properties with increased strength of the models.

    A special feature Damon 3MX braces is a more precise fit of the clasps to the surface of the teeth. Such innovation is most in demand in particularly severe clinical cases.

    Damon Q metal braces are made of steel. At the same time, the models are small in size, which allows them to be used by teenagers. Other implemented ideas include a special design of locks that significantly facilitates the sliding of the arc. High quality production guarantees quick adaptation and eliminates injury to soft tissues. Strength, reliability and miniature size are indicators that distinguish them favorably from analogues, allowing them to be used in cases of pronounced anomalies. This solution is also supported by the fairly reasonable cost of installing Damon Q braces compared to ceramic models.

    MiniDiamond bracket system

    The main difference between mini Diamond and existing analogues is their size. They are 20-30% smaller than the classic options. This innovative solution has contributed to the fact that braces have become less bulky and less noticeable in the mouth. The smile area has acquired a more aesthetic appearance, hygiene measures have become simpler and more effective.

    Like most models characterized by minimal volume, these braces are made of high-strength steel. During the production process, they are additionally polished with a laser, which makes the surface not only smooth, but also as thin as possible, convenient for both fixation and operation. In addition, Diamond braces are made in the shape of a diamond, which facilitates the installation process and makes the fixation more durable.

    Their advantages:

    • rounded edges of the clasps, preventing damage to the mucous membranes;
    • hypoallergenic nature of the material used;
    • The patented mesh base provides a stronger hold with less adhesive used.

    The main advantage of mini Diamond is the fact that, despite their less bulky appearance, the functional qualities of such models are not inferior to their standard counterparts. In case of minor violations, the desired result can be achieved in 5-9 months of operation, in more severe cases – in 1.5 years.

    The disadvantages of such models, in addition to their lack of aesthetics and the presence of ligatures, include their high cost compared to other metal models. MiniDiamond braces are worn by those patients who want to improve their situation as quickly as possible, while also having the financial ability to take advantage of the best offer.

    Features of installing MiniDiamond braces

    Installation of MiniDiamond is carried out in several stages.

    1. Considering that orthodontic treatment will take a long period of time, preparation of the oral cavity is the most important part of the measures. This path involves the removal of damaged teeth or those that interfere with the correction, sanitation of the entire oral cavity, and professional hygiene;
    2. Impressions are taken or modeling of the oral cavity is carried out in digital format. The results obtained are the basis for the manufacture of the bracket system;
    3. Using a special glue, a lock is attached to the outer surface of each tooth. Cheek locks and orthodontic rings are attached to the back teeth;
    4. A metal arc is inserted into the grooves, which is fixed with ligatures, and the system acquires a holistic character;
    5. The orthodontist makes recommendations to the patient regarding the care of braces and sets a date for a follow-up visit.

    Damon self-ligating braces in Moscow is carried out somewhat differently. Since such models do not have ligatures, attaching the braces to the arch is simpler, using a retaining clip. Considering the high cost, Damon self-ligating braces in Moscow can also be done in installments.

    Since the effectiveness of the correction is largely determined by the professional skills of the specialist, in Moscow Damon self-ligating braces or the MiniDiamond system should only be performed by an experienced orthodontist.

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