What is a temporary filling and in what cases is it placed on a tooth?

  • Features of installing a temporary filling
  • Why can a temporary filling fall out?
  • What to do when a filling falls out
  • If the filling falls out on the day of installation
  • Loss of filling in sealed and unsealed canals
  • Recommendations
  • Temporary fillings are made from composites. Its installation is necessary to seal and protect the tooth cavity during the treatment period. The main task is to prevent the penetration of pathological microorganisms and remnants of food consumed by the patient into the dental canals. Unlike composites, which are fixed after treatment is completed, such a filling can be removed to continue dental procedures. Insufficient fixation can lead to a piece of composite falling out on its own. In order not to provoke complications or damage to the internal cavity of the tooth, you need to know what to do if a temporary filling falls out.

    When is a temporary filling required?

    A temporary filling is much inferior to a permanent one in terms of strength and durability. It is only needed for a couple of days to keep food and other substances out of the tooth cavity between visits to the dentist. Such a filling can be installed in the following cases:

    • — If the root canal treatment was lengthy and the installation of a permanent filling is postponed to the next visit.
    • — A temporary filling can serve to hold medication placed in the tooth cavity.
    • — If the doctor is not sure that the nerve remains intact. Waiting some time will help you understand whether the tooth can be covered with permanent material.

    Problems that arise due to missing teeth

    The absence of one or more elements of the frontal zone significantly affects the psychological comfort of the patient. The aesthetics are disrupted, which occurs due to the presence of gaps in the row, due to the retraction of the upper lip into the oral cavity, since it does not have support from the teeth. Psychological discomfort is the main consequence of this pathology. But not the only thing.

    If recovery is delayed for a long time, the following complications may develop:

    • displacement of the remaining teeth in the row due to lack of lateral support,
    • displacement of the teeth located on the opposite jaw - they are literally pulled out of their sockets, again due to lack of support,
    • atrophy of bone tissue in the place of absence of tooth roots,
    • deformation of the face shape, the appearance of wrinkles.

    Types of temporary fillings

    There are several options for temporary fillings:

    • — Water-based artificial dentin. It is a mixture of distilled water and powder (zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, kaolin). The doctor brings the filling material to the desired consistency by adding water.
    • — Oil-based dentin. The composition of such artificial dentin is the same, but not with water, but with clove or peach oil. The material does not need to be mixed; it is sold ready-made.
    • — Special cement. There are several material options. It is used for teeth exposed to chewing stress. The product also serves as a gasket when filling canals.
    • Polymers. The rubber-like paste, which hardens when exposed to light, is a durable material that adheres well to the surface of the tooth.

    Is it possible to install a temporary filling yourself?

    The installation of fillings should only be entrusted to a doctor. The fact is that, for all its rigidity, the tooth is very easily susceptible to infection. If you close a cavity in a tooth without proper preparation, there is a high probability of infection and the development of serious complications. The simplest thing is inflammation of the pulp, or pulpitis. In serious cases, the patient may lose a tooth and even harm neighboring ones if the inflammation spreads.

    The desire to fill a tooth with temporary material may arise if a permanent or temporary filling falls out or a piece of the crown part of the tooth breaks off. In these cases, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, and while waiting for the visit, avoid getting food into the resulting cavity and follow simple rules.

    Dental restoration methods

    The clinics of the Amazing Prices Dentistry network in Moscow use materials for prosthetics of front teeth that ideally reflect the shape and color of natural enamel. Even the most difficult cases of chipped, abnormally pigmented or broken teeth can be easily corrected with one of the following methods to restore a beautiful smile.

    • Veneers

    The most beautiful restorations of the front teeth are performed with veneers. These are microprostheses in the form of thin ceramic overlays that are attached to the outside of the teeth. Thanks to the diffusion of natural light into the ceramic layer, the teeth look exceptionally natural. Veneers can be used if the enamel is sufficient in quantity and quality. This method is designed to hide a wide variety of dental damage. It is important to understand that veneers are installed in a complex - eight (minimum six) overlays for each row of teeth. Therefore, if the problem is with just one tooth, this option is not always advisable to use. Any malocclusions, tooth decay, or gingivitis must be treated before veneers are placed. It is also recommended to whiten your teeth before prosthetics using veneers.

    • Single crown

    Restoring a tooth after root canal treatment or a fracture of the coronal part can be performed using a single prosthesis - a crown. It covers the tooth, restores its natural appearance, strengthens it and provides the same comfort as natural teeth. The material you can choose is solid ceramics - the best option for prosthetics of front teeth, premium zirconium dioxide or standard metal ceramics. Crowns made of solid ceramics are very aesthetic and therefore are often used in dentistry to restore the frontal area.

    • Bridge prosthetics

    Another popular direction in dental practice, which is used if the front tooth has fallen out or been removed for medical reasons. With the help of a bridge, you can restore not only one missing unit, but also two or three missing teeth in a row. Materials for bridges are solid ceramics, metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide. The doctors at Amazing Price Dentistry will help you choose an option that will suit you in appearance, durability and cost.

    Online consultation with a doctor about possible complications of self-medication

    If your permanent or temporary filling has fallen out, or a piece of a tooth has broken off, you should not waste time or try to cover the defect yourself with something. It is best to undergo an examination and consultation with a dentist. Because no available means can replace a dental filling or perform proper sanitation. A professional assessment of the condition of the tooth is necessary. Otherwise, complications may occur, infection of the wounded area, and inflammation of the nerve. Which will lead to more complex and expensive treatment:

    • treatment of pulpitis;
    • restoration with inlay;
    • removal of a tooth;
    • dental implantation;
    • prosthetics.

    Sign up for front teeth restoration

    Chips and caries should not be taken lightly, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for health reasons. Repairing a cracked or chipped tooth does not cost much, but if neglected, the cost of restoring the tooth can add up significantly. Thus, at Amazing Price Dentistry, the cost of veneering is 12,500 rubles per tooth, a metal-ceramic crown made in Germany is 3,450 rubles. Zirconium and all-ceramic dentures – from 10,000 rubles per tooth. Implantation of one tooth with prosthetics – from 18,000 rubles.

    Veneers for front teeth

    Veneers: pros and cons

    What to do if there is a hole in your tooth?

    Some manipulations will help you wait for a visit to the doctor without complications:

    • First of all, it is important to prevent the accumulation of food debris and plaque inside the tooth. The danger is that bacteria developing in dental plaque release acids that are destructive to teeth.
    • If your tooth hurts, you can take a painkiller.
    • It would be a good idea to rinse with a warm soda solution.
    • It is better to limit chewing on the painful side so as not to provoke an attack of pain.
    • There is no need to cover the cavity with cotton wool, plasticine and other improvised means. This can cause complications and the development of infection.

    Expert opinion

    Lyubov Ivanovna Kopylova


    Experience: more than 10 years

    Temporary filling at home is an option for those who cannot get to the doctor for quality caries treatment. This is not an alternative method of dental treatment and is not an option for those who want to save money on visiting a doctor. Caries can be cured only in a dental clinic, using modern equipment for removing pathological tissue and high-quality filling material. It is important to understand that the temporary filling that you put on yourself does not stop the destructive process!

    The tooth is lost. How to hide absence?

    Orthopedic dentist Alexander Yurievich Zavada .

    The extracted tooth must be replaced with a reliable prosthesis as soon as possible. If measures are not taken in time, the remaining teeth will begin to “move apart”:

    • Neighboring teeth will move towards the lost one, gaps will appear between the teeth,
    • The opposite tooth on the other jaw will move towards the defect.
    • The teeth will become loose, there will be pain when chewing, and inflammation of the gums.
    • The aesthetics of the smile will be compromised.
    • The distribution of load throughout the entire dental and even musculoskeletal system will be disrupted.
    • To treat the problem of tooth displacement, braces will be required (for 1-2 years).

    If you need to remove any tooth other than the “wise” one, and there is no acute pain, be sure to consult with a prosthodontist BEFORE removal. You and I will decide what structure we will install, and we will also take impressions. Why are casts needed? Find out further.

    Implant – new tooth

    The most modern and patient-friendly way to restore teeth is implantation. First, an artificial root is installed - a titanium implant. After a few months, you can install a beautiful crown on it, indistinguishable from real teeth. You will care for your implant-supported denture in the same way as your other teeth.

    Keep space for the tooth

    From the start of treatment until the crown is fixed, it takes about 6 months. But, of course, we don’t send the patient out all this time with a hole in his teeth. While the gums are returning to normal after removal, while the implant is taking root, it is important to protect the teeth from displacement, and the patient from awkwardness when smiling.

    Remember when we took impressions before removal? Using them, you can make a prosthesis in advance and install it on the same day when you say goodbye to the problem tooth. No one will notice that one is missing in the dentition.

    There are different types of temporary teeth:


    • “Beauty bag” or “butterfly” is a small prosthesis for 1-2 teeth made of nylon or acrylic, which holds on to adjacent teeth. Convenient and inexpensive method. As a rule, it is invisible even in the smile area.
    • The small clasp prosthesis is a durable design with a metal arch. Choose it if you know that for some reason your treatment will be delayed (for example, you are a patient from out of town). Such a prosthesis is suitable when the lost tooth was the last one in the row, and only one support remained.


    • Adhesive zirconium bridge – maximum aesthetics and comfort. An artificial tooth accurately imitates a natural one in color, transparency and shape. It is glued to adjacent teeth using special “ears”. Disadvantage: there is a risk that the bridge will come off. It can be returned to its place very quickly, but this option is not suitable for travelers.
    • Adhesive bridge prosthesis made of photopolymer - a “seal” on a fiberglass thread. An artificial crown in place of a missing tooth is created from a photopolymer, which the dentist uses to fill the teeth. The doctor uses the same material to attach the floss to the adjacent teeth. This is the only method that does not require manufacturing in a dental laboratory. The doctor will install such a bridge in one visit (duration about 1.5 hours).

    Each clinical case requires an individual approach: you need to take into account the bite, load, and location of the prosthesis. During your consultation, we will select the best temporary tooth option for your situation.

    Whatever option you choose to restore your teeth, remember: it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible and prevent tooth displacement.

    Orthopedic dentist Alexander Yuryevich Zavada sees him at CosmoStom on Volochaevskaya 19/1. You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone. 40-45-00.

    Prevention of caries

    The easiest way to avoid fillings or minimize the number of fillings is to visit your dentist regularly. This should be done at least once every six months. Simple tips will also help keep your teeth healthy:

    • Careful hygiene. You need to brush your teeth with a high-quality brush and toothpaste at least twice a day.
    • Using dental floss will help remove plaque from hard-to-reach places.
    • Rinsing with special liquids will also help keep your gums healthy, which play a huge role in keeping your mouth healthy.
    • A balanced diet will help ensure you have enough vitamins and minerals to keep your teeth strong.

    Now we treat teeth even better!

    Treatment, re-treatment of canals, elimination of caries under a microscope without damaging healthy tooth tissue.
    We do everything to save your own tooth. Consultation with specialists is FREE!

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