Why is a temporary filling needed when treating deep caries?

The main principle of modern dentistry is the restoration and preservation of teeth, even the most problematic ones. Complex cases require more time than conventional caries filling. Such treatment usually includes several stages, and this requires the installation of a temporary filling.

At the Mitino Dental Center, appointments are conducted by experienced dentists. Our doctors successfully solve the most difficult problems, so before you decide to remove a tooth, try to save it. Make an appointment with us for a consultation and initial examination.

What is a temporary filling and what types does it come in?

This method of treatment is used for deep caries, pulpitis, and also for inflammatory processes in the root canals. A temporary filling means closing a tooth canal with a special compound that provides tightness and protection only for a certain time. This filling can be easily removed to continue the necessary treatment. That is why she is not able to withstand chewing loads for a long time. After completion of treatment, permanent filling must be carried out.

Such fillings have a safe and plastic composition that is easily distributed throughout the tooth cavity and dries quickly. Modern temporary filling material can be of the following types:

  • artificial dentin - powder made from kaolin and zinc sulfate, which is diluted with plain water;
  • cements – polymer, glass ionomer and zinc phosphate;
  • dentin paste is an oil-based composition that contains zinc sulfate cement;
  • Vinoxol is a zinc sulfate cement that has good strength;
  • Karyosan - available in powder and liquid form.

These compounds have less protection from external influences than filling materials for permanent fillings. The type of paste is selected only by the doctor, based on the purpose and duration of treatment. Some formulations are designed for up to 1 week, while others last for several months.

Restoration of teeth using light fillings at VENSTOM dentistry in Moscow

In our dental clinic in Moscow - "VENSTOM" - dental restoration is carried out using high-quality photopolymer (light) filling materials from the world's leading manufacturers. Light seals made from such materials have a high level of aesthetics and maximum strength and reliability.

Dental treatment and installation of light fillings in our clinic are carried out in conditions that are comfortable for the patient and by experienced specialists who have the necessary knowledge base and experience to carry out high-quality dental restoration!

Do you still have questions about light fillings and dental treatment? Just dial the contact phone number of our clinic or write to the interactive chat on our website! We will honestly answer your questions and offer the widest range of dental services for the health of your teeth and the beauty of your smile!

Why do they put a temporary filling?

In cases where there is a pathological process in the root canals, preliminary treatment with various medicinal compounds is required. In order for the medicine to remain in the canal for the required period, it is secured by installing a temporary filling. It also acts as a protective barrier against germs, bacteria and food debris that can get into the cavity of a diseased tooth.

Main indications for temporary tooth closure:

  1. Isolation of therapeutic antiseptic pad.
  2. Inflammation of the pulp (pulpitis). For this, arsenic paste is used to destroy the nerve of the tooth.
  3. Deep caries with damage to dentin.
  4. Periodontitis.
  5. Manufacturing of ceramic permanent inlay.
  6. The need to reschedule treatment.

Sometimes temporary filling is used for diagnostic purposes. If caries has damaged the deep layers, then it is impossible to find out exactly how damaged the pulp is. Therefore, the doctor must observe the tooth to choose the optimal treatment. The absence of pain indicates the vitality of the tooth, which means there is no need to remove the nerve.

Dental cements

Cement is a cheap material that has been used in dental practice for many years. Before the development of modern composites, 5 types of dental cements were used, three of them have serious disadvantages:

  • Silicate ones are fragile, crumble quickly, and quite toxic.
  • Zinc phosphate - shrink, so they are used only for gaskets.
  • Silico-phosphate - do not adhere well to the edges of the formed cavity and wear out quickly.

Polycarboxylate cements contain fluoride, which strengthens teeth. Such cements are more reliable, but also crumble. Due to their low wear resistance, polycarboxylate cements are recommended for filling baby teeth.

Glass ionomer cements are the most durable and contain fluorine-aluminum silicate glass and polyacrylic acid. Used in the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis as an intermediate filling. It closes the tooth cavity while there is a medicine inside that “kills” the nerve.

Installing a temporary filling

The decision to perform a temporary tooth filling is made by the dentist after a preliminary examination. X-ray diagnostics are also performed. The main rule is that in case of a purulent lesion, the tooth cavity should remain open. Only after complete elimination of the purulent contents, the tooth is temporarily closed with the installation of a therapeutic lining.

Installation takes no more than 30 minutes. The doctor performs the following manipulations:

  • cleaning the canal with an antiseptic solution;
  • laying down the medicinal composition (if necessary);
  • installation of temporary filling material.

Since the temporary filling takes more time to completely harden, it is not recommended to eat for 2 hours after the procedure. Solid foods should be excluded from the menu for a day.

Important! A temporary filling may break due to exposure to saliva. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor oral hygiene during the treatment period. Be sure to use antiseptic rinsing solutions.

If pain occurs, consult a doctor immediately!

Preparation for the procedure

Dental care begins to be provided at the initial doctor’s appointment. The dentist conducts a standard examination of the oral cavity, identifies defects in hard tissues, inflammatory processes, determines the area of ​​medical intervention, and prescribes x-ray diagnostics. An orthopantomogram helps to detect hidden carious lesions of dental tissues, determine their stage and shape (approximal, complex cervical caries).

The Dento-comfort clinic is equipped with digital X-ray equipment. Orthopantomography differs from conventional x-rays in a reduced dose of radiation exposure and a shorter examination period. The device rotates around the patient's head, the received data is converted by a computer program into an image on the monitor. Diagnostics takes 30 seconds.

The second stage is drawing up a treatment plan. Dento-comfort doctors develop a therapeutic regimen based on dental characteristics, indications, contraindications, and premorbid background. Our doctors are attentive to the patient’s wishes and follow the approved treatment protocol.

According to the treatment plan, the cost of installing a filling on the tooth is calculated. Taken into account:

  • material price;
  • doctor's workload;
  • applied methods;
  • endodontic equipment;
  • additional costs for anesthetic, dental microscopy.

The financial plan specifies prices for each stage (preparation, filling).

How long does a temporary filling last?

The period depends on the diagnosis and the purpose of the temporary filling. This could be a few days or several months. Approximate terms for which the seal is placed:

  1. Nerve killing for pulpitis and deep caries - from 1 day to a week. This depends on the composition of the filling material.
  2. It takes 1–3 weeks to eliminate the inflammatory process in the tooth canal.
  3. When treating cysts, a temporary filling can last up to 2-3 months.

The decision is made only by the attending physician. But on average, a permanent filling is placed no later than after 10–14 days.

Important! You cannot wear a temporary filling for longer than the period prescribed by your dentist. This can lead to relapse of the pathological process.

Methods and materials for sealing root canals

Obturation of the dental canals is performed after complete cleansing and antiseptic treatment. Before the development of the method of filling with gutta-percha pins, dental paste was used to fill the canal. Due to insufficient tightness, treatment of pulpitis was often complicated by inflammation and allergic reactions. Also a thing of the past is the method of mummifying the impassable part of the root canal - introducing shock doses of an antiseptic into the pulp.

The new pin technique practically eliminates the risks of complications. The pins inserted into the root canal cavity are made of metal (titanium, silver) or plastic gutta-percha.

Titanium pins are characterized by optimal biocompatibility with body tissues. To install them, it is necessary to greatly expand the canal and prepare a special bed, which increases the fragility of the tooth walls. Silver pins are very flexible, so they are used to fill thin and tortuous canals. The disadvantage of such structures is their tendency to oxidize.

Gutta-percha points are reliable, biocompatible, do not affect the structure of dental tissues, and do not provoke allergic reactions. The material is used cold and hot:

  • Lethal condensation with cold gutta-percha. The pins are sequentially (one after another) compacted with a special tool - a spreader.
  • Vertical condensation of hot gutta-percha. Injection of hot mass into the channels.
  • E&Q Plus system. A thermophile gun with different tips heats gutta-percha directly in the dental canal. The material hermetically fills all branches.

To improve the fit of gutta-percha pins, sealers are additionally used.

Features of care after temporary filling

Since temporary filling material is less durable than material for permanent fillings, excessive chewing and thermal stress can lead to its destruction. Therefore it is recommended:

  • use a soft toothbrush;
  • exclude the use of pastes with aggressive bleaching or polishing compounds;
  • after eating, rinse your mouth with antibacterial rinses that were recommended by your doctor;
  • exclude chewing gum and other viscous products.

Also prohibited are seeds, chips, and nuts.

Possible complications

Common problems that may arise after installing a temporary filling include:

  1. Discomfort or soreness. On the first day, a little pain is normal. But if the pain intensifies, and even more so, soft tissue swelling appears, then consult a doctor earlier than scheduled. This symptom may indicate a possible infection, as well as the spread of the pathological process.
  2. Strange taste in mouth. May occur if a medicated pad is used. But if the taste is strong and unpleasant, then this means that the seal’s tightness is broken. Reinstallation required.
  3. Change in enamel color (darkening) or redness of the gums around the tooth. Alarm signal. A medical examination and x-ray are required.

The appearance of any severe discomfort should alert you. If you do not see a doctor on time, you can get complications, including tooth loss.

What to do if the filling falls out

Even if you follow all the dentist's recommendations, the filling may fall out. This mainly happens for two reasons:

  1. Low quality of the filling material used.
  2. Doctor's error during installation.

But in most cases, the filling falls out due to the fault of the patient himself. In any case, if a temporary filling falls out, you should definitely contact the doctor who installed it. Walking around with an open cavity in a tooth can cause it to become infected. It is also prohibited to cover it with cotton wool, chewing gum or other improvised materials.

Composite materials

Composites can be chemo-cured or light-cured:

  • Chemically cured ones are similar in composition and characteristics to plastic mass. They have been used since the mid-70s and are considered obsolete.
  • Light-curing (photopolymer). The basis of the composition is composite resins mixed with ceramic or silicon particles. The composite material is applied in layers, each time irradiated with ultraviolet light. When exposed to UV rays, the composition quickly hardens. Patients call this type of filling light.

Advantages of light-curing composites:

  • wear resistance;
  • biocompatibility with natural tissues;
  • a large selection of shades close to the natural color of the enamel;
  • efficiency of installation.

Composite fillings can be polished twice a year. The disadvantage of light filling is slight shrinkage.

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