Cerec veneers – a gorgeous smile in two hours and forever!


Interest in aesthetic dental restoration is very great today. Its popularity is dictated by fashion and health concerns.

One of the external signs of a successful and healthy business person is a well-groomed appearance and a Hollywood smile - this is a kind of calling card when meeting, communicating and one of the canons of modern beauty.

Everyone wants to be beautiful, regardless of occupation, age or gender.

Historical facts

The Swiss technology Chairside Economical Restoration Esthetic Ceramic was first registered in 1985. It became a real breakthrough in medicine and, in particular, in aesthetic dentistry.

Since then, Cerec veneers have been gradually conquering the market and becoming more and more popular in different countries and among different segments of the population.

The name of veneers is an abbreviation of the name of the device for their manufacture. Their uniqueness lies in a single visit to the dentist.

There are no exhausting casts, fittings, or temporary structures; the onlay is made and installed in one visit. This allows you to combine the procedure of caries treatment and restoration.

Production stages

When making special plates, it is necessary to follow a certain methodology and strictly follow it.

There are several types of work.

  1. Application of specially created ceramic mass in layers. Subsequently, the layers are subject to firing. This type is called unpressed porcelain.
  2. Under the influence of sufficiently high temperatures and appropriate pressure, a one-piece cast veneer is created using a special press. This type is called pressed porcelain. This technological process allows you to create fairly strong plates, increasing their service life.

Methods for producing ceramic veneers

Veneers from prosthetic mass are made using other technologies.

  1. Before the procedure, the specialist must remove a very small layer of tooth enamel, which is located on the front of the tooth, and then the dentist applies a prepared light polymer, which is a composite, to the prepared surface layer by layer. Thus, the tooth surface is restored.
  2. Laboratory office of a dental technician. For this type of veneer application, it is necessary for the dentist to properly prepare the working surface, grinding down the damaged tooth, and take an impression using a special method. Based on this impression, an impression of the dental bite is made from plaster directly in the laboratory. Next, using this impression, a simulated veneer plate is made from materials intended for prosthetics.

Technology and manufacturing principle

Porcelain is considered the best material for veneers today. It is durable enough for restoration and long-term use, its physiological properties are close to those of natural enamel.

It is hypoallergenic, does not change color during use, does not absorb moisture, and lends itself well to glazing and polishing.

Computer modeling of shape, turning and processing provides undeniable advantages over manual production. In this case, the quality does not depend on the technician’s mood, the accuracy of his hands or other human factors.

This has a great effect on the shape of the bone organ, because when making a prosthesis, the technician does not take into account the appearance of neighboring units and is guided only by casts.

And the computer is able to bring the model into line with the general appearance of all fragments of the row, and will come as close as possible to the natural shape of the tooth with all the veins, tubercles and convolutions.

The technology itself is a whole set of devices and works:

  1. Intraoral scanning device. It allows you to avoid casts and inconvenient spoons with a solidifying mass.
    At the initial stage, the boundaries of the damaged fragment are scanned in 3D format, the image is transferred to a computer and becomes available for modeling.

    Before scanning, a special spray is applied to the tooth, which removes light glare and allows you to scan as accurately as possible and create a virtual impression. The spray does not cause a gag reflex and is quickly removed with water after the procedure.

  2. Personal computer with special software. Using the program, the doctor models the missing part of the bone organ. All boundaries, shapes are carefully drawn, and the appearance is selected. The organ is, as it were, recreated in its original form.
  3. The monitor allows you to work with a 3D projection enlarged up to 12 times , this greatly increases the accuracy of the modeling. The program itself offers product options that are as similar as possible to the other elements of the series after evaluating the scanning results.
  4. Milling module. This is the part of the grinding block that contains 6 diamond cutters, they cut the finished model and work along 6 axes.
    This number of cutters is enough for the perfect and quick execution of the constructed 3D model. The whole process takes 15-20 minutes, the finished model can be tried on.
  5. Sanding block. After fitting, the structure is sanded if necessary, and a layer of glaze with dyes is applied.
  6. The next step is firing of the finished structure. Using this technology, porcelain is fired only once at a temperature of 9600⁰C. After this, the veneer acquires a natural color and becomes indistinguishable from an ideal healthy organ.

Price for Hollywood veneers

Hollywood veneers are rapidly gaining popularity in Russia and are ready to supplant the already familiar dental restoration with composite materials. However, the cost of Hollywood veneers is higher. This is due to more expensive production technology and more delicate work of the dental technician and doctor installing veneers on teeth. Moreover, each Hollywood veneer is made individually for the patient based on impressions of his teeth. So how much do Hollywood veneers cost? On average, prices for ceramic veneers start from 29,000 rubles in economy class dentistry and reach 45,000 rubles per unit in premium clinics.

Advantages of restoration products

The list of advantages of using this technology is very impressive:

  • high-quality dentures in one visit to the dentist;
  • there is no need for casts (a very valuable quality for people with an increased gag reflex);
  • no temporary structures;
  • no risk of infection or injury;
  • tight fit;
  • maximum proximity to the properties of natural enamel;
  • excellent biocompatibility with the oral mucosa and dental tissues;
  • a large selection of veneer shades allows you to achieve the exact color of your own element;
  • attractive appearance;
  • ideal installation accuracy (this protects against chips and cracks during further use);
  • long service life of prostheses;
  • zero percentage of repeated calls with the same problem (and at the same time a very high percentage of calls for similar restoration of other units);
  • minimum weight and thickness of the structure.

And this is not a complete list of all the advantages of porcelain products.

General information about veneers

A veneer is a miniature dental prosthesis that allows you to restore the shape and color of a tooth or several at once.

Veneer plates are installed on the front side of the tooth. Such micro dentures are used to restore front teeth. A tooth restored with a veneer does not differ in color or shape from real teeth.

appearance of veneer plates

In what cases is it advisable to use veneer plates? This is done only in cases where whitening by removing tartar and restoring the tooth will not lead to a positive result.


This technology currently has only two drawbacks: price and a small number of qualified specialists.

Not every clinic can offer the installation of Cerec veneers. This is due to the purchase of expensive equipment, manufacturing materials, software, and personnel training.

The price of the product is also made up of these same points. The procedure does not belong to the generally available price category, but still, it is not the most expensive one on the market. It is quite comparable in price to other types of prosthetics.

The lack of specialists and the high price are temporary phenomena, because training and acquisition of technology still occurs, since the demand for this type of prosthetics is very high.

Over time, every clinic will be able to offer Cerec veneers to their patients, and due to healthy competition, the price will fall.

Features of manufacturing crowns using Nobel Procera technology, and the advantages of the technique.

We will discuss here all the pros and cons of dental prosthetics under anesthesia.

At this address https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/nesemnyie-p/mostyi/zubov-bez-obtochki-vidyi-preimushhestva-tsenyi.html we will talk about methods of dental prosthetics without grinding.

How to care for veneers?

Veneers require careful and thorough care, although everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. For any person who respects hygiene, caring for the pads will not be a problem. And following simple rules will maximize the service life of microprostheses.

  • Brushing your teeth with high-quality toothpastes twice a day is the first and most important condition for maintaining healthy teeth under veneers. It is unacceptable to use brushes with hard bristles or cleaning compounds with abrasive particles.
  • Periodically, you should have your teeth professionally cleaned at your dentist's office. This will allow you to clean hard-to-reach areas, which is not always possible at home.
  • Gnawing on hard foods (carrots, candies, goats, nuts, etc.) should be done as little as possible, or it is better to refrain from doing so altogether.
  • It is advisable to quit smoking. Tobacco has a negative effect on the color of tooth enamel, so even the best quality plaques can become darkened by cigarettes over time.
  • Take care of the veneers and avoid hitting the area where they are fixed. When engaging in active sports, it is necessary to use protective structures for the jaw.
  • Monitor the health of your gums. This is especially true for areas with which microprostheses come into contact. Due to tight contact, the gums may swell and bleed. You must not allow the inflammatory process to begin, otherwise you will have to start the smile restoration all over again.
  • If irregularities and gaps appear in the areas where the microprosthesis is attached to the tooth, you should immediately visit the dentist to avoid the development of caries and inflammation.

Installing veneers is a quick and easy way to get a straight, dazzling smile without any effort.

It is only important to choose the right material and, of course, contact only reliable, proven clinics. And to maintain long-term results, you need to follow a few simple rules and carefully monitor the condition of your teeth and gums.


All Cerec veneers are divided into three groups:

  1. Composite.
  2. Ceramic.
  3. Hollywood laminates.

The section is made according to functional features.

Composite products are a rarely used type. This is due to the limited service life and minimal aesthetics of the line.

Ceramic models are made from zirconium dioxide and medical porcelain. They have a maximum strength coefficient, an attractive appearance that replicates the appearance of natural bone organs, a large palette of shades and a small thickness (up to 0.5 mm).

Hollywood laminates are the longed-for dream of many. Super thin (up to two tenths of a millimeter), with an unlimited service life, are made without grinding teeth and are even installed on artificial crowns.

These are exactly those unnaturally snow-white, perfectly straight teeth that we often see in the smiles of famous personalities on TV.

Veneers and Hollywood: a century-long love

Before looking at these miracle plates “under a microscope,” let’s delve a little into history. The first attempts to create something like modern veneers were made, oddly enough, in Hollywood, back in the 30s of the 20th century. And, as you might guess, they were intended for the then local movie stars. They were invented by star dentist Charles Pincus. However, his prototypes were not at all the same as modern veneers and lumineers, but rather fit the definition of theatrical props, since they were applied to unprepared teeth and did not last longer than one shooting day. Therefore, Hollywood can rightfully be considered the birthplace of veneers, as well as the most frantic consumer of today's veneering industry. It’s not for nothing that the most modern and effective ceramic veneers are called Hollywood veneers.

In essence, Hollywood veneers are lumineers, the thinnest porcelain plates (no thicker than 0.3 mm), requiring minimal grinding of the teeth and fixed to their front surface using special glue. Most modern Hollywood stars, both men and women, prefer to use veneers to correct most of the shortcomings of their smiles, be it an unaesthetic color that cannot be whitened, such as fluorosis, uneven teeth, gaps between teeth, etc.

Photos before and after installation of Hollywood veneers


Indications for installing Cerec veneers are not only aesthetic, but also medical:

  • yellow or gray “native” color of enamel;
  • deterioration of enamel color as a consequence of depulpation;
  • fluorosis changes;
  • non-carious destruction of hard tissues;
  • enamel erosion;
  • abnormal shapes of individual fragments, large distances between them, chipped surfaces, twisted upper incisors;
  • outdated fillings with a strong difference in color from their own tissues;
  • demineralization of enamel after wearing braces or other orthodontic treatment.

Such a diverse list of indications makes the use of veneers very attractive, especially since there are no restrictions on the choice of color and tone.

German ceramic factory blocks are produced across the entire range from brown to snow-white, which does not in any way affect their high strength.

A little about classic microprostheses

Veneers are thin plates that are attached to the outer surface of the front teeth and help make your smile beautiful by hiding all visible defects. They are created from various materials - composites, ceramics or zirconium, which significantly affects the cost of microprostheses.

Photo: composite veneers

Composite ones are created from the material that is used to make fillings. Directly at the dentist’s appointment, a composite is applied to the front surface of the tooth - with its help, the doctor changes the shape of the crown and corrects the color of the enamel.

The cost of the method is quite low. However, a fairly large number of bad reviews about composite overlays makes you think, since the effect of application can be disappointing: the enamel does not have a natural shine, wears off over time, darkens from the influence of coloring pigments, becomes deformed and stands out strongly. It will last a relatively short time - from 3-5 years or more.

The photo shows ceramic veneers

Ceramic models are considered the most optimal solution. They are distinguished by fairly high strength and excellent aesthetic characteristics: they perfectly adapt to the natural color of the enamel and do not change their shade over time. They are manufactured in a laboratory, meaning installation will require two visits to the doctor. The service life of ceramic linings is 5-7 years or more.

Important! For better adhesion of products to the surface of the enamel, it is turned. Sometimes even significant. That is, after removing the plates, the teeth will have to be restored again.

The most durable, most durable and aesthetic veneers are created from new generation pressed ceramics and zirconium dioxide. They are created using computer technology, which allows them to achieve a more precise fit to the enamel surface. Unlike conventional ceramics, they are smaller in size, which often makes it possible to do without turning. The service life of such records is from 10-12 years and above.


Like any prosthetic procedure, the installation of Cerec veneers also has cases that are not recommended:

  • increased abrasion;
  • incorrect bite (in this case, the installation is carried out only after orthodontic correction of the bite);
  • bad habits that provoke enamel wear, gum inflammation or trauma with tooth loss;
  • gaps in the dentition in the form of the absence of several chewing units in a row (here you can also install veneers after installing a bridge, but the procedure will be unnecessary, since modern dentures can initially be made to perfectly match the color).

The result of treatment is beautiful teeth and a Hollywood smile

Today, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile are not a problem, because all you need is your desire and modern capabilities, and all the troubles that previously bothered you will be quickly resolved. Millions of people around the world have already become convinced of this. And you?

You can get lumineers in Moscow in two clinics of the German Implantology Center, conveniently located near the Kyiv and Ramenki metro stations.

You can independently familiarize yourself with our price list, which shows the prices of dental lumineers, and also make an appointment with a specialist on our website.


The installation and production of Cerec veneers is a one-time process; you may have to sit in the dental chair for half an hour longer than when treating regular caries, but the result will be a perfect fragment.

The essence of the procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. First, the doctor prepares the tooth , that is, removes old fillings (which are at risk of falling out), cleans carious lesions, removes plaque and other additions unnecessary to the patient.
  2. An anti-reflective spray is then applied to the repaired unit , and the remaining crown and adjacent fragments are scanned using an intraoral camera.
  3. The scan results are transferred to a computer , where a bioengineering model of the future bone organ is created. A side photo is also taken to more accurately select the appearance of the product. At this time, the patient can rinse his mouth, participate in choosing a color and simply wait in a chair; the procedure is not long at all.
  4. At the end of the modeling, a device for aesthetic ceramic restoration comes into operation ; it grinds the required shape from a porcelain block strictly according to the computer model. Manufacturing takes place within 10-15 minutes.
  5. After production, fitting takes place , if all is well, then the outer surface is additionally polished, a layer of glaze is applied, and the mold is fired in the oven. The manufacturing process is now complete.

The last stage will be fixation, that is, gluing the veneer to the tooth. The gluing is absolutely hermetically sealed, so there is no reason to worry about the formation of repeated caries or other possible troubles.

The installation procedure is complete. The patient can go home and fully use the new tooth without any restrictions.

Dental veneers perfect smile vaneers

For the first 10 minutes of wearing it, I felt somehow uncomfortable - my tongue was constantly swirling around the pad and I was even afraid to talk so that my “teeth” wouldn’t fall off. But then I got carried away by the conversation and even forgot that I had this overlay on my teeth - it stopped bothering me so much. I only removed the veneers when I went to bed. The first days I was afraid to eat in them - I thought they would fall out. How to properly put on Smile Perfect veneers But then I was convinced that they were holding firmly.

Before going to bed, I take out the pad and just wash it under running water. After a month of wearing it, there is no yellowing or any other damage. Milania Beautiful, but not their own Rating: But I came home, and when I was filming, I felt very sad, because my appearance changed dramatically. When I used it, I tried not to eat anything hard, I was afraid that the pad might fall off at the wrong moment.

The plate makes your teeth perfect: Before attaching the plate, you need to moisten it with water and press it to your teeth. This is enough to securely secure it to the teeth. The size is universal, so when ordering you don’t need to worry that it won’t fit. Can be worn for a long time. The cost is budget, but it is better to order from an official manufacturer so as not to run into a fake.

They are comfortable to wear and do not cause any discomfort. I get used to it within 20 minutes, and after that I don’t notice them. Turandot Solution to my dental problems Rating: My friends think that I got my teeth done. It can be used both on an ongoing basis and for isolated cases. There are no contraindications for long-term wearing.

Can be used by both women and men. The shape of the teeth becomes ideal, there is no darkening of the enamel. Veneers are easy to use. I first thoroughly brush my teeth, rinse the plate with water and fit it tightly to my teeth. This way they are fixed.

Care instructions

There are no specific recommendations for caring for Cerec veneers. They do not affect the condition of the oral cavity or dentition in any way, so you should follow normal hygiene rules and visit the dentist once every six months. A person with absolutely healthy teeth always receives the same recommendations.

In what cases is dental prosthetics in children justified and design options?

Read here truthful reviews about metal-plastic crowns.

At this address https://www.vash-dentist.ru/protezirovanie/nesemnyie-p/koronki-np/tselnolityie.html we invite you to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of solid-cast dental crowns.

Features of wearing and care

Wearing veneers does not require any special restrictions or care that differs from traditional care. After their installation, the patient can return to their normal lifestyle. You just need to carefully follow your doctor’s recommendations in order to use the installed structure correctly.

After grinding, tooth sensitivity to cold/hot sometimes appears. You should also remember that over time, the surface under the veneers may deteriorate. In this case, there will be direct indications for installing crowns.

It is recommended to visit the clinic after some time for a follow-up examination. The doctor will evaluate the quality of installation and aesthetics of the veneers. The procedure will make sure that there are no defects, in addition, you will learn about the possible negative reaction of the patient’s body to the presence of foreign components.

Service life

The wearing period of composite veneers is limited to 3-5 years, while ceramic models will last more than 20 years. The service of Hollywood laminates is designed to last even longer.

The given figures are quite arbitrary, since injuries, bad habits of the patient or his adherence to sports dangerous to the teeth can significantly affect the condition of the dentition, the strength of the enamel, and, accordingly, the service life of the veneers.

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will prolong not only the time of using Cerec, but also the life and good health of any person.

The video explains the Cerec technology in more detail and shows the treatment process.

Is it possible to install veneers without preparation?

Fixing dental onlays without preliminary grinding is possible, but only with minor tooth defects. To avoid grinding down teeth, lumineers are most often used - ultra-thin microprostheses. They are more expensive than ordinary veneers, but they protect teeth even more reliably than native enamel. If your teeth are significantly crooked or uneven, it is not recommended to use lumineers.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Dental Surgical Office Equipment

You can also install veneers without grinding on small teeth with noticeable gaps. In this case, the procedure will achieve a good cosmetic effect.


If you use veneers of this technology, have additional information not listed in the article, and are ready to share your stories, reviews and feelings, we will be glad to see them in the comments to the article.

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