Creams for fixing dentures: a review of products

More than half of those who wear removable dentures consider the main problem with their use to be unreliable fixation, which causes the dentures to move during eating, talking or laughing. To increase the reliability of fastening the prosthesis in the mouth, several types of products (creams, adhesives, gels) have been developed for gluing the base of the removable structure to the soft tissues of the palate and alveolar process.

Creams to improve fixation are most often used when using dentures made of nylon or acrylic plastic. Fixing agents are also used when wearing temporary removable structures. Well-made removable clasp structures, as well as removable dentures supported by implants, do not require additional fixation.

Fixing gel for dentures is practically no different from cream in its functions, but they differ in consistency. The cream is thicker. Denture fixation cream is best suited for those who are using removable dentures for the first time. It is more difficult to apply too much cream, and too much cream will not allow the prosthesis to be securely fixed.

We will consider the best creams for fixing dentures in detail in our rating.

No. 1 in the rating cream for fixing dentures Rocs

Price from 230 to 350 rubles.

Rating – 10.0

The Russian-Swiss-made cream guarantees 12-hour fixation of the prosthesis, which is not weakened by consuming hot food and drinks. When distributed over the surface of the prosthesis base, it ensures tightness and protects soft tissues from food particles getting under the prosthesis. The cream contains ingredients based on menthol and mint, which refresh the mouth and protect against unpleasant odor from the mouth.

From reviews : Irina Nikolaevna, 56 years old – “It so happened that I had to get a lower removable partial denture. But it wasn’t very successful, either I have such a cavity in my mouth, or the dentist didn’t make it very well, but when talking and eating, the denture kept falling out. Having tried many brands of fixatives, I settled on Rox cream. This is the best cream for dentures, it does not dissolve when eating or drinking, now at work I can participate in general tea parties.”


  • can be used for wet dentures;
  • not washed out by liquid;
  • does not dissolve when eating hot food;
  • the product does not contain artificial dyes;
  • does not contain zinc.


  • quite high price;
  • Thick, making application difficult.

Temporary cement: how does it work and when is the best time to use it?

In prosthetics, temporary cement is usually used when installing temporary and permanent crowns, as well as in cases where it is necessary to test the shade and functionality of the prosthetic structure.

Another issue is meeting deadlines: the dentist usually tells you how long to come for an appointment to remove the temporary crown and replace it with a permanent one. This means that the quality of the cement is designed to last for a certain period (temporary structures are designed to last several months). Accordingly, temporary cement has its drawbacks: displacement, loosening or complete decementation of the crown, inflammation of the gums, difficulties in cleaning the interdental spaces with dental floss.

No. 2 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures Lacalut


Price from 270 to 400 rubles.

Rating – 9.8

High quality cream, produced by a German company. According to the manufacturer, when using the product, reliable fixation is ensured for at least 24 hours. Creates a thin layer between the prosthesis and soft tissues, protecting them from mechanical damage by the edge of the prosthesis, which helps adapt to a removable structure worn for the first time.

From reviews : Ivan Arsentievich, 48 years old - “Due to an injury, I lost two front teeth, the dentist made a temporary removable denture, which held up very poorly. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised me to buy Lacalut cream, and I am completely satisfied with the result.”


  • reliable fixation;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • thanks to the thin film created when using the cream, it protects soft tissues from chafing.


  • high price;
  • fixation is slightly weakened by consuming hot foods and drinks (especially tea and coffee).

"Lakalut" (Germany)

Cream for removable dentures Lacalut (“Lakalyut”) is included in the rating of leaders due to the high degree of fixation and speed of setting with surfaces. You can eat food within five minutes after installing the structure in the oral cavity, and the structure will remain in place for a whole day. The composition of Lakalut contains, in addition to fixing components, anti-inflammatory compounds and substances that prevent unpleasant odors. Users consider the high cost to be a disadvantage of the product - about 400 rubles per tube.

No. 3 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures Protefix


Price from 280 to 400 rubles (cream in 24 gram tubes costs from 140 rubles).

Rating – 9.6

Products from the Protefix series ensure reliable attachment of the prosthesis to the gum tissue for at least 10-12 hours. There are three varieties of this product: hypoallergenic cream, which, due to the absence of dyes and fragrances, causes fewer allergic reactions; as well as creams containing mint or aloe components.

From reviews : Anna, 29 years old - “I persuaded my mother to put in a clasp prosthesis, but she opted for a nylon one, which is quite poorly fixed in the mouth. The doctor advised me to use Protefix fixation cream, now my mother can calmly eat and talk without fear that her teeth will end up on the floor at the most crucial moment.”


  • economical;
  • has high fixing properties;
  • has no taste or smell.


  • the cream tube contains a significant percentage of liquid;
  • slightly inconvenient dispenser;
  • The bottle must be tightly closed and stored in an upright position, as the product may leak.

Fixing crowns on implants

In case of complete loss of a tooth or the impossibility of classical prosthetics, the best solution would be implantation, thanks to which the functionality of the dental unit can be completely restored. The implant replaces the root of the tooth, and the prosthesis replaces the crown part. An abutment is a kind of adapter between these two components. As a result, the patient receives a solid structure, all elements of which are securely connected to each other. There are two methods of fixing implant-supported crowns.

  1. Cement fixation.
    The essence of the method is similar to installing a crown on a natural tooth, only an abutment is used as a support.
  2. Screw vixation.
    The crown is connected to the abutment using a special screw that passes through the entire body of the crown. The resulting hole is subsequently closed with a composite material.

Each of the two methods has its fans and opponents among clinicians, however, both cement and screw fixation on implants are actively used in modern practice.

Pros and cons of cement fixation of crowns on implants:

  • Lower cost.
  • Ease of implementation.
  • Better occlusion for prosthetics of chewing teeth.
  • Better suited for bridges.
  • Lack of possibility of prompt repair and prevention.
  • There is a risk of cement resorption and decementation of the crown, which leads to a violation of the tightness.
  • Risk of peri-implantitis when cement is removed beyond the working area.

Pros and cons of screw fixation of crowns on implants:

  • A more modern type of fixation.
  • A screw-retained crown is considered the best solution for single prosthetics.
  • Integrity of structure and absence of cement.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Higher cost and manufacturing complexity compared to cement fixation.
  • Risk of screw breakage or loosening.
  • Many experts consider this method less universal.

The choice of the type of fixation is made by the doctor after analyzing the diagnostic results, assessing the clinical case and the anatomical features of the patient’s dental system.

No. 4 in the ranking cream for fixing prostheses Fittident


Price from 180 to 250 rubles.

Rating – 9.5

One of the best creams for dentures, but when using Fittident, people with highly sensitive gums feel a rather strong burning or tingling sensation. To avoid this effect, you need to let the cream dry on the prosthesis for at least 20-30 seconds. If there is increased saliva production, you can apply a larger amount of cream, which is then removed with a dry cloth until it hardens.

From reviews : Maria Fillipovna, 61 years old – “My daughter bought me Fittident cream; before that I used other products that did not provide good attachment. Now the prosthesis does not even have to be removed at night, it simply does not come off (even while eating). Completely satisfied."


  • when removing the denture, no traces of cream remain on the gums;
  • has no pronounced taste;
  • fixes the prosthesis for a long time.


  • has a rather viscous consistency;
  • can only be applied to a dry prosthesis;
  • difficult to buy in pharmacies (only in big cities or in online stores).

No. 5 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures President


Price from 190 to 230 rubles.

Rating – 9.4

After applying President, a dense elastic layer is formed under the prosthesis, preventing food particles from penetrating under the base of the prosthesis. In some situations, the fixation may be weakened by eating hot liquid food. The product contains fragrances and petroleum jelly.

From reviews : Igor, 49 years old – “I bought President cream for my father to fix complete removable dentures. Without additional means, they did not stay in the mouth and, in addition to the discomfort caused when eating and talking, they rubbed the mucous membrane. A thin layer of cream sets tightly and forms a film that protects the gums from the pressure of acrylic plastic.”


  • affordable price;
  • good fixation;
  • The tube volume is 10 ml more than its analogues.


  • when eating, fixation weakens;
  • Quite a strong taste.

No. 6 in the ranking prosthetic fixation cream Corega


Price from 200 to 250 rubles.

Rating – 9.3

The composition of any of the Coreg fixing creams includes substances that do not cause allergies and do not have a negative effect on the human body when used correctly. All the same, you cannot use the cream more than 2 times a day, and before applying a new portion, the remains of the fixing agent must be thoroughly washed off from the prosthesis.

From reviews : Anatoly, 63 years old - “Unfortunately, reliable fixation of the device lasts no more than 3-4 hours, and even after eating or drinking, the fastening of the prosthesis deteriorates significantly. You’ll have to choose something else, although this cream is quite convenient to use.”


  • affordable price;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • Can be applied to wet dentures.


  • quickly washed out with water;
  • the actual duration of reliable fixation does not exceed 3 hours;
  • when eating, the denture falls out because the cream dissolves and enters the stomach along with food;
  • ends quickly;
  • The neck of the tube is too wide, so it is difficult to apply a small amount of product;
  • after prolonged use, the mucous membrane swells.

Rules for using fixing cream

Even the best denture cream will not provide a secure hold if applied incorrectly. In order to correctly apply the cream to fix dentures, you must strictly adhere to several rules:

  1. The denture must be clean and dry - before applying the product, it should be cleaned with a regular paste or a special product and wiped dry with a soft cloth.
  2. The cream is applied strictly along the lines indicated in the instructions, and you should start using the fixing composition with a minimum amount. A large volume of cream applied to the denture base will disrupt the fixation strength.
  3. Before putting on the prosthesis, the gums should be rinsed and wiped with a napkin.
  4. The worn removable structure is pressed tightly against the surface of the alveolar process for at least 20 seconds.
  5. After the prosthesis is fixed, you should not eat, drink or talk for 10-15 minutes.
  6. After removing the structure from the oral cavity, it must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining fixative composition.
  7. The cream should not be used more than once a day, and the amount should not exceed the recommended amount. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing neurological diseases caused by the consumption of large amounts of zinc, which is part of the fixatives.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

How to choose the most suitable product

What should you pay attention to when choosing the best cream for fixing dentures? The main criteria are the following.

  • fixing properties: if you rarely use dentures (for example, only to go out on a visit or to the store), then long-term fixation may be unnecessary. In this case, you can buy Corega. If the product is needed for a long time (12-hour working day), you should take a closer look at a stronger version of the composition,
  • resistance to water: some compositions lose their fixing qualities under the influence of saliva or frequent consumption of drinks or liquid food. This is important to consider - reviews and personal observations will help here,
  • features of the composition (the presence of aromatic and flavoring additives, the presence of anti-inflammatory components, zinc and others: paying attention to this parameter is important if you are prone to allergies or intolerance to any substances. It should be taken into account that some flavorings can change the taste of food,
  • resistance to mechanical stress: this point is related to the load on the removable structure during chewing food, and depends on both the frequency of intake and the nature of the products consumed, the type of heat treatment,
  • economical use: here it is necessary to consider not only the material capabilities of the user and the cost of the drug, but also the frequency of use of the product, its required optimal amount. So, if you rarely use the composition, you can afford to buy a high-quality cream and “turn a blind eye” to the high price.


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On a note! Unstable fixation or other deficiencies do not always mean that the fixative cream for dentures is “bad.” If the product is not suitable, possible reasons may be: design features (material, shape, installation nuances) and the maxillofacial apparatus, as well as the volume of saliva secreted.

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