Protefix or Corega. What is better for cleaning and fixing dentures?

Why are fixing agents needed?

The main and only purpose of creams or gels for dentures is to securely hold these products in the mouth. In order for the orthopedic structure to be better attached to the jaw, an additional layer is needed between it and the gums, which increases the tightness of the prosthesis and has adhesive properties.

The principle of operation of such drugs is extremely simple: upon contact with a liquid substance (saliva or water), the substances contained in the fixing composition swell, due to which the volume of the adhesive layer increases and fills the voids between the prosthesis and the sky.

However, ensuring tight fixation is not the only function that such a product performs. Creams and gels for dentures often have bactericidal properties, therefore they prevent inflammation and prevent infection of the mucous membrane by pathogenic microflora.

Also, some fixatives are designed to combat halitosis, which often occurs in patients who neglect proper oral hygiene.

The range of this sector is not limited to 2-3 items, although all preparations for dentures have similar properties and effects.

Manufacturers must include in the composition of such creams and gels:

  • polypeptides;
  • essential oils;
  • flavorings.

When choosing this product, it is recommended to give preference to products from trusted manufacturing companies that have an impeccable reputation among consumers. Some of these are GlaxoSmithKline and Queisser Pharma GmbH and Co. KG. Their products are hypoallergenic and do not cause irritation to the mucous membranes, since they do not contain chemical fragrances or harmful additives.

Release form and packaging of the drug

Active removable teeth cleaner Protefix are white tablets that are quite large in size and have a menthol smell. Available in large cardboard packages. One package can contain 32 or 66 pieces. This amount is associated with a large consumption of funds. “Protefix” for cleaning removable teeth has increased hygroscopicity, so the tablets are packaged in foil blisters at a distance from each other.


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Corega Series

The products, which are produced by the Irish manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline under the Corega series, promote reliable fixation of the denture, prevent damage to the gums, and prevent the orthopedic structure from shifting and food debris getting under it. All varieties of these creams for attaching dentures are available in 40 ml tubes and cardboard packaging.

The composition of Corega preparations includes the following components:

  • sodium, magnesium, zinc salts of methylvenylethermaleic acids;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • gum;
  • mineral oils;
  • menthol;
  • liquid paraffin.

Coreg products can be used to secure both partial and complete removable dentures. The undoubted advantage of this series of dental products is the ability to choose a cream with a menthol additive, which maintains fresh breath, or a neutral taste.

All varieties of Corega cream are in demand:

  • Corega neutral. This denture fixation product is suitable for people prone to allergic reactions to food dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings. Unlike other dental creams, this one is not felt at all by a person while eating, and does not mix with the odors of other products. Corega neutral cream costs about 225-275 rubles.

  • Corega extra strong. This product contains plant extracts that give freshness to your breath. Thanks to the menthol contained, it is possible to muffle gag reflexes, which often occur when trying to install or remove a prosthesis. The price of this cream does not differ from the cost of the previous one.
  • Corega is refreshing. Unlike Coreg Extra Strong, this one has a subtle, laid-back minty flavor that freshens breath and eliminates minor inflammation on the roof of your mouth. The fixing agent costs about 250 rubles.

Protefix or Corega are better than most analogues, according to user reviews. Such preparations are used sparingly: as a rule, a single spot application on the inner surface of the prosthesis is quite enough for hermetically sealed fixation with the mucous membrane of the palate for 14-16 hours.

It is necessary to store such products for orthopedic structures of the oral cavity at a temperature of no more than 20 ⁰C in a place protected from direct sunlight.

All varieties of Corega cream have no special contraindications or restrictions for use. You can purchase any product from this series at the pharmacy. Corega creams for dentures are included in the list of over-the-counter medications, which indicates the absence of harmful effects of their components when used.

Such fixing compounds are allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women, since they are not absorbed into the bloodstream, which means that they are not capable of harming the fetus or infant.

The only condition under which the use of Coreg is prohibited is an allergic reaction to any substance in the product. If the first signs of individual intolerance appear, you should stop using the drug until you consult a doctor.

Based on the general description of Coreg fixing agents, their properties and application features, several main advantages can be identified:

  • Convenient release form - small 40 ml tubes you can always take with you and use the cream anywhere.
  • Not all similar series of products are represented by drugs with a neutral taste.
  • There is no health risk if a small amount of cream is accidentally swallowed.
  • Coregas act softly and delicately, without causing irritation to the gums.
  • The thick consistency of the creams facilitates long-term economical use.
  • Coreg products are in an affordable price range.

The indisputable disadvantage of preparations for fixing Corega dentures, according to some users, is the rapid wear of dental structures, which leads to a reduction in their service life, and the development of sensitivity of the teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity to the effects of hot or too cold drinks and dishes.

Features of the cleaning composition

The drug has a unique formula that allows you to clean the surface of removable dental structures from hard and soft plaque. Moreover, the high oxygen content in the Protefix preparation even removes coloring matter from it, for example, from coffee or cigarettes.

Among the components of the product are: bicarbonate, sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium perborate, potassium carbonate, citric acid. The drug also contains small quantities of aromatic (menthol) and coloring (indigo) ingredients and mint oils. Therefore, its regular use allows you to keep dentures in their original form for a long period of time and maintain fresh breath.

Protefix Series

Protefix, unlike Corega, is a product of a well-known German brand specializing in the production of care products for dental structures. The drug is completely safe for health.

Protefix cream has the property of increased fixation due to better adhesion to the surface of the mucous membrane. The drug guarantees maximum stability of the prosthesis and does not allow even minimal displacement for several hours.

The consistency of Protefix cream allows you to avoid overuse. The drug contains no harmful substances.

It contains:

  • sodium and calcium salts - necessary for the absorption of liquid;
  • carboxymethylcellulose – provides the necessary viscosity;
  • Vaseline – moisturizes the area of ​​contact with the prosthesis;
  • paraffin – softens the mucous membrane;
  • silicon dioxide - necessary to create a homogeneous mass of cream;
  • Hydroxybenzoate is an antiseptic component;
  • aloe extract is an anti-inflammatory substance.

Protefix or Corega (it is better to choose between these two products after consulting with your doctor) operate on the same principle: the drugs securely fix dentures, filling the space between the mucous membrane and the plastic structure with their creamy mass.

Thanks to such fixing compounds, the possibility of food particles getting under the denture is completely eliminated. The risk of injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity is also minimized.

Protefix is ​​produced in tubes of different sizes - 23 and 47 g.

An indication for the use of a means for fastening dentures may be any of the following circumstances:

  • there is copious secretion of saliva;
  • incomplete shrinkage of the orthopedic product occurred;
  • there are mechanical irritations, rubbing of the soft tissues of the gums, palate, and tongue.

Despite its safe composition, there are some contraindications to the use of Potefix:

  • allergy to the components contained;
  • intolerance to aspirin and drugs based on it;
  • the presence of ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity.

Taking into account the individual needs of people who use dentures, Protefix manufacturers have expanded their product line of fixing products. Each Protefix product differs not only in cost, but also in unique properties.

For example:

  • Protefix is ​​hypoallergenic - a cream that does not contain harmful dyes, taste and smell enhancers. Its presence in the oral cavity goes unnoticed in 99% of cases, so it is ideal for those who constantly wear dentures. Available in tubes with a capacity of 47 g, the price is in the range of 170-190 rubles.
  • Protefix aloe vera - this option is ideal for patients with severe oral problems (swelling of the mucous membrane, hyperemia of the gums, ulcerations, chafing). Aloe extract relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of damaged areas. Protefix Aloe vera is sold in 40 ml tubes for 135-160 rubles.
  • Protefix with mint – recommended for use in the initial stages of wearing dentures. The menthol contained in the composition cools irritated tissues and makes it easier to get used to the structure itself. The cost of a 47 g tube is 190-220 rubles.
  • Protefix extra strong – its distinctive feature is the increased content of a substance that provides better adhesion to a specific area of ​​the mucous membrane. This is the Protefix cream that dentists recommend using if a person uses prosthetic systems on both jaws. The price of a tube (24 g) is about 150 rubles.

The main advantages of the cream for fixing dentures Protefix are:

  • makes it possible to eat any food with a guarantee of strong attachment of the prosthesis;
  • has a relatively low cost;
  • a widely available drug that is sold in any pharmacy;
  • does not cause adverse reactions or allergies;
  • It is allowed to use both moistened and dry orthopedic structures.

The disadvantages of Protefix creams include their relatively liquid consistency, which may cause untimely breakdown of fixing substances and a shortening of the period of action. If the dosage is exceeded, the possibility of damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach walls cannot be excluded.

How to use cream to fix the prosthesis?

Even a very quality denture cream does not create a strong hold if the product is applied incorrectly. To apply the cream correctly, you need to strictly adhere to a number of rules:

  • The cream must be applied clearly along the lines indicated in the instructions, and it is necessary to start using the fixing composition with a small amount. Excessive amounts of cream applied to the base of the prosthesis may compromise the strength of the attachment.
  • The prosthesis must be dry and clean - before applying the drug, it must be cleaned with a special product or regular paste and wiped dry with a soft cloth.
  • The worn removable denture is pressed tightly against the alveolar process for at least 30 seconds. When the prosthesis is fixed, it is undesirable to talk, drink and eat food for 12–17 minutes. Having removed the structure from the oral cavity, it must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining fixative cream.
  • Before putting on the prosthesis, the gums must be rinsed and wiped with a soft cloth.
  • The drugs should not be used more than once a day, and the volume should not be more than recommended. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the appearance of neurological pathologies, which are provoked by the consumption of excessive amounts of zinc, which is part of fixing drugs.

The choice of cream for fixing dentures is a personal matter for each person. But whatever drug you like, it is necessary that this product actually firmly fixes the product in the oral cavity, creates comfortable wearing of orthopedic structures, and is also accepted by the body without any side effects. Sources:


Terms of use

Protefix is ​​used in the same way as Corega cream or any other analogue. In order for the product to better fix the denture, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer before use.


To maximize the effectiveness of Corega series creams, the orthopedic structure must be thoroughly rinsed and dried before being fixed in the oral cavity.

Also, before installing the prosthesis, it is necessary to brush your teeth so that unnoticed food debris and crumbs do not get into the space between the prosthesis and the gum and do not provoke tissue irritation or inflammation. Failure to comply with these basic hygiene rules can lead to tissue chafing, pain and discomfort.

Any of the Coreg creams are distributed along the dentition along the edge of the structure, squeezing out the product in small sections. The wrong solution is to use an excessive amount of adhesive: the excess cream will be noticeable on the surface of the gums and smile. In addition, such wasteful use of funds to fix the prosthesis will lead to the need to purchase it again.

The instructions for Corega drugs clearly describe the scheme for their use:

  1. Apply cream to the edges of a dry, clean denture using a dotted line.
  2. Then the structure should be installed in the oral cavity, in accordance with the characteristics of its structure.
  3. The prosthesis must be pressed firmly with your fingers and held for several seconds, then close your jaws.

To fix dentures, Corega must also be applied to the upper jaw in the center of the palate.

The manufacturer provides recommendations not only for installing artificial plates, but also for their correct removal. Before removing the prosthesis, it is necessary to complete all necessary hygiene procedures.

In order not to damage the structure, it must be carefully loosened, moving in opposite directions until it is completely disconnected. If the gluing is too strong, you need to lightly press your fingers on the gums in contact with the cheeks.

After removal, the denture should be cleaned in warm water. The manufacturer recommends using special products for cleaning dental plates (for example, Corega Bioformula tablets) and a toothbrush.

Correct use of Corega cream ensures strong fixation of the dental product. If you follow the instructions for use, the possibility of food debris getting under the prosthesis and injuring the mucous membrane is eliminated. On average, a 40 g tube is enough for 1 month of daily use.

However, in practice, judging by the reviews, the use of denture creams from the Corega series makes it possible to achieve ideal fastening of the structure for no more than 6-8 hours, after which a gap appears between the product and the gums. For a longer fixation, the cream consumption has to be increased, so 1 tube is usually not enough for a whole month.

To prevent discomfort from using the product, patients must follow simple precautions:

  • It is not advisable to take dietary supplements or vitamin-mineral complexes while using Corega cream for dentures;
  • while wearing a prosthesis, you should not drink too hot drinks (tea, coffee, broth);
  • Self-adjustment of the dose is allowed at the discretion of the patient;
  • increased activity of the salivary glands after application of the drug is not a contraindication to its use.


In general, the scheme for using this tool is not fundamentally different from the use of analogues. At the same time, the manufacturer of Protefix cream advises patients to strictly adhere to the dosages specified in the instructions and the algorithm for removing dentures.

Protefix or Corega is best used in the morning, immediately after brushing your teeth. Hygienic manipulations must also be carried out with the dental structure itself.

When applying the fixing cream, the denture should be slightly damp:

  1. The plate must be turned upward with the side that will be attached to the soft tissues of the upper or lower jaw.
  2. When squeezing out the cream, the tube must be held straight in a vertical position.
  3. With light pressure, a little liquid will come out of the tube, which should be eliminated.
  4. Thick, homogeneous cream must be distributed pointwise, in thin short strips, moving from the middle to the edge of the product.
  5. Excess cream must be removed using a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil.

If you need to ensure a longer fixation, the cream must be squeezed additionally onto the palatal area and, placing the structure in the appropriate place, be sure to press it with your fingers and hold for 10-15 s. After this, the patient should clench his jaws for 20–30 seconds, and then not open his mouth for another -10 minutes.

After each use of Protefix cream, it is important to wipe the neck of the tube dry and close it with the cap. Otherwise, the adhesive will quickly harden and become unusable. Moreover, the manufacturer even focuses users’ attention on the optimal position of the packaging when storing the drug: the tube should not lie horizontally.

Protefix or Corega interact better with perfectly cleaned dentures, so it is advisable to use such preparations only after complete removal of cream residues from previous use from the plate. For this purpose, the manufacturer of Protefix recommends using the Active Cleaner, available in tablets (a complete analogue of the Corega Bioformula product).

There is no confirmed information about cases of overdose with Protefix. Adverse reactions from this cream also occur in isolated cases, and, as a rule, are a consequence of individual intolerance to the components in the fixing cream.

Instructions for use

Tablets are used to prepare a solution. One tablet is required for one glass of warm water. A thoroughly cleaned prosthesis is placed in the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes for sterilization. If there is a need, then it is left overnight. After removal from the solution, it is washed in filter water and dried well.

If a person is incompatible with the components of the drug, then adverse reactions may occur. These include the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of allergies;
  • increased salivation;
  • vomit;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • feeling of burning and irritation.

If you use the tablets as recommended, they should not cause side effects. If the remaining solution is not thoroughly washed off, this can lead to a feeling of irritation and burning at the site where the structure adheres to the gum. The sense of taste may also change, hyperemia and itching may appear.

What do the means have in common?

There are a number of similarities between the Corega and Protefix series products:

  • Neither product should be used if you have an allergic reaction.
  • You can purchase preparations for fastening dental structures without a prescription, and they are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in specialized stores.
  • The creams of the indicated series remain valid for 3 years from the date of manufacture, provided they are stored in a dry, dark place.
  • The drugs are used without restrictions for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Both Corega and Protefix need to be applied to the prosthesis in a thin layer: excess reduces the quality of fastening of the structure.
  • There is no information about cases of overdose with these creams.

Comparisons and differences

Despite the same release forms, Corega and Protefix creams have different compositions. In addition, Corega can only be applied to a dry orthopedic plate. In this regard, Protefix wins: it is effective when used on both wet and dry products.

Protefix or Corega
Corega has more negative reviews about its use. Patients using this drug more often experienced nausea, irritation of the oral mucosa, and increased salivation. However, this does not allow us to make an unambiguous conclusion about which remedy is better. In addition, drugs from both manufacturers are capable of causing an allergic reaction.

Those who have used the products of the described brands note that Protefix, unlike Coreg, does not change its properties under the influence of hot food, and does not at all change its taste or smell. At the same time, Corega is not washed off with saliva; products from this series do not need to be stored in an upright position, since they have a thicker consistency and do not leak.

A unique feature of the Irish manufacturer’s series is Protefix aloe vera cream, which has not only anti-inflammatory, but also bactericidal properties.

At the same time, some patients complain that when used systemically, the product irritates the oral mucosa. To avoid these troubles, the manufacturer Protefix suggests purchasing additional powder and spacers that help fix the prosthesis for a longer period.

Before buying a drug for fixing dentures, Protefix or Corega, you should definitely consult with your treating orthopedic dentist. The doctor will advise which drug will work better and safer.

Analogues of the drug

The drug Corega has substitutes. Analogues include the following products for cleaning dentures:

  • Rox. The product is produced in tablet form. With constant use, the amount of plaque is reduced, food debris and traces of staining are removed. The advantage is that the medication does not contain phosphates and chlorine. The development of an unpleasant odor is prevented, and the denture looks like new.
  • Dentipur. These are tablets that are used to clean dental structures. The drug cleans and disinfects removable dentures. The composition of the product does not destroy the material of the structure, quickly cleans it of mucus, plaque and food debris.
  • Fittydent. Tablets that are used to clean complete and partial dentures and removable orthopedic products. The package contains 32 pieces. The product is used twice a day. The tablet is dissolved in warm filtered water and the denture is left for 30 minutes. After the procedure it is washed. This drug prevents the development of inflammatory and painful processes.
  • MyoClean. A medicine that can be purchased in the form of effervescent tablets. They are used to clean dentures. The product contains active oxygen and disinfecting elements that provide hygienic care. The medication is able to give artificial teeth a fresh smell, protect them from bacteria, and remove plaque from them.
  • Protefix. The products include several pharmaceutical products that are produced for the care and fixation of removable dentures. The tablets contain active oxygen, which helps clean removable dental structures. The active substance is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. The tablets are effective against the development of pathogenic microorganisms and the formation of tartar. The result can be observed within 10 hours.


Replacing the product used on your own is not recommended. Specialist consultation is required. This is due to the fact that each product has its own characteristics of use and may have individual intolerance.

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