A new word in dentistry: teeth whitening using the Magic White method

Everyone wants to have a dazzling smile, but only a few have natural white enamel. Exit? Teeth whitening. Dental clients undergo this procedure in different ways:

  • using a laser;
  • using chemical bleaches that penetrate deep layers of enamel;
  • by thoroughly polishing your teeth with whitening pastes at home.

Recently, dentists have started talking about a new method for making teeth whiter. This is Magic White cosmetic whitening. Let's get acquainted with this method and consider its advantages and disadvantages, if any.


The Magic White procedure was developed in Belgium.
The manufacturer informs on the official website: the technique helps lighten teeth by 8–14 shades. The basis of the method: a brightening gel is applied to the crowns, which is activated by light from a lamp.
Special devices are not used: the gel is placed in trays, which the patient independently puts on the teeth. Then - short-term exposure to light. Benefits of the procedure:

  • simplicity;
  • achieving the effect in one session;
  • relative safety compared to chemical bleaching or the Air Flow method;
  • Possibility of use at home.

According to dentists, the new technology is allowed for patients who, due to the increased sensitivity of the enamel, do not lighten their teeth in other ways.

The effect of the procedure lasts for 1-3 months

If one whitening session is performed, the resulting teeth color lasts for an average of 1-3 months. But the developer of the technique emphasizes that much depends on the quality of oral care and the presence of bad habits. That is, if you smoke and really like coffee and red wine, your teeth may lose their whiteness faster.

You can whiten your teeth by 4-12 shades

However, everyone can prolong the effect several times (up to 5-6 months) if they undergo several Magic White sessions, pay maximum attention to daily hygiene procedures and are able to observe reasonable dietary restrictions (in relation to foods and drinks with dyes). To maintain the effect, the developer of the method also suggests using special bleaching products from Magic White, which we will discuss below.


To assess color, doctors use the Vita scale. In accordance with it, veneers and crown material are selected. This scale is used to measure the result of whitening. With the use of Magic White, the color becomes 12 or even 14 shades whiter.

If your teeth are yellowish or dark, you may not be able to achieve the ideal shade, but there will be a difference between the original color and the resulting color!

general description

The article does not pursue advertising purposes and is for informational purposes only. Surely our readers are interested in how Magic White teeth whitening is performed. Reviews note, first of all, the minimal time costs. It is enough to go to the salon before an important meeting, and you are ready to conquer with your snow-white smile. This is an innovative system that does not require the use of a drill or chemical reagents. This is why whitening using this technology has become so popular. In just one visit, you can make your enamel 4, 5 or even 14 shades lighter. This is a real revolution in the world of dentistry.


Manufacturers position Magic White technology as a safe procedure. The gel, which contains 0.1% carbamide peroxide, is injected into the trays with a syringe. The patient places these devices on the teeth. Thus, it turns out that the gums and mucous membranes are not affected. However, some patients believe that applying the gel is dangerous. In what cases is the statement not without foundation? Only if there are contraindications for whitening.

Carious cavities

If caries is not taken into account, the procedure will be harmful: it will be painful, and the carious cavities will increase in size.


During pregnancy, dentists provide only emergency care, because it is unknown how any manipulation will affect the woman’s condition. Bleaching is not an emergency treatment: it is a cosmetic procedure.


Breastfeeding is also contraindicated, because teeth are under attack at this time: calcium leaves the mother’s body with milk. Teeth become brittle. Lightening will lead to even greater demineralization.


For children and teenagers, they try not to lighten the enamel, since they are still developing it (like dentin), and natural processes can be disrupted.

Gum diseases in acute and subacute stages

Untreated gum disease will worsen after the procedure, so the first stage is sanitation of the oral cavity, eliminating foci of infection.
Magic White bleaching is not performed on patients undergoing (or who have recently completed) a course of chemotherapy: the body is weakened, so its reaction is unpredictable. You need to wait time for your immunity to recover.

This is where the disadvantages of Magic White end. Those who do not have the health problems described above can undergo the procedure without fear.

Special Magic White products will help keep your teeth white

After Magic White whitening procedures, you can use an arsenal of supportive dental care products. They allow you to maintain the achieved results for a long period. Their list, properties and costs are presented in the table below.

Whitening Mousse
  • two-stage impact system,
  • The composition includes 2 bottles, which must be used in strict sequence: the mousse from bottle No. 1 cleanses teeth of plaque. The substance in bottle No. 2 whitens enamel,
  • To consolidate the result, you should not rinse your mouth with water, eat or drink for the first 30 minutes after the procedure,
  • can be used 2-3 times a day, course – 3 months,
  • The result is noticeable within 1-3 weeks.
From 500 rubles
Teeth shine
  • the effect is noticeable after the first use: teeth retain their Hollywood shine 24 hours a day,
  • has a minty taste, freshens breath,
  • helps maintain whitening results, removes stains from enamel,
  • cannot be used by children under 12 years of age.
From 600 rubles
Foam to prolong the whitening effect
  • tube with a volume of 50 milliliters,
  • the effect is noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use,
  • removes dirt and at the same time makes the enamel even lighter,
  • can be used instead of toothpaste.
From 300 rubles
Paste with vitamin complex
  • contains vitamins A, B6, C,
  • provides gentle care and nutrition to gums,
  • reduces the amount of pathogenic microflora in the mouth and prevents the growth of bacteria,
  • brightens the enamel,
  • Contraindication: Cannot be used by children under 6 years of age.
From 500 rubles
Activated carbon powder
  • has an absorbent effect,
  • removes stains, polishes enamel,
  • eliminates halitosis.
From 200 rubles
Pasta with charcoal and mint flavor
  • prevents the formation of tartar,
  • removes pathogenic bacteria,
  • freshens breath,
  • eliminates the feeling of dryness in the mouth.
From 150 rubles


Using the Magic White method, whiten your teeth at least every month. Surprised? Are you afraid of damaging your enamel? Manufacturers assure: the new express method is approved for use with a frequency many times higher than the frequency of other types of whitening. Reason: it does not affect the deep layers of tissue. This is a cosmetic effect.

From this video you will see the simplicity of the process:

Have you achieved 8 shades of whitening, but are not satisfied with the result? Carry out the procedure in the salon or at home. There are no restrictions on the number of attempts.

How often is it recommended to use the procedure?

This is the most common question patients ask dentists. The question is quite understandable, because everyone wants to know in advance how long the effect of Belgian teeth whitening Magic White will last. Reviews from doctors emphasize that there are no restrictions in terms of the effect on enamel. That is, you can resort to this procedure as often as necessary. It can be done before a date, a memorable event in life. So that you have a guideline, I would like to point out the reviews of dentists. From practical experience, they see that the effect of the procedure lasts from six months to a year.


How to prepare for whitening? Let's look at the process in detail:

  1. The dentist invites the patient into the office and examines the oral cavity, identifying problems.
  2. The doctor treats caries, fills teeth, polishes them.
  3. If gum disease is detected, the doctor prescribes a paste or gel for home use and instructs you to return in 7-10 days.
  4. If the oral cavity is prepared, the dentist removes the tartar and begins the lightening procedure.

The second stage is bleaching.

  1. The doctor cleans his teeth with a pearl napkin.
  2. A brightening gel is added to the dental tray and placed on the jaws.
  3. An LED lamp is directed onto the mouth guard. Under the influence of light, hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen, the atoms of which break down plaque and pigmentation.
  4. After 20 minutes, the mouth guard is removed.

After the session, the person goes about his business. The only recommendations are to follow a “white” diet for 1–2 days, excluding the consumption of colored foods. And for the first 2 hours, refrain from eating, drink only plain water.

In the photo you can see how significant the difference is between the original and new shades of enamel:

And most importantly, the doctor achieves this in one go and without the risk of damaging surrounding tissues!

Exposure time

Preliminary preparation does not take more than 10-15 minutes. Then the patient is asked to sit in the light of a special light bulb for 20 minutes, after which the nozzle with the gel is removed from the teeth. Now you can smile at your reflection and go about your business. But there is one rule that is recommended to be followed by people who undergo cosmetic teeth whitening with Magic White. Reviews from doctors, by the way, claim that if you stick to it between cleansings, the effect will last for a much longer time. What is it about? After the procedure, a person is not recommended to eat coffee and other foods that contain dyes. This is otherwise called the “white diet”. Its recommended duration is 24–48 hours, but the longer you follow it, the longer the effect will be.

How long does the result last?

The newfound beauty of your smile will delight you for 6 to 12 months. Not for long? But you can repeat whitening at any time when the original shade begins to return, without fear for the health of your teeth and gums.

To prolong the effect, dentists advise using pastes:

  • Magic Toothpaste;
  • Magic Foam.

A mousse from the same manufacturer has appeared on sale - it helps to maintain the results obtained for a longer period.

Advantages over dental whitening

The procedure has many advantages that determine the choice of patients in its favor. This:

  • there is no effect of sensitive teeth that accompanies dental whitening;
  • high performance;
  • no complications;
  • permission to conduct monthly;
  • Possibility of use at home without the risk of injury to enamel and soft tissues.

Do you have no time to go to the clinic to have the doctor perform the procedure, and you need to achieve white teeth by this Friday (since you have an appointment)? Buy a whitening kit and do it yourself.

In the set:

  • 3 syringes;
  • gel;
  • 2 mouth guards;
  • tone scale;
  • LED lamp.

Instructions for use are included. In one whitening session you will achieve results, and if you complete a course of 4-5 sessions, you will consolidate it. Don't be afraid of harming your teeth: the gel for home use contains a weaker peroxide solution than in professional kits.

One thing: you must be sure of the absence of caries and exacerbation of gum disease!

Precautions and contraindications

The whitening gel has no side effects, it is non-toxic, as it meets the strict requirements of the European Union. It is worth considering that the main contraindications to the procedure are pregnancy and lactation, as well as chemotherapy.

At what age can you whiten your teeth with Magic White? Dentists recommend the procedure for people over 18 years of age, since at an earlier age the enamel is still forming. It is better to exclude any such impact on it to prevent damage.

Only healthy teeth can be lightened. If you have caries or tartar, you first need to visit a dentist and undergo appropriate treatment.


The new invention of dentistry has already been tested by lovers of experiments. What feedback do patients give? What do you like, what gives rise to doubts? Let's listen to people who have already used Magic White.


“I like to try new things, especially when it comes to health issues. So I tried Magic White. I did it in the salon, all procedures were performed by a doctor. I spent the same amount of time as on a preventive visit - well, maybe 15 minutes more. Teeth brightened 9 shades. Both me and the doctor were satisfied with the result.”


“I used Magic White for the first time in the salon, then six months later at home. There is an effect. The first time I noticed it right away, but at home I had to apply the gel 3 times to see the difference in the mirror. So next time I'll go to the salon again. The home remedy is a little weak for me.”


“I tried Air Flow whitening once, then 2 years later – Magic White. The difference is this: whitening using the first method gives a more pronounced and lasting result, but the teeth hurt from cold and hot. The second method did not produce any side effects. Perhaps I’ll switch to it.”


Is it painful to whiten teeth using this method? I heard that whitening can be painful...

Marina (02/18/2021 at 08:46 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Marina, if your teeth are completely healthy, then they should not be highly sensitive or have a strong reaction to any whitening methods. Some discomfort may be present, but there should not be a strong pain reaction. If it is present, then this indicates the presence of thin, unprepared enamel and other dental problems. Therefore, it is so important to undergo a consultation, examination, and, if necessary, treatment with a dentist before the procedure.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (02.22.2021 at 09:14) Reply to comment

Which method of teeth whitening is the most gentle and harmless to the enamel and how often do dentists recommend this procedure be carried out over the course of, for example, a year?

Elena (03/04/2021 at 09:26) Reply to comment

A small grayish spot appeared on my lower front tooth. The tooth does not hurt, it looks healthy, at least there are no holes visible. Should I bleach it or should I still treat it?

Anna (03/04/2021 at 10:15 am) Reply to comment

I've been wanting to whiten my teeth for a long time. I liked this method. Can you please tell me if this can be done during pregnancy?

Irina (03/04/2021 at 10:46 am) Reply to comment

I have seen Magic White advertisements many times on the Internet and on TV, but I was always interested in the safety of such a procedure. Moreover, I have sensitive enamel. Will she suffer from bleaching?

Rita (09/24/2021 at 12:48 pm) Reply to comment

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Advice from Dr. Zubastik

I am a supporter of methods that cause the least harm to enamel. The pursuit of beauty for health rarely ends successfully. In an effort to whiten their teeth, some people are willing to take the risk of ruining their crowns. Moreover, such patients even go against the opinions of doctors trying to dissuade them. The result is caries, enamel wear and other troubles. Unfortunately, dental whitening has many contraindications.

That's why I prefer cosmetic lightening using the Magic White technique. Talk to your dentist. Knowing your situation, he will make a recommendation on the whitening method that is ideal for you.

With this I say goodbye. Let your teeth be strong and healthy, and your smile shine white!

Tags: magic white, whitening

About the author: Dr. Zubastik

Typically, a toothache begins to subside on the way to the clinic and finally goes away after 10 minutes of sitting in line to see the dentist.

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Price issue

For comparison, clinics will charge about 20,000 rubles for a whitening procedure. Approximately 500 rubles per tooth. Agree, the price is not small. Moreover, the effect lasts only for a while, after which it is necessary to repeat the procedure. The time varies depending on the individual diet, as well as the original color of the enamel.

One and a half thousand rubles is the price for Magic White teeth whitening. Reviews with photos that we provide in the article confirm that despite the low price, the procedure gives excellent results. Each of you can find a specialized salon in your city and try the effect for yourself.

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