Dental bridge. Prices for 2, 3, 4 teeth, types of bridges and costs

Dental bridge - this is what people most often call dental bridges used by dentists to restore teeth when several units in a row are missing in a row. Dental bridges come in many different types, are made from different materials, and each type of structure has its own characteristics and advantages. Naturally, the price of different types of dental bridges will also differ.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about dental bridges: we will describe in detail the indications for their use, consider the types of dental bridges, the main characteristics, and also indicate approximate prices for production and installation in Moscow.

Indications for installation of dental bridges

Dental bridges are used to restore lost teeth, but not with single defects in the dentition, but when two, three or four teeth are missing. Bridges are applicable for the restoration of chewing and anterior dental units and effectively restore both the aesthetics of the dentition and all important functions of the teeth.

IMPORTANT: Installation of a dental bridge requires healthy supporting teeth. If the patient does not have strong teeth or has complete edentia (toothless jaw), the doctor may recommend either a removable denture or implantation followed by prosthetics with a conditionally removable orthopedic design. Implantation can be a good solution if the patient does not want to grind down healthy teeth for a bridge.


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  • Tooth restoration with an all-zirconium crown with ceramic lining 152016

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A bridge for 3 teeth is a non-removable orthopedic structure to restore the integrity of the dentition. When prosthetics are used, the anterior units are often made of solid ceramics, while the chewing ones are made of zirconium or metal-ceramics. The service life of the structure is 10-20 years, depending on the material from which it is made, as well as the health of the oral cavity and supporting teeth.

What a dental bridge looks like: description of design features

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthesis attached to supporting teeth and used to eliminate multiple edentia (the absence of several teeth in a row). The main elements of a dental bridge are artificial teeth and fasteners, with the help of which the prosthesis will be firmly fixed in the oral cavity.

Attachments for dental bridges can be in the form of:

Dental crowns placed on abutment teeth



Sometimes the design of a dental bridge also includes an additional element - a part designed to imitate a section of gum. Externally, the prosthesis resembles a bridge – that’s why it got its name.

The intermediate part of the dental bridge may have a different mechanism of connection with the soft tissues of the oral cavity:

  • Flushing connection. In this case, a small space remains between the dental bridge and the soft tissues of the mouth, which ensures free passage of food under the denture, and therefore easier care for it;
  • Tangent connection. With this type of connection, one side of the bridge will touch the gums, and such prostheses are especially relevant in the restoration of teeth included in the smile zone. They provide better aesthetics, are easy to use, and do not interfere with normal diction;
  • Saddle-shaped. With this connection, the bridge connects to the soft tissues of the mouth as tightly as possible.

The type of dental bridge design is selected at the stage of planning prosthetics and together with the doctor leading the treatment!


There are cases when a bridge made of metal-ceramic crowns should not be installed.


the procedure can be carried out with extreme caution

  • gum disease;
  • untreated caries, pulpitis on supporting teeth;
  • bite pathologies.


the procedure is strictly prohibited

  • metal allergy;
  • bruxism;
  • psychological diseases;
  • children under 18 years of age.

Types of dental bridges

At the very beginning of the material, we mentioned that there are quite a large number of different types of dental bridges. The classification of bridges is carried out both according to the material of manufacture and the production technology.

Based on the first feature, the following types of dental bridges are distinguished:






Based on production technology, the following dental bridges are distinguished:

  • Adhesive. It is most often used when only one tooth needs to be restored with a bridge. Such a prosthesis has a base - a fiberglass arch on which the artificial tooth is located;
  • Stamped dental bridges are several dental crowns welded into a single structure;
  • Cast dental bridges are the most durable denture option.

The material and manufacturing technology of a dental bridge will determine its cost and also its main performance characteristics, and below we will look at the main types of bridges, their features, pros and cons.

But first, let’s answer a question that patients often ask orthodontists – which is better, a dental bridge or implants?

Work examples

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Bridge prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns

Manufacturing of metal-ceramic fixed bridge prosthesis

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Which is better - a dental bridge or an implant?

Here we need to make an important note - prosthetics can be carried out without implants, but implantation necessarily involves the stage of prosthetics. Of course, implantation of implants will increase the final cost of treatment, however, when installing a prosthesis on implants, you will not have to grind down healthy teeth, in addition, the dental bridge will be fixed as firmly as possible in the oral cavity and this increases the comfort of its use, as well as the useful life of the prosthesis.

But of course, the patient and the doctor must decide how to restore teeth in a specific clinical case. For example, if examination and diagnostics reveal absolute contraindications to implantation, then lost teeth will have to be restored using classic prosthetics and the installation of a dental bridge on the supporting teeth.

Bridge VS implant

It should be noted that among all possible options for fixed prosthetics, dental bridges undoubtedly occupy a leading position. But now the choice has become wider, and doctors definitely offer installation of implants for consideration.

Let us say right away that if prosthetics is possible without implantation, then the latter cannot do without the manufacture of prostheses. The implant is implanted into the bone tissue and is essentially an iron rod protruding from the gum. Therefore, a crown, dental bridge or removable denture must be placed on it.

There are very few disadvantages of implants, and they can only be called disadvantages conditionally. First of all, this is the high price of treatment, since it includes the installation of implants and the production of prostheses.

For reference: In the process of prosthetics according to the “implant + dental bridge” scheme, at least two doctors are involved - an implant surgeon and an orthopedist.

Another disadvantage of prosthetics on implants is the duration of treatment, if you do not take into account simultaneous or one-stage implantation. Classic surgery most often involves a bone graft or sinus lift, after which a break of several months is required. Only after osseointegration of the bone tissue is completed is it possible to install a dental bridge and other types of prostheses.

Pros of implantation:

  • the integrity of the supporting teeth, since they do not need to be ground;
  • reliability of fixation of titanium dental roots due to the strong “rooting” of the implant in the oral cavity;
  • the comfort of using the bridge is comparable to using your own teeth;
  • durability of prostheses, service life has no restrictions.

It is worth noting that implantation treatment has contraindications, although very few. However, if they are present, you will have to return to installing a dental bridge in the classical way or choose removable prosthetics.

Metal dental bridges: pros, cons

Metal dental bridges can be called an outdated type of bridge prosthesis - they are almost never used in modern dental prosthetics, because the number of their disadvantages significantly outweighs the number of advantages. Dental bridges made of metals and their alloys are too heavy and bulky; their installation causes increased wear and tear on healthy teeth.

In addition, metal dental bridges are not highly aesthetic; when wearing them, a person may constantly feel an unpleasant and pronounced metallic taste in the mouth. The risk of an allergic reaction cannot be excluded. If we talk about the advantages of metal bridges, there are only two of them - maximum strength and low price. Of all types of metal dental bridges, solid dentures will have the highest reliability and durability.

Thanks to casting production technology, such dental bridges have a long service life and are able to flawlessly withstand constant and heavy loads. Dental bridges of this type are recommended for installation in patients with deformation of facial features caused by atrophy of the jaw bone tissue.

Metal dental bridges can be made from different metals and their alloys, including precious metals. Typically, the raw material for the production of metal dental bridges is cobalt-chrome alloy. But gold can also be used. Then the price of the prosthesis will increase, but neither its aesthetics nor the degree of comfort in use will improve. If prosthetics are carried out in the area of ​​​​the front teeth, then dental bridges made of metal ceramics and ceramics can be a much more successful solution; if you need to restore chewing teeth, you can opt for the strongest bridges made of zirconium.

How much does a metal dental bridge cost? The answer to this question will depend on the technology of its production, as well as on the number of crowns in the structure, and the type of metal used to make the prosthesis. For example, if ordinary metal is used and a bridge is made for two dental units using casting technology, the cost of the prosthesis will range from 8 to 9 thousand rubles.

Reasons to contact RUTT

Only contacting a licensed clinic with experienced doctors will help avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary headaches. Only highly qualified doctors work in our RUTT center. The latest equipment, high-quality materials, its own laboratory and research base with high-precision devices. All this guarantees a predictable, excellent result.

We install not only metal-ceramic bridges on teeth, but also perform implantation, including one-stage implantation. Come for a free consultation and the doctor will select the type of prosthetics that is ideal for you. This will include taking into account all your wishes and the estimated budget for dental services.

You can learn more about the cost of prosthetics with a metal-ceramic bridge on our website in the “Prices” section or by calling.

Plastic dental bridges

The main advantage of a plastic dental bridge is its low price. It seems attractive to many people who want to restore lost teeth. However, before making a choice in favor of a budget dental bridge made of plastic, it is worth considering its disadvantages. And there are quite a lot of them. Among the disadvantages of plastic bridges:

  • Low aesthetics. Artificial teeth made of plastic do not have the same beautiful natural shine as natural human teeth;
  • Fragility. Dental bridges made of plastic easily break and are damaged by stress, but they cannot be restored - the broken element will have to be replaced, which implies new costs for prosthetics;
  • Risks of allergic reactions;
  • Over time, a plastic bridge will lose its visual appeal, since the plastic can darken under the influence of various factors. In addition, plastic wears out quite quickly. On average, plastic dentures will have to be replaced every 3-5 years.

Due to the listed disadvantages of plastic bridges, it is better to initially plan more expensive prosthetics using dental bridges made of metal-ceramics, ceramics and zirconium.


No special care is required for a metal-ceramic bridge. Regular brushing with a toothbrush 2 times a day is enough: in the morning and in the evening with the toothpaste selected by the dentist. It is better to be careful with dental floss and use a special dental brush. It is worth paying attention to an irrigator and, if possible, purchasing one for more effective cleaning between teeth and crevices from food debris and plaque.

If you feel pain under the bridge during a hygiene procedure or at any other time, you should urgently visit a dental clinic. There may be secondary caries or an insufficiently cured and treated cavity.

Metal-ceramic dental bridges: optimal price-quality ratio

Metal-ceramic dentures are quite in demand among patients and this is not surprising, because they are not inferior in strength to metal dental bridges, but at the same time have a much more aesthetic appearance. A metal-ceramic bridge achieves high aesthetics due to the fact that its crowns are covered with a layer of ceramic mass. Layer-by-layer application of ceramics onto a metal base allows you to obtain artificial teeth with the same shade as healthy teeth.

IMPORTANT: Despite the good aesthetics, dentists do not recommend choosing metal-ceramic dental bridges for dental prosthetics in the smile area. The fact is that the metal base of such a prosthesis can be quite noticeably visible through the ceramics. To restore the front teeth, it is best to use metal-free dental bridges that have the most natural and aesthetic appearance.

A metal-ceramic dental bridge can be placed both on abutment teeth and on implants. The price of the bridge will depend on the manufacturing technology and the number of units being restored. The average cost of a metal-ceramic bridge for two dental units is 16,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to place a metal-ceramic dental bridge on a patient. Bridges made from this material cannot be used if:

  • Advanced periodontal diseases;
  • For some malocclusion pathologies. If malocclusion is detected, orthodontic treatment is required before installing a metal-ceramic dental bridge;
  • Low natural crown of teeth.

Contraindications to the installation of metal-ceramic bridges are identified at the first stage of prosthetics, during which the patient undergoes examination and diagnosis.

How is production carried out?

According to the manufacturing method, frames are of the following types:

  • cast: created by casting,
  • milled: manufactured using robotic CAD/CAM systems.

Most often, bases made of noble or base metals are created with a thickness of 0.5-0.3 mm. Thinner ones can be coated with a thicker layer of ceramic for better aesthetics. But before making a prosthesis, the patient first undergoes preparation, during which the supporting teeth are depulped and filled. Additionally, they can be strengthened with a pin or stump insert. This way the supports will be more stable under load and will last longer (provided that everything is done correctly). Then impressions are taken from the dentition.

Next, the impressions are sent to a dental laboratory, where a dental technician creates a model of the prosthesis1. A metal base is cast or milled using this model. After which it is covered with several layers of ceramics and then baked at high temperature. The result is a finished product that can be immediately installed on the patient. How long does it take to make a metal-ceramic bridge? Here, a lot depends on the quality of the impressions taken and the workload of the laboratory, but on average you will have to wait 1-2 weeks, and in the meantime you will have to wear a temporary prosthesis (it takes 1 day).

Ceramic dental bridges

Ceramic dental bridges are the best choice if you need to restore the front teeth that fall into the smile area. Dental ceramics is a material that has transparency and light transmission similar to natural tooth enamel, so dentures made from it have the most natural appearance; they are very difficult to distinguish from natural teeth. However, in terms of strength, ceramic bridges will, of course, be inferior to prostheses made of metal and metal-ceramics. The price for a ceramic bridge of 2 units is from 20 thousand rubles.

If, as a result of prosthetics, you want to get both high strength and aesthetics from the prosthesis, then it is worth considering the option of installing a dental bridge made of zirconium dioxide. This material has been used in dentistry relatively recently, and few patients have heard of it. Dental bridges made from high-quality zirconium dioxide are as attractive as ceramic products, and as reliable as metal structures. Moreover, zirconium is such a durable material that it can be used to make a bridge up to 6 dental units long! Another advantage of zirconium dental bridges is their durability - such a prosthesis can serve you flawlessly for 15-20 years! A zirconium bridge will cost more than a ceramic one - about 30,000 rubles per structure to restore 2 teeth.

IMPORTANT: The price of bridges will be influenced by production technology. The most modern technology for manufacturing dental bridges is CAD/CAM, which involves computer modeling of the prosthesis and its subsequent production using special milling equipment. The technology makes it possible to do without human intervention and, therefore, to avoid inaccuracies and errors. The finished prosthesis has high anatomical accuracy, which increases both the comfort of its use and the useful life of the dental bridge.

CAD/CAM Innovation

The price of dental bridges made of pressed ceramics and zirconium depends significantly on the production technology. Today, CAD/CAM technology, which translates to “computer modeling/manufacturing on a robotic milling machine,” is increasingly becoming the choice of doctors and patients.

The innovative CAD/CAM bridge manufacturing technique involves the use of a 3D scanner, software to create a three-dimensional model of the patient’s entire dentofacial apparatus, and a milling machine on which an orthopedic model of future teeth is created.

This technology practically does not require human participation and allows you to avoid many errors and errors in the execution of the prosthesis. At the end, the dental bridge has an ideal anatomical match with the patient’s specified parameters (direction, inclination of teeth, etc.), which ensures maximum wearing comfort and durability.

Thus, the advantages of ceramic dental bridges are:

  • hypoallergenic - both porcelain and zirconium almost never cause allergies, because the materials have a significant similarity in structure to real teeth;
  • impeccable aesthetics of the bridge;
  • bending stability and maintaining the original shape throughout the entire service life;
  • slight tendency to accumulate food plaque in the bridge;
  • low maintenance requirements.

Adhesive dental bridges: what are they and when are they used?

Adhesive dental bridges can be attached to abutment teeth without first grinding them down. For this purpose, special beams, fiberglass tape or wing-shaped fasteners are used. Adhesive dental bridges are used exclusively for the restoration of anterior teeth, but they are not used to restore chewing units, because such prostheses do not have the required degree of strength.

The advantages of adhesive dental bridges include the following qualities:

  • They allow you to carry out the restoration process as quickly as possible;
  • They do not require depulping or preliminary grinding of healthy teeth;
  • Such bridges have good aesthetics;
  • An adhesive bridge does not require complex maintenance and can be easily restored if necessary;
  • The price of prosthetics will be lower than when using bridges made of ceramics, metal-ceramics and zirconium.

However, adhesive dental bridges also have a significant number of disadvantages. In particular, it is worth knowing that they are not distinguished by either high strength or durability. On average, such a prosthesis will have to be changed every 3-4 years. In addition, with adhesive prosthetics, the artificial tooth is built up above the gum, which ultimately leads to atrophy of the jaw bone tissue in the area of ​​the defect.

Concluding the review of the main types of dentures, let’s say that the choice of a specific type of denture should definitely be made together with your doctor. The specialist will take into account the particularities of the clinical case and contraindications and will be able to offer you those options for dental bridges that can solve your problem and suit you in terms of characteristics and price.

Types of metal-ceramic “bridges”

All bridges are based either on natural teeth or on artificial roots - implants. The former are considered classical type prostheses. Constructions installed on natural teeth are much cheaper than dentures on implants. In addition, the treatment process takes place more quickly: there is no need to wait for the completion of the osseointegration process, which takes up to six months. In all other respects, an implant-supported bridge has a clear advantage. This is a more reliable, durable and aesthetic design: implants prevent bone tissue atrophy, and installation of a prosthesis does not require grinding of teeth. Read more about the method in a separate article.

How dental bridges are installed: a detailed overview of the main stages of prosthetics

Dental bridge prosthetics begins with examination and diagnosis. This is a very important stage, as it allows you to eliminate possible contraindications, as well as select the optimal type of dental bridge for a particular patient. At the first stage of treatment, the doctor will examine the oral cavity, you will also be referred to an X-ray of the jaw, and may also be prescribed some general tests. Based on the information collected, a treatment plan is drawn up.

The further process of installing a dental bridge will involve the following steps:

1. Preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics. In order for the installed dental bridge to last for a long time, it is extremely important that the patient’s mouth is free of diseased teeth, inflamed gums, tartar and plaque. Therefore, before prosthetics, it is necessary to treat caries, as well as sanitation of the oral cavity, during which the teeth are thoroughly cleaned of hard and soft dental deposits.

2. Next, teeth are prepared for the installation of a dental bridge. They are subjected to grinding and sometimes depulping.

Depulpation - this term in dentistry refers to the procedure for removing the dental nerve. Why is it needed before installing a dental bridge? The fact is that when grinding some teeth, there is a possibility of overheating of the pulp, which can lead to the development of pulpitis in the future. Therefore, sometimes a decision is made to pre-depulpate teeth before prosthetics with a dental bridge or crown.

3. The doctor takes impressions of the ground teeth, which are sent to the laboratory and where, based on them, first a computer model of the dental bridge is made, and then the prosthesis itself. When the prosthesis is ready, the patient is invited to try it on.

4. If during the fitting of the dental bridge no inaccuracies in its manufacture are revealed, the patient is satisfied with the prosthesis - it is fixed in the oral cavity using special dental cement. After installing a dental bridge, the dentist gives the patient detailed advice on caring for the oral cavity and dentures.

Installation steps

After choosing a patient and a doctor to install a metal-ceramic bridge on the teeth, I proceed to the steps:

  1. Diagnosis
    and treatment of abutment teeth according to indications;
  2. Grinding
    the tops of the teeth to the thickness of the prosthesis (1.2-1.5 mm), if necessary, depulping. Since significant grinding may affect the nerve, it is removed;
  3. An orthopedic doctor takes an impression
    to make individual prostheses (this takes 7-14 days);
  4. Trying on
    the finished prosthesis;
  5. Fixation
    with dental cement.

The finished structure does not always stand up “like original”, then the doctor promptly “adjusts” it.

Can complications occur after installing a dental bridge?

Complications after installing a dental bridge are possible and they can arise both due to the doctor’s mistakes and the patient’s fault, for example, due to failure to follow the recommendations of a specialist in caring for the oral cavity and prosthesis. The most common types of complications are:

1. Inflammation of periodontal tissues after the installation of a bridge. The inflammatory process may occur due to the fact that the bridge design was chosen incorrectly or the patient insisted on installing exactly this type of prosthesis. To avoid such a complication, you should listen to the opinion of a specialist when choosing a dental bridge for prosthetics!

2. Pain when chewing food. This phenomenon after the installation of a dental bridge occurs due to errors in the production of the prosthesis. If you notice discomfort when eating, and it does not go away within a few days, contact the clinic immediately. Inaccuracies in the manufacture of the prosthesis need to be corrected not only because such a bridge is inconvenient to use, but they can lead to rapid destruction of the supporting teeth.

3. Pain in the teeth under the crowns of the installed bridge. This complication can manifest itself due to poor oral hygiene and poor quality of the prosthesis. If the bridge was made with inaccuracies, the crowns will not fit tightly to the supporting teeth, which means that pathogenic microorganisms can easily get into them, which will cause caries and pain in the teeth. In this case, you definitely need to visit the dentist so that the doctor removes the denture and treats caries.

4. Development of pulpitis. This complication occurs when the supporting teeth are improperly prepared for the installation of a dental bridge. If, when grinding a tooth, the doctor allows its tissues and pulp to overheat, an inflammatory process may develop in the future.

These are not all the types of complications that can manifest themselves after installing a dental bridge if you do not follow the recommendations of your doctor or undergo treatment in a bad clinic that does not seek to treat patients, but to make money from them. Therefore, always carefully choose dentistry for your treatment!

Caution: Galvanic Syndrome

It is worth mentioning separately about the so-called galvanic syndrome - the body’s reaction to the presence of metal prostheses in the mouth. These can be not only dental bridges, but also individual crowns, orthodontic appliances, inlays and even fillings with amalgam.

When interacting with saliva, which acts as an electrolyte, a potential difference occurs in the metal with the formation of galvanic currents. This complication manifests itself as a metallic taste in the mouth, dryness, burning, headaches, and sleep disturbances. The dentures themselves may darken.

The development of galvanism requires the resumption of orthopedic treatment with the replacement of a dental bridge made of a more inert metal or dental porcelain.

Important! Factors of increased risk of galvanism are initial defects in dentures, mechanical damage during operation of bridges, changes in the acid-base environment in the mouth to the acidic side due to stomatitis, periodontitis and gastrointestinal pathologies.

After installing dental bridges, other unpleasant consequences are possible. The most important and difficult stage of treatment is the preliminary stage, when planning and choosing the type of dental bridge takes place.

Complications can be caused by:

  • incompletely studied data on the patient’s health in general and the oral cavity in particular;
  • incorrect interpretation of x-rays;
  • insufficient x-ray studies;
  • inattentive approach to customer complaints and wishes.

The listed shortcomings of the doctor are a serious mistake and often lead to serious complications after orthopedic treatment with the installation of dental bridges.

What to do if the installed dental bridge begins to wobble?

If you suddenly feel that the dental bridge installed for you has begun to wobble, contact the dentist immediately! There are several reasons why this phenomenon may occur:

1. One or two supporting teeth are broken.

2. The composition used for the final fixation of the dental bridge in the oral cavity has deteriorated.

You cannot determine the reason why the dental bridge suddenly began to wobble on your own; you need professional diagnostics. When you come to the clinic, the doctor will conduct an examination and also prescribe an X-ray that will allow you to assess the condition of the supporting teeth and their roots and find out exactly why the dental bridge no longer holds firmly in the oral cavity.

In any case, to secure the dental bridge, it will have to be removed. There are no other ways to secure the structure in the oral cavity, and we strongly recommend that you do not follow advice from the Internet on securing dentures with glue and other compounds. This can lead to the most negative consequences - the development of a severe allergic reaction, inflammation and burns of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Metal-ceramic bridges are ideal for chewing teeth. The products are durable and in these places they serve regularly throughout their entire life;
  • are quite aesthetic, matched to the tone of the row;
  • affordable price (implant-based ones are more expensive);
  • reliability;
  • speed of installation;
  • easy care;
  • good service life - 7-10 years, with support for implants from 15 years.


  • The need for grinding of supporting teeth and depulping, the tooth becomes fragile, therefore, bearing a large load;
  • It is not recommended to place it on the front teeth, because metal tends to show through ceramics, this spoils the aesthetics, and over time a blue stripe appears at the junction of the gum and the edge of the prosthesis (to prevent this, dentists make a ledge when turning and use metal-ceramics with shoulder mass);
  • metal can cause allergies (noble metals are less common), oxidizes from contact with saliva;
  • abrasion of adjacent teeth from contact with metal;
  • There are options with a longer service life.

What to do if a dental bridge falls out?

There can be only one answer to this question - contact the dentist as soon as possible! A dental bridge may fall out due to the destruction of supporting teeth, due to the fact that its service life has expired.

You should not forget about the service life of a dental bridge; each type of denture has its own useful life, after which it is recommended to replace it with a new product. If you promptly monitor the condition of your dental bridge, as well as regularly undergo dental examinations and professional oral hygiene, you are guaranteed not to encounter the problem of the prosthesis falling out.

Types of bridge structures

Metal-ceramic bridges are only permanent (there are no temporary ones). These are permanent structures, i.e. The dentist fixes them, but the patient cannot (and should not) remove them. Crowns are usually attached to special cement, and when installed on implants, they can be fixed with small screws.

For a traditional bridge (metal-ceramic or any other), at least 1 abutment tooth is required on both sides of the empty space. But there are also cantilever bridges, which are fixed on 1-2 supports only on one side of the empty area. However, they often cause dislocation of the supporting tooth, so they are not recommended for installation. Adhesive prostheses, known as Maryland (Bonded) Bridge, are not made from metal ceramics.

There are also 2 methods of processing the lower part of supporting metal-ceramic crowns. In the classic version, a thin strip of metal remains under the gum, not covered with ceramics. But there is an even more “advanced” option - crowns on the shoulder mass, when the edges of the crowns in the area of ​​​​contact with the gum and tooth stump are covered with a layer of ceramics. This eliminates the risk of allergies and does not cause “blueness” of the gums.

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If such a nuisance does happen and your dental bridge falls out, do not delay your visit to the doctor. Grinded teeth are extremely vulnerable to the action of bacteria and an inflammatory process may occur, which will force the removal of diseased dental units. And whether it will be possible to build a bridge then is unknown. Because bridges require supporting teeth or must be placed on implants!

You should also urgently contact a dental clinic if the tooth under the bridge hurts or swelling appears on the gum above the installed denture. Self-medication will not help here, because all these signs indicate an inflammatory process in the supporting teeth, the development of which can only be stopped by professional treatment.

Prices for prosthetics

The presence of our own dental laboratory in our clinic significantly reduces the time required for prosthetics!

Plastic crown (temporary)PC.1000 rub.
Solid crownPC.3600 rub.
Metal-ceramic crownPC.6000 rub.
Metal-ceramic crown on an implantPC.15,000 rub.
Zirconium oxide crown for implantPC.16,000 rub.
Crown based on zirconium oxidePC.13000 rub.
EndocrownPC.12000 rub.
Pressed ceramic crownPC.14,000 rub.
Stump tabPC.3600 rub.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of dental bridges are numerous. It costs to install a bridge:

  • To prevent jaw bone atrophy
  • To prevent the displacement of adjacent teeth by closing the free space
  • To prevent tooth decay and gum disease caused by food accumulation in areas where teeth are missing
  • For immobilization of teeth in periodontopathies
  • To restore the aesthetics and functionality of the dentition

However, the need to prepare healthy teeth adjacent to the defect is a major disadvantage of bridges, so for many patients, implants that do not require intervention on healthy teeth are a more practical solution. Implants are fixed in the bones of the upper or lower jaw and single crowns or bridges consisting of several crowns are installed on them.

Disadvantages of plastic crowns –

The main reason for the short service life of plastic crowns is their significantly lower strength (compared to any other types of crowns), as well as the high rate of abrasion of the chewing surface. As a result, with prolonged use there is a high risk of fractures and cracks in the frame of plastic crowns. Plastic crowns made of PMMA have higher strength (about 130 MPa, which is comparable to the strength of crowns made of feldspathic ceramics).

The patient can warn the doctor in advance that for some reason he plans to wear temporary crowns for longer than expected (for example, several months or more). In this case, the doctor will probably suggest that you make temporary crowns with reinforced fiberglass or with a frame made of metal mesh, or again, from PMMA. But you need to be prepared that the cost of each such crown will be 2000-3000 rubles more - compared to a regular plastic crown.

How long can you walk with temporary crowns? In general, walking for more than 1 month with temporary plastic crowns (made from ordinary acrylic plastic by direct or laboratory methods) is not recommended. Firstly, they have a rather negative effect on the gums around the crown, promoting the development of inflammation in it. Secondly, they have a fairly low manufacturing accuracy and may not fit tightly around the neck of the tooth, which can lead to saliva and bacteria getting under the crown and rotting of the tooth tissue.

The mechanical strength of a temporary plastic crown will depend on its thickness. For example, for metal-ceramics, the tooth is ground on all sides by an average of 1.5-2.0 mm, and in this case the plastic crown on the tooth is thick and strong enough to last for quite a long time (however, if you plan to wear such crowns for six months and more - in any case, their frame needs to be additionally reinforced). For a ceramic crown, the tooth is ground down only 1.0-1.5 mm, and therefore a temporary crown on a tooth of this thickness will last only a very short time.

Disadvantages of acrylic plastic crowns

  • low strength,
  • rapid abrasion of the chewing surface as a result of friction against antagonist teeth,
  • plastic is capable of absorbing odors, and therefore after a while begins to emit an unpleasant odor and taste,
  • plastic is capable of absorbing dyes, and with prolonged use it acquires a dirty gray color,
  • plastic has pores that are gradually colonized by bacteria and subsequently serve as a source of infection,
  • chemical components of plastic can cause allergic reactions,
  • with prolonged contact with the gums, plastic crowns contribute to the development of inflammation in it,
  • temporary crowns, as a rule, have a fairly low accuracy of fit to the neck of the tooth, which, with prolonged use of crowns, can lead to the onset of rotting of the tooth tissue,
  • plastic crowns are not suitable for permanent prosthetics also because the supporting teeth under them must be subjected to very strong grinding (in order to make the walls of the crown thicker and stronger).

Important: in some cases, the safety margin of plastic crowns can last quite a long time - from 1 to 2 years (for example, if they were made of PMMA, or the frame was additionally reinforced). But in any case, we still do not recommend using plastic crowns for more than 3 months, because... even the best of them cannot be a replacement for permanent crown options (for example, ceramic or metal-ceramic).

The highest quality plastic crowns, which also fit the necks of the ground teeth as accurately as possible, can only be manufactured using CAD/CAM technology, which involves milling on a computer-controlled machine. In addition, if we are talking about a temporary crown on an implant (especially in the anterior areas of the dentition), it is better to choose only milled plastic crowns with screw fixation.

Cost of fixed prosthetics

Dental bridgePrice, rub.)Additional Information
Metal-ceramic8850/11850/14850For three units
Zirconium40500For three units
Prettau ceramic bridges40500For three units

Dentistry of Amazing Prices offers patients the most favorable conditions for prosthetic bridges in the absence of teeth in a row. Study the cost of dental bridges in the price list on the dentistry website, taking into account the selected material and the number of crowns in the prosthesis. We are confident that our prices and quality of dental service will please absolutely everyone!

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