Turnkey dental implantation: all about how to save on treatment

Prices at Doctor Zhuravlev Clinic

Plastic crown (temporary)PC.1000 rub.
Solid crownPC.3600 rub.
Metal-ceramic crownPC.6000 rub.
Metal-ceramic crown on an implantPC.15,000 rub.
Zirconium oxide crown for implantPC.16,000 rub.
Crown based on zirconium oxidePC.13000 rub.
Partial removable denturePC.14,000 rub.
Complete removable denturePC.16,000 rub.
Nylon prosthesis for 1 jawPC.30,000 rub.
Nylon prosthesis with a metal base for 1 jawPC.33,000 rub.
Clasp prosthesisPC.36,000 rub.
Surgery to install an Astra Tech implant (Sweden) (the cost of the implant is paid separately)PC.20,000 rub.

Many of us have had to lose permanent teeth - completely or partially. When only the visible – crown – part of the tooth is destroyed, dentists do not consider this “unit” lost, because even on the remaining root, restoration can be carried out using a core tab and a crown. But it also happens that a tooth must be removed, and then it will have to be replaced with an artificial one. Is it mandatory to insert teeth if they are not visible and their absence does not spoil the smile? Without restoration of the dentition, degradation processes may begin:

  • it becomes more difficult to chew food;
  • teeth, due to uneven load, may shift towards the removed root (if the root remains but the upper part of the tooth is missing, then this does not happen);
  • the bone tissue of the jaw begins to gradually dissolve in the place where the tooth is missing, as it does not receive adequate load;
  • facial features are distorted.

That is why, after extraction, the clinic will always offer you to insert teeth, and which ones are better is up to you and your doctor to decide. You should proceed from your financial capabilities, and the doctor should look at what method of prosthetics is indicated for you.

Which crown to choose

Most of all, patients are interested in the cost of crowns and their aesthetics. Of course, you can choose a prosthesis yourself, focusing on your financial capabilities and ideas about beauty. But it is better if a doctor does this. Before starting the restoration of the dentition, the dentist evaluates the condition of the root system, gums, mucous membrane, tissues of the root part and cervical area. When choosing a prosthetic method, it is important to exclude all contraindications. They differ depending on the method of tooth restoration. The most serious are diseases of the immune system, oncology, uncompensated diabetes mellitus and periodontal inflammation. The doctor’s task is to choose the safest prosthetic option for the patient and the one that best suits the clinical picture.

How to insert teeth: methods used today

Everyone is interested in which teeth are best to insert, what materials are used for this, and how long will you have to wait until the dentures or crowns are ready? More inquisitive patients ask: are wisdom teeth prosthetic? It all depends on the specific case. If, for example, you need to insert three teeth – the 5th, 6th and 7th, then the 8th tooth may well become the supporting one. But if only the wisdom tooth itself is lost, then it does not need to be replaced. If a removable prosthesis of chewing teeth is made, then, as a rule, there are no “eights” in it: this is justified, since the amount of work of the dental technician is reduced and, accordingly, the patient’s costs are reduced. The remaining teeth - canines, incisors, molars - are definitely subject to prosthetics.

There are several ways to insert teeth:

  1. Make a removable denture based on natural or implanted teeth.
  2. Replace a missing tooth with an implant.
  3. Place a bridge supported by an implant or natural teeth.
  4. Install a clasp prosthesis.
  5. Create a removable denture supported by soft tissue and mucous membrane with complete edentia.

There are also several materials from which crowns and artificial teeth are made. They vary significantly in cost, which allows you to choose prosthetic options for different budgets.

All modern methods of restoring lost teeth

Just 20 - 30 years ago, metal teeth in the front part of the jaw were not considered something shameful. Moreover, many dreamed of inserting gold teeth, since a golden smile was associated with wealth. Today, dental treatment is technologically advanced, effective and painless, and there are many more ways to insert teeth. Despite the variety of dental services, it is very important for the patient to find good dentistry and a competent specialist who will provide professional assistance. There are hundreds of reviews online where people complain that their teeth were inserted poorly or that the inserted tooth hurts. Unfortunately, such consequences are not uncommon, and their elimination requires repeated treatment and additional costs.

All prosthetic methods are divided into two types: single restoration and complex prosthetics (when you need to replace several lost units or insert complete teeth). Single restoration in most cases is carried out using special inlays (veneers or lumineers) and crowns that are installed on natural teeth or implants. When several teeth are lost or completely edentulous, bridges or removable dentures are used, supported by implants, natural teeth or the oral mucosa. Let's look at these designs in more detail and start with regular dental crowns.

  1. Metal-ceramic teeth
    The crown is based on a metal frame, onto which layers of ceramic are applied under the influence of high temperatures. Such designs are relatively inexpensive and are used for prosthetics of front teeth. Metal tends to oxidize, so over time a bluish outline may form around the gums, which has a bad effect on aesthetics.
  2. Ceramic tooth
    These crowns are indistinguishable from natural teeth. Modern ceramics are installed both on the anterior units and on the chewing teeth. The price of ceramic crowns is perhaps their only drawback. The cost of such products is higher than that of similar structures using a metal base. This is why not every patient can afford to have a ceramic tooth inserted.
  3. Zirconium teeth
    Today, zirconium dioxide crowns are considered the best of similar designs available on the market. They are as durable as metal crowns, and in aesthetics they are not inferior to ceramic structures. With the help of zirconium crowns, teeth are successfully inserted in any area of ​​the jaw, but when planning to restore lost units, take into account the fairly high cost of such crowns.

Is it expensive to get teeth inserted?

Unfortunately, if you expect to receive the services of an orthopedic dentist under your insurance policy, then you will not be able to do this. Of course, if you belong to preferential categories of citizens, then you can use such medical care for free or receive substantial compensation. In other cases, you can only count on a tax deduction. Therefore, there is no big difference whether you go to a private or public dental clinic. Sometimes even commercial medical institutions hold promotions that will make prosthetics cheaper for you.

Choosing where to get treatment

You can choose a dental clinic based on price level, but you just need to make sure that they can help you there. Sometimes it happens that someone’s teeth were inserted poorly, after which complications arose or the result turned out to be unaesthetic. Typically, such patients leave unflattering reviews about a medical institution or a specific doctor. They also write where they went next, and where they managed to fix everything. However, you should not completely rely on these reviews. After all, if a person writes and does not know what kind of doctor he is who inserts teeth, what his specialty is called, then is it worth trusting such assessments? Anyone who actually underwent treatment knows for sure that he consulted an orthopedist or orthodontist, that the prosthesis was made by a dental technician - and this is a different specialist, and that the preparatory work was done by a dental therapist. In small clinics, a doctor can combine the work of an orthopedist and a therapist, but never also act as a dental technician!

So it’s always better to rely on the choice of your friends rather than on the opinion of a stranger who left a review on the site. Such a person could be hired by competitors to ruin the reputation of the dental clinic.

Studying price lists

After choosing a clinic, you need to understand how much it costs to insert a tooth, what are the prices per “unit” for a particular method. The cheapest option would be a removable plastic prosthesis, the most expensive would be an implant. If you need to insert a tooth using this method, the price may be quite reasonable, but if you need to insert the teeth completely, then it is better to use the “all on 4” method. In this case, only four implants are installed, onto which the entire jaw structure is attached. This not only makes the procedure cheaper, but also reduces time costs.

If you need to replace several teeth, you can use clasp or bridge structures. They are much cheaper than implants, but they will not protect you completely from loss of bone tissue.

What teeth can be inserted to make them look like real ones?

Today, dentists have practically abandoned metal crowns and dentures in the visible part of the dentition. Among the materials from which dental crowns and dentures are made are zirconium dioxide, ceramics, metal ceramics, and plastic. Ceramic and zirconium dentures are most similar to real teeth, but they are expensive. Plus, porcelain (ceramics) does not have the proper strength for a chewing tooth. Typically, those artificial teeth that bear high loads are made of metal ceramics, metal or zirconium dioxide. Metal is used where teeth are not visible in the smile area, and the patient should not be allergic to this material. Zirconium crowns are expensive and therefore not available to everyone. That is why metal ceramics are the most common at the moment. It has one drawback: the necks of the teeth have a metal strip, which can be noticeable, especially if it oxidizes. Overall, this material is durable and aesthetically pleasing. So, if you have a relatively small budget, it’s worth choosing it.

If you have very little money, then which teeth are best to insert so that the prices do not seem exorbitant? In this situation, you can count on temporary plastic prostheses. They can be made either as removable ones, or as full-fledged crowns on stump inlays or a bridge. The service life of plastic is short, but while wearing such prostheses you can save up for a better option. This is especially true when you need to completely insert teeth.

Ceramic (metal-free) crowns: overview of types, performance properties and prices

The main difference between such crowns and metal-ceramic analogues is that they are produced without a cast metal alloy frame and this gives two advantages at once: high aesthetics and the possibility of using crowns in patients with allergies to metals. The aesthetic and most natural appearance is ensured by the translucency of the ceramic; according to this property, the material will be almost identical to natural tooth enamel.

USEFUL TO KNOW: Opaque ceramic masses are used for veneering metal-ceramic crowns, and therefore the finished crown will look somewhat unnatural.

Ceramic crowns can be made from zirconium dioxide or E.max glass ceramics. Both crown materials have high levels of transparency and therefore products made from them will look natural and visually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

How long does it take to insert teeth?

Is it possible to get teeth inserted in one day so that you don’t have the reputation of a gap-toothed person? If you use modern methods of inserting teeth, you can get quick results. However, a lot depends on the condition of your oral cavity. She needs to be prepared for prosthetics. It is this stage that most often takes a lot of time. Before you insert teeth, they need to be made, and this takes time, because the prosthesis is made individually, based on a cast of your jaw.

Inserting temporary teeth in one visit is quite possible. At least you will not remain toothless for the period while your permanent denture is being made. If the task is not to replace the removed “unit”, but only to insert 1 tooth that is badly damaged, then you will have to visit the dental office several times. For example, you will have a ceramic tooth inserted, but before that:

  • heal the root;
  • the remains of the coronal part will be removed;
  • they will take an impression of the stump inlay;
  • they will make it;
  • will install;
  • the impression will be taken again;
  • a crown will be made;
  • will carry out a fitting;
  • They will install a crown or return it to the dental technician for revision.

Here is the answer to the question: how many days does it take to insert teeth? From one day to several weeks, if we are talking about restoring a tooth from which a strong root remains. But how then are teeth inserted if there is no root? If bridge prosthetics is performed, then you can limit yourself to one impression, but it is unlikely that you will be able to insert teeth without turning the supporting “units”. And preparing teeth also takes time. So in this situation, one visit is not enough.

Today, more and more often there are proposals to insert teeth in one day and even put an immediate load on the implant, whereas previously it was believed that this titanium element must still take root in the human bone tissue before an abutment and crown are installed on it. And this sometimes took several months. What may have changed in technology to allow immediate loading of implants is worth exploring in more detail.

Modeling a solid crown

A more durable prosthetic option is to install a solid crown made of cobalt-chrome alloy. As the name implies, they are cast completely, and not in parts, like stamped ones. An undeniable advantage of a cast crown is the absence of solder joints, which makes it especially durable. It fits tightly to the ground tooth, preventing the cement from dissolving and reducing the risk of food getting under it. Wearing period is 15-20 years.

Modeling a solid crown includes several stages:

  1. Tooth preparation. From 0.3 to 0.5 mm of tissue is sanded off.
  2. Making impressions, including adjacent and opposing teeth.
  3. Creating a wax cap using the stretching method.
  4. Casting the prosthesis.
  5. Metal surface treatment. Fitting, finishing, polishing.

Types of solid crown

Nowadays, several types of solid crowns are installed in the dentist’s office:

  • Without spraying, these are ordinary crowns of a metallic color.
  • Sprayed. If the patient is not satisfied with the low level of aesthetics, at his request, the crowns can be coated with a coating that imitates gold.
  • With lining. Crowns lined with ceramics are even more aesthetically pleasing. Their front part is covered with a ceramic lining. If you have just such a prosthesis installed, be careful when eating, as ceramics tend to chip.
  • Combined. With combined prosthetics, some of the crowns are veneered with ceramics, and the rest, which are not visible when smiling, are installed without veneering.

How to insert a dental implant

Indeed, it can take six months for an implant to heal. But if prosthetics are done in the smile area, then the patient is given a temporary orthopedic structure that covers the defect. It turns out that the proposal to insert teeth in one day actually means eliminating an aesthetic problem rather than returning a person to the ability to chew food as before.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the installation of the implant is done in one visit. This operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the question of whether it is painful to insert a dental implant is unnecessary. How long does it take to insert teeth if you need to replace several lost units in a row? It is better to install implants right away, so as not to drag out the prosthetic process for a long time. However, if the patient has already had an implant installed, but then there is a need for prosthetics for another tooth, then each of these units can be treated separately. It all depends on the specific case.

Gold crowns

Gold crowns are not installed in every dentistry - working with precious metals requires a special license, which is quite difficult to obtain. Moreover, the cost of a finished gold crown is equal to the price of a more aesthetic ceramic crown, so it is unlikely that you will be able to save money on installing gold dentures.

The price of a gold crown will be calculated as follows: the price of the precious metal in grams is added to the cost of manufacturing the prosthesis. The total amount of precious metal that goes into the production of the crown is taken into account. How much metal is required is a difficult question to answer; it all depends on the tooth, its position in the row, and the anatomical features of the structure.

How long does it take to insert teeth after extraction?

Usually the doctor lets the hole heal and only then takes on prosthetics. After all, it is not always possible to insert a tooth in place of a removed one right away. An exception may be new technologies that allow an implant to be installed directly into the hole. But we are talking only about it, and not about the complete structure. Often such operations are performed under general anesthesia. Teeth can be inserted under anesthesia for those patients who are afraid of the dental office, even if there are no other indications other than psychological ones.

Where is it cheaper to get implantation – in the capital or in the regions?

The cost of implantation varies in different cities. This is mainly due to different levels of rent and standard of living in general, but in fact, it all depends on the clinic, and not on its location. In small towns you can find clinics whose services are much more expensive than in a number of Moscow clinics. In many ways, the difference in prices for implantation depends not on geography, but on the qualifications of the doctor, the policy of the clinic, the level of equipment in each clinic, and so on. Therefore, there is no direct dependence of price on the location of the clinic.

Does it hurt to put teeth in?

It is impossible to say that it is possible to insert ceramic teeth so that the patient does not experience discomfort at any stage. Any prosthesis cannot be made perfectly right away, so it must be adjusted. And if a chewing tooth is inserted incorrectly, it can touch soft tissue when a person chews or even talks. Sometimes even a patient can come and start complaining that after he had a tooth inserted, it hurts. On the one hand, this may seem funny, since an artificial structure cannot hurt on its own. On the other hand, this is a reason to pay attention to the condition of soft tissues, because they are the ones that can hurt and become inflamed. If the prosthesis is made on an inlay, that is, with a real tooth root, then there may be options for the development of periostitis and other inflammatory processes. It is enough for the infection to get into the canal at the root, and the body may not be able to cope with it on its own.

Not only a ceramic tooth can be inserted unsuccessfully, but also a plastic or metal-ceramic one. If possible, the doctor should adjust such a prosthesis on the day of installation so that the patient does not experience pain. The most difficult thing is with removable dentures, as they require long-term correction. Initially, the installation of this orthopedic structure does not cause discomfort, but it may appear later, when the patient has already left the office.

Such dentures rub the gums, so they have to be ground down, and it is not always possible to identify all the problem areas the first time, so that a person feels with the removable structure as with his own teeth. But this is a good way to insert teeth on a limited budget.

Damage to a metal crown

In some cases, a metal crown can cause harm:

  • After its installation, galvanic syndrome may develop. This is caused by the use of several alloys to make the orthopedic structure. The combination of differently charged metals leads to the generation of galvanic current. A metallic taste, swelling and burning in the mouth, headaches, sleep disturbances, and malaise appear.
  • A stamped crown is not made from individual impressions, so it is not suitable for fully recreating the functions of a living tooth.
  • It does not fit tightly to the tooth, forming a gap between the walls into which food debris gets trapped. Therefore, healthy tissue can begin to rot underneath it.
  • A one-piece prosthesis has high thermal conductivity. Therefore, if it was installed on a non-pulpless tooth, unpleasant sensations may occur when eating hot food.

Where can I get quality teeth inserted?

If you need prosthetics, it is better to choose a clinic where they do it efficiently. If you don’t have someone who can recommend a doctor or medical institution, then you should go to the website of the clinic that interests you. If it describes in detail how, for example, to insert teeth made of zirconium or metal-ceramics, then this is already a plus. If there is information about specialists, photographs of dentists and dental technicians, then this inspires even more confidence, and when there are one or several pages with certificates - both of the organization and of the doctors - this is the best option. If you still doubt that this is a clinic where they can insert high-quality teeth, then you can call and make an appointment with a doctor. This way you will form an impression of the doctor and understand whether you can be treated by him. After all, personal contact between the doctor and the patient also decides a lot.

Crowns on implants

The price of implant crowns will largely depend on the material used to make the crown and abutment. Typically the following options are selected:

  • Metal-ceramic crown + titanium abutment. The price of a crown will be 15 thousand rubles per tooth;
  • Zirconium crown and zirconium abutment. The price of a crown starts from 25 thousand rubles.

Of course, prices for crowns on implants are higher, but the high cost in this type of prosthetics is due to the more complex process of making crowns.
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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

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