How much does it cost to have fangs done by a dentist and what does the price depend on?

Some people use the services of a dentist to change their appearance. The procedure for extending fangs is popular. Adding fangs to healthy teeth allows you to create a vampire look. Before extensions, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and possible consequences. You should first weigh all the pros and cons.

Why canine extensions are performed, indications

Any adult has four fangs in his mouth - two at the top and two at the bottom. Visually, they are practically no different from other teeth. Some young people, fans of mysticism and the aesthetics of vampirism, turn to the dentist for fang extensions. The procedure allows them to bring their image closer to that of a vampire.

There are also certain medical indications for canine extensions. Only a dentist can prescribe such extensions. The technique is safe and can be performed by almost anyone. There are several ways to lengthen teeth, in most cases the direct method is used. The length of the extended tooth should not exceed 4 mm. It should be taken into account that an elongated tooth in the mouth can create discomfort and there is a risk of injury to the mucous membrane.

Indications for the procedure:

  • therapy - extensions are carried out in case of chips or damage to the crown;
  • aesthetic goal - whether there is a need to change the size or shape of the tooth;
  • orthopedics - extension is carried out when a tooth is completely destroyed and needs to be restored.

The choice of augmentation technique depends on the indications.

Why is the procedure needed?

The canine augmentation procedure can relate to three different areas of dentistry:

  1. Therapeutic - for various damage to the coronal part, from minor chips to the breaking off of almost a third of its part - up to 30%. The measures taken are within the framework of direct therapeutic methods.
  2. Aesthetic – when it is necessary to correct the shape of the crown part or slightly change its size to correct the appearance of the dentition in order to improve the aesthetics of the smile. This also includes the extension of “vampire fangs”.
  3. Orthopedic – in this case, the extension will be a complete restoration of significant damage to the upper part of the tooth.

Each area uses its own methods to achieve the goal of growth. You should know that among the indications for artistic restoration of canines (as well as other teeth in the “smile zone”) there are several basic ones.

Along with the deterioration of aesthetic appearance, there is a desire to decorate oneself by creating artificial fangs of a size and shape unusual for humans.

In addition, restoration of the functions of the canine in the dental system can be carried out after partial (up to 30%) damage using composites, as well as by installing a crown of the required shape and size in case of its complete destruction.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fang extensions have certain advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of the technique:

  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of full restoration - restored fangs become natural;
  • no load on neighboring teeth;
  • the ability to choose a shade;
  • painlessness - there are no discomfort during canine extensions;
  • the opportunity to change the image.


  • high price - often due to the need for additional procedures;
  • the possibility of redistributing the load during chewing, which will lead to damage to other teeth;
  • risk of injury to the oral cavity due to a canine broken during chewing;
  • unpredictability of expectations from the procedure - some patients are pleased with their fangs for a short period of time;
  • impossibility of tooth extension in the presence of a partially damaged root.

What could be the motivation?

Fangs can be extended or restored for dental reasons or for beauty.
For medical purposes, canine extensions are necessary for the following purposes:

  • the enamel is damaged or has microcracks;
  • the tooth has damage from deep caries or the hard tissue has suffered mechanical damage;
  • the tooth wears out with age;
  • for defects that cannot be corrected aesthetically;
  • There is pronounced pigmentation on the enamel.

In order to improve (change) their appearance, each person makes an independent decision about the advisability of growing fangs.

Over the past few years, this procedure has only gained popularity. Patients are confident that restoration of certain teeth can correct their facial expression and make their smile more mysterious and unusual. They are confident that they will acquire a certain charm and novelty.

In most cases, manipulations on the fangs are performed only for decorative aesthetics.


Fang extensions are not recommended in the following cases:

  • severe abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • signs of periodontitis;
  • defects in the root region;
  • malocclusion - shifting the load during chewing can lead to excess pressure on individual elements;
  • failure to comply with oral hygiene rules;
  • allergic reactions to materials used in extensions.

Ignoring contraindications can lead to serious damage to the chewing teeth. Before the procedure, it is recommended to eliminate all of the listed defects.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

In most cases, canine extensions are an aesthetic need. Only in rare cases is such a procedure necessary for medical reasons and it is carried out using artificial material. In many cases, it is simply necessary to restore the appearance of the tooth.

Vampire fangs are a tribute to fashion; they are common in some subcultures among young people.

What does reconstruction give:

  • aesthetic indicators increase, the smile becomes natural, snow-white and beautiful;
  • durability of materials;
  • the ability to completely restore a tooth, even if some part is missing, the main requirement is the presence of a healthy root and the presence of bone tissue in the required volume;
  • you can change your smile, appearance and image.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • high cost of the procedure;
  • there is no one hundred percent guarantee for a long-term result; the fang can break due to improper care or when chewing hard food;
  • The procedure cannot be carried out if the root is slightly damaged.

What do extended fangs look like for girls and guys in real life:


Extension of fangs requires preliminary preparation. Preparatory procedures are divided into preliminary (optional) and immediate (mandatory).

Preparation may include the following procedures:

  1. Professional cleaning of tartar, plaque and dirt. The procedure allows you to set the actual shade of enamel for choosing a material. The specialist must take into account the different colors of the base and edges of the tooth.
  2. Treatment of caries is a mandatory procedure.
  3. Taking impressions allows you to determine the best tooth shape.
  4. Canine preparation is carried out before applying the composite material. The procedure ensures tight fixation of the composite on the tissue. The part being built up will receive additional thickness.
  5. Grinding of hard tissues - allows you to give the tooth a natural shape. Care is taken during the procedure to avoid damage to the internal layers and eliminate pigmented areas of dentin.

Detailed description of the technology

First of all, it should be said that all stages that involve working directly with teeth (preparation, further etching) are carried out after local anesthesia.

Therefore, the extension procedure is painless for the patient . The only inconvenience is the need to keep your mouth open for a long time.

The sequence is:

  • The previously described canine preparation can also be considered part of the augmentation technology.
  • After this, you should use special materials to isolate the surfaces to be treated from moisture .
  • Next, so-called conditioning - the process of etching the prepared surface in order to create roughness, which subsequently ensures strong adhesion of living tissues and the composite.
    Etching is carried out using phosphoric acid.
  • One of the main technological stages in extensions is the application of bonding systems , which will become a connecting component between the restoration material and the tooth.
    These systems consist of two components: a primer with hydrophilic properties, which penetrates the dentin to form a bond, and an adhesive.
  • This is followed by direct extension , that is, layer-by-layer application of the composite material (the shade is selected in advance) and its subsequent polymerization using exposure to light rays of certain characteristics.
  • The finishing touches to the procedure are made by grinding with abrasive discs and burs to give the desired shape, as well as polishing with a special paste to obtain a natural shine on the surface.
  • They also resort to finishing highlighting for final hardening.

The use of forced photopolymerization, when the material acquires the necessary strength, also helps to somewhat compensate for the possible shrinkage of the composite in the range from 0.5 to 1.5 mm.

Extension methods

There are several ways to grow fangs in dentistry. The choice depends on the condition of the teeth, clinical picture, and patient preferences.

Direct method

The direct method of extension is the most gentle. All manipulations are carried out directly in the patient’s oral cavity. The composite material is applied to the teeth in layers. The final stage is grinding and polishing. The selection of parameters is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the dentofacial apparatus. The procedure is similar to nail extensions. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 2 hours. It is worth noting that fangs grown with reflective material do not darken over time and are compatible with living tissues. Stages of extension:

  • turning of hard tissues - the procedure allows you to create the shape of a fang;
  • surface insulation - latex fabric with a hole for the fang will help prevent moisture from entering;
  • enamel conditioning - increases the adhesion strength of composites to the tooth;
  • application of adhesive systems - ensures a strong connection of composite materials with dentin.
  • layer-by-layer application of the composite - it all depends on the desired shape and degree of tooth destruction;
  • grinding and polishing;
  • highlighting - the procedure accelerates the hardening process of the composite.

When using composite materials for restoration, you should be aware of certain features of the technique. The degree of porosity may exceed the porosity of tooth enamel. This requires two precautions. First of all, for several days after the procedure, you should avoid eating foods and drinks with coloring components in their composition. The second mandatory condition is professional hygiene twice a year. Thorough polishing will help preserve the original shade of the fangs.


Veneers are ultra-thin overlays that are attached to the teeth from the front. Their thickness is 0.5 mm. Overlays allow you to correct darkened enamel, defects, chips, diastemas, cracks. After their installation, the teeth take on the desired shape. The procedure is carried out after grinding down the enamel layer, thereby ensuring strong adhesion. Veneers are either composite or laboratory-made. The service life of the plates reaches 101-5 years. Stages:

  • grinding down the enamel - a specialist applies special grooves to fix the onlays on the teeth;
  • preparation of casts;
  • installation of temporary plastic overlays;
  • installation of permanent veneers using cement.

Composite veneers are created in one session in the dental chair. The material is applied in layers. The second method is less durable; such veneers require regular polishing.


Lumineers are ultra-thin overlays. Their installation does not require preliminary preparation of the tooth. Dental porcelain with minerals is used in the manufacture of plates. Overlays allow you to hide color defects and blemishes. And it can be removed, no need to grind off the enamel. The installation procedure only takes a couple of procedures. At the first visit, the patient is examined, the dentist listens to the patient’s wishes and offers options. The impression taken is sent to the laboratory. Next time, the doctor installs ready-made lumineers on a previously cleaned tooth.

Stump tab

Fang augmentation is also carried out in case of a damaged tooth. When restoring a tooth that has broken away from the base, it is recommended to use a core inlay. Metal alloys, zirconium dioxide, ceramics, and plastic are used in manufacturing. Ceramics and zirconium have excellent characteristics. They look great, are durable, and do not destroy surrounding tissue. When making core inlays, individual parameters are taken into account; everything depends on the shape of the tooth being restored. The dimensions should not exceed the size of the teeth; a composite is applied on top or a crown is fixed. The recovery procedure takes up to a month. Stages of installing the stump tab:

  • removal of damaged tissue, expansion of channels;
  • taking an impression for the inlay;
  • installation of the structure using dental glue;
  • creating a layout for the crown;
  • fitting, choice of color for crowns;
  • coating application;
  • fixation of the finished crown.

Artificial crowns

Prosthetics is the most radical method. The patient should be warned that there is no reversal after the crowns are installed. The method is labor-intensive; extensive tissue preparation is first carried out. Artificial crowns are made taking into account the characteristics of the dental system. Crowns can be installed on ground teeth, pins, stump inlays. Stages of making fangs:

  1. At the initial stage, an impression is made. Based on this, a specialist works in laboratory conditions to create a fang. Gypsum is used as a test material.
  2. Trying on, adjusting the layout, sending the cast for revision if necessary.
  3. Installation of a temporary structure for 2 weeks.
  4. Choice of material - the artificial tooth is made of zirconium dioxide, metal ceramics. The first option is in great demand due to its strength, wear resistance, and aesthetics.
  5. Making a new crown and fixing it with cement.

Do-it-yourself fangs, molded from plastic

Another way to make fangs with your own hands is using plastic for modeling. Sets of various soft plastics are now widely available in stores. Using such a universal material, you can make excellent, beautiful and durable bloodsucker teeth. How to make vampire fangs at home? Of course, first buy a set of plastic. A particularly large selection is presented in stores for needlewomen involved in the fashionable hobby - handmade. Be sure to read the instructions on the package or consult the seller. Soft plastic has its own characteristics of use! Make fangs out of it that are as similar to real ones as possible. Put your imagination to work! After sculpting, immediately place the finished fangs on your own teeth so that they can adapt to the shape of the owner's jaw.

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Now you know that getting ready for a party or carnival can be quick and easy. Don't buy fangs in the store, but use your imagination and have a good time making the best vampire fangs.

Young people are trying to “keep up with fashion.” To achieve their goals, young people sometimes neglect the safety of their health. They strive to stand out from the crowd and be modern.

Informal teenagers, especially those who consider themselves goths, try to follow fashion and grow fangs. This can be done with the help of modern dentistry. This desire arises, in most cases, in adolescents aged 14–20 years.

It is rare to meet an older person who strives to grow fangs. Currently, tooth enlargement occurs using several methods.


Immediately after growing the fangs, the dentist applies a special varnish to them. It provides protection. The layer helps prevent damage to the material from external factors (dyes, high temperatures). Dentists recommend growing fangs at the age of no earlier than 16-18 years.

Extended teeth require certain care. Compliance with hygiene rules and dentist recommendations will help avoid caries and other problems.


  • twice daily brushing of teeth;
  • use of non-abrasive paste, soft and medium brush;
  • refusal of coffee, smoking, strong brewed tea;
  • regular preventive dental examinations, timely response to pathological symptoms.

How much does it cost to grow a tooth on a turnkey basis?

The price list for services to restore elements of the dentition is presented below:

Composite materialsFrom 6,000 rubles.
VeneerUp to 20,000 rubles.
LumineerUp to 25,000 rubles.
TabUp to 15,000 rubles.
CrownCeramics and metal ceramics – 15,000 rubles. Artificial crowns are 1.5 times more expensive.
With pinsUp to 3,000 rubles.
Photopolymer fillingUp to 5,000 rubles.

How much does it cost to build bone for a tooth implant?

In some cases, the patient may not have enough available bone tissue for tooth implantation, which is why it is artificially increased. This solution should solve many problems:

  • Ensure reliable fastening of the implant.
  • Secure your teeth in their current position, preventing them from becoming loose and falling out.
  • Preserve natural facial expressions, articulation and chewing function.

There are three treatment methods:

  • GTR (directed tissue regeneration) - special membranes are implanted into the jaw, due to which the tissue grows naturally. Over time, the membrane may dissolve (non-absorbable membranes are later pulled out). The wound is sutured, after which the period of recovery and bone growth to the required size is monitored.

Guided tissue regeneration

  • Bone block grafting is carried out after removing a piece of bone from the patient himself (from the chin). As a result, two wounds are formed, but the implanted part of the bone takes root much better. It is screwed from the inside with screws, sealed and stitched with a membrane. The treatment itself is carried out over several days.

Bone block grafting

  • Sinus lifting (augmentation) is used more often than other methods. The bottom line is this: between the tops of the roots of the teeth and the lower wall of the sinus, the space is expanded into which the implants will later be installed. The larger the volume of the bone and the hole itself, the stronger the titanium screw will stand. Due to high mechanical loads, the length of the implant does not exceed 10 mm - this is exactly what is needed for reliable fixation of the structure.

Sinus lift

How much does it cost to grow fangs?

The service of growing fangs, similar to those shown in films about vampires, has become popular. Dentists are ready to satisfy such needs and offer a choice of 2 ways to create artificial clicks:

  1. Putting fangs on. The procedure is the most gentle, similar to the process of nail extensions. Healthy fangs are pre-ground, after which a light-curing material is applied to them. If you wish, you can remove the artificial fang, but after that the tooth will no longer be completely healthy.
  2. Crown installation. A crown is placed on the tooth, the shape of which is similar to a fang. The size and bend angle of the element is determined in advance, at the request of the client. After this, it is no longer possible to return the tooth to its original state or grind it down.

Please note! Fang extensions are not available to everyone. This procedure has contraindications - incorrect bite.

The service will cost 2,500 – 5,000 rubles .

Possible consequences

Even following the rules does not guarantee the absence of negative consequences in the future. The cost of canine extensions is another barrier.

Possible negative consequences:

  1. Caries - develops as a result of injury to the enamel. Violations of the integrity of the dental covering threaten caries. Instead of vampire fangs, black carious spots may form, which will ruin all expectations.
  2. Increased tooth sensitivity to temperature and foods with different tastes. Forced filing of enamel always leads to increased sensitivity. Discomfortable sensations can occur even when inhaling cold street air.
  3. Discomfort while eating. The canines are designed for biting and crushing food, then it goes to the molars for further grinding. Artificially lengthened canines may lose functionality. Poor quality chewed food can lead to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Risk of chipping. Extended fangs lose their hardness; they can break even when chewing a small cracker. When a large amount of enamel is removed, the likelihood of complete tooth destruction remains.
  5. Discomfortable sensations in the oral cavity. Long fangs pose a danger to the lips and gums, and problems may arise when closing the jaws. The inability to close the mouth leads to increased salivation, which has little to do with the image of a predatory vampire.

Methods of teeth extensions and prices

In dentistry, the following methods of restoring damaged elements are used:

  • Composite materials.
  • With pins.
  • Crowns
  • Plates (veneers and lumineers).
  • Photopolymer fillings.

Although the procedure is lengthy, it allows you to return the previous functionality and appearance of damaged elements. A well-executed treatment will make artificial enamel indistinguishable from natural enamel.

Extension with composite materials

Laying out composite material.

The easiest way to grow teeth is by performing a photopolymer restoration. The composite covers areas affected by caries and restores the natural appearance of the crown of the area. The materials used (polymers and fluorine) are compatible with hard tissues, they do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane, and the enamel is successfully restored in damaged areas.

This treatment method is used only if there is a need to restore small areas, mask stains on enamel, or get rid of chips or cracks. The main advantage of this procedure is the ability to preserve the root, so that after restoration the hard tissues will last longer. Another advantage is that you only need to visit the dentist once - one session will be enough to restore the damaged row:

  1. It is necessary to first clean the surface of the affected area, disinfect, rinse and dry. An insulating material is placed on the sides that will absorb moisture (rubber dam or cotton swabs) so that it does not get into the restoration site. On average, this costs 1,500 rubles, but there are more expensive options (laser or other methods that do not require using a drill).
  2. to the treated and cleaned surface of the area, similar in composition to those used when installing fillings (usually light-curing composites are used). The shade is selected to match the natural color of the enamel.
  3. When the composite hardens (for this purpose, light lamps are applied to the area), the doctor begins to give the tooth the required shape. To do this, he uses dental burs and other tools to treat the area. The final stage will cost 3,500 – 5,000 rubles.

On average, treatment of one element with composites costs 4,000 – 7,000 rubles . You can restore a small chip for 1,500 – 2,000 rubles .

Ceramic overlay: veneer or lumineer

Veneer installation

Ceramic linings are also used to repair minor damage to front elements:

  • Diastem.
  • Darkening of the enamel of the incisors.
  • Presence of small chips.

Two types of pads are used:

  1. Veneers are thin, durable plates attached to the surface of damaged teeth. It will be necessary to grind and prepare the enamel in advance.
  2. Lumineers are the same plates, but much thinner (0.2-0.3 mm) than veneers. Thanks to this, tooth enamel does not need to be ground down, so it remains unharmed. Plus, they are much easier to remove.

The cost of the procedure is determined mainly by the material used. Lumineers and veneers are made from ceramic and zirconium materials.

Lumineers are 1.5-2 times more expensive than veneers, which is due to the rarity of the materials: they are made from special ceramics Cerinate, which is imported to Russia from the USA. One such plate costs (including installation and delivery) about $500-800 .

Plus, the two front teeth should also be restored so that there is no difference in thickness between the two front teeth. Therefore, overlays can only be installed on healthy units. Ultimately, the extension of one tooth will cost 25,000 - 35,000 rubles .

Before and after installation of veneers


Ceramic inlay

If the chewing teeth have been destroyed or injured, the doctor may install an inlay. This product performs the same functions as a filling, but the manufacturing technology is different, more complex. They spend more time preparing it. First, impressions are taken so that the inlay fits perfectly to the enamel surface.

Installed fissures, tubercles and grooves help the product fit more tightly to the paired tooth. Thanks to this, the functionality of the restored tooth improves. The cost of augmenting hard tissue with inlays is determined based on the material and the severity of the lesion. The inlays themselves are made from the same materials as fillings:

  • Metal (3,000 rubles).
  • Metal ceramics.
  • Zirconium dioxide (from 15,000 rubles).
  • Pressed ceramics.

The price for ceramic inlays is 1,500 – 2,000 rubles , plus wages for doctors and technicians. As a result, treatment can cost up to 15,000 rubles.

Before and after restoration of a chewing tooth with an inlay.


Crown for front tooth

When a tooth has been severely damaged and easy treatment methods are ineffective, the patient can have teeth extended using crowns:

  • If there is no allergy to metals, standard metal-ceramic crowns can be installed.
  • In other situations, artificial elements are used. They are made from zirconium oxide or ceramics.

Dental restoration is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. First, the doctor prepares the tooth surface for impact, levels and cleans it, after which he makes an impression on the basis of which the future crown will be created.
  2. Then the finished element is installed on the affected area.

The patient chooses the crown color himself. But there are contraindications: crowns cannot be placed on the front incisors if the patient has an abnormal bite. This treatment is more suitable for chewing teeth.

The method is quite cheap:

  • Restoring one tooth with conventional crowns will cost 4,000-11,000 rubles .
  • The use of artificial elements costs 1.5 times more.

For a crown made of expensive materials (zirconium dioxide, gold, etc.) the price increases to 30,000 rubles . Treatment is even more expensive when a pin cannot be installed, and the tooth is so badly damaged that there is nowhere to attach the artificial structure. Then the cost of treatment starts from 20,000 rubles .

With pins

Installed pin

This treatment method is used when the tooth is damaged by more than 50%, incl. complete destruction to the root system. A pin is a small spoke that is installed in the root system of the affected tooth. Restoration of damaged areas is carried out in the following order:

  1. The patient is sent for an x-ray, based on the results of which the damage is assessed.
  2. Computer modeling is carried out, based on the results of which the rod itself is manufactured.
  3. A pin is installed in the root system - a special rod on which the tooth will rest. It is made from titanium, carbon fiber or fiberglass.
  4. The “top” of the tooth is created and placed on the pin.

The pin secures the tooth, thereby preventing crown destruction and loosening. A new crown is formed around the post, created from durable composites. It is more advisable to install a crown, since it, unlike a filling, will shrink later.

As a result, the tooth remains alive and will last for many years. But there are also disadvantages:

  • The implanted pin cannot be pulled out. It will also not be possible to restore the tooth again.
  • The chewing load will be distributed unevenly.

The cost of this treatment method is based on:

  • Quality of filling material.
  • Price list for pin implantation services (500-3,000 rubles).
  • Preparing the tooth and taking x-rays.
  • Installation of a crown.

The total cost of treatment will cost 5,000 – 12,000 rubles . Plus, depulpation may be required (about another 2,000 - 3,000 rubles ). Placing a pin on anterior incisors is more expensive.

Photopolymer filling

Filling polymerization process

One of the simplest ways to restore after minor damage is to install a filling made of photopolymers. This requires a healthy root, so you can change:

  • Bite.
  • Shape and length of the tooth.
  • Strengthen loose teeth.
  • Replace removed molars.

The method does not work if:

  • The tooth is completely destroyed.
  • Inflammatory processes began in the roots.
  • The tooth was removed or its shape, length and color were changed.
  • The affected tooth is in stage 4 of mobility.

Having placed the filling, it is exposed to ultraviolet light using a special lamp, due to which the material hardens. High-quality photopolymer fillings last a long time, maintaining their desired position. Prices for teeth extensions in this way start from 5,000 rubles .


The price depends on factors such as quality, volume of material, and prices. Dentistry, the level of qualifications of the doctor, additional services also affect the price. Extension will cost from 4,000 -5,000 rubles. up to 30,000 -40,000 rub.

Standard restoration 4,000-5,000 rubles. This price does not include caries treatment, cleaning, etc. Installing a ceramic composite veneer will cost at least 20,000 rubles. Ceramic, zirconium prosthesis - 25,000-30,000 rubles. for 1 piece Lumineer costs 45-65 thousand rubles. For a metal-ceramic crown you will have to pay 15,000-20,000 rubles. A zirconium crown costs 20,000-25,000 rubles.

Before adding fangs, you should think several times, study the proposals, and weigh the risks. This method will help to greatly change the image, the appearance will become original. The procedure may affect the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. Correction poses a danger to tooth enamel. The situation is aggravated if there are contraindications or violation of the rules of the procedure.


The cost of the service depends on the following factors:

  • the selected material and its quantity;
  • extension method;
  • cost of work;
  • specialist qualifications;
  • status and prestige of the clinic;

Taking into account the described options, the price will vary in the range from 4-5 to 20-30 thousand rubles.

Therapeutic restoration costs:

  • anesthesia - about 400 rubles;
  • additional materials – 350 – 400 rubles;
  • work of a specialist, taking into account the composite material – about 4 thousand rubles;
  • finishing (grinding and polishing) - within 200 rubles.

When treating caries or removing stones, the cost will increase by the amount of services provided.

As for crowns, the price here will be significantly higher. And it is directly determined by the material chosen by the patient from which it will be made.

So, for example, a conventional design made of a metal alloy will cost about 3-4 thousand, and a product made of zirconium will cost about 20 thousand.

Important point! The price for the same type of composite produced in Russia will be 20-30% cheaper compared to foreign analogues.

Activities included in the group of additional and optional procedures will be paid separately. The final price of the service is influenced by the status of the establishment (this can increase the cost by 10-12%) and the region of the country - depending on the locality, its size and level of infrastructure, the cost can vary by up to 15%.

Temporary fangs - an alternative

If you have any doubts about the need to lengthen your canines for life, pay attention to temporary ones. You can always put them on for a while and take them out if necessary. They are absolutely safe and are attached to teeth absolutely safely. Temporary fangs can be used for Halloween. Ready-made teeth are sold in the store. You can also make the decoration yourself.

It is necessary to take plastic utensils, ground plastic, and place boiling water from the floor. The soft material must be carefully taken with a metal spoon and molded into a fang of the desired shape. Gloves will help avoid burns.

Temporary fangs can also be made from plastic straws, acrylic, or plastic nails. Such fangs do not last long, but they allow you to feel like a vampire and create an excellent image for a holiday or performance.

Apple Vampire Fangs

You're not going to a vampire themed party or Halloween, but just want to scare someone? Then you won't need scary vampire fangs glued to your own teeth. After all, the scare scam will take you very little time, and walking around with a foreign body in your mouth is not very pleasant. How to make vampire fangs without gluing them tightly? It's very simple, all you need is an ordinary apple! Only the fruit must be hard. Using a thin knife or an ink pen, you need to cut out two parts from the apple, close in size and shape to the cone. The parts just need to be put on your own teeth. But you can’t close your mouth with vampire apple fangs on your teeth. Saliva will simply ruin them. Putting on artificial teeth, quickly bring your insidious plan to fruition!

Fangs can also be made from cotton wool for a short time.

You can also use a plastic fork for this purpose.

Indirect method of dental restoration

The indirect method of extension is carried out in case of damage to natural tissues by more than 30%. As already described above, this method of treatment is carried out by orthopedic doctors. Immediately before fixing the structure, they resort to root treatment. This stage is considered one of the most important, since if the canals are filled poorly, a source of infection remains in them, which subsequently leads to the occurrence of an acute inflammatory process.

After therapeutic intervention, it is necessary to build up the crown of an incisor, canine or molar. If restoration is carried out with filling material alone, the tooth will have high aesthetic values, but will become fragile and will not be able to perform the chewing function. Since most of the tooth will be occupied by the filling, under slight pressure it may fall out, breaking the thin walls of natural tissues with its mass.

Installing a pin or stump is the best solution to the situation. The orthopedic structure will be fixed to the root, it will fill the missing crown tissues and help to evenly distribute pressure during chewing.

Dentists use inlays and pins with equal frequency when restoring teeth. The pins are anchor (metal, used to restore molars), fiberglass (used to restore anterior teeth), and carbon fiber. Based on their shape, conical and cylindrical structures are distinguished.

Stump inlays are made from zirconium, cobalt-chrome, metal-ceramics, and titanium. Dentures are made from individual impressions in dental laboratories.

Both designs are designed to build up damaged tissue, but if the tooth is significantly damaged, preference is given to core inlays. Their obvious advantages: high strength, uniform distribution of chewing load, long service life, high aesthetics, ensuring reliable fixation of the crown.


People's opinions about this procedure are quite contradictory. Before you decide on it, you should consider all the pros and cons.

If you or your friends have already grown fangs, share your opinion about it in the comments to the article. This will help other people make their own decisions!

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Common Questions

Crown extension

Extensions with composite materials have been used not so long ago, so patients have many questions about the method. This information will help debunk the myths that are quickly spread by word of mouth.

What kind of doctor does teeth augmentation?

The staff of any clinic includes dentists, surgeons, orthopedists, and orthodontists. Finding out who is doing what is easy. The surgeon removes teeth, nerves, and performs operations to implant a pin. If the root is not destroyed, but implantation or crown installation is necessary to restore the dentition, then the help of an orthopedist is needed. The correction, performed with filling material and plates, is made by an orthodontist.

Does tooth augmentation hurt?

The procedure is performed with local anesthesia. The process of extension with composite or polymer materials is painless. The patient feels only slight discomfort from the instruments upon contact with the enamel. Painful feelings are experienced by those who need nerve removal. But this operation is performed with the use of an anesthetic, so the pain symptom is slightly noticeable after the end of the drug.

How long does the procedure take?

Depending on the amount of work and the chosen technique, the extension procedure lasts from 20 minutes (when using reflective material for minor restoration of a tooth fragment). If several teeth need to be corrected, the procedure is divided into several visits.

Is it possible to extend baby teeth for a child?

Ten years ago, experts were against the extension of baby teeth. Modern dentists argue that it is absolutely necessary to restore them. This is due to functional needs (chewing food), the correct formation of diction and, of course, the aesthetic factor. Currently, gentle techniques have been developed to prevent the destruction of teeth until they are replaced naturally.

Is extension effective when stitching?

Grinding of teeth is a sign of malocclusion, so dealing with the consequences without eliminating the cause is ineffective. This can only be done in cases of extreme necessity, when aesthetics prevail over functionality. In any case, it is rational to first correct the bite, and only then correct the dentition.

Is it possible to grow a tooth at home?

It is unrealistic to perform the teeth extension procedure at home for a number of reasons. However, if there is slight darkening or damage to the enamel, it is possible to fix the problem yourself using special means. This type of restoration is called remineralization. The essence of the method is the gradual saturation of the enamel with calcium, fluorine and other strengthening minerals.

How much can you eat after the procedure?

After the procedure there are no strict restrictions on food intake. However, 1-2 days after extensions, you should not consume foods and drinks with a coloring effect.

What is laser teeth extension?

Laser restoration includes a comprehensive approach aimed at restoring a severely damaged or altered tooth. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, the patient does not experience pain, so anesthesia is not required. Laser technology solves not only aesthetic problems, but also functional ones. Depending on the type of work, a certain type of laser is used.

How to make fangs at home

Vampires are in vogue these days—everyone knows that. A vampire theme will be the center of attention at any informal party or cocktail party if done correctly and beautifully. Choosing a costume and makeup will not be difficult, but how to make vampire fangs at home is another question. Let's try to figure this out together.

There are a great many ways to make vampire fangs. One of the first is fangs made of cotton wool. The disadvantage of this method is that the cotton wool is soft, and in the process your fangs may become wrinkled and become unsightly. To prevent severe deformation, soak the ends of a cotton swab in Vaseline and roll the cotton balls into cones, shaped like a fang. Apply nail glue and attach to your fangs.

Another way is to take thin plastic and weld it. It will become soft, and you can easily build something like plastic cones from it, which can easily be secured using the same glue. Plastic is much harder than cotton wool - such fangs will not bend and will not look ridiculous. However, it is worth noting that in neither case should you be zealous in using glue.

Removing the fangs will be more difficult the more glue is used to secure the fangs in the mouth. Another more expensive method involving the use of nail glue involves false nails. You just need to choose nails that fit tightly to your teeth and trim them to the shape of a sharp vampire fang. A little glue. The fangs are ready.

A much more friendly way for your pocket and your mouth to make vampire fangs at home is to use a regular white plastic fork. Break off the outer tines of a fork and attach them to thin strips of tape. It’s done in two seconds, peels off easily, but holds tightly. So, now you know how to make vampire fangs. In general, it is very simple, but these methods, especially those using nail glue, are very unsafe.

Before introducing toxic substances into your mouth, find out if you are allergic to them. It is better, in any case, to use professionally made dentures for a vampire - but they are not on sale everywhere, so you have to look for a solution on your own. Have a nice party in your new vampire role!

How to make vampire fangs at home? for Halloween

Catch a vampire, tear out his fangs and use it for your health. This is, of course, the easiest way. For those who are not looking for easy ways, below are three more. 2

Method one: you can make fangs from soft plastic. Nowadays there are a huge number of children's creativity kits on sale. Buy a modeling kit and deprive your child of the white component. Having formed two cute fangs, try them on - will they suit you? If there is no doubt, and you like your reflection (with the appearance of fangs the reflection in the mirror will not disappear yet, do not worry) you like it perfectly. Put your teeth in the oven, they will harden and will delight you with their presence. A word of caution: if you are going to gnaw not a human neck, but something harder (an apple, for example, or a cracker), remove the fangs, in case they break, then all the work will be in vain. 3

The second method is for those who care simply about the fact that they have vampire fangs, but no one is going to show them off in crowded places (you never know if their breath is stale, for example). Open Photoshop. Think again. If you change your mind, you can close Photoshop. If the desire to see yourself with fangs has not gone away, take a photo of yourself with a webcam with your mouth open (your mouth is open, not the webcam), upload the picture to Photoshop, pull out two fangs for yourself (don’t overdo it, you don’t need more than two), get the joy of watching. You can show the photo to others. 4

Finally, the third method is the most unreliable, but in case anyone needs it. Carefully remove the tips of the cotton swab, i.e. its cotton component. You can throw away the wand, you won’t need it. But put a drop of nail glue on each cotton tip, press the cotton wool to your teeth, and hold it for a while. The method is not good because if you close your mouth, the cotton wool will soften, and the fangs will look completely unnatural. Therefore, you will have to walk with your mouth open all the time. But, on the other hand, the fangs were made for show, right? And this means that it is not shameful to walk around with your mouth open.

insert coca-cola straws)))

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