Installation of braces in Ufa

Installation of braces in Ufa using modern techniques and materials. We will help correct defects in the dentition and bite in various situations and at any age. We employ orthodontists of the highest category. In our work we use modern braces systems that have proven themselves in world practice. The combination of all the above factors allows us to guarantee high quality and safety!

Design of bracket systems

Fixed orthopedic structures that are fixed to the teeth using special materials to correct malocclusion or other dental defects in adults and children - braces - are widely used in modern dentistry.

Typically braces consist of:

  • Braces are pads attached to the teeth using special adhesive.
  • Orthodontic arch - made of special orthodontic wire. It connects all braces into a single system under special pressure, which is necessary to correct the bite.
  • Ligatures are small rubber rings that are necessary for more tightly fixing the archwire and braces. They are usually replaced once a month with new ones.
  • Metal springs are an optional element of braces. It is usually used in children to move or spread teeth

Why do you need to correct your bite?

1) Aesthetics.

Firstly, it's aesthetics. An incorrect bite may well cause a person to feel embarrassed during communication, affect the correct diction and even posture. Wearing braces allows you to cope with smile defects.

2) Problem with joint function

Due to an incorrect bite, the temporomandibular joint also begins to suffer. This, in turn, will begin to cause headaches and clicking sounds when moving the jaw.

3) Teeth lifespan

Crooked teeth have almost no contact with each other, so during chewing they cannot distribute the load equally. This will gradually cause your teeth to become loose and even wear away, and will also cause problems with tooth decay. This problem also requires wearing braces.

Methods of attaching bracket systems

External (vestibular) braces

The most famous and widely used of all types of braces. As you can see from the name, they are always attached to the outside of the dentition. Vestibular braces can be made of various materials: metal, ceramic, various composite materials.


  • Ability to correct very complex defects and anomalies
  • Very easy to maintain;
  • The price of such braces is cheaper than other designs


  • This type of braces requires monthly adjustments.
  • With improper care, a change in the color of the enamel at the point of contact with the tooth is likely;
  • Also, with poor care, a cariogenic situation is likely to occur.

External (vestibular) braces

Lingual (internal) braces

Attached to the inside of the teeth. Suitable for those who value the aesthetic component. They are classified as premium braces systems. Internal lingual braces are usually made without ligature or all-metal.


  • They are completely invisible during conversation;
  • The time to correct or eliminate defects is less than with other types of braces
  • Quite low maintenance requirements. The number of visits to the orthodontist is less than for vestibular appliances.
  • Do not cause discoloration of tooth enamel.


  • More expensive;
  • It is not easy to adapt to them, diction deteriorates;
  • More careful dental care is required to avoid caries

Lingual (internal) braces

Installation of braces in dentistry “Master ZTL MP” Ufa is fast, professional and with a quality guarantee!

How much do braces cost?

The cost of installing braces can be found in the price list or by calling our phone number, where you will be advised on the types and prices of braces.

Here are a few examples from the world of “stars” - another proof that a beautiful smile is the key to success!

Orthodontics in Ufa

Installation of braces

Types of braces design

Based on the type of construction, there are non-ligature and ligature bracket systems.


These are ordinary braces that everyone is used to. They consist of an orthodontic arch, the braces themselves and ligatures - small elastic bands that are designed for a tighter and more reliable attachment.

Advantages: democratic and affordable price.

Disadvantages: Regular visits to the orthodontist are required to replace the ligatures and archwires. This is usually done once a month.


In modern dentistry, ligature-free systems are increasingly used. They have been developed and implemented to make the correction of dental defects more comfortable. Due to the fact that these systems do not use ligatures, the number of visits to the dentist is significantly reduced

Advantages: the number of visits to the clinic and the treatment period are reduced

Disadvantages: the price for this type of braces is higher.

Materials used in the manufacture of braces

Metal braces

All elements of this type are made of metal.

Despite their inelegant appearance, metal braces are still the most popular type of structure. This is caused mainly by three factors: greater efficiency, reliability and price.

At “Master ZTL MP” Dentistry in Ufa we use the following brands of this type of braces:

  • Master,
  • Pilot,
  • Incognito
  • "MDM 2000" ORMCO
  • Damon 3MX
  • Spirit MB

Ceramic braces (sapphire)

Braces are made from ceramic or sapphire plates that are either clear or color-matched to the teeth. Therefore, they are less noticeable, but over time, due to exposure to various food dyes or products, they may become slightly stained.

This type of braces has a number of restrictions for use. Not all defects can be corrected using ceramic braces. The price of such systems is more expensive than metal structures

For those who want to use ceramic braces, we offer:

  • Damon Clear
  • Sapphire braces INSPIRE ICE (from 5 to 5)
  • Ceramic braces In Ovation

Installing braces in our dentistry “Master ZTL MP” Ufa is a great opportunity to get a beautiful, even and charming smile!

The role of the orthodontist in prosthetics and implantation planning.

Many patients who plan to place crowns and other structures in place of extracted teeth experience problems because neighboring teeth have begun to tilt and partially take the place of the missing tooth. Or there may be a situation when the tooth that is located opposite the removed one (for example, if the lower one has been removed), that is, the upper tooth begins to fall into the empty space, thereby making it difficult to place a full-fledged crown in place of the lost tooth.

All these problems can be easily solved with the help of braces! Yes, yes, braces can be worn not only by young people or teenagers, but by patients of all ages. Moreover, even if you were not completely satisfied with your smile, and all your life you dreamed of bringing it to ideal, it is never too late to straighten your teeth, create correct, comfortable contacts and correctly replace missing teeth. The comprehensive work of our specialists will help you fulfill your dream and conquer others with a beautiful smile! You can also explore the possibility of dental implantation in our clinic.

Stages of using braces

1. Examination by an orthodontist and drawing up an individual treatment plan

During this stage, a comprehensive examination of the patient’s oral cavity is performed, and all dental defects are identified.

A teleradiogram (x-ray) is taken, based on the results of which the orthodontist will select the most suitable type of braces for you and draw up the necessary treatment plan.

Then impressions are made to make the bracket system.

All these steps are usually performed in one visit to the dentist.

2. Treatment of oral diseases

Before installing braces, all oral diseases that are identified by the dentist during examination are fully treated. Teeth brushing is also necessary.

3. Installation of braces

First, the enamel of the teeth is prepared, then the braces are glued to a special dental glue and the orthodontic arch is attached.

Depending on the complexity of the case, the duration of this procedure: from one to three hours

4. Regular correction by an orthodontist

Depending on the type of structure, regular corrections are made at the dentist: ligatures and orthodontic arches are replaced. For ligature types of braces this is usually once a month. For those without ligatures, once every one and a half to two months

5. Removing braces and consolidating treatment results

After treatment is completed, the braces are removed, but a retainer is attached - a special dental wire to secure the results of the treatment. It is attached to the inside of the teeth. The period of use of a retainer is individual: from six to twenty-four months

Pediatric orthodontics

While the child is still in the growth stage, there is a chance to avoid any serious measures to treat the bite, because sometimes it is enough to simply direct the teeth in the “right direction,” that is, to ensure their eruption in the places where they should be. It is worth noting that early removal of baby teeth can also lead to crowding during further eruption of permanent teeth; in this case, it is necessary to make a temporary denture with an artificial tooth for the child to hold space for the permanent tooth.

Therefore, it is recommended to bring your child for the first examination to an orthodontist at the age of 3-4 years!

For this purpose, devices such as, for example, removable plates and elastic positioners (or correctors) are used. There are certain criteria for choosing a device, and for each patient it is selected individually, depending on age and clinical situation in the oral cavity.

Prices for braces

Price for dental services from

January 06, 2022

1.1ConsultationRUB 1,000.00
1.2Treatment of patients of category 1 complexityRUB 80,000.00
1.3Treatment of patients of category 2 complexityRUB 85,000.00
1.4Treatment of patients of category 3 complexityRUB 90,000.00
1.5Comprehensive initial examination: anthropometry, measurement and analysis of the ICD, study and analysis of OPTG or CTRUB 3,000.00
2.1"Master", "Pilot"RUB 50,000.00
2.2"MDM 2000" ORMCORUB 50,000.00
2.3Self-ligating braces "Damon 3MX", "Damon Q", "Damon 3″, "In-Ovation!RUB 85,000.00
2.4Self-ligating braces "Damon Clear"RUB 95,000.00
2.5Spirit MB with metal groove (from 3 to 3 v/h + 3 to 3 n/h)RUB 70,000.00
2.6Spirit MB with metal groove (from 5 to 5 v/h + 5 to 5 n/h)RUB 75,000.00
2.7Sapphire braces INSPIRE ICE (from 5 to 5)RUB 75,000.00
2.8Lingual braces IncognitoRUB 350,000.00
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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