Features of bite correction using Mini Diamond braces


Braces are the most common device for correcting occlusion, which is used in orthodontic treatment of patients of various ages.

Therefore, manufacturers of these structures are constantly developing new models of systems, trying to speed up the process of correcting the position of teeth and making it as comfortable as possible.

For this reason, the American corporation Ormco developed Mini Diamond metal braces with a reduced size of clasps, the popularity of which is increasing every year.

About the manufacturer

Ormco is a well-known manufacturer of orthodontic systems and components necessary for their use. The company was founded in the early 60s of the last century in the USA.

Over the years of development, the corporation's product range has constantly expanded, providing patients with the opportunity to purchase vestibular or lingual braces made from various materials


Ormco brand products have gained worldwide recognition thanks to the use of the latest equipment and computer systems in the production process, which allow not only to produce high-quality products, but also to design the process of bite correction down to the smallest detail.

The company’s wide dealer network allows us to minimize delivery times for ordered orthodontic systems to dental clinics in various cities and regions of the country.

What does "Mini" mean?

Mini-braces are a system designed to correct pathological occlusion, which differs from standard products in its size.

The length and width of the locks in such models is 25-30% less when compared with classic vestibular models.

Thanks to this, the process of orthodontic treatment becomes less noticeable, without reducing effectiveness or increasing duration.

Mini-braces consist of the same elements as classic systems: clasps, ligatures, power arch. Most often, these products are made of high-strength metal, however, some manufacturers have sapphire and ceramic designs.

The shape of the lock may also differ - the range of different brands includes both standard rectangular and diamond-shaped elements.

General overview

The American concern Ormco, founded in the middle of the last century, is a recognized leader in the production of orthodontic devices and materials. A significant role in the manufacturer’s assortment is played by vestibular and lingual corrective products, for the manufacture of which a variety of materials and technologies are used. Modern production lines and laboratories equipped with advanced equipment eliminate the possibility of technical errors during the production process, which guarantees the quality and effectiveness of the braces offered.

Design differences and advantages

Mini Diamond braces owe their popularity to their design features, which make the process of orthodontic treatment convenient and fast:

  1. The size of the clasps in the orthodontic system is reduced by almost one third in comparison with classic vestibular braces. This helps reduce the visibility of the structure in the mouth during communication.
  2. The braces are made in the shape of diamonds, which facilitates the process of their positioning on the tooth surface. The rounded edges of the clasps prevent damage to the enamel and mucous membrane of the lips during use of the device.
  3. The material used to make Mini Diamond braces is grade 17-4 steel, due to its strength, the likelihood of narrowing the grooves of the locks is minimized.
    This, in turn, eliminates problems with the introduction of a power arc. In addition, the material is hypoallergenic, does not oxidize or stain during the use of braces.
  4. The model provides special braces for premolars, which have a larger base compared to other structural elements.
    Another feature is their displacement to the gum line, which allows you to correct the position of the teeth even if they have not fully erupted.
  5. The design uses a special patented mesh for the base of the Optimesh XRT braces, which promotes more reliable adhesion of the clasps to the tooth surface. This innovation allows you to use less adhesive.

What are rubber bands for braces and what function do they perform?

Read here how to use dental floss with braces.

At this address https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/breketyi/po-raspolozheniyu/vestibulyarnyie/empower.html we invite you to familiarize yourself with Empower braces.

Differences between ligature and non-ligature braces

Let's figure out what the difference is between self-ligating and ligature braces. Let's compare designs based on the method of arch fixation, manufacturing material, adaptation, treatment time, features of oral hygiene, cost of the device and course of treatment.

Ligature bracesSelf-ligating constructs
Arc fixation methodThe doctor ties the arch with metal or elastic ligaturesThe cover holds the arc in the groove
Material of manufactureTitanium and steel alloys, sapphireSteel alloys, polycrystalline aluminum oxide
AdaptationThe patient experiences discomfort after installation of the deviceSelf-ligating structures bring less discomfort to the patient due to reduced friction in the system
Oral hygieneLigatures make brushing teeth difficultThe small size of ligature-free braces makes hygiene easier


The key indication for installing Mini Diamond braces is pathology in the placement of teeth in the jaw row.

Dentists advise using these braces in case of malocclusion, protrusion or tilting of some elements of the dentition, increased crowding of teeth or the presence of large gaps between them.

In addition, mini-braces will help correct the situation with the location of impacted molars outside the jaw line.


There are also several contraindications to installing mini-braces:

  • inflammatory gum diseases;
  • caries;
  • bone diseases;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Design features of Alexander braces, pros and cons of the system.

In that article we will talk about the features of Sprint braces.

Follow the link https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/breketyi/po-tipu-materiala/metallicheskie/markiz.html if you are interested in bracket system .


Installation of the Mini Diamond orthodontic appliance requires several visits to the dentist.

During the first visit, the specialist examines the patient’s oral cavity to identify existing contraindications and problems that require preliminary elimination.

This could be treatment of inflammatory processes of the gums, caries therapy, professional dental cleaning.

After the oral cavity is prepared for further installation of the structure, impressions of the jaw are taken or its modeling is performed in 3D format. The information received is sent to the laboratory, where the braces are manufactured.

After the braces are ready, the dentist fixes them on the surface of the patient’s dentition. Metal clasps are attached to the enamel with a special adhesive. After this, a power arc is placed in the grooves, which is fixed using ligatures.

At the end of the process of fixing the system, the dentist gives the patient recommendations for caring for it and sets a date for a follow-up visit.

How does a ligature bracket system work?

The orthodontist fixes the braces on the teeth and installs the metal arch into the grooves. The arch is pressed against each bracket with metal or elastic ligatures. Thanks to the property of the nickel-titanium alloy to “remember” its shape, the arch straightens, tilts and moves the teeth body-wise. The force of action triggers the processes of resorption and synthesis of bone tissue in the jaw, the teeth slowly move in the direction specified by the doctor.

arch in the slot of Orthos braces

Due to the high friction of the arch and groove of ligature braces, teeth move more slowly than when treated with self-ligating structures. Microimplants, springs, elastic chains and intermaxillary elastics accelerate tooth movement. For predictable and precise orthodontic treatment, the doctor calculates a system of force vectors.


The experience of dentists who use Mini Diamond braces in their practice indicates that the duration of orthodontic therapy using this system does not exceed the average period of bite correction using a standard-sized metal model.

If the teeth deviate slightly from the jaw line, the treatment period will be from 5 to 9 months.

If the pathology is more serious, it may take a year to a year and a half to completely eliminate it.

Rules of care

To avoid the formation of bacterial deposits on tooth enamel, dentists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • to remove plaque, use a brush with a V-shaped cutout or a single-tuft product;
  • after each meal, rinse your mouth with water or a special product;
  • use floss or irrigator for high-quality cleaning of the tooth surface;

It is recommended to visit the orthodontist in a timely manner to correct the degree of tension in the power arc and replace the ligatures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Mini Diamond brace system is very popular among dentists from different countries. This is due to the numerous advantages of the products, making the dental treatment process comfortable and fast:

  1. The size of the locks has been reduced by a third. The system is practically invisible to others.
  2. The diamond shape simplifies the procedure for positioning brackets on the surface of the units. The rounded edges of the retainers do not damage the enamel layer and soft tissues.
  3. The composition does not cause allergic reactions and is resistant to oxidation and staining.
  4. There are special designs for premolars equipped with a large base.
  5. Reliable operation and resistance to loads. During the treatment process, the products do not lose their original shape. Convenient replacement of arches is guaranteed at any stage.
  6. Possibility of correcting the position of elements during partial eruption.
  7. Optimesh XRT guarantees reliable adhesion of the locks to the surface of the units.
  8. Quick adaptation to wearing devices.
  9. No pain when moving teeth.

According to dentists, this system is one of the fastest options for correcting a bite. For minor defects, 6-8 months of wearing is sufficient. On average, correction using mini structures takes up to 1.5 years.

Despite its small size, the American development has a full range of functional characteristics to create a beautiful smile.

The disadvantages of the system include, first of all: high cost, poor aesthetics and the need for monthly visits to the dentist.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for the use of mini braces is defects in the location of teeth in the jaw row. Orthopedists recommend wearing products in case of pathological occlusion, impaction, protrusion of individual elements, crowded dentition or large interdental spaces.

There are also a number of contraindications to wearing devices:

  • inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • carious lesions of units;
  • bone diseases;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • malignant formations.

The decision on the advisability of prescribing a patient to wear orthodontic appliances is made by the attending physician.


The process of installing a dental appliance will require several visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the orthodontist conducts a clinical examination of the oral cavity and takes an anamnesis. The existing indications and contraindications for orthodontic treatment are identified.

At the next stage, treatment of gum diseases and caries, and sanitation of the oral cavity are performed.

Before proceeding with the installation of the model, impressions of the jaw or 3D modeling are performed. The data obtained is used by dental laboratory technicians in the manufacture of braces.

Finished Mini Diamond metal braces are fixed to the teeth. The locks are attached to the enamel coating with special glue. Then a power arc is placed in the grooves and secured with ligatures.

At the final stage, the dentist gives the client recommendations on how to care for the device and sets a date for the next examination.


In order to prevent the formation of bacterial plaque on tooth enamel, it is necessary to strictly adhere to medical recommendations:

  • regular cleaning of the oral cavity and system with a V-shaped brush or a mono-beam product;
  • rinsing your mouth after every meal;
  • use of irrigator or floss.

A monthly consultation with an orthopedic dentist is required to replace ligatures or correct the degree of tension of the power arc.


Prices for mini diamond braces are higher than classic ligature designs. On average, the cost of a structure per jaw row varies between 13-20 thousand rubles. The turnkey installation of the device on both jaws will cost about 80 thousand rubles.

Pricing takes into account the complexity of the pathology, the doctor’s competence and the level of dentistry.

Correction price

The cost of Mini Diamond braces is slightly higher compared to classic ligature-type products.

The price of the design for one jaw row ranges from 13 to 20 thousand rubles. The cost of installing a turnkey orthodontic product on both jaws will cost 60-80 thousand rubles.

This amount may differ in different regions and cities of the country, since it depends not only on the complexity of the pathology, but also on the qualifications of the specialist, as well as the prestige of the clinic.

Find out why orthodontists prefer Diamond braces in the video.

Disadvantages of braces

  • relative aesthetics: iron plates inevitably stand out against the background of tooth enamel, but they allow you to achieve the necessary results in the shortest possible time,
  • high level of trauma: unlike ceramics and sapphires, metal cannot be polished to perfect smoothness, so the system is not without sharp corners. However, discomfort is noted only in the first stages of treatment,

“But I wore braces from 16 to 18 years old. To be honest, it was normal to have to suffer like this, especially in the first couple of months. In general, what can I say about the mini diamond system. The braces are really quite small and look very aesthetically pleasing. Yes, at first it was painful and unpleasant, but you have to endure it all. A separate point about cleaning - you need to be extremely careful with this. After the first few cleanings, one plate fell off, but the doctor quickly fixed everything and taught me how to properly perform hygiene procedures. In almost two years, not a single brace has fallen off!”

Review from a patient from one of the dental clinics in Moscow

  • the need for regular visits to an orthodontist: the ligature-type design requires quite frequent visits to a specialist in order to replace the elastic bands and adjust the pressure force of the arc.
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