How to attach to a clinic and make an appointment with a doctor

What the law says

A citizen of the Russian Federation, he has the right to apply once a year to change the service clinic, dentistry and antenatal clinic. And if the change is caused by a move, then the restriction does not apply; you can move at least every quarter and change the assigned clinic.

The issue is regulated by Federal Law-323 On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation. Its Article 21 precisely explains the right of a citizen to change hospitals and doctors. Here are the main important points of the article:

  • Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to independently choose a service clinic and a doctor. But in the event of a change of doctor, the consent of the physician to whom the patient is transferred is required;
  • a citizen has the right to change the clinic of his appointment no more than once a year. Moreover, upon registration, the patient has the right to choose a local general practitioner, a pediatrician (if we are talking about a child), or a paramedic;
  • If you change your place of residence, you can change the clinic more than once a year.

Previously, the principle of being attached to a clinic at the place of registration was in effect. Now this norm has been abolished. You can receive services at any institution of your choice after joining it.

The clinic, dentistry and antenatal clinic are separate structures. If they are presented within one hospital, the attachment is automatically made to all these departments. If they are presented separately, the patient can select any insertion site in each direction.

How to find out where you are assigned

Not all citizens even know which clinic they are assigned to. If you do not have such information, you can get it on the State Services website. To do this, you must have a verified account there. Information is given in a couple of minutes.

Log in to State Services using your credentials and use the search to find the section “Information about attachment to a medical organization.” The service page will open, click “Get service”:

Afterwards, the system will ask you to indicate the compulsory medical insurance policy number, consisting of 16 digits. Next, the system processes the request for about a minute and displays the result - indicating the clinic to which the applicant is attached.

How to register with an adult dental clinic through

Registered users of over 18 years of age who live in Moscow and have a compulsory medical insurance policy registered in the capital can join an adult dental clinic.

To submit an application, the user must go to “ select ]“Attachment to an adult dental clinic”[/anchor]. Next, you must indicate the compulsory medical insurance policy number, date of birth, passport and contact information and address. If this data is saved in your personal account, the system will fill in the necessary fields automatically. Then the user needs to select a clinic from the list of recommended ones, it will depend on the specified address, but if desired, the user can specify a dental clinic in any area of ​​the city.

A notification of successful attachment will be sent to your personal account and to the email specified during registration. In addition, the user will receive an SMS from the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS).

Is it possible to join a clinic through State Services?

Now many government services are provided remotely. You can even file an application for divorce or marriage at the State Services. But it is impossible to attach remotely to the selected clinic.

The service page is on the state portal, but if you go to it, it becomes clear that the online service is not provided. So, you will have to look for another course of action.

If we are talking about Moscow

Only residents of Moscow can register with the clinic online. But the operation is carried out not on the State Services, but on the website of the mayor of Moscow. By the way, you can log in to it through State Services if you currently do not have an account on this portal.

The service is available to residents of Moscow, that is, the compulsory medical insurance policy must be registered in the capital. The online service is provided free of charge.


Go to the Moscow Mayor’s portal, log in using your current credentials or through State Services. Then find the service “Attach to an adult clinic” through the search and click on the “Get service” button. The system will ask you to select the type of hospital:

Next, the system will open a card with the citizen’s data and ask to indicate the medical policy number. If it is not registered in Moscow, the system will not allow you to proceed further and will indicate the reason:

If the policy is suitable, then the system will indicate the citizen’s current registration and provide possible clinics for selection. Choose the one that is convenient for you and confirm your application.

Regardless of how you submit your application, you will be assigned to a new clinic within 3 business days. Unlinking from your ex is done automatically.

It is possible that soon it will be possible to join clinics through State Services. Since this can actually be done on the website of the mayor of Moscow, it is possible that this service will be launched on the state portal for all regions of the country.

Conditions for receiving services on the site

The service allows you to assign a child to a children's city dental clinic. Based on the results of the attachment, an online appointment with the doctors of the selected dental clinic will become available (as part of the “Make an appointment with a doctor, cancel and reschedule” service).

  • Who can apply for the service

    Legal representative of a child under 18 years of age who has a compulsory medical insurance policy registered in Moscow (compulsory medical insurance policy verification service)

  • List of required documents

  • Information about the parent’s identity document;
  • Birth certificate information;
  • Information about the child’s passport (for children over 14 years old);
  • Information about the child’s registration and residence address;
  • Number of the compulsory medical insurance policy registered in Moscow.

Limitations of use:

  • The compulsory medical insurance policy must be registered in the city of Moscow.
  • The applicant must have a standard or full account on the Portal.
  • Submitting a request electronically is not available to representatives of the applicant, legal representatives of citizens recognized as legally incompetent, as well as to guardians and trustees of children.
  • To attach a child to a children's dental clinic, you must first go through the procedure for verifying the rights of the legal representative (parent, guardian, trustee) in your Personal Account in the following order: 1) if the applicant is a parent and the child’s birth certificate was issued on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is necessary fill in the child’s data (full name, date of birth) in the “personal account” of the Portal and wait for the completion of their automatic verification through interdepartmental electronic interaction with civil registry authorities. 2) if the applicant is a parent and the child’s birth was registered on the territory of a foreign state, it is necessary to contact any MFC with the originals of the following documents: - identification document of the applicant; — a child’s birth certificate or other document confirming the fact of birth and registration of a child, issued by a competent authority of a foreign state (in the case of the birth of a child (children) on the territory of a foreign state); - a document confirming the change in the last name, and (or) first name, and (or) patronymic (if any) of the applicant and (or) child (children), in case of their discrepancy with the data of other documents provided by the applicant, including an identification document personality. 3) if the applicant is a guardian or trustee of a minor child, then it is necessary to fill out data about the ward child (full name, date of birth, gender, information about the identity document) in the “personal account” of the Portal and wait for the completion of their automatic verification through the interdepartmental electronic interaction with the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow.

Cost of service and payment procedure

  • For free

Terms of service provision

  • Up to 3 working days

Result of service provision

  • Notification of confirmation of attachment or refusal of attachment

Standard connection to the clinic

As you can see, only Moscow residents with compulsory medical insurance policies issued in the capital can remotely register with the clinic. All other Russian citizens have to act the old fashioned way - go to the chosen hospital.

If we are talking about an adult, he needs to provide:

  • your passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • confirmation of a change of residence, if there has already been a change of clinic this year.

If we are talking about a child:

  • parent's passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child.

Previously, in order to be assigned to a new clinic, a citizen had to detach from the old one by visiting it in person. This often caused great inconvenience, especially when it came to changing residence. Now there is no need for this, detachment is carried out automatically.

All clinics, dentists and antenatal clinics available for attachment can be found on the website of the Health Insurance Fund. You can choose any institution for service:

Having chosen a clinic, you need to contact its registry with the necessary documents. Here, the application will be accepted on site and the attachment will be completed within 3 working days. By default, a local doctor is appointed at the place of registration or residence.

The clinic is not authorized to refuse registration without objective reasons. If you are denied, file a complaint with the MHIF.

Attaching dentistry in the capital through State Services

By going to the capital’s State Services website, you can submit an application to be assigned to a dental clinic in just 10 minutes. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Type in the address bar. Register if you don't have a Personal Account yet. You will need to enter your personal information and indicate your email address.
  2. After this, enter the login and password combinations that you entered during registration.
  3. Find the “Services and Services” category. Then go to the "Health" section. Click on the “Diagnostics and examination” section and then “Attachment to a dental clinic.” If you are confused, you can copy and paste into the address bar of your browser.
  4. Read the data presented on the left side of the window. Click on the button colored red under the name “Get a service”. It is located on the right side of the electronic page.
  5. From the data, the online service will ask you to write the series and number of the citizen’s policy, full name, date of birth.
  6. Click on the “Continue” button.
  7. At the bottom of the page, select “Change Attachment.”
  8. Enter additional information in the cells.
  9. Click on the name of the dentistry that you like.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Read the recorded information again. It will be difficult to correct it in the future. Place a check mark in the “I am familiar” column.
  12. Click on the “Submit” button.
  13. Check your email. A notification about the change in application status should appear.

The advantage of submitting an application online is that the decision on attachment is made within 3 days by the reporting officer.

If we are talking about staying in another region

If a citizen of the Russian Federation leaves for another region for a long period of time, for example, on a business trip, he also has the right to receive medical services under a compulsory medical insurance policy, which is valid throughout Russia. Similarly, if we are talking about a short-term stay, for example, if a citizen goes on vacation and is in Russia.

  1. If we are talking about a long stay in another city or region, standard rules apply. The citizen needs to be assigned to a clinic at his new place of residence. Local registration is not required for this.
  2. If we are talking about a short-term stay, it is not necessary to be assigned to a clinic. Any citizen of the Russian Federation can receive all basic medical services in any clinic under a compulsory medical insurance policy. We are talking about emergency and urgent care.

So, it is impossible to attach to a clinic through State Services. At least for now. Only Moscow residents with capital compulsory medical insurance policies can perform the action online. In all other cases, the citizen must personally contact the selected adult or children's clinic and submit an application.

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How can a visitor seek medical help in the Moscow region?

The compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to receive free medical services throughout Russia. This means that even nonresident citizens will be accepted at the clinic. For those who plan to stay in the Moscow region for a long time, it is better to re-register the policy. Read about what types of assistance you can count on with and without a compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as when and how to change your insurance company in the material on the portal.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in the Moscow region>>

Basic services under the compulsory medical insurance policy

OSAGO insurance policy

Source: , website

To receive free medical care, you need a compulsory medical insurance policy. Even if it was issued in another region, the clinic is required to accept it. It does not matter what place of residence is indicated in the passport - assistance will be provided within the framework of the basic compulsory medical insurance program.

However, to receive medical services within the framework of the territorial compulsory medical insurance program, you must register with the clinic. Therefore, for those who come to the Moscow region for a long time, it is more convenient to insure themselves at their new place of residence.

How to get a flu shot in the Moscow region for free>>

Possibilities of the territorial program of the Moscow region

Doctor therapist

Source: Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region

In addition to the basic compulsory medical insurance program, a territorial program operates in the Moscow region. Participating medical organizations provide additional types of assistance. These include treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, including those associated with substance use. The full list can be viewed here.

How to re-register a compulsory medical insurance policy

Compulsory medical insurance policy


, RIA Novosti, Taras Litvinenko

To re-register a policy in the Moscow region, you need to contact the local branch of your insurance company with your passport, SNILS and your previous policy.

The re-registration will take a few minutes. If the policy is plastic, you will definitely need an envelope with a PIN code (without it, the policy will have to be issued again).

How to undergo medical examination in the Moscow region>>

How to join a clinic

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region

To do this, just write an application addressed to the chief physician of the clinic. Moreover, you can choose a medical institution at your place of actual residence or near your place of work. They have no right to refuse registration at a clinic if they have a compulsory medical insurance policy. In reality, this can happen, for example, if the institution is heavily overloaded and does not have enough doctors. In this case, you can contact any other clinic participating in the compulsory medical insurance program.

How to register with a clinic in the Moscow region via the Internet>>

What help can you get without a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Source: Istra news agency, Sergey Oleksyuk

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen has the right only to receive emergency medical care. This refers to cases where there is an immediate threat to the patient’s life.

You can apply for a policy for free. It is issued to all Russian citizens (except for military personnel - they have their own medical program), foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation, and even stateless people. Standard production time is 1 month (30 working days). During this time, a certificate is issued confirming the registration of the policy and certifying the right to free medical care.

Ambulance in the Moscow region: what to tell the dispatcher and how long to wait>>

Change of insurance company

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin

You can change your insurance company from January 1 to November 1 of the current year. The list of policy issuing points is published on the website of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region. You can choose any one.

How to get preferential medications in the Moscow region>>

Elena Tverdaya


How much does it cost to join another clinic?

The service is provided to citizens free of charge each time.

Is it possible for me to eventually be assigned to another clinic through State Services?

No, today such a service is not implemented on the state portal. If you live in Moscow, you can use the website of the Moscow Mayor. If in another city, registration is possible only at the reception of the selected clinic.

Can they refuse to assign me to another hospital?

This is possible in case of failure to provide the necessary documents (policy, passport), or if these documents are damaged. In addition, registration will be denied if you go to a non-state clinic.

When can I see a doctor in a new place?

Attachment is not carried out instantly, the service provision period is 3 working days. Therefore, you need to act in advance, and not when you are really sick.

I'm going on vacation, will I get help at my place of stay?

If you go on vacation, be sure to take out a compulsory medical insurance policy for yourself and all family members. You will be provided with emergency care at any public clinic at your place of stay.


  1. ConsultantPlus: Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”
  2. Compulsory medical insurance: Insured persons in the field of compulsory medical insurance have the right to choose or change a clinic.

about the author

Irina Rusanova - higher education at the International East European University in the direction of "Banking". Graduated with honors from the Russian Economic Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov with a major in Finance and Credit. Ten years of experience in leading Russian banks: Alfa-Bank, Renaissance Credit, Home Credit Bank, Delta Credit, ATB, Svyaznoy (closed). He is an analyst and expert of the Brobank service on banking and financial stability. [email protected]

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How to attach to a clinic and make an appointment with a doctor

To join a medical organization, you must have a compulsory medical insurance policy (hereinafter referred to as compulsory medical insurance), which is issued by a medical insurance organization. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in person or through your representative* at the SOGAZ-Med office

, and you can also submit
an Application for a compulsory medical insurance policy
on our website in advance.

The insured person has the right to change medical organization at his own request, but not more than once a year. The exception is a change of residence or place of stay of a citizen.

To join a medical organization you must:

  • Study information about medical organizations working in the compulsory medical insurance system, familiarize yourself with the list and specifications of doctors working in the clinic, information about medical districts if you need home care.
  • Contact the reception desk of the selected clinic** and write an application for attachment addressed to the chief physician. You can also submit an application through your representative (samples of representative statements can be obtained at the registry office or on the website of the medical organization).
  • Most medical organizations have implemented a service for attaching to their institution on their own websites. This service allows you to quickly fill out a form with your data and automatically generate an application, which you will need to bring in printed form to the reception/administration of the clinic of your choice.

After checking the data specified in the application, the attachment will be carried out. You can receive a notification about this in the form of an SMS message or a phone call from a medical organization.

If you decide to change one medical organization to another, in this case, after filling out a new application for attachment, the transfer of data, such as detachment from the previous clinic, transfer of medical documents, and notification of the medical insurance company occurs automatically by the administration of the clinic. The presence of the applicant is not required.

Citizens of the following categories have the right to independently choose a medical organization from the list of private or public clinics participating in the compulsory medical insurance system and join it:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation, with the exception of military personnel and persons equivalent to them in terms of organizing the provision of medical care;
  • foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently and temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • persons entitled to receive medical care in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”;
  • working foreign citizens of the EAEU member states temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • members of the Commission's board working on the territory of the Russian Federation, officials and employees of EAEU bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Required documents to attach

The originals of the following documents must be attached to the application:

For children after state registration of birth and under 14 years of age who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • birth certificate;
  • identification document of the child’s legal representative;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy issued to the child.

For citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 years and older:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”:

  • a refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a copy of a complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status filed with the Federal Migration Service, with a note indicating its acceptance for consideration, or a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;
  • resident card;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person;
  • resident card;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity ;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For foreign workers temporarily staying in the Russian Federation from EAEU member states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia):

  • a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;
  • labor contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

For a citizen’s representative, including a legal representative:

  • an identity document and a document confirming the authority of the representative.

In case of change of residence, a document confirming the fact of change of residence is required.

In some regions, you can use electronic terminals, which allow you to avoid hours-long queues at the clinic’s reception desk, thanks to the convenience and speed of making an appointment with your chosen doctor.

Electronic Attachment

You can attach to the selected clinic via the Internet using the “State Services” portal***

The service can be used by persons over 18 years of age.

When filling out an application on the portal, you must provide the following information:

  • passport details;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy number;
  • address of registration and actual residence.

The applicant receives notification of attachment in the form of an SMS message on a mobile phone, in the form of a letter by email or in the personal account of the State Services portal.

Choosing a doctor in your medical organization

In the selected medical organization, you can also choose a general practitioner, a local physician, a pediatrician, a local pediatrician, a general practitioner (family doctor) or a paramedic. The choice is made no more than once a year (except for cases of change of medical organization*).

The choice is made by submitting an application (here you can also try to encrypt the application for downloading) personally or through your representative addressed to the head of the medical organization in accordance with the procedure established by law.

* (According to Article 16 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” and Article 21 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”).

** The procedure for a citizen to select a medical organization is determined:

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n “On approval of the procedure for a citizen to choose a medical organization when providing him with medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens”;

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 21, 2012 N 1342n “On approval of the procedure for a citizen to choose a medical organization (except for cases of emergency medical care) outside the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the citizen lives, when providing him with medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision to citizens medical assistance."

***If regional availability exists

**** Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2012 N 407n, Moscow “On approval of the Procedure for assisting the head of a medical organization (its division) in the patient’s choice of a doctor in the event of a patient’s request to replace the attending physician.”

Comments: 4

Your comment (question) If you have questions about this article, you can tell us. Our team consists of only experienced experts and specialists with specialized education. We will try to help you in this topic:

Author of the article Irina Rusanova

Consultant, author Popovich Anna

Financial author Olga Pikhotskaya

  1. Natalia
    12/03/2021 at 08:00 Hello, what should we do? I contacted the clinic regarding the attachment of the wrong site (it’s not our site and the doctor at the health service), they have only one answer, that the site is being updated and they say there are glitches. This is half a year of glitches them? What to do, where to go and write a complaint to the registry?
    Reply ↓ Anna Popovich
    04.12.2021 at 20:22

    Dear Natalya, first you should contact the head physician of the clinic, as well as the insurance company that issued you the compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition, a complaint with a detailed description of the situation and your contact information can be sent to the Department of Health, the regional branch of Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor.

    Reply ↓

  • Ekaterina Ivanovna
    11/16/2021 at 7:08 pm

    I'm Ekaterina Ivanovna. I want to join Polyclinic N1 (Sivtsev Vrazhek) through the portal, but it doesn’t work. It doesn’t appear in the list, and it doesn’t look for it in the search. I was served there for many years, while I was working, I had insurance from my employer. How can I do it? Thank you.

    Reply ↓

      Anna Popovich
      11/16/2021 at 11:05 pm

      Dear Ekaterina Ivanovna, we recommend that you contact the portal’s hotline by phone or 115 (for mobile phones).

      Reply ↓

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