What is splinting and how to use it to save teeth


Dear readers, we have prepared an interesting article for you - a review about teeth splinting and answers to related questions. From this material you will learn:

Teeth splinting - what is it? Indications for using the splinting technique; splinting of mobile teeth; what techniques are used; what materials are used; how much does the procedure cost?


We collected the main indications for this procedure and came up with five points:

  1. With a non-standard direction of tooth growth.
  2. In case of displacement of teeth in a row.
  3. For chronic periodontal diseases that cause bleeding.
  4. In cases where a large amount of deposits accumulate around the tooth root, which can lead to its destruction and tooth loss.
  5. The presence of deep gum pockets, the appearance of which has led to significant exposure of the roots of the teeth.

Advantages of technology

You should agree to the splinting procedure because it:

  • reliable prevention of tooth loss;
  • painlessness and efficiency;
  • no likelihood of developing caries;
  • aesthetics;
  • stopping the process of deformation of the bones of the jaw apparatus;
  • eliminating changes in the location of teeth and the distance between them;
  • minimal trauma (no turning, depulpation);
  • safety, harmlessness of materials;
  • easy oral care after treatment.


Periodontal disease is one of the most common problems dentists encounter. Therefore, among the “top” reasons is splinting teeth for periodontitis – an inflammatory disease of periodontal tissue. This disease causes the roots to become exposed. Teeth begin to become loose, which can ultimately lead to tooth loss.

The main task is to strengthen teeth that are starting to become loose. Moreover, it is important to do this at the initial stage. There are several solution options - high-strength fiberglass threads, prostheses, etc.

Often, patients consult a doctor only when the disease is chronic and reaches a moderate or even severe stage. This is expressed not only in unpleasant sensations, but also in the exposure of the subgingival part of the tooth by a quarter or more. Mobility directly depends on how much bone tissue is atrophied in a particular area.

You can check the condition of the bone tissue using a regular x-ray of the jaw area.

Separately, splinting of teeth for periodontal disease, which is not an infectious disease, is considered. There is still no consensus regarding the causes of this pathology. Among the main options:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • VSD;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertonic disease.

The symptoms of periodontal disease and periodontitis are largely similar, although the diseases themselves have very little in common. Tooth mobility occurs only in severe cases of the disease, when the root is exposed by 50% or more.

The materials used include silk, fiberglass and polyethylene threads.

Specialists select them by color so that there is no obvious difference in shade from the tissue of the tooth itself. The choice of technique depends on many nuances: the stage at which the disease occurs, bleeding, general hygiene, the presence of hard deposits on the teeth, tooth mobility, violation of the position of the teeth in the row, the depth of the formed gum pockets.

Another area of ​​work is splinting teeth for injuries. This may include bruises and fractures of the jaw, or other injuries leading to tooth dislocation. The splint allows you to fix it and secure it in such a way as to avoid loosening and subsequent falling out.

Patients often exhibit a symptom such as fan-shaped discrepancy of teeth. To eliminate it, thread-like materials are also used, placed in the sawn furrow and fixed with a filling. The advantage of this method is that the load is evenly distributed between the teeth.


Elena, Kyiv

Teeth became loose after periodontal disease. I thought that I would soon turn into a toothless grandmother. I cried at night. But the dentist gave me hope and said that they would do splinting. Thanks to modern materials (I was made with fiberglass), everything turned out completely different. I don’t feel any discomfort, my teeth don’t loosen, in the mirror I only see a beautiful smile.

Kirill, Orenburg

Since childhood, I had uneven teeth, which simply disfigured my face. I wore braces for many years. Gradually the teeth took on a more or less divine appearance. Not long ago, a dentist told me that for greater effect it is necessary to splint the teeth. Of course I gave my consent. You know, for the first time I'm happy with my mouth.

Olga, Perm

Several of my front teeth were loose and for some reason one quickly fell out. I went to the doctor, he splinted me. An artificial one was installed in place of the lost tooth. In appearance it cannot be distinguished from the natural one. Several years have passed, but I no longer remember which artificial tooth I have. Great!

Sergey, Orel

My sister had her teeth splinted. I went to the doctor several times. She had some special occasion. She suffered. But now everything is fine. I remember that my parents and I paid dearly for this treatment: more than twenty thousand rubles. It was a long time ago, my sister no longer remembers it. But for some reason I remember. The treatment was simply expensive!

Sources used:

  • Complications during dental prosthetics and their prevention / M.G. Bhushan, H.A. Kalamkarov. — M.: Shtintsa
  • I. Yu. Lebedenko, Orthopedic dentistry, 2012
  • American Dental Association. "Specialty Definitions: Definitions of Recognized Dental Specialties"


If a patient requires splinting of the upper jaw teeth, the doctor performs the procedure in several stages:

  • An anesthetic injection is given. The drug is selected individually, taking into account sensitivity, allergies, pregnancy and various diseases for which painkillers with adrenaline cannot be used.
  • A furrow of the required depth is made in the chewing surfaces.
  • A tape is laid in the furrow;
  • The cuts are filled with a color-matched filling material. There are now an excellent selection of options that can be cured chemically or cured using a light curing lamp.

For splinting the anterior teeth of the upper row with mobility and/or divergence, the cutting depth is usually 2 mm, the height is similar. This option allows you to eliminate too large interdental spaces.

The doctor determines the general condition of the dentition in order to make a final decision on exactly how many teeth will be in the splint.

If the lateral teeth are splinted, then the cut is made on the chewing surface. The further procedure is carried out according to the same principle.

If a patient is prescribed preventive splinting of the teeth of the lower jaw, then it is performed using a similar technology. But when laying the tape, it catches canines/other teeth that do not have mobility problems.

Before installing a splint, it is important to completely remove soft and hard plaque. Stones on the visible surface of the tooth and on the root itself are one of the main reasons for the development of periodontitis, causing tooth mobility, bleeding gums and other unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, the doctor must refer the client to hygiene procedures. To prevent problems with enamel, increased sensitivity, etc. after them, remineralization therapy can be prescribed. This includes both the application of special compounds and the use of preparations containing substances that help accelerate the recovery process and saturate the enamel with the necessary compounds.

If the reason for splinting is periodontitis, courses of anti-inflammatory therapy are carried out in parallel. It can be local or general.

In the first case we mean:

  • Antiseptic rinses and baths;
  • Applications;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures – electrophoresis, laser;
  • Correct selection of toothpastes;

General therapy refers to drug treatment.

Usually we are talking about a course of antibiotics in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections.

Indications for splinting

A dental procedure can only be recommended after an examination and comprehensive diagnosis. Radiography is the main examination method. Splinting is indicated for patients with congenital pathologies of the oral cavity and advanced periodontitis. Exkulap dentists also recommend using this treatment technique for patients with the following disorders:

  • increased mobility of teeth (acquired, congenital, caused by the persistent influence of external factors);
  • exposure of canals, roots;
  • large-scale tartar damage;
  • bleeding gums.

Splinting is not recommended for patients who rapidly develop periodontal disease, and for those who have a huge number of dental defects.


So, let's move on to the important point - the raw materials used when applying a splint to mobile teeth. There are many requirements for it:

  • Biocompatibility with natural tissues;
  • Hypoallergenic. Not all materials in this regard can be 100% safe for human health.
  • Hygiene;
  • Ability to withstand mechanical loads.

There are also requirements that are independent of the choice of material. These include:

  • Invisibility, allowing you to maintain aesthetics.
  • No problems with diction and eating.
  • Reliable fixation of mobile teeth. They should not move in any of the possible directions.
  • Reliable fixation on the teeth themselves.

It is also very important that the fixing splint does not interfere with brushing teeth and gums and does not injure soft tissues.

Among the most popular options is strengthening teeth with fiberglass tape, as well as its analogues made of polyethylene and silk.

Tire production times are always individual.

In some cases, it is made right in front of you, in others it requires time and work in a dental laboratory.

After the fiberglass thread cures, it turns into a strong element - a beam that holds the teeth together. At the same time, the effect of load distribution acts in such a way that even when biting on just one tooth, the load is divided among all teeth united by the splint. This is important to ensure that the teeth maintain contact with each other.

Many people underestimate the importance of this moment. However, contact greatly influences the rate of bone atrophy, which is observed in many patients

Orthopedic dentistry

  • Orthopedic dentistry Historical sketch
  • Chewing system
  • Research and diagnostics in orthopedic dentistry
  • Preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics
  • Impression materials
  • Impressions
  • Clinic and prosthetics of the crown part of the tooth
  • Prosthetics for dental defects
  • Metal alloys used in orthopedic dentistry
  • Compensation of dental defects with removable partial dentures
  • Basic principles of complex treatment of periodontal disease
  • Splinting
    Time to splint teeth
  • Splinting of chewing teeth

  • Prosthetics of dentition defects with fixed, plate and clasp dentures for periodontal disease
  • Orthodontic interventions
  • Complications and mistakes when splinting teeth
  • Immediate and early prosthetics
  • Pathological abrasion of teeth
  • Prosthetics for toothless jaws
  • Orthodontics
  • Maxillofacial orthopedics
  • Dental laboratory
  • Pain relief during dental prosthetics
  • Dental prosthetics, maxillofacial orthopedics and orthodontics
  • Allergic diseases in orthopedic dentistry
  • Prosthetics for complete tooth loss
  • Fast-hardening plastics in dental and jaw prosthetics
  • The mechanism of development and methods for eliminating dentofacial deformities
  • Filling teeth with cast inlays
  • Preparing teeth for filling and prosthetics
  • Orthopedic gerontostomatology
  • Designs of orthopedic devices
  • Orthodontics
  • Deformations of the dentition
  • Orthodontics and prosthetics in childhood
  • Dental and jaw prosthetics in children
  • Materials Science in Dentistry

    Also very popular is cable splinting of teeth with aramid thread, which has enormous strength. Experts have conducted several studies, during which it turned out that aramid fiber has eight times greater strength than piano steel with similar parameters.

    • This technique allows you to achieve excellent aesthetics and correction of the dentition in case of displacements caused by periodontal diseases, injuries and other reasons.
    • Aramid fiber is superior in durability to any other thread.
    • The material does not enter into chemical reactions with saliva and food, and has excellent biocompatibility.
    • Bone tissue stops rapidly atrophying.
    • Large gaps between teeth are eliminated. Consequently, the space between them is not clogged and the overall aesthetics are improved.
    • The natural load on the dentition is restored.
    • You can simultaneously install dentures to replace lost teeth.


    The appropriate treatment method is decided together with the treating dentist after a thorough examination of the oral cavity.

    Using fiberglass thread

    Fiberglass splinting is used for pronounced defects caused by periodontal diseases, loss of stability after an injury, or due to individual physiological characteristics.

    Also, the method of prosthetics with fiberglass thread allows you to consolidate the results of correction after using braces, remains stable against stones, exposed roots and severe bleeding of diseased gums.

    This material is most in demand, as it is chemically inert and does not cause rejection.

    During the work, the specialist performs the following manipulations:

    • eliminates plaque and deposits that impede installation;
    • saws a small recess (2 mm) into which the fiberglass thread is placed;
    • covers the thread with a polymer material;
    • acts with photopolymer until hardening;
    • polishes the surface.

    Advantages of the fiberglass method:

    • Operational installation. The fiberglass thread is installed in one session.
    • No adverse effects on diction and chewing ability.
    • The load is distributed evenly.
    • Maintaining an aesthetic appearance.
    • Hypoallergenic material.
    • If necessary, the fiber can be easily removed or replaced.
    • Durability and reliable fastening.
    • Reasonable prices.

    Splinting of lower anterior teeth

    Splinting of anterior teeth has the best results in terms of stability. When splinting the lower front teeth, a depression is cut out on their inner surface, into which the specialist places a fiberglass thread.

    Afterwards, the material in the recess is covered with a light composite. The distance to which the prosthesis is fixed depends on the condition of the entire anterior dentition.

    In addition to loose ones, the splint must also have stable teeth (usually fangs). This takes some of the stress off those who are unstable when chewing food.

    Splinting of the upper anterior teeth

    Splinting of the upper front teeth is carried out in case of loss of stability, risk of fan-shaped discrepancy, or direct discrepancy of the upper front teeth.

    Usually the recess is cut out on the front side, then the process is identical to securing the lower teeth.

    Splinting using aramid thread (cable-stayed)

    Cable splinting using aramid thread and light-curing composites has been successful in dental practice for about twenty years.

    This is a fast and reliable method, designed for trouble-free use of the structure for several years.

    Aramid thread is characterized by exceptional strength (8 times greater than the strength of piano steel), excellent compatibility with composite materials and low elasticity, which together makes the structure reliable and durable.

    The threads do not react with food and saliva, are not capable of abrasion and do not destroy the enamel coating.

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    Cable-stayed splinting technology consists of the following stages:

    • an injection of an anesthetic drug;
    • cutting out a recess (0.5 mm) on the inside of the teeth slightly above the gums;
    • laying aramid thread in the recess;
    • covering the thread with a composite material.

    This technology is described in more detail in the following video:

    During work, teeth and gums are minimally injured, and further cleaning and dental treatment will not cause inconvenience.

    The tone of the composite is selected in accordance with the natural color, which allows you to maintain aesthetic appeal.

    The technique ensures safety and minimizes the risk of atrophy of the jaw-bone tissues even with severe instability, successfully hides small defects and evenly distributes the load on the jaw.

    Simultaneously with cable-stayed splinting, therapeutic and surgical processes are allowed.

    Splinting using fixed prostheses

    Permanent dentures are not used in all cases; it depends on the clinical picture of the disease, the condition of the oral cavity, the presence of specific deposits on the teeth, the stage of displacement, etc.

    An undeniable indication for the installation of a fixed structure is instability due to atrophy of the alveolar process of no more than ¼ of the length of the tooth root.

    In more severe phases of the disease, therapeutic treatment is required before prosthetics.

    The advantages of durable products include a reduction in pressure in all directions of action, which removable structures do not provide.

    Splinting using removable dentures

    The best option if one or more teeth are missing. Short-term dentures provide fixation for both loose and almost falling out teeth, while simultaneously filling in the place of missing ones.

    The design is created in accordance with the individual physiological characteristics of the patient. A mandatory indication for removable immobilization is a jaw fracture. The material for the tire is plastic or metal.

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    In modern dental practice, various types of dental splinting are offered, differing in indications and effectiveness. One of them involves the use of metal crowns, or their metal-ceramic and metal-free analogues.

    The crowns are connected to each other, thereby eliminating mobility. However, in order to perform the procedure, the nerves are removed from the teeth. Therefore, doctors consider all options before settling on grinding teeth for crowns. Let’s not forget that this method is much more expensive.

    What are the disadvantages

    The procedure has its consequences, which are not always positive and convenient for the patient. So, for example, the presence of a splinting structure leads to a more intense accumulation of plaque and deposits, which can provoke inflammation in periodontal tissues, as well as the appearance of carious cavities

    Therefore, after splinting, it is important to maintain a high level of hygiene and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the enamel and cervical area. Experts recommend additionally using a monotuft brush and irrigator, and rinsing your mouth with water or an antiseptic after each meal.

    Splints made of aramid fiber do not look very aesthetically pleasing, so they are fixed either on the back side of the row or to unite the chewing molars. To guarantee an aesthetic result, it is better to use translucent fiberglass. In rare cases, splinting structures can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and cause discomfort, but these are only temporary phenomena that will pass after getting used to it.

    Aramid fiber tires do not look very aesthetically pleasing

    If the product was not installed correctly or the doctor created a groove that was too deep, the patient may experience increasing pain after the procedure. In such a situation, you should urgently contact a specialist, otherwise the pulp chamber may be damaged, which risks leading to pulpitis and the need to remove the nerve. Sometimes during operation the tire becomes unstuck or breaks off. The cause may be bruxism, malocclusion, or simply excessive chewing loads. To correct the damage, you should contact your orthodontist.

    Important to remember! Splinting alone for periodontitis is extremely insufficient - it is important to regularly remove deposits and maintain therapy, otherwise the teeth will continue to loosen and simply fall out along with the splint group


    If, in addition to loose teeth, there are also “gaps” formed due to the loss of several teeth in a row, the use of removable dentures is effective. They are used when it is necessary to replace 1–3 teeth in a row. The doctor examines all the nuances regarding the general condition of the dentition, the number of missing teeth, and the presence of bite problems. There is also a dependence of the choice on the age and other individual characteristics of the patient.

    There are many materials for making dentures. Some are universal, but expensive. Others are affordable, but are far from ideal in a number of ways, or may cause allergies in some people.

    Typically, dental splinting with a removable denture is often chosen as a temporary measure necessary for injuries such as a jaw fracture. During the rehabilitation period, this design provides reliable stability.

    How long does the result last?

    A fiberglass tire can last a long time, but it has its own service life - usually about 3 years.
    Correction is required on average once a year to check its integrity, polish and adjust. However, in the absence of other teeth, the remaining ones will have to take on the entire chewing load, which is why the splint may soon be damaged. Thus, before the procedure, it is important to undergo treatment and prosthetics to restore the bite

    Clasp prosthetic devices are an excellent option for splinting mobile units when additional gaps in the row need to be filled. This is one of the most convenient methods of removable prosthetics, which allows you to almost completely restore the functionality of the jaw and at the same time provide the proper level of comfort. The service life of such an orthopedic device is 10-12 years or more.


    A technique such as clasp prosthetics can be recommended in cases where other options are excluded for medical reasons, or are not suitable due to anatomical and other features. Eg:

    • The patient has a deep bite;
    • Signs of bruxism are observed;
    • Violation of the natural position of the teeth;
    • Periodontal diseases causing bleeding from the gums;
    • Displacement of teeth in a row;
    • The appearance of periodontal pockets and significant exposure of roots;
    • Loss of more than one tooth in a row where there is no supporting tooth for fixation;
    • The need for effective redistribution of chewing load.

    The design of the clasp prosthesis used for splinting is an arch with several types of fixing elements - clasps and processes, fixed to the teeth and holding those teeth in the row that have become mobile. Crowns are placed on the supporting teeth.

    Features and advantages of a splinting clasp prosthesis:

    • Does not cause discomfort when wearing;
    • Significantly slows down the process of loss of bone and periodontal tissue;
    • Does not require long-term adaptation;
    • Has compact dimensions;
    • Doesn't interfere with eating or talking;
    • Does not change the taste of food;
    • Has a reliable design

    The procedure for manufacturing and installing a tire based on a clasp design is carried out in several stages.

    First of all, the doctor examines the condition of the oral cavity, periodontium, jawbone, and takes photographs.

    After this, the specialist has data on his hands, on the basis of which a preliminary prosthetic scheme can be determined.

    Next, it is necessary to make impressions of both jaws and create a model, with the help of which the frame will subsequently be made. Then they try it on and make an exact adjustment. It is important that the patient does not experience discomfort while wearing the prosthesis.

    Types and features of the procedure

    Splinting can be classified according to the duration and type of materials used. In the first case, there are 3 types of techniques:

    1. Temporary. The attending physician installs splints for a period of 1 to 3 months. Splinting of this type is advisable at the initial stage of development of the disease of loose teeth. The installed structure does not have a negative effect on the gums. In addition, there is the possibility of operational modification. The specialist will announce the date of splint removal after a complete analysis of the clinical picture.
    2. Constant. The splinting structure is installed for a long time until the need for more radical treatment arises. Permanent dentures do not negatively affect soft tissues.
    3. Long-term. The splints remain in the patient's mouth for about a year. The technique is used in combination with other techniques for treating periodontitis.

    When choosing splinting structures, dentists take into account:

    1. Type of deformation.
    2. The degree of soft tissue inflammation.
    3. Number of teeth in the oral cavity.


    Unfortunately, sometimes unpleasant situations arise in which the patient develops complications. There are several options for negative developments:

    • In some cases, the groove for the tire is too deep. This leads to opening or damage to the pulp chamber. After some time, the patient develops pulpitis - inflammation of the dental nerve. Typically, in this case, the nerve tissue has to be removed and the tooth filled.
    • Because Before the procedure, doctors perform professional cleaning, the thickness of the enamel decreases. This leads to the fact that the patient's teeth may begin to react to cold and hot.
    • If the tire becomes deformed during polymerization or overheats, it may break.
    • If bacteria remain under the structure, caries may develop, which remains undetected for a long time. Often, patients seek help from a dentist already at the stage of pulpitis development.
    • Inflammatory processes and other complications caused by irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as allergic reactions to the material used.

    Disadvantages of splinting

    Disadvantages of this technique:

    • Oral hygiene is a little more complicated (this is due to periodontal pockets).
    • Unskilled work by a dentist often causes an outbreak of dental diseases.
    • The deep furrow made can reach the pulp chamber, thereby spontaneously triggering the occurrence of pulpitis.
    • Sensitivity of tooth enamel may occur.
    • If you do not polish your teeth enough, dental diseases may develop under the splint.
    • In case of overheating or incorrect manufacturing technology, the splint may break under the chewing load.


    Before praising or criticizing one type of dental splinting, you need to understand the features of the procedure.

    For example, when using fiberglass material, the service life does not exceed three years from the date of installation of the tire.

    And even then, only with full compliance with all the rules by the doctor and the patient. A polishing procedure is carried out annually.

    It is also important to know that in the absence of molars, the load on the front teeth becomes excessive. Therefore, preventive prosthetics of chewing teeth is recommended to restore the natural bite.

    As for crowns, they last a long time, and in this regard they are more effective than fiberglass. But to install them, the doctor has to grind the teeth. Cavities can develop under the crown. And if it is necessary to splint a large number of teeth, this is simply impractical and not profitable.

    The most reliable and durable option, which allows not only to strengthen existing teeth, but also to replace missing teeth, is the clasp system. However, this method has one significant disadvantage - the price. Not every patient can afford such expenses.

    Negative reviews from patients are often associated not with the unprofessionalism of dentists, but with a banal failure to comply with a number of care requirements. In addition, as we wrote above, it is important that when splinting the anterior row you have strong lateral and posterior teeth.

    Cost of splinting

    Prices for splinting vary. The amount depends on the material, the method of treatment, the complexity and characteristics of the disease.

    The cost of splinting includes the price of an x-ray, since without it it is impossible to correctly diagnose and further treat. Approximately the prices for splinting are equal to the following numbers:

    1. Splinting with crowns – 4,000 rubles.
    2. Clasp prosthetics – 24,000 rubles.
    3. Splinting three teeth on the lateral side – 5,000 rubles.
    4. Fiberglass splinting of teeth – 7,000 rubles.

    Laying and tensioning the thread

    The thread should not be over-tightened, otherwise pathological displacement of the teeth may occur. To avoid this, the thread is pulled after laying in the grooves, and its ends are twisted together. The tension of the thread can always lead to displacement of mobile teeth, regardless of the splinting scheme. Therefore, after manipulation, verification and occlusion are mandatory.

    The interdental spaces with the nodes located in them are etched with acid, then treated with an adhesive substance and filled with a composite of fluid consistency, and the ends of the threads are cut off. Splintcord threads, available in two sizes and four colors, are most suitable for cable-stayed splinting.

    Types of orthopedic devices

    Based on the duration of use, temporary, semi-permanent and permanent stabilization devices can be distinguished.


    Splinting mobile teeth with fiberglass is a temporary and semi-permanent technique. The essence: embedding a biocompatible ligature to reliably unite a group of teeth. The advantages include

    • possibility of performing the procedure in one visit;
    • no need for depulpation;
    • fast adaptation;
    • high aesthetics.

    The flexible fiber is placed in the prepared groove. A photopolymer composite is applied on top. The structure is illuminated by a polymerization device. Under the influence of the lamp, the fiberglass hardens, acquiring strength comparable to a metal beam.

    Using fiberglass, you can unite your teeth and even fill in defects. In this case, a composite gap is modeled clinically on the beam. After treatment is completed, the splint is removed and the surfaces are restored with conventional fillings.


    Splinting teeth with crowns and bridges refers to fixed prosthetics. Recommended when it is necessary to restore damaged fragments of the coronal part and have a high degree of mobility.

    Manipulation involves an indirect method of production. The dentist determines whether depulpation is necessary, grinds, and takes impressions. At the laboratory stage, interconnected crowns are made, which are installed with permanent cement at the next visit. The structures are made of metal-plastic, metal-ceramic, zirconium. Solid crowns can be installed on the distal chewing molars.

    The technique has a number of advantages:

    • the ability to correct the appearance (color, shape, eliminate interdental spaces);
    • reliability and durability;
    • filling missing teeth in spaces.

    Disadvantages include the inability to remove the device (replacement only) and relatively high cost.

    Aramid thread

    The technique is similar to fiberglass splinting. It is performed directly in the chair, under local anesthesia. Does not require pulp removal, allows you to restore included defects. The aramid thread is made in the form of a flat braided tape, installation is also similar: furrow, thread laying, sealing with light polymer. The difference is increased strength, comparable to the stability indicators of steel.

    In some situations, aramid fiber replaces prosthetics. This material:

    • lasting;
    • biocompatible;
    • bioinert.

    Cable-stayed (sealed, permanent) splinting does not interfere with normal hygienic procedures, is aesthetically pleasing and can last 5-7 years.

    Clasp dentures

    Clasp structures are devices that have a dual function. In addition to strengthening and stabilization, dentures fill gaps and end defects, evenly distributing the load on the gum and supporting units.

    From the inside, the prosthesis base duplicates the architectonics of the mucous and cervical region, tightly and firmly grasping each remaining unit. The frame is made of dental metal (cobalt-chrome or nickel-chrome), on top of which a base is modeled that imitates the gingival part and crowns that replace the lost ones. The base part is made of acrylic, nylon, acry-free to match the color of the natural mucous membrane. Artificial crowns are matched to natural ones (shape, size, color).

    Among the disadvantages of clasp splinting, one can note the need to remove the apparatus for cleaning and the clasp fastening system (metal hooks extending into the visible area). In addition, this device should be prescribed and installed only by an experienced, qualified specialist, otherwise the design will not be able to strengthen the periodontium, but, on the contrary, will loosen the teeth even more.


    There are removable and non-removable splinting. Fixed is used for small blocks - no more than 4 teeth, if there are healthy supporting teeth at the edges. In this case, the tooth enamel is slightly undermined. A thin fiberglass, aramid or silk thread is placed in the grooves. The grooves are covered with a material that is not destroyed by light and matches the color of the teeth as closely as possible. Fixed splinting can be done in 1 visit to the dentist.

    Removable is used in the absence of outer support elements, if you need to splint a block with more than 4 teeth. In the smile area, crowning is performed, and in the sagittal area, prosthetics are performed. If it is necessary to strengthen a large area or periodontal disease has affected several areas, a clasp denture is installed.

    Filling grooves and finishing

    One of the final stages of cable-stayed splinting is filling the grooves and masking the aramid thread with composite cement. For this purpose, composites of fluid consistency with a high elasticity modulus are used.

    The finishing process is identical to the processing of fillings and restorations of anterior teeth made of composite materials. After splinting is completed, the patient receives recommendations on how to care for the cable-stayed structures. They need to be polished from time to time to prevent filler particles from falling out of the composite matrix, which can lead to contamination of the structure.

    Polishing also serves another purpose: to prevent unwanted staining of the interfaces between components. Once every six months or more often it is necessary to visit a hygienist to remove the contaminated surface layer of the filling or restoration.

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