Advantages and disadvantages of using Vinilin in children with stomatitis

When faced with the problem of childhood stomatitis: the appearance of painful sensations on the tongue and oral mucosa, white plaque and red ulcers when trying to remove white deposits, many parents think about whether it is worth using vinylin or Shostakovsky balm when treating the oral mucosa in a child.

What is the principle of action of the drug and its side effects? What are the benefits of using vinylin? What methods of use exist in childhood?

To whom, how much and how to give vinylin? How much does the drug cost in retail? We will consider all these questions in the article and determine whether the medicine can be used to treat stomatitis and how to use it.

Benefits of use

For stomatitis, vinylin helps the body get rid of pathogenic flora in the mouth, preventing the proliferation of microbes and fungi.

By covering the mucous membrane with a protective film, the drug closes the gates to new infections through open wounds and ulcers. With its help, tissue healing processes occur faster.

Vinilin is an excellent antiseptic and enhances mucosal regeneration. In addition, it has an analgesic effect; with its help, pain is no longer felt so acutely while eating.

Thanks to such positive properties, this medicine helps prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions to fungal and bacterial infections.

Important! Vinilin is recommended for use as part of complex treatment. In combination with other drugs, the therapeutic effect of the drug will be greater.

The doctor selects the composition and dosage of other medications in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child and the stage of the disease.

For mild stomatitis, the doctor may prescribe rinsing with sage or chamomile, oak bark, soda rinsing in combination with applying vinylin to the child’s oral mucosa.


We present to your attention user reviews about the drug Vinilin, its effectiveness for stomatitis and other dental diseases.

Vinilin is an antiseptic substance with a wide range of applications. The medicine is actively used in the treatment of stomatitis and other dental diseases caused by exposure to pathogenic bacteria.

Vinyline is harmless to the body and can be used at an early age. Reception must be carried out in full accordance with the prescribed timing and dosage.

Indications and contraindications

According to the instructions for use of vinylin, the drug is recommended for local therapy in the following cases :

  • when a child has a sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis and other bacterial, fungal and viral diseases of the oral cavity;
  • when children developed dysentery, leukoplakia, and periodontal disease.

Vinylin is mainly used in symptomatic treatment: to eliminate ulcers, aphthae on the surface of the mucous membrane of the lips, palate, tongue and cheeks.

For adults, vinylin is used topically to relieve inflammation:

  • for hemorrhoids, colitis, anal fissures, inflammation when wearing dentures and the above diseases, which are typical not only for children, but also for older people.

Thanks to the enveloping and soothing function of vinylin, which relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, the drug is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases such as:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • for the following types of gastritis: erosive, chronic with increased acidity of gastric juice, hyperacid.

External use of vinylin is justified:

  • with necrotic lesions of the skin, which include boils and carbuncles;
  • for frostbite and burns, vinylin is used as first aid and as part of complex therapy, applying balm to the affected areas;
  • in rehabilitation therapy after irradiation of cancerous formations, various dermatitis;
  • when treating skin affected by scabies mites, mastitis.

Contraindications to taking vinylin are:

  • individual intolerance to the drug, allergic reactions to polyvinox in the composition;
  • for kidney and liver diseases;
  • for diseases of the gallbladder.

We will talk about the causes and methods of removing bottle caries in children in our next article. And here you can read about at what age it is possible to painlessly trim the frenulum under the tongue.

Internal use of the drug is not recommended for children under 14 years of age, as well as lactating and pregnant women due to the risk of exposure to the fetus.

Internal use is dangerous for children! The drug affects the fragile urinary system, bile excretion, and gastrointestinal tract.

Since the drug leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and a decrease in the secretory function of the stomach, this can lead to gastritis, colitis and other pathologies.

General information

Vinilin (Shostakovsky balm) is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing drug used for a wide range of infectious pathologies.
The medicine is a liquid solution for topical application. In addition, there is a drug in the form of an ointment.

The solution is a yellow viscous substance, poorly soluble in water. It has a specific smell.

The main active ingredient is polyvinox (polyvinyl butyl ether). This component has an antibacterial effect by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microflora.

The substance is also characterized by an enveloping effect, due to which the medicine has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

In addition to stomatitis, the drug is used for the following pathologies:

  • Burns;
  • Ulcerative diseases;
  • Skin dermatitis;
  • Infectious diseases in purulent form;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Frostbite;
  • Boils.

In dentistry, Vinilin is used in the treatment of gingivitis, periodontal disease, inflammation of the tongue, and periodontitis.

Side effects

The drug does not have pronounced side effects, in some cases only the following may occur:

  • redness;
  • rashes;
  • itching

In this case, antihistamines are taken as prescribed by the doctor and symptomatic therapy is carried out. Various remedies are prescribed to relieve itching.

What does it represent?

Externally, the medicine is a rather thick orange or yellow liquid, which has a distinct smell and taste . It is not water-soluble, but oil-soluble, and does not thicken in open air.

After the joint invention of the drug by Shostakovsky and Favorsky, it has been successfully used since the early forties. Its wound-healing effect, which is of primary importance in the local treatment of stomatitis, is complemented by the absence of toxicity .

This is of great importance, since the drug is successfully used in pediatric dentistry, starting from infancy.

Instructions for use

To treat the oral cavity in infants, as well as children 2-4 years old, use a gauze swab or a cotton swab.

A small amount of balm is applied in a thin layer to the lesions on the child’s mucous membrane, avoiding excessive pressure on the root of the tongue due to the likelihood of a gag reflex.

Treatment is carried out several hours after eating every 3-4 hours, but no more than 5-6 times a day. After applying the balm to the sores, you must not eat for two hours and not drink for at least half an hour for the drug to work properly.

For older children who already know how to spit, the doctor may recommend a solution of vinylin. In this case, rinsing is carried out 3 - 4 times a day. Parents should explain to the child that the medicine should not be swallowed.

The drug is used for 5 - 7 days , if during this time no changes are detected or the disease progresses, it is necessary to change the drug to another.

Typically, vinylin begins to act quite quickly, the healing effect is noticeable already on the second day after the start of treatment of the oral mucosa.

For tonsillitis, the drug is applied to the tonsils in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Vinilin only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, removing ulcers, wounds, and redness. However, treatment of advanced forms of stomatitis requires therapy with antibiotics in combination with other drugs.

Analogues of vinylin, similar in antiseptic effects, are common agents: brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, aseptolin, bactoderm and other drugs.

When using vinylin in the treatment of viral stomatitis, it should be taken into account that complications may arise, such as the spread of a herpetic or other infection to the face, therefore, in addition to vinylin, the doctor must prescribe a complex of drugs that support the immune system and prescribe antiviral agents.

Common Questions

Does Vinilin help with aphthous stomatitis?

Aphthous stomatitis is a direct indication for the use of Vinilin. However, before starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures to make sure that the disease is caused by bacteria and not other pathogenic microorganisms.

Can Vinylin be used during teething?

Many pediatricians recommend using the drug during teething. Systematic application eliminates signs of gum inflammation, facilitates the process, and also prevents possible infection.

Features of use in children

In childhood, doctors recommend using only a balm or solution for gargling. They have a wide spectrum of action, helping to quickly restore the health of the oral mucosa.

Use vinylin with caution, avoiding ingestion of the drug. If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear throughout the body or on the face, stop taking the medicine immediately.

Experts often prescribe vinylin to infants only in the form of local treatment of the oral mucosa. At the same time, a nursing mother should carefully monitor the condition of the child’s body.

In case of individual intolerance to the drug, even if the symptoms of stomatitis disappear, consult a doctor so that he can prescribe another drug that has the same spectrum of action and is safe for the child.

The simultaneous use of other drugs with vinylin is not contraindicated. So, doctors may even recommend alternating treatment of the oral cavity with herbal decoctions and vinylin, a soda solution and the drug.

You can also use various oils simultaneously with vinylin: rosehip, sea buckthorn.

What should parents do first if their child has black plaque on their teeth, and how to prevent this. By following this link: , you will find information on how to treat oral thrush in a baby.

In this review, you will find out why a child may have a red spot on his tongue. This may be a symptom of a serious dental disease!

Causes of stomatitis

As we have already indicated above, this disease can be triggered by various factors. Let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

Allergies to food and other substances can also cause stomatitis. In these cases, any of the allergenic substances in contact with oral tissues can cause an outbreak of the disease.

If the patient suspects he has an allergy, he may be advised to keep a food diary to identify which substances are most likely to cause stomatitis.

In some cases, it is useful to think about a medical examination to identify this negative factor.

In some women, there appears to be a connection between the formation of stomatitis and certain phases of the menstrual period. Some studies suggest that exacerbations of stomatitis occurred in women during pregnancy.

Toothpastes and oral cleansers that contain sodium lauryl sulfate can reduce the local resistance in the oral cavity to various pathogenic microorganisms, which can also negatively affect health in this area.

Mechanical, chemical, thermal damage localized in the mouth, a lack of essential vitamins and minerals can spur the appearance of stomatitis. People with this disease often report that the formation of ulcers coincides with periods of emotional or mental stress.

In many cases of chronic stomatitis, researchers have identified a genetic predisposition to the rapid formation and progression of this disease.

Various pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms can affect the appearance of stomatitis. The occurrence of this disease and other types of aphthous ulcers is also directly related to certain diseases.

If you often have stomatitis, it makes sense to undergo a medical examination - perhaps you will be diagnosed with some systemic disease that spurs it.


The product can be successfully purchased retail at a pharmacy; its price in most cases depends on the size of the package and the specific markup of the commercial organization. Despite this, the medicine is inexpensive and accessible.

A solution of vinylin 50 ml costs from 150 rubles per bottle, the price of the balm is not much different, the drug can be found for 200 rubles. The online offer will cost a little less - 150 rubles per bottle.

A large package of the drug with a volume of 100 ml will cost a little more - 250 rubles.

The drug vinylin is an effective remedy for eliminating the symptoms of stomatitis in children, recommended for use by pediatricians.

Its use requires caution; Compliance with the dosages specified by the doctor and consistent use of the drug in combination with antifungal, antiviral or antibacterial agents will lead to a positive result and will help avoid relapses.

More complete information about the treatment of stomatitis in children is given in the following video:

Classification of the pathological process.

There are several types of stomatitis. They all differ in their causes and clinical manifestations. The most common are the following:

  1. Catarrhal stomatitis
    . The disease is often confused with gingivitis and inflammation of the tongue. It manifests itself in the form of swelling and redness of the mucous membrane.
  2. Ulcerative stomatitis
    . The main symptom is the accumulation of gray or white plaque. The wounds very quickly become deep and penetrate further into the tissue.
  3. Aphthous stomatitis
    . It is a bacterial form of the disease. The pustules are clearly visible and surrounded by a scarlet ring. The pathological process is often accompanied by fever and requires the use of antibiotics.

In what cases is the balm recommended?

"Vinilin" is also called Shostakovsky's balm.
Although the pharmaceutical product is also available in other forms, for example, as a solution for rinsing and capsules for oral use, it is the balm for external use that is recommended for children. It is sold in dark glass bottles of 50 and 100 ml. They only treat candidiasis and aphthous stomatitis; for the treatment of herpetic stomatitis, another medicine is required. Candidiasis and aphthous forms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of redness and inflammation in the oral mucosa. When infected by fungi, a white coating appears, resembling cottage cheese.

What other symptoms do these forms of the disease have:

  • child's capriciousness;
  • sucking fingers in an attempt to relieve pain;
  • temperature increase.

If your baby shows these signs, you should take him to the doctor. It is very likely that the doctor will recommend Vinilin.

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