Sky implants – high-tech systems for patients of all age groups

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Dental implantation is a branch of dentistry that is constantly evolving, technologies are improving. Classic artificial roots are titanium, which are durable, but allergic reactions are possible. But even in this case, implantation is carried out. Axioma Dental clinic offers its patients innovative solutions - WhiteSKY zirconium implants.

Bredent Sky implant

Bredent Medical GmbH is a German company that has been developing and manufacturing products for prosthetics and dental implantation for more than 45 years.

The company has patented many innovative solutions in dentistry. For example, the WhiteSky implant is the first 100% metal-free design, with a high survival rate and excellent aesthetics.

Bredent WhiteSKY zirconium implants are premium, developed based on many years of experience of European dentists. They have been on the market since 2006, since then more than half a million operations and hundreds of clinical studies have been carried out. And the designs showed excellent results.


Place, no.ManufacturerPrice (for 1 implant)
1Nobel Biocare (Switzerland) Astra Tech (Sweden) Straumann (Switzerland) ROOTT (Switzerland)from 40 thousand rubles.
2Ankylos (Germany) Xive Friadent (Germany)30-40 thousand rubles.
3Biomet Bicon BioHorizons (USA)25-35 thousand rubles.
4MIS (Israel) Alpha Bio (Israel) Ards (Israel) Implantium (Korea)from 12 thousand rubles.
5Belarusian Russian8-12 thousand rubles.

At the top of the pyramid are premium systems from manufacturers Nobel Biocare, Astra Tech and Straumann, which provide their customers with a lifetime guarantee on all products. True, you will have to pay at least 35 thousand rubles . It is also worth noting that manufacturers of luxury systems provide partner clinics not only with the products themselves, but also with proven technologies for installation and treatment of patients.

The list of the best dental implants continues with the German brands Ankylos and Xive Friadent, the price of their products ranges around 30-40 thousand rubles .

Implants from foreign manufacturers Biomet, Bicon, BioHorizons are slightly inferior in price, the cost of which ranges from 25 to 35 thousand rubles .

The group of budget manufacturers includes Israeli companies: MIS, Alpha Bio, Ards, as well as the Korean one - Implantium. The implants produced by these brands, despite their low price ( from 12 thousand rubles ), are very popular among dentists all over the world. Good prices for turnkey dental implantation using the Alpha Bio system in Moscow at the Limon dentistry on Molodezhnaya.

Implants from Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian companies are considered the cheapest. Their price is about 8-12 thousand rubles .

TopDent recommends Swedish Astra Tech implants

Who is suitable for zirconium implants?

Zirconium is a metal characterized by high strength, biocompatibility and hypoallergenicity. According to the European Osseointegration Association, up to 26% of patients have allergic reactions to titanium components. This metal is the basis of most implants.

WhiteSKY are the first metal-free structures, which guarantees the absence of allergic reactions. As is known, an allergy to titanium in the long term can cause the following consequences:

  • rejection;
  • peri-implantitis – inflammation of the bone tissue in the area of ​​the installed implant;
  • inflammation of the gums.

The likelihood of such consequences and complications is higher in the group of patients who suffer from:

  • multiple allergic reactions;
  • psoriasis;
  • hay fever;
  • allergy to any metal - cross-reactions are possible.

What the catalog offers: main types of products

Detailed information about the products from the catalog can be found on the website of the official Bredent representative in Russia.

The manufacturer offers a line of different models of implants and locking fastenings:

  1. The Sky mini1 and mini2 models have a reduced size. The ruler is presented in diameter sizes from 2.8 to 3.5 mm. These products can be used for both single-stage and staged prosthetics. They are most often used to treat older people and patients with bone loss.
  2. Narrow SKY has a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 10 to 14 mm. Such products are suitable for restoring units in narrow gaps in the dentition or with severe atrophy of bone tissue.
  3. Classic SKY model has an elongated neck, which makes it possible to use them for flapless implantation when working with an uneven or too narrow bone crest.
  4. Blue SKY implants are made of high-strength titanium and have a machined and sandblasted surface. The presence of a double screw thread ensures reliable fastening of the product in the bone tissue.
  5. White SKY can have two versions - titanium or zirconium oxide. Zirconium gives the structure a snow-white color. Due to this, a natural aesthetic appearance is achieved. Therefore, these products are recommended for the restoration of anterior teeth. In addition, zirconium eliminates the development of an allergic reaction and is ideal for people with hypersensitivity.

Each implant model allows you to solve one or another patient problem. The cost of different types varies:

  1. Sky mini1 and mini2 cost from 6,000 rubles.
  2. Narrow SKY – from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Classic SKY – from 11,000 rubles.
  4. Blue SKY – from 11,000 rubles.
  5. White SKY - from 30,000 rubles.

Benefits of zirconium implants

Of all the systems presented, zirconium implants are the most technologically advanced. They do not have many of the problems of titanium structures:

  • Strength.

Zirconium dioxide is 2 times stronger than titanium alloys.

  • Aesthetics.

Despite the fact that zirconium is a metal, it is white in color, which allows for high aesthetic results. When installing titanium implants, especially in the area of ​​the front teeth, where the bone tissue and gums are anatomically thin, a gray area may form over time. When installing WhiteSky implants, such complications are excluded.

  • Design features.

The implant and abutment are one piece, which eliminates loosening and fracture of the connection between them, which are characteristic of classic titanium structures. In addition, the doctor has the opportunity to change the shape and length of the abutment and adjust it to the selected crown. The thread of the implants has sharp edges, so it is easy to install and takes root well.

  • Saving time and money when installing crowns.

The design features provide greater reliability and savings at the orthopedic stage, that is, when installing crowns, because the abutment is already installed. This also allows the use of such implants for one-stage implantation - installing a temporary or permanent crown immediately or after 1-3 days.

  • Low percentage of complications.

And it's not just about biocompatibility. The neck of the implant has a cushion to which the gums fit tightly, which prevents bacteria from penetrating the bone tissue. This same feature eliminates inflammation of the gums, as well as recession (recession) of the gums.

  • Environmental protection.

Japanese zirconium is used for production. Its production is more environmentally friendly and causes less damage to the environment compared to the production of titanium structures.

Characteristics and material of manufacture of products

The quality of German products is confirmed by certificates. For the production of implants, zirconium oxide or medical titanium is used.

The coating of products goes through several stages of processing: etching, sandblasting. The structures quickly take root. Minimal risk of rejection.

A distinctive feature of the implant is the special shape of the neck with horizontal microgrooves. Due to this, the product is tightly connected to the soft tissues of the gums. A smile pleases with neatness and aesthetics.

The thread ensures installation stability under immediate loading. The uniform distribution of the load is due to the conical shape of the product. Double self-tapping thread guarantees soft screwing of the product. The risk of soft tissue damage is reduced to a minimum.

A Torx screw connection is used for the abutment and implant. This is a world standard in the engineering industry. The use of a hexagonal mechanism ensures strength and ease of installation of the prosthesis in various positions.

The installation procedure is standardized. This minimizes the number of medical errors. Patients get an attractive smile quickly and safely.

Indications for the use of implants:

  • severe atrophy of bone tissue in elderly people;
  • narrow spaces between teeth;
  • the need to install a highly aesthetic prosthesis;
  • lack of teeth;
  • restoration of the dentition or individual unit.

How to install Bredent WhiteSKY implants

Installation of zirconium implants requires compliance with a number of conditions. Firstly, the qualifications of the implantologist, his experience and training. Secondly, the clinic equipment. Implant installation occurs according to the following algorithm:

1. Examination.

Laboratory tests, as well as assessment of bone tissue and oral cavity. At this stage, possible contraindications are excluded, as well as factors predisposing to rejection and other complications. At the same stage, an orthopantomogram and CT scan are performed. Based on these data, the optimal position of the implant is determined, its relationship with neighboring teeth, blood vessels, etc.

2. Introduction of the implant.

The zirconium implant must be perfectly installed and have the correct inclination. For this purpose, navigation systems - templates are used. Their use ensures precision installation and reduces the trauma of the operation and shortens the rehabilitation period.

3. Creation of a bed for the implant.

Using special cutters, a hole is created into which the implant will then be screwed.

4. Stitching.

After installing the implant, several stitches are placed on the gum. This helps create favorable growth to the implant neck, which will eliminate possible complications and consequences.

Advantages of treatment at the Axioma Dental clinic

Installation of zirconium implants requires compliance with certain conditions. Not all clinics offer such a service and the whole point is the lack of qualified specialists, as well as appropriate equipment.

Treatment in our clinic has the following advantages:

  • Using a dental microscope allows the doctor to insert an implant with pinpoint precision.
  • CT and digital equipment are a prerequisite for planning each stage of the operation and eliminating possible complications.
  • Surgical templates are produced quickly and accurately in our own dental laboratory equipped with digital equipment. Data from digital impressions are entered into the programs, from which the template is made.
  • Highly qualified and experienced doctors who know all the intricacies of installing zirconium implants.

Popular questions and answers

What crowns can be installed on zirconium implants?

When prosthetics on Bredent implants, two types of crowns are used: zirconium and lithium disilicate structures. The former are distinguished by high strength, comparable to metal crowns, but better aesthetics. Such structures last about 20 years.

Lithium disilicate is often called artificial enamel, because the material is highly aesthetic. Such crowns belong to the premium segments. But bridges cannot be made from them.

What are the prices for zirconium implants?

Zirconium oxide is a rare and expensive material, and complex equipment is used in the manufacture of implants, which explains their cost, which is slightly higher compared to titanium ones. The exact cost of zirconium implants depends on many parameters: preliminary manipulations, the selected crown, the length of the defect, etc.

The doctors of our clinic take into account the wishes of their patients and will offer a profitable solution.

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Which implants are better: MIS or Nobel Biocare

As an example, let’s analyze the products of two popular companies: the Israeli MIS and the Swiss Nobel Biocare.

  1. The first is proud not only of a huge range of implants, but also of full compliance of its products with the requirements of the International Dental Association. In addition, the MIS company spares no expense in testing new systems (which has won the sympathy of most dental clinics), and also cares about its consumers, as evidenced by the low prices for quality products.
  2. Nobel Biocare is the most expensive company in the world. She carefully monitors the absence of counterfeits, numbering each implant released. Over the 48 years of its existence, Nobel Biocare has not lost ground and remains a leader in the implantation market, annually receiving an award for the highest rate of implant survival.

Doctors of this specialty

Amiridi Dmitry Nikolaevich

Dental surgeon, implantologist, chief physician
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Karyatov Vitaly Vladimirovich

Dental surgeon, implantologist
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I have been visiting this dentistry very often lately. I had implants and crowns installed by dental surgeon Dmitry Nikolaevich Amiridi. I especially liked his professionalism! The doctor is punctual, quickly provides services, provides detailed consultations and gives practical advice. All essentially, without excess water. He is attentive and treats his patients well. Overall, the clinic is clean and tidy, making it comfortable to be in. The service at the reception is also excellent!


Service: Implantation
I thank Dmitry Nikolaevich Amiridi and his team of professionals! Everything in your clinic is at the highest level!


Service: Implantation
Good afternoon. I have been a client of the Axioma Dental dental clinic for more than three years. I would like to note the professionalism of the doctors, the comfortable atmosphere (the clinic has been newly renovated), and the convenient recording and reminder system. All necessary information about treatment and further prevention is always provided. Thank you

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