Alpha Bio implants. Patient reviews, catalog, manufacturers, where to buy, service life, price

Alpha Bio implants have been produced in Israel for more than twenty-five years. They are extremely popular and in great demand due to their high quality and affordable price. The manufacturer is, it has been in second place on the market for a long time and is popular both in Israel and around the world. It is important to note that, despite the huge demand on the world stage, the company does not stand still and continues to make developments.

Thanks to this article, you will be able to compare different types of implants, learn about their differences, pros and cons. You can also learn about the structure of implants, their features and the cost of their installation. This will help you make the right choice without overpayments.

Composition of Alpha-Bio implants

The company makes implants from an alloy that includes titanium, as well as aluminum and vanadium for longer service. Because the titanium base is diluted, the strength of the implants increases by 13% compared to iron posts. This is one of the most popular manufacturing materials. However, this alloy has a disadvantage: it slightly worsens the survival rate of the implant (it is about 98%).

The upper part of the implants is performed in a modern way: first of all, the surface undergoes a treatment process, after which the surface layer is removed using chemicals. Almost all modern implants have this type of surface.

The surface is porous, so it is easily fixed in the bone and combines well with the composition of the blood. However, the latest developments are not used in the manufacture of such a surface. They are used only on expensive implants: this promotes faster engraftment, reduces the risk of rejection, and reduces the waiting period before prosthetics.


Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this procedure. At the moment, there are some limitations that are important to consider when diagnosing and choosing further treatment tactics.

Most contraindications are relative, but it is still worth knowing that they may include:

  • pathologies in the structure of the human jaw;
  • diseases affecting the central nervous system;
  • oncology at different stages of its course;
  • the functional ability of the regenerative processes of connective tissues is impaired;
  • fungal infections of the oral mucosa;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • recovery period after a heart attack or stroke.

A prerequisite before installing implants is diagnosis and consultation of the patient to identify the presence of possible complications that may prevent the installation of implants.

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Characteristics of Alpha Bio implant models

Currently, Alpha-Bio Tec has 8 implants of different types:

  • NEO1;
  • SPI;
  • ISE;
  • DFI;
  • ATID;
  • NEO2;
  • NICE;
  • Arrow.

The first five options refer to implants with an internal hexagon, while the rest are a system in which there is also a conical type connection with six edges. This option is used if there is not enough bone for installation. Arrows are used for incisors on both the upper and lower jaws.

The shape of the implants is selected according to the characteristics of the jaw shape, which allows them to be installed even by people with a significant defect in the shape of the jaw. A correctly chosen form can reduce injuries to soft tissues, while reducing the healing time of the implant. Thanks to the hexagonal shape, the risk of food getting into the gaps or causing infection is reduced to a minimum. The average healing time for implants is 5 months.


This type of implant is a classic option for any type of bone. In its device, it has a main and 2 microthreads, which allows you to increase the area of ​​the implant that touches the bone. This significantly improves survival rate. Such implants allow them to be installed with less trauma to the bone, and therefore heal much faster. This type is used for classical implantation in two stages and is installed in bones of any size and density.

A significant advantage of this type of implant is the ability to implement highly aesthetic restorations on its surface.


This type of implant is called a flagship. This type is used mainly for soft bones. This implant is very small, so it screws in, allowing the bone tissue to compact around it, ensuring the stability of the implant for a long time. This allows these implants to be used for immediate prosthetics.

This type of implant is also used when space is critically limited: it requires only 2 mm of free space around the implant, separating it from your own tooth. Thanks to screwing, it can be used even in cases where there is very little bone tissue. The advantage is the ability to install the implant immediately, without additional preparation.


This type is suitable for implanting any type of bone tissue, i.e. is universal and can be used for all types of prosthetics anywhere. Thanks to its special design, this implant does not allow the gum to recede.


Such implants are also universal, but are more often used for dense bone tissue due to their screw shape. That is why they ensure strong stability of the implant during the operation and heal quickly.


These implants are suitable for the hardest bone tissues, which have few blood vessels, most often the lower jaw. A feature of this type of implant is the ability to evenly distribute large loads. The healing period for this type of implant is approximately 5 months.


All NEO type implants are considered a new generation of implants due to their spiral shape, which allows them to be used with minimal free space. With their help, you can perform aesthetic prosthetics using CAD or CAM technologies.


This type of implant is distinguished by its thinness, so it is very convenient to use in narrow parts of the jaws. It is used in very confined spaces, most often near natural teeth or their roots.

The implant itself is a thin conical body with a sharply sharpened thread and a conical hexagonal connection.


These implants are a system that includes two types: ARRP and ARRC.

ARRP is a one-piece implant with a removable abutment, used in cases where the jaw shape is very narrow. It is intended for implantation of incisors on both jaws. Such implants are an ideal option for instant prosthetics. ARRC is similar to the implant described above, its only difference is the absence of a removable upper part. This allows you to choose the right one for any type of prosthetics.

Indications and contraindications for installation

General recommendations for implantation:

  • loss of one or more teeth;
  • complete edentia;
  • destruction of dentin as a result of hereditary characteristics;
  • age-related changes leading to tooth loss;
  • injuries as a result of which the tooth is broken and cannot be restored;
  • pathologically narrow alveolar ridge;
  • the need to install an implant in a limited space without disturbing neighboring living roots.

It is worth considering that implantation as a method of restoring the aesthetics of the dentition is not suitable for everyone, even taking into account the latest developments regarding the base material, surface treatment and giving it special properties that accelerate the process of osseointegration.

There is still a long list of contraindications and restrictions for the use of Alpha Bio implants. This:

  • bruxism;
  • acute and chronic periodontitis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis during implantation in the upper jaw;
  • moderate bone deficiency;
  • oncology;
  • intolerance to metal elements;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • fungal infections of the oral cavity;
  • severe liver or kidney failure;
  • recent stroke or heart attack;
  • slow regeneration and rapid loss of bone tissue, where the cause is a hereditary factor;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • serious malocclusion and jaw asymmetry.

Some of these restrictions are relative. However, there is no need to take risks; it is better to conduct a preliminary course of treatment and diagnosis, and then return to implantation issues.

Pros and cons of Alpha Bio implants

Despite the large number of advantages, implants belong to the economy class, so the latest developments are not used in their production.

Advantages of Alpa-bio implants

The implants are made of a reliable titanium alloy, which contains aluminum and vanadium. This fusion takes root in almost 100% of patients. Implants are distinguished by their high strength and longevity - more than 10 years. Their design is completely safe, installation takes little time with minimal damage, which makes the healing process very fast.

A significant advantage is the ability to install an implant immediately after removing your own tooth. This does not require additional installation of a titanium rod. Both one-stage and two-stage implantation can be performed. The shape and type of implant is selected individually, taking into account the shape of the jaw, bone density and volume. This allows implantation even with the thinnest bone tissue.

Due to the fact that the implants are made of titanium alloy, the risk of allergies is completely eliminated. All implants have a shape that is as close as possible to the original shape of the tooth, which makes the healing process with minimal trauma. The coating has a porous structure, which improves the stability of the implant and also speeds up the healing process - it happens quickly and allows you to install dentures in the shortest possible time. The pores also help the implant and bone tissue to grow together faster.

Cons of Alpha Bio

Despite the high strength of implants, due to the presence of aluminum and vanadium in the alloy, their survival rate slightly deteriorates (by 2-3%). Also, this type of surface does not have an ultra-hydrophilic coating, which is found in more expensive implants. Because of this, the survival process takes longer.

The versatility of Alpha Bio implants

Typically, dental clinics work with only a few implantation systems (one or two), since each of them requires large financial costs. Any of the systems requires certain expensive surgical instruments, orthopedic kits and much more. That is why surgeons often do not offer the best implantation option that suits the client based on his characteristics, but make a choice from the available options, because he is limited by the choice of implants with which he works.

It is worth highlighting that each implant is produced in a unique package. It is completely sealed and therefore protects the product from possible damage. Thanks to this packaging, the implant is installed immediately after opening it, without any contact with any surfaces.

Interesting Facts

The Israeli company Alpha-Bio Tec has been on the market for 25 years. It offers effective solutions to the most complex problems, producing models for the densest bone structure, as well as developing thin implants with a reliable method of fixation using special threads, while preventing bone loss and marginal resorption. The structures have a cone shape and are available in one-piece and composite versions.

In 2008, it merged with the larger company Nobel Biocare. The reason was the unique development of Israeli specialists who proposed a fundamentally new version of the implant - SFB. Thanks to the structure, features of the thread and coating, this sample brilliantly solved the most important task - providing almost ideal gum aesthetics with a minimal percentage of bone tissue atrophy. In its stand-alone version, this design did not last long; it was discontinued and replaced by a similar one, which was already produced by Nobel Biocare under its own brand, increasing the price many times over.

The motto of the Alpha-Bio brand is accessibility and ergonomics, which is, in principle, implemented in all the company’s models. To improve the quality of work of implantologists with products, a universal surgical kit is produced. The company provides training for specialists.

Dental implantation with the Alpha Bio implant system

The implantation system includes only eight types of implants, with the help of which it is possible to carry out implantation for any structural features of the jaw and for any bone density.

There are implants that are used only for immediate prosthetics, while others are used for standard implantation in two stages. In addition, there are models that can improve the fixation of removable prostheses.

Among other things, there are types of implants that can be used to perform implantation in cases of significant bone deficiency. With their help, there is no need to build up additional bone tissue.

Alpha Bio implants are distinguished by their durability, are safe and have an aesthetic appearance. All types of implants have undergone numerous quality checks. Implants are distinguished by their strength, long service life (more than 10 years), exert little pressure on the jaw bone, and also have a thread with a self-tapping effect.

They are easy to install and provide primary stability. The company produces implants that are as close in shape as possible to the natural shape of the tooth - this makes the healing process faster and virtually painless, without adding unnecessary trauma. Another feature: you can chew with new dentures immediately after their installation, which is a definite plus.

A significant advantage is the conical shape: it promotes rapid healing of the implant and also reduces the amount of damage during installation. It requires a minimal amount of bone tissue without additional augmentation, which allows implants to be installed at very low bone density. Another advantage is that there is no need to prepare the jaw bed before installing the pin.

In Russia, these implants are quite popular, so you can find them by contacting almost any dentistry. The company itself also focuses on the Russian market, holding various master classes and seminars. Training courses for working with Alpha Bio products are also often organized.

When choosing Alpha-Bio may be optimal

The demand for the designs of this company is quite high among patients who need a high-quality and relatively inexpensive option with a long service life. It is preferable to place these implants using the classic two-stage method with gum suturing in patients without signs of bone atrophy. For complete engraftment of most types of pins, it will take 3-6 months, which is what you need to count on when predicting the timing of installation of permanent dentures.

Also, a good option would be prosthetics of individual dental units in the lateral sector with a limited work area. It is not advisable to place any modification of Alpha Bio in the smile zone, since often the aesthetics of the gums are at an average level.

It is worth considering that when choosing any option for implants, before installing them, it is necessary to conduct an initial examination, treat teeth with caries, replace old fillings and crowns if they have already served their purpose, and also carry out professional teeth cleaning. Bone tissue augmentation is prescribed in cases of catastrophic shortage; in other cases, it is possible to use special forms of implants.

Cost of implants

  1. 1. When implanting several teeth. The installation cost for one implant is 20 thousand rubles. The price includes only the operation without a crown. Compared to other mid- and premium-class implants, this cost is very low. In the first case, the cost of one operation alone can be more than 70 thousand rubles.

Cost with consumables:

  • with a metal-ceramic crown - from 35 thousand rubles;
  • with ceramic zirconium - from 50 thousand rubles.
  1. 2. In case of complete absence of teeth. A jaw that is completely missing teeth is recommended to be implanted with a long-term fixed prosthesis, which contains four implants. The price of such prosthetics ranges from 150 thousand rubles to 180 thousand rubles.

These prices are very low, especially considering that the quality is in no way inferior to premium implants.


Alpha Bio - implants (reviews of orthopedic structures report a minimal number of disadvantages), which have some disadvantages, the main one of which is related to the presence of contraindications to the installation of devices. However, in comparison with other companies, the list of restrictions is much smaller.

Additional cons:

  • Toxicity. The material can cause allergic reactions, which significantly reduces the survival rate of the metal root. Ordinary titanium (without impurities and other additions) has higher compatibility with biological materials necessary for the engraftment of the structure.
  • No additional processing or coatings. Some modern manufacturers use an additional protective layer of fluorine or phosphorus that covers the devices. AlphaBio Tec's designs do not have such a coating, which may affect their survival with the bone substance of the tooth.


  • The development of inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity or the body as a whole.
  • The presence of neoplasms, including the recovery period after recent radiation therapy.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Endocrine disorders (during relapse).
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The presence of diabetes mellitus in a decompensated form.

Before purchasing metal structures, you must make sure that these restrictions do not exist. To do this, you should undergo additional research from several specialists at once.

Service life and warranty

guarantees indefinite wearing of implants. In case of implant rejection, splitting or other damage, re-installation is performed. However, in this case, the claim must be submitted in writing, i.e. proof of guilt of the company that performed the implantation. Then re-implantation will be carried out at the expense of the company or doctor who installed the implant the first time.

A lifetime guarantee means that Alpha Bio implants are worn for life. This is a great advantage: you only need to perform one operation, which will last for a lifetime. However, it is important to consider that the service life depends not only on the quality of the implants and the installer, but also on the patient’s care for the prostheses. It is imperative to maintain thorough oral hygiene and undergo regular dental examinations.

Prosthetic elements

Prosthetic elements allow you to combine removable parts with different diameters and different connections. The manufacturer produces metal roots, abutments and other necessary devices for the restoration and restoration of dentition. The company also develops and produces gum formers.

Currently the company provides the following types of shapers:

  • Classic (standard). The length of the products varies from 2 to 7 mm. Similar designs are used for a variety of implant models.
  • Thin. The length of the products is available in 2 versions - 3 and 5 mm. This type of structure is designed for metal roots that have an internal hexagonal shape.
  • Wide. This type of former is designed for implants with dimensions ranging from 5 to 6 mm.

The Israeli manufacturer of dental structures also offers a wide selection of abutments. The company produces standard, plastic, zirconium types of products. There is a list of temporary fastenings, as well as devices that allow you to install prostheses using various methods.

A wide range of orthopedic products for teeth allows you to choose the best option, which will be convenient not only in use, but also in execution.


Since the Alpha Bio company is one of the most popular in the world for the production of implants, there are, accordingly, a lot of customers and reviews. As the main advantages, patients highlight the very fast and painless installation of implants - only 15 minutes. I am also delighted by the low price and excellent quality. After installing the implants, there is virtually no pain, and the dentures take root and feel like natural teeth. A large number of positive reviews from people who have problems: too little bone tissue, weak gums, soft bone tissue. However, Alpha Bio implants have a large selection of products for any occasion, so the installation was also quick and painless, without causing any complications both during and after the operation. In addition, these implants can be installed several at a time absolutely painlessly. Pain does not appear even after the anesthesia wears off.

However, as mentioned above, not only the implants play an important role, but also the doctor who installed them, as well as the care of the patient after installation.


Reviews from patients confirm the popularity and quality of Israeli Alpha Bio implants. The installation price is quite affordable. At Maxim Shubnykh Dentistry in Moscow, they are recommended to most patients who want to fit into a small budget, but without sacrificing quality and aesthetics.

A variety of models allows you to choose the best option for everyone. At the same time, compliance with hygienic requirements during the rehabilitation period after implantation of the pin allows you to avoid complications. The main requirement for successful implantation is honest information to the doctor about the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of chronic diseases or intolerance to metal elements. If such information was hidden from the dentist, then the design may be rejected.

The Israeli-made line of implants is used for classic two-stage implantation; a protocol with early or immediate loading is not recommended for completely edentulous patients, but is possible in the case of prosthetics of individual dental units.

The survival rate is within 96-98%, which is considered a good indicator and complaints in this direction appear very rarely, mainly when the patient hid some information about his health or ignored the doctor’s recommendations on behavior during the recovery period.

Much more dissatisfaction is caused by changes in the appearance of the gums, which is explained by the natural atrophy of the tissues around the neck of the implant and this must be taken into account when choosing a model, especially when restoring the anterior dentition. In this case, it is better to consider other options and use Alpha Bio for the lateral incisors.

Benefits of Nobel Biocare

Success in the global market is supported by the quality of our products. Let's look at what features Nobel implants have:

  • It is manufactured using a titanium alloy, which has virtually no allergenic effects.
  • Unique Ti-Unite coating. It is obtained by immersing the implant in an electrolyte solution and then passing current through it. This creates pores on the surface through which bone tissue will grow faster and easier after the artificial root is installed. This coating also has the ability to attract water, which stimulates the accumulation of the enzyme thrombin on the surface, which attracts platelets, which stimulate the growth of bone tissue into the prosthesis.

The company produces 5 types of implants, each of which has features and advantages in specific cases. These include:

  • Nobel-Active - the company itself positions this type as its best development. It has a fairly coarse thread that allows it to be securely installed in the bone. Engraftment occurs in 97-100% of cases. The neck of the implant has a smoother thread, because of this the surrounding soft tissue of the gums is not injured and is preserved to the fullest extent possible. Nobel-Active is recommended for older people with thinning bone tissue, because... its special thread allows the implant to be securely fixed in the jaw.
  • Nobel-Parallel can be used to replace any teeth. Their neck has a special recess, which allows you to preserve the maximum volume of soft tissue. They are mainly used for the visible smile area.
  • Nobel-Replace and Replace-Select-Tapered are used when immediate loading of the implant is required. They are securely fixed thanks to a wide, stable base.
  • Nobel-Speedy are designed for the All-on-4 technique. In this case, a prosthesis for the entire jaw is fixed to 4 implants. This is very convenient and there is no need to install a separate root for each tooth.
  • Nobel-Zygoma is designed specifically for installation on the upper jaw. The doctor installs it with extreme caution so as not to touch the walls of the maxillary sinuses.

The Nobel brand is considered one of the most expensive, but the quality matches the price. The cost of one design is approximately 50,000-70,000 Russian rubles.

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