Rating of the best whitening toothpastes: reviews, varieties, useful tips from dentists

You can return a pleasant enamel color in different ways. Whitening toothpaste is one of the options for people of different ages. Polishing components, active substances that dissolve plaque, refresh the shade of the top layer, remove dark spots and unpleasant yellowness.

Choosing a whitening paste is not easy: pharmacies and supermarkets offer a variety of products from well-known companies. Focus not only on the “big name”, but also on the method by which deposits are removed from the enamel. For you - a review of the best whitening pastes.

Useful properties and action

Over time, the enamel loses its pleasant whiteness. Food dyes, coffee, tea, cigarettes worsen the appearance. With frequent use of products with tinting properties, pigments are firmly embedded in the surface of the teeth.

The purpose of a whitening agent is to remove dark particles without damaging the surface of the dental tissue. Enzymes that dissolve pigment plaque, active carbamide peroxide, and abrasive substances return the enamel to its natural color.

Some people have a yellowish enamel from birth. It is impossible to make teeth whiter: even the most expensive whitening agent is ineffective. Sometimes light enamel darkens when pigments penetrate into the deep layers of dental tissue. For a noticeable effect, you will not need lightening, but professional whitening in a dental clinic.


All pastes with whitening properties are divided into two groups. The classification is based on the inclusion of certain active components in the composition.

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Types of whitening pastes:

  • remove pigment and bacterial plaque from the enamel. Contains polishing, abrasive components, pyrophosphates, polydon, enzymes. Not suitable for tooth sensitivity, thinning enamel, inflammation of gum tissue. Ineffective with good oral hygiene: plaque simply does not accumulate. With sufficient dental health, this is an ideal option for smokers;
  • restore whiteness to the teeth due to the release of active oxygen. The active ingredient is carbamide peroxide. When interacting with saliva, a chemical reaction occurs, active oxygen is released, which quickly penetrates the dentin. The result is discoloration of dark pigments, which are not affected by abrasives, enzymes, polishing components and pyrophosphates.

Whitening pastes with carbamide peroxide act more gently on the top layer and contain fine abrasives. If there is a heavy accumulation of deposits, dentists recommend combining two types of paste. First, clean your teeth with a product containing abrasive-polishing components and pigments that dissolve plaque, and complete the process with a composition that releases active oxygen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of whitening paste:

  • active dissolution, removal of bacterial plaque;
  • dissolution of the tartar matrix, reducing the volume of hard deposits;
  • some compositions remove even hard dental plaque from the surface;
  • removal of coloring particles from enamel;
  • positive effect on dental tissue. Whitening products contain calcium glycerophosphate/hydroxyapatite, sodium fluoride, beneficial enzymes;
  • returning a pleasant color to the teeth, lightening units by 1–2 tones, sometimes up to five tones.


A negative result appears when the rules of use are violated or the product is incorrectly selected. Before purchasing a toothpaste with a whitening effect, you must consult a dentist.

If recommendations are not followed, side effects may occur:

  • high abrasiveness leads to scratches, erosions on the enamel, and in severe cases a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth develops;
  • the presence of pyrophosphates in the composition often causes increased tooth sensitivity;
  • long-term use of highly abrasive compounds leads to thinning of the enamel;
  • with poor oral hygiene, accumulation of hard and soft deposits, the active components of the whitening paste weaken the top layer. The result is the appearance of carious cavities and subsequently caries.

Recommendations for the use and selection of whitening pastes

  1. It is worth remembering that whitening pastes will be ineffective if the enamel is naturally dark in color.
  2. Sick teeth that react to hot/cold/sweet cannot be brushed with whitening paste, as the symptoms will only worsen.
  3. You should not use whitening paste for a long time. Take breaks, dividing the procedure into courses.
  4. Teeth tartar cannot be completely removed by whitening agents. To do this, you should visit a dentist.
  5. High-quality pastes can be used rarely, because they are not suitable for regular cleaning, and in this case they will only cause harm.
  6. Take care of the mineralization of tooth enamel in advance. Buy products with calcium citrate and glycerophosphate, sodium fluoride.
  7. Whitening pastes are not recommended for children under 12-14 years of age, and younger ones are completely contraindicated, since the fragile enamel of baby teeth will simply wear off.

How to use it correctly


  • check with your doctor how often you are allowed to brush your teeth with the chosen brand of toothpaste;
  • highly abrasive compounds are allowed to be used once or twice a week, no more often, products with a milder effect - 3-4 times during the same period;
  • carefully use paste that dissolves plaque with a high abrasiveness coefficient. Gently apply the mixture only to the teeth, clean the units for 2-3 minutes with soft circular movements, never rub the dentition horizontally;
  • Follow the rules of hygiene, use dental floss, and alcohol-free mouthwashes. Poor care during whitening worsens the condition of the enamel, provokes caries, and defects in dental tissue;
  • The optimal whitening course is 14–28 days, depending on the intensity of the composition.

Important! Intensive whitening pastes are allowed to be used only once a week.

On our website you can learn about other useful products for oral hygiene. Read about tooth powder here; about brushes for teeth - here; A review of electric toothbrushes can be seen on this page. The benefits and uses of the Miswak stick are written at this address; We have a separate article about oral irrigator.

Review of popular products

Study the composition and effect of popular whitening compounds. Please consult your dentist before purchasing. The doctor will examine the oral cavity and tell you which remedy is suitable for effective treatment, taking into account the condition of the dentition.



  • quality Italian product;
  • intensive whitening agent, use no more than once a week;
  • abrasiveness – 200 RDA;
  • diatomite, silicon dioxide remove plaque, even dissolve pigment plaques;
  • calcium glycerophosphate mineralizes and strengthens enamel;
  • For maximum effect, combine a highly abrasive product with another President brand composition.

The average price of the paste is 280 rubles per 100 ml.

Rating TOP 7 best whitening toothpastes

Household stores and specialized places for face and body care are teeming with various brands of teeth whitening pastes, however, with the choice of an effective and high-quality product, small problems may arise due to ignorance of all the properties of a particular product. We studied the offered range and identified 7 of the best brands that guarantee effective whitening and minimal damage to tooth enamel. This list includes:

  • Lacalut White.
  • President White plus.
  • Lacalut white and repair.
  • President white.
  • Rembrandt.
  • Splat – whitening plus.
  • Silca arctic white.

Let's take a look at the previously presented range of products below.

Lacalut White

The presented whitening product is equipped with many components that are very effective in whitening tooth enamel. Pyrophosphates, fluorides and abrasive elements fight yellow teeth in a short period of time, remove age spots, without causing sensitivity problems. We also note the presence of fluoride in the composition, which provides a remineralizing effect, while protecting tooth enamel from unpleasant sensations when it comes into contact with cold or hot.

Recommendationsyellowness and stone
Usage2-3 times a week
Effectenamel lightening by 2 tones

Price: from 262 to 330 rubles.


  • protects teeth from discomfort due to increased sensitivity;
  • dissolves yellowness and plaque;
  • Lightens enamel by 2 tones.


  • Frequent use destroys tooth enamel.

I have been using this product for a long time, I drink a lot of coffee and smoke, and my teeth sparkle white. Of course, the fact that the enamel dissolves is very upsetting, but if you follow moderation, then nothing bad will happen. I use the product 2 times a week, no problems. I advise you, the paste is really effective. Thank you.

Lacalut White

President White plus

The presented product contains calcium glycerophosphate, which allows the paste not only to whiten teeth, but also to restore the mineral balance of the enamel. In addition, the product is equipped with calcium carbonate, which includes a high degree of abrasiveness, as a result of which it can be used once every 7 days so as not to damage tooth enamel.

Usage1 time per week
Effectwhitening, gum protection
Recommendationsincreased stone formation

Price tag: from 350 to 500 rubles.


  • provides an antibacterial effect to teeth and gums;
  • effectively cleans formations on enamel, including stones and plaque;
  • the composition does not contain fluorine.


  • Frequent use leads to significant damage to tooth enamel.

I recently started using this product, in 2 weeks my teeth became whiter, and it’s really noticeable. I use it once a week, as indicated in the recommendations. The rest of the time I use herbal pastes so that the enamel is not damaged and the gums are kept healthy. The product pleases, thanks to the manufacturers.


Lacalut white and repair

This paste helps to quickly whiten, effectively strengthen tooth enamel and prevent caries. The fine abrasives included in the product effectively remove plaque and gently whiten tooth enamel. Sodium fluoride leads to the formation of calcium fluoride particles, which are independently embedded in the enamel crystals. Thanks to the presented component, a remineralizing effect and anti-caries protection is created.

Effectwhitening lasts for several months after use
Recommendationsyellowness and tartar

Cost from 210 to 260 rubles.


  • promotes effective removal of pigmentation, stone and plaque;
  • the whiteness effect lasts for more than two months;
  • remineralizing effect;
  • anti-carious protection.


  • not found.

Not a bad paste, the whitening effect is visible after 2-3 weeks. It has a gentle effect on tooth enamel and does not cause irritation when drinking cold and hot drinks. I use it almost every day, rarely use other pastes, and am completely satisfied with everything. Thank you!

Lacalut white and repair

President white

The presented product promotes enamel remineralization together with whitening. The product polishes enamel as carefully as possible, protects against dark plaque, and neutralizes the smell of tobacco. A special cleaning component - Syloblanc - provides controlled abrasiveness with an RDA of 75, effectively and safely removing plaque. Suitable for daily use as it does not destroy tooth enamel. Does not contain hydrogen peroxide and urea, harsh abrasive components that destroy enzymes.

Effectwhitening, cleansing, freshness
Purposeplaque, tartar

Cost: from 185 to 235 rubles.


  • fresh breath thanks to the mint component present;
  • effective whitening within 10 days;
  • anti-inflammatory effect of the oral cavity;
  • does not destroy tooth enamel;
  • does not contain any hard abrasive components.


  • presence of fluorine in the composition.

An excellent product that quickly acts on yellow tooth enamel. Freshens breath for a long time, even after lunch you can feel the aroma of mint. The color of the teeth changed after about 2 weeks, and there is no reaction to cold or hot, that is, the paste does not affect sensitivity in any way. Excellent, effective product, I recommend it to everyone.

President white


The presented product is intended mainly for heavy smokers and big fans of coffee drinks. Abrasive polishing components take on the role of aluminum oxide and silicon; this factor guarantees high-quality and effective removal of plaque, tartar, pigmentation and yellowness. In addition to cleansing properties, the presented components provide an antibacterial effect in the oral cavity. The product is recommended to be used every day, morning and evening.

Purposesevere darkening of tooth enamel
Applicationevery day
EffectLightening teeth by 2-3 shades

Price: from 2,000 to 2,500 rubles.


  • maximum removal of tartar;
  • removal of yellowness and pigmentation spots;
  • lightening by 2-3 tones.


  • contains fluorine.

I thought I would never get rid of yellow teeth. I quit smoking a long time ago, but the yellowness did not go away. I tried a lot of pastes, they lightened, but not as much as I would like. In a very short time, this product showed the results that other pastes showed after six months of use. My teeth have not become more sensitive, this is the most important thing. The product is simply perfect, thanks to the manufacturers.

Rembrandt toothpaste

Splat – whitening plus

The presented effective complex toothpaste contains an innovative system that provides safe and effective whitening - Sp.White system, thanks to which the product is ideal even for sensitive teeth and gums. Fine polishing particles in combination with the Polydon component and natural enzymes from papaya significantly brighten the enamel, break down plaque in hard-to-reach places and make the surface of the teeth perfectly smooth, which helps maintain whiteness for a long time.

Applicationevery day
Purposestone and yellow plaque

Price: from 135 to 180 rubles.


  • removes tooth pigmentation;
  • effectively destroys plaque;
  • suitable for sensitive teeth and gums;
  • break down plaque in hard-to-reach places.


  • not found.

I have been using this product for a year, although my teeth and gums are quite sensitive, however, I am not experiencing any problems at the moment. The paste carefully and accurately penetrates any point and removes all germs from there. Within a month of use, my teeth became significantly lighter, although I also smoke. The product copes well with all tasks without causing discomfort. Thank you.

Splat – whitening plus

Silca arctic white

The most budget-friendly, but no less effective product in our rating is Silka White paste of German origin. The composition of the presented product is enriched with 3 abrasive elements and pyrophosphates, due to which effective cleansing of yellowed stains and tartar occurs. The high content of fluoride compounds restores tooth enamel and reduces its trauma and sensitivity. The product provides an antibacterial effect and makes your breath fresh for a long time.

Usageevery day
Effectwhitening, stone removal
Purposeincreased pigmentation of teeth

Price: from 70 to 100 rubles.


  • high-quality stone removal;
  • lightening the enamel by one tone;
  • high fluoride content (restores tooth enamel);
  • antibacterial effect.


  • not detected.

The product is inexpensive, but very effective, I’m even a little surprised. In 2 weeks the product whitened my teeth by about one shade. My gums and tooth sensitivity were not affected, although I always react to cold and hot. The option is more budget-friendly and not bad, I’m glad I bought it. Thank you!


Reviews and opinions of those who have used

The opinions of people who use compositions to lighten enamel are divided: there are supporters and opponents of the use of whitening pastes. Often negative reviews are associated with excessive zeal when using highly abrasive compounds.

What do people think:

  • Mikhail, 36 years old. This is the second time I have bought American Rembrandt paste with Citroxaine. This composition was recommended by my dentist. While I can’t quit smoking, I take whitening courses a couple of times a year. The surface brightens, the unpleasant tint of teeth that all smokers have disappears. The sensitivity of the enamel does not increase. A little expensive, but effective;
  • Anna, 27 years old. I like the Russian brand Splat. I bought Splat Biocalcium for every day, and I use the Splat Extreme White whitening product a couple of times a week. After a month of use, the yellowish coating stopped accumulating. I am satisfied, there are no problems, thinning of the enamel, or excessive sensitivity of the teeth after the whitening course;
  • Olga, 30 years old. I advise everyone to clarify the details with a dentist or read material on the topic before purchasing a whitening paste. I didn’t really figure it out, I bought the Italian President paste for active whitening. I didn’t know that once a week was enough to achieve the effect, I used it for half a month, cleaned it morning and evening. My teeth became noticeably whiter, but I became sensitive to hot/cold foods. It turned out that the reason was high abrasiveness (coefficient 200). Don't repeat my mistakes, otherwise you will ruin your teeth.

Carefully study the characteristics of whitening compositions, instructions for use, reviews, go to your dentist, find out his opinion. Remember: pastes containing enzymes and abrasive-polishing components have both benefits and harm. The result largely depends on the person.

Video review of Crest whitening toothpaste:

Best lists

Below are products that have special characteristics and functions, in addition to the main rating. This TOP includes:

  • Budget.
  • Best quality.
  • Natural composition.

Let's move on to a more detailed description of this TOP.

Blend-a-med 3D White toothpaste – budget

This product contains one abrasive, pyrophosphates and fluorine. A very pleasant-tasting paste, it perfectly removes plaque, has an antibacterial effect, refreshes, and provides effective protection against caries. This product will not be able to radically whiten teeth; it can only do 1-2 tones; however, it is not intended for maximum whitening.

Price: from 140 to 163 rubles.

Blend-a-med 3D White

WhiteWash NANO – best quality

The presented product contains the Enamel Repair complex, which promotes effective teeth whitening and prevents caries. Nanofilled particles restore damaged enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity to hot and cold. Xylitol has an antibacterial effect. With regular use, the paste restores shine to teeth and gently whitens them.

Price: from 470 to 600 rubles.

dental floss

Yotuel - natural composition

This product contains several active ingredients - fluoride, carbamide peroxide, phosphates and calcium. It not only has whitening properties, but also mineralizes enamel, treats caries, helps get rid of signs of gingivitis, and relieves tooth sensitivity. It is a low-abrasive product, which means it does not scratch the enamel during lightening.

Price tag: from 780 to 900 rubles.

Electric Toothbrush

What to look for when choosing

We recommend that you look at the rules for choosing a whitening paste below. This way, you can avoid buying low-quality goods.

  • Compound. A high-quality whitening paste should not contain components with an abrasiveness higher than 25 RDA. Avoid products that contain titanium dioxide - it is very harmful to teeth. If there is hydrogen peroxide, then its content should be within an acceptable limit of 0.1%.
  • Frequency of application. It is worth remembering that few whitening pastes allow you to use them daily. Some people may only brush their teeth once a week. To become more familiar with the accompanying information, please read the instructions carefully.
  • Dentist's recommendations. Any whitening paste can cause great harm to tooth enamel and gums, so you should consult your doctor before using it.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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