Rating of the best toothpastes for gums against bleeding and periodontal disease

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

Gums are the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the main purpose of which is to protect the teeth, and in particular, their roots and necks from various infections and bacteria. In the process of life, human gums are exposed to various damages and diseases. Why is this happening?

Causes of oral diseases

Diseases of the oral mucosa can be caused by:

  • improper oral care: over time, plaque appears on the teeth, due to which bacteria begin to multiply on them, which ultimately leads to the formation of tartar and, as a result, inflammatory gum diseases;
  • weak immunity: a weakened immune system is unable to prevent the proliferation of bacteria;
  • viruses: an organism weakened by infection is more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic bacteria;
  • decreased salivation: people who do not produce enough saliva are more susceptible to gum disease, since it is saliva that effectively cleans teeth of bacterial plaque;
  • Vitamin deficiency: If a person does not take enough vitamins from food, this can ultimately lead to the development of certain oral diseases;
  • smoking: people who smoke cigarettes develop inflammatory gum diseases more often than those who do not have this bad habit;
  • hormonal changes: gum disease is quite often diagnosed in pregnant women and in those who take hormonal medications for any reason;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • crowns and fillings that are placed incorrectly and injure the gums;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

The best types of balms that help strengthen gums

The most effective means of strengthening the gums, as well as preventing a significant number of various types of complex diseases, are balms. To obtain the greatest effect, you should use liquid in the irrigator; this will increase productivity along with regular rinsing.


Fans of products with natural herbal composition will like Weleda balm from German developers. The pleasant texture of the drug perfectly copes with swelling, inflammatory processes, reduces bleeding and susceptibility. The special composition normalizes and helps maintain the natural balance of microflora. Extracts of natural herbs (chamomile, sage, ratania) have a gentle restorative and antibacterial effect.

The product is distinguished by its naturalness. The absence of SLS and ALS, the presence of carcinogens, harmful toxins and fragrances is not observed. Thanks to genuine concentrated extracts from beneficial plants, a pleasant herbal aftertaste remains in the mouth. To improve the active ingredients and achieve the intended goal, you need to use the balm 15 minutes before meals. The product will please customers with an affordable price. Good reviews speak of it as the best product with a natural composition that copes well with bleeding gums.

Average cost: 360 rub.

Weleda gum balm


  • does not contain carcinogens, harmful toxins or flavorings;
  • After use, a pleasant herbal aftertaste remains in the mouth.


  • not detected.

Curaprox PerioPlus Focus

The high cost of the balm indicates the good effectiveness of the product presented. Manufacturers from Switzerland are scrupulous about the composition, so it does not contain SLS, which neutralizes chlorhexidine, which reduces the medicinal benefits. The result is the antiseptic’s fight against the development of infections, eliminating bleeding with additional protection of teeth from caries. It freshens breath thanks to its minty flavor, is not disgusting and is well tolerated.

After several courses, the maximum effect of use is quite noticeable. A small drawback is that it is not always available for sale. It is not widespread enough; users more often purchase it in online stores when placing an order. Recommendations for purchasing this drug, especially for those who suffer from problems with sensitivity of teeth and gums. It is considered one of the best, helping to get rid of the problem instantly and with great efficiency.

Average cost 680 rub.

Curaprox PerioPlus Focus


  • the maximum effect of application is noticeable;
  • for sensitive teeth.


  • not widespread enough.

Asepta adhesive balm

The solution is recognized as one of the ideal compositions for use in the recovery process after surgery. This depends not only on the excellent healing and regenerating properties of the drug. It also has a special texture, different from various water-based gel forms, and tends to stay on the affected areas without spreading. A thick and dense mass with a yellow tint will reliably protect and hide the most sensitive area, protecting it from mechanical stress.

The benefits include killing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and stopping bleeding. Users have noted the pleasant menthol taste of the ointment, which does not cause any unpleasant sensations after application. The downside will be the need to withstand the composition for a long period. After lubrication, you should refrain from food and water. Undoubtedly, the best and most effective product, which takes its rightful place among the compared solutions.

Average cost: 270 rub.

Asepta adhesive balm


  • destruction of bacteria;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • stopping bleeding.


  • the need to withstand the composition for a long period.


A unique product of domestic production. It differs from many others in its effective healing and preventive properties. Instantly relieves pain, effectively removes swelling in inflamed areas, preventing bleeding. Professionals recommend regular use of the drug to achieve maximum effect. Customer reviews note a quick effect in a very short time, along with rapid pain relief.

Professional developers invent innovations that represent the presence of a unique composition. The constituent parts are called special molecules (peptides) that enhance the regeneration process, soothe irritation, reducing tooth sensitivity. Has proven himself positively in caring for prosthetic devices. Use it 10-15 minutes before eating, rub it in with your finger or a softened toothbrush. Absolutely safe if ingested.

Average price: 405 rub.

Revidont balm


  • suitable for the use of prostheses;
  • soothe irritation;
  • reduce tooth sensitivity;
  • safe when ingested.


  • not detected.

Donfeel balm

The product is in great demand among buyers. In the Yandex search engine, people search for this drug most often (according to statistics). Various reasons contribute to this. The first of them is that the product is produced in relatively large containers. Despite the high price, many people buy it because it is very convenient. Secondly, this medicine has proven its effectiveness. It successfully neutralizes various oral infections.

Donfeel has a balanced composition and a pleasant (specific) herbal taste. It contains extracts of the following herbs: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano. These medicinal plants give the drug additional positive qualities. Using the balm in combination with an irrigator increases the effect, but this procedure is not mandatory. The drug has a balanced price with good quality. Therefore, it ranks high in the ranking of the best balms.

Average price: 400 rub.

Donfeel balm


  • neutralizes various oral infections;
  • balanced price with good quality;
  • balanced composition.


  • not detected.

Colgate Plex

This drug is a balm-rinse. It has an antibacterial function due to the presence of chlorine-containing substances in its composition, suppresses and then eliminates all types of viruses and bacteria. Sodium fluoride, which is also part of the drug, reduces bleeding gums and strengthens the enamel on the teeth. The substance has a menthol taste and smell. There is no need to dilute it with water. The drug is produced in containers of 250 and 500 ml.

The average price is about 250 rubles.

Colgate Plex


  • antibacterial effect;
  • reduces bleeding gums;
  • strengthens the enamel.


  • not detected.

Forest balm-rinse

This medicine is produced in Russia. It is very popular among people because it is reasonably priced and highly effective during use. With constant use of Forest Balm, gums become stronger and tooth enamel becomes stronger. The manufactured product has a variety of tastes, each of which has its own characteristics. Reviews say that the mouthwash has a natural herbal flavor and the product has no chemical odor.

The product has an antibacterial effect and freshens breath. It is prescribed if patients are prone to frequent stomatitis, as well as if a person has removable dentures. The drug contains anti-inflammatory alcohol-containing substances. They have a positive effect on the oral cavity (antioxidant effect).

“Forest balm” is the most common oral care product. You can purchase it in pharmacies and hardware stores at an affordable price. Buyers really like the special dispenser on the top of the bottle. A small family can use one bottle for a whole month. The substance is considered safe if it enters the stomach. The mouthwash has a strong taste, so it may not be suitable for use by small children. The balm has no other disadvantages. He occupies a leading position in the ratings.

Price 140 rubles per 250 ml container.

Forest balm-rinse


  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • special dispenser on the top of the bottle.


  • Because of its specific taste, children do not like it.

Balm Karavaev

This drug is used in the treatment and prevention of oral diseases. The liquid is intended to eliminate dental diseases and hygiene.

The composition includes natural natural substances. They stand out from a group of plants, including rose hips, calendula, thyme, chamomile, yarrow, pine buds, mint, caraway, celandine, wormwood, and dill. Camphor in combination with mint and dill gives the product a pleasant aroma and taste. The consistency of the drug is an oily, thick liquid.

Before using the medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use. The drug is applied to the surface of the gums twice a day. You need to pour half a teaspoon of the substance. Then, using a clean finger or swab, apply the drug to the gums on both sides. Then the substance is rubbed in. You can use a toothbrush to apply the product. Additional massage will have a positive effect.

The product is not harmful to pregnant women and nursing mothers. After all, it contains exclusively natural ingredients that enter the bloodstream in minimal portions. Therefore, the substance is considered safe.

It is considered an exceptional remedy for pregnant women. Indeed, during this period, women should not use antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, as they can have a negative effect on the fetus. And Karavaev’s development can be taken without worrying about side effects. The drug actively suppresses the growth of bacteria, prevents bleeding, and cleanses the oral cavity of microbes.

The average price is about 180 rubles.

Balm Karavaev


  • does not harm pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • suppresses the growth of bacteria;
  • prevents bleeding;
  • cleanses the oral cavity from microbes.
  • natural composition.


  • not detected

Toothpaste ROCS “Balm for gums”

ROCS “Gum Balm” toothpaste perfectly protects against inflammation and bleeding, prevents bacteria from spreading and saturates tooth enamel with nutrients. The natural xylitol contained in the paste provides protection against caries, prevents the appearance of plaque, and normalizes the bacterial balance of the oral cavity.

The paste contains double extract of aspen bark, which acts as an antioxidant and also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Sodium bicarbonate in the paste reduces swelling and inflammation, and helps reduce acidity.

Due to the fact that the paste has low abrasiveness, it can be used for enamel defects and high tooth sensitivity.

ROCS “Gum Balm” provides fresh breath and effective cleaning of teeth for a long time, leaving them clean and smooth.

Toothpaste ROCS “Balm for gums”


  • low abrasiveness;
  • provides protection against caries;
  • acts as an antioxidant.


  • not detected.

How gum disease manifests itself

The insidiousness of oral diseases is manifested in the fact that at the initial stage they are practically asymptomatic, and pronounced signs appear only after the disease enters the active phase.

What you should pay attention to in order not to miss the onset of the disease:

  • redness of the gums;
  • bleeding, which can occur both during brushing your teeth and while chewing solid food or during microtrauma, for example, from a fish bone;
  • swelling: manifests itself already during the development of the disease;
  • bad breath: in some cases this sign indicates the development of the disease, and in others it may be the only sign of gum disease.


Toothpaste, like many other hygiene items, I always have, so to speak, in stock. But, somehow I recently grabbed it, and... on you: the paste is running out, but there is no supply. I went to our newly opened Svetofor, already knowing that there I saw toothpaste, which I had never used before. I wanted to learn more about it and try it in action. I was very surprised when I saw its price. It was ridiculously cheap - 25 rubles. I even doubted whether it was worth taking it at all? Here it is again: expensive is bad, cheap is also bad.

Promise toothpaste originally from India (Dabur) - Protection against caries. As I understand it, there are other names, for example, From caries, With herbs, Whitening. But, at the time of my purchase, it was the one I bought.

I’ll say right away that I have a very selective attitude towards toothpastes, since I have a terribly developed gag reflex (sorry). And if the paste is not for me, then you yourself understand what it can provoke. For a long time I have been using one type from the Colgate brand and several other brands. But this is not about them.

So, this toothpaste from the Indian brand Promise looks not much different from well-known brands. The soft tube is packaged in a bright cardboard box, which caught my attention when I first met it. The box contains bright pictures and inscriptions in two languages.

You can read information about this product, for example, that it actively fights tooth decay, tastes great, strengthens teeth and preserves gums. But, in principle, all this can be read from other pasta manufacturers.

The volume of the product is very decent - 125 g. The tube is in the same tone as the cardboard packaging. The shelf life of the paste is 3 years.

First of all, I would like to note that this paste contains fluoride. Therefore, anyone who is against fluoride in toothpastes can immediately refuse it. The manufacturer indicates this on the packaging. By the way, everything is written in Russian, including the composition of the paste. For me, fluoride is something that can be useful in this product, since thanks to it, the transformation of dental plaque into tartar slows down, which I also removed at one time and did not feel any pleasure from it. In addition, fluoride has an excellent antiseptic effect. I read somewhere that if a person has a lot of fluoride in his body, that is, if he eats a lot of foods that contain it and he knows about it, then it is better not to take toothpastes containing fluoride. Well, this is me, so to speak, for the information of those who have their own natural teeth. As for me, I only have a few left, and fluoride is not harmful to artificial teeth. And it will help cope with the raid. There is another important ingredient in the composition - calcium.

The paste looks very white. Has a weak aroma. To be honest, I can’t even explain what this scent is? The composition contains fragrance. But they forgot to write which one. When brushing your teeth, the smell is similar to mint, but not as overt. For me, the main thing is the aftertaste. It's not bad and it makes me happy.

The consistency of the toothpaste is normal: not very thick and not runny. Cleans teeth well. It freshens the mouth well, but not as much as my beloved Colgate.

A big plus from me for the paste is that it does not foam much in the mouth. I would say it practically does not foam. I can’t stand foam because of the same reflex that I mentioned above.

Promise toothpaste - Protection against caries was a complete discovery for me. I can’t say that I liked her very much. But if we talk about its price, then I expected something different. Of course, he won’t refuse her. But now I really want to try it with other flavors.

Well, today, among budget toothpaste options, I think that Promise is one of the good ones.

Treatment of gum diseases

If you find yourself with at least one of these signs, it is better not to hesitate, but to immediately seek qualified help from a dental clinic. As a rule, after diagnosing any gum disease, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. It involves the use of special balms, gels, ointments and rinses, sometimes taking antibiotics, and in the most serious cases, surgery.


Many dentists recommend that their patients who have gum problems use special ointments after brushing their teeth. At the initial stage of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane, this is one of the most effective remedies.

All ointments for gums have a complex effect, eliminating several symptoms at once.

Ointments help:

  • relieve inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • reduce itching;
  • anesthetize;
  • kill bacteria;
  • reduce bleeding.

The advantage of ointments is that they quickly penetrate the mucosal tissue and begin their therapeutic effect. In addition, they can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription and used independently at home. Moreover, the ointments are suitable for almost all patients and do not cause side effects.

The only drawback of these drugs is that they do not adhere well to the mucous membrane, and as a result are easily swallowed or spit out.

A qualified dentist will help you choose a specific ointment, depending on the symptoms of mucosal inflammation and the severity of the disease.

Today you can buy ointments for gums in pharmacies. Typically, they should be used two to three times a day for two weeks. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to a cotton pad and apply it to the inflamed area of ​​the gum. If after half a month there are no visible improvements, you should visit a dental clinic.

Balms for teeth and gums: rules of use

The modern drug market offers various balms that differ from each other in composition and cost.

Most balms contain various antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components, extracts of medicinal herbs.

Doctors usually prescribe the use of gum balms to those patients diagnosed with gingivitis, periodontitis or stomatitis, both acute and chronic. And also for trophic ulcers.

Modern balms can be used both as a medicinal and as a prophylactic agent. In both cases, dentists recommend a ten-day course. Apply the balm to the gums in the morning and evening.

Thanks to the use of balms, you can provide reliable protection to your gums and teeth, reduce their sensitivity and get rid of bleeding.

How to use gum balms correctly:

  • clean the oral cavity and remove soft plaque and deposits on the teeth;
  • Before using the drug, rinse your mouth thoroughly;
  • thoroughly dry the mucous membrane using gauze or a cotton swab;
  • apply balm to gums;
  • wait at least half an hour before eating or drinking.

As a rule, the vast majority of patients tolerate gum balms well. Allergic reactions are possible only in very rare cases, if a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

Asepta gum balm

Asepta antimicrobial gum balm, which recently appeared on the market, has already earned high praise from both dentists and patients.

Due to the fact that it contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine, the drug perfectly fights against anaerobic bacteria, lipophilic viruses and pathogens, and menthol and mint oils generally have a bactericidal effect. Thus, the peculiarity of the Asepta balm is that it not only eliminates symptoms, but also fights the diseases themselves.

Many dentists, speaking about the drug "Asepta", pay attention to its adhesive base. Thanks to it, the balm applied to the oral mucosa remains on it for at least an hour, and all this time it acts on the inflamed area.

The balm can be used for both medicinal and preventive purposes, as it can prevent the development of various inflammatory diseases. For prevention, it is recommended to use Asepta 2-3 times a year in ten-day courses.

The product is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those who have an individual intolerance to the drug.

Experts reveal which toothpaste should not be used to brush your teeth

Experts from Roskontrol took for testing in the laboratory seven samples of toothpaste from popular brands that are presented on the shelves of Russian stores.

Thus, experts tested Biomed, Splat Professional, Blend-a-med, President, “Forest Balsam”, “New Pearl” and “Parodontol” pastes.
Based on the results of the research, only 5 samples were recommended for purchase, one paste was included in the list of products with comments, and the other was blacklisted. It is worth noting that the products were studied according to more than 70 indicators, the main of which was high-quality and effective teeth cleaning.

So, of the presented samples, the “Forest Balsam” toothpaste cleanses teeth best; President copes with this task worst of all. Three toothpastes (“Forest Balsam”, “New Pearl” and Blend-a-med) have a whitening effect, but Splat Professional toothpaste, which is claimed to have a whitening effect, does not have such an effect. For this, the product was included in the list with comments.

In the “New Pearl” and Biomed pastes, experts identified increased toxicity levels. After notification of violations, the last manufacturer corrected them, and based on the results of a re-test, there were no toxins.

As a result of the inspection, New Pearl toothpaste was included in the “black list”. And the best paste was the Forest Balsam paste, according to the organization’s website.

Let us note that earlier doctors told why you should not delay your trip to the dentist. According to experts, almost half of the population of our planet suffers from oral diseases and still people are in no hurry to go to a specialist, and many even bypass the dental office a mile away.

Previously, experts told how bad teeth destroy the human body. Dental problems can cause not only toothache, but also back pain and headaches. Doctors also spoke about the dangers of rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth. Thus, experts recommend giving up the habit of vigorously rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth. According to doctors, in this case, fluoride is actively washed away, which poses a danger to teeth.

By the way, in the Smolensk region, a dentist gave a woman bad implants instead of high-quality ones.
The woman was going to install implants made of high-quality materials and paid more than 140 thousand rubles for it. After some time, she began to feel discomfort and went to another clinic. It turned out that her fears were not in vain; the doctor used cheap material, taking a lot of money from the patient. Having learned about the fraud, the victim contacted the police. You can send your news, photos and videos to the editorial office on WhatsApp at +79107850457

Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa

To protect yourself from the occurrence of inflammatory gum diseases, first of all you need to pay due attention to hygiene procedures. Brush your teeth regularly, using the right toothbrush, and remove food residues with toothpicks and dental floss after each snack.

In addition, you need to pay special attention to the foods you eat. So, the following are good for gums:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • foods high in vitamin C;
  • dairy products and greens, which contain vitamin K, which helps increase the tone of the vascular wall in the gums and reduce their bleeding;
  • hard cheeses: due to the calcium content, regular consumption of cheeses strengthens gums and teeth;
  • red wine: tannins and antioxidants present in it have a healing effect;
  • fish and various seafood: the phosphorus contained in them perfectly strengthens the gums;
  • garlic and onions: zinc, which is present in them in large quantities, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the gums.

Do not forget that prevention of diseases will prevent their occurrence.

Clinical researches

Repeated clinical studies have proven that the use of ASEPTA adhesive gum balm for a week can reduce gum bleeding by 51% and reduce inflammation by 50%.


  1. The use of adhesive balm "Asepta®" in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases L.Yu. OREKHOVA*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department V.V. CHPP**, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department S.B. ULITOVSKY*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor A.A. LEONTIEV*, dentist A.A. DOMORAD**, O.M. YAKOVLEV** SPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg - *Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, **Department of Microbiology
  2. The effectiveness of the use of Asept “adhesive balm” and Asept “gel with propolis” in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis and gingivitis in the acute stage (Municipal Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk, Kaminskaya T. M. Head of the therapeutic department Kaminskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna MUZ City Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk
  3. Report on clinical trials of anti-inflammatory balm for gums "Asepta" adhesive, St. Petersburg State Medical University, 2007
  4. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: Asepta toothpaste used in combination with Asepta mouthwash and Asepta gum balm Head. Department of PFS Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor S.B. Ulitovsky St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Preventive Dentistry.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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