Wisdom teeth: to remove or not?

From this article you will learn:

  • how wisdom teeth are removed - photos and videos,
  • how painful it is, what complications there are,
  • price for wisdom tooth removal in Moscow.

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Removing a wisdom tooth in dentistry - in half of the cases, is a complex surgical operation, which is associated with the difficulty of extracting the tooth from the dental alveoli (for example, due to severely curved roots or abnormal position in the jaw). Of all the human teeth, it is the eruption of wisdom teeth that causes patients the most discomfort, which usually happens when there is not enough space in the dentition for their eruption. And in this case, their removal also helps prevent crowding of the front teeth.

The times when dental surgeons hollowed out wisdom teeth using a surgical chisel and hammer are long gone. And even more so, none of the dentists use such a weak anesthetic as novocaine for pain relief. Currently, if a wisdom tooth is in such a position that it cannot be removed entirely from the jaw (without causing significant injury to the surrounding tissues), the doctor uses a special water-cooled drill. This allows you to separate the tooth into parts, quickly removing the roots individually.

Removal of the eighth tooth (wisdom tooth) –

The decision to remove already erupted wisdom teeth is made based on the possibility and necessity of using them for prosthetics in the future. It is very easy to remove a wisdom tooth, but effectively restoring the end defects of the dentition (if you do not have 6-7-8 teeth) can only be done with dental implantation. Therefore, sometimes even a severely damaged eighth tooth is worth restoring in order to later use it as a support for a bridge or to improve the fixation of removable dentures.

If we are talking about removing wisdom teeth that have not yet erupted (or partially erupted), then in adolescents it is optimal for the orthodontist to make the decision. The rudiments of the eighth teeth are formed in children aged 4-5 years, while the formation of the crown part ends at approximately 12 years, and the complete formation of roots - only at 24 years. If necessary, a teenager can have his unerupted eighth teeth removed, i.e. with not yet fully formed roots.

What are the indications for removal? And what are the problems with wisdom teeth?

  • They are difficult to clean due to poor accessibility, so caries develops very quickly on the “eights”. Caries often becomes complicated - inflammation of the gums begins
  • There is a risk of tooth decay between the wisdom tooth and the adjacent tooth. It will probably be necessary to treat the neighboring teeth as well.
  • There are injuries to the tongue and cheek due to improper placement of wisdom teeth.
  • If wisdom teeth are positioned incorrectly, this can lead to deformation of the dentition.
  • Possible cheek biting. Chronic cheek biting is often associated with wisdom teeth
  • Also, these teeth are one of the causes of crunching and pain in the joint (TMJ) when opening the mouth and when chewing.

Advantages of laser dentistry

One of the most important advantages of dental laser equipment is the absence of mechanical impact. Unpleasant sensations typical for treatment with a drill are eliminated, as is the occurrence of microdamages associated with vibration.

All operations are silent, but it is the buzzing of the drill that often puts patients in a stressful state.

With laser treatment of soft gum tissue, the incision sites are scarred much faster than with conventional surgical methods, since the incision is sterilized and instantly sealed. The duration of all operations is significantly reduced.

The laser has a powerful healing effect when removing a tooth. The operation itself is performed with conventional instruments, like any other extraction, but the tissue flaps cut by the beam are minimally injured, which significantly reduces the intensity of bleeding and speeds up healing.

The laser is also used in prosthetics to form a ledge above the gum, where the tooth tissue passes into the crown. The line turns out very clear, and the result pleases with its high quality.

The main advantage of using a laser in implantology is the precise thinness of the beam, which narrows the size of the surgical trauma inflicted on the patient. Damaged capillary blood vessels are sealed instantly due to targeted thermal effects.

Laser whitening is based on the principle of splitting pigments in dentin, which leads to almost complete discoloration of all coloring substances deeply embedded in the enamel structure.

Do I need to remove uncut “eights”?

Not all people develop their “8s” by the right age. Sometimes they remain in the anlage, that is, retained (not erupted). When to remove them:

  • if on an x-ray we see that the wisdom teeth abut adjacent molars (seventh teeth). There is a risk that wisdom teeth will “eat” into an adjacent tooth inside the bone. And then you will have to remove 2 teeth.
  • The pressure of the “eights” on neighboring teeth can cause caries of the root of the “sevens” - our main chewing teeth.
  • If the wisdom teeth are large and there is no place for them in the oral cavity. There is a high risk that they will collide with the dentition, and a crowded position of the front teeth will appear.
  • During implantation next to unerupted figure eights. It is worth removing the tooth so that it cannot damage the implant in the future.

Laser benefits

Due to its gentle impact, laser equipment is effective in solving almost all dental problems. It does not always replace a drill, but it successfully complements its work, since it can independently determine the affected areas, including those that are difficult to identify with the naked eye. The fact is that healthy tooth tissue does not contain moisture, and therefore boiling cannot occur in it. Many dental problems are resolved in just a few minutes and do not require a second visit to the doctor.

The beam is very thin and is able to penetrate microcavities that would otherwise require drilling with a bur. The radiation is directed to the desired location through a flexible and very thin quartz-polymer waveguide. The device itself is equipped with a compact, ergonomic head that can be easily operated by a trained physician.

Another advantage of the laser is that the surface processed by it acquires a slight roughness, which greatly improves the adhesion of the filling material. Reliable fixation reduces the likelihood of relapse to almost zero.

If you delete, then all four?

Yes, two wisdom teeth on the top and two on the bottom jaw. If you only extract at the bottom, the upper teeth may move downwards because they have lost the neighbor they were in contact with. And curvature of the dentition will occur. Which will entail a click in the joint (TMJ) and further complications.

Removing an upper wisdom tooth is usually easier than removing a lower one because the upper jaw has less dense bone tissue. In addition, the lower eights often have more branched roots, which somewhat complicate the operation and increase the recovery period. An X-ray or computed tomography scan is required before the wisdom tooth removal procedure!

Consequences and possible complications

It is necessary to separate the consequences of the operation and complications after it. All patients experience consequences to one degree or another - this is a normal reaction of the body to intervention, but it is better to avoid complications.

Consequences include:

  • painful sensations;
  • bleeding gums within 3-5 hours after surgery;
  • swelling of the gums, cheeks;
  • bruises on the face in the area of ​​intervention;
  • rise in temperature.

Complications may be as follows:

  • prolonged bleeding
    - due to the fact that the tissues around the lower “eights” are saturated with blood vessels. In this case, the doctor may apply additional hemostatic measures;
  • alveolitis
    - inflammation of the wound surface associated with infection in the hole. It is characterized by the following symptoms: fever, bad breath, swelling, pain. Requires additional wound treatment and antibiotics;
  • paresthesia
    - loss of facial sensation. Usually the lips, cheeks, and tongue suffer - they do not feel touch, do not distinguish between hot and cold. Loss of sensitivity is associated with damage to the facial nerve and may go away on its own within 1-2 weeks, but in some cases requires additional therapy;
  • dislocation of the mandibular joint
    is a rare but possible complication associated with excessive efforts made by the surgeon to extract the tooth. The dislocation can be corrected immediately.


Removing a problematic lower molar is a full-fledged operation, so special attention should be paid to the recovery period. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and carefully care for the oral cavity, then the likelihood of developing the complications described in the previous section will be minimal. Standard assignments include:

  • taking painkillers and antihistamines
  • antibacterial rinses
  • cold compresses on the cheek in the area of ​​intervention (reduce hematomas and reduce the risk of re-bleeding)
  • prohibition on eating during the first hours after surgery
  • ban on smoking, drinking alcohol, physical activity
  • ban on visiting the sauna and swimming pool, taking hot baths

If the doctor did not make mistakes during the operation, and the patient does not violate the recovery regime, then very soon there will be no trace of unpleasant sensations.

Rehabilitation after complex wisdom tooth removal

After surgery to remove an impacted (unerupted) wisdom tooth, unpleasant sensations may occur: numbness of the gum area, pain. The appearance of acute pain may indicate that a blood clot has not formed in the socket - this requires treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent complications from occurring. Contact your doctor immediately!

Have you had a tooth removed? What to pay attention to at home? What is normal after surgery, and when should you see a doctor? The Belgravia Dental Studio doctors have prepared clear recommendations for you

Wisdom tooth removal: reviews

Boris LaudanskyJanuary 05, 2021

An excellent doctor. Before braces, I came for removal of 8-ok. This was probably the biggest fear of my life. For me, having a tooth removed was agony, fear and horror all rolled into one. But Vladimir did everything so cool, safe, professionally and efficiently that I began to regret that I didn’t have 9-points for extraction - I liked having my teeth removed. Thank you very much, you conquered my fear, removed unnecessary things from my mouth and made me a happy person) )) BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Boris, we understand you perfectly! Many of our patients are also afraid to have their wisdom teeth removed, and after the procedure they are surprised at how easy everything went. And they want to delete something else)) We are very glad that with our help you overcame your fear. Always ready to help. And good health to you!

Yulia September 03, 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to Vladimir Igorevich Ivanov. Two wisdom teeth were removed. Everything went painlessly, quickly and on a positive wave!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! We are glad that the treatment was comfortable. Good health!

Anna29 August 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to the creators of Belgravia Dental Studio, and especially highlight the professionals who went through all the treatment with me: these are dentist-therapist Azer Fuadovich Melikov, anesthesiologist Mikhail Vladimirovich Nasekin, dental surgeon Roman Vyacheslavovich Volberg and, of course, medical coordinator Ekaterina Mysina (clinic on Leningradsky Prospekt). Backstory: I have accumulated quite a lot of problems with my teeth, which I have not solved, because I am terrified of even ordinary professional cleaning - I was always scared, painful, sensitive, and even had panic attacks during the simplest procedures. Ekaterina and Azer Fuadovich found an approach to me, and I began to feel completely comfortable with them. And already in a calm atmosphere we discussed and chose a treatment plan. It was decided to do everything under anesthesia, since the amount of work was decent, then I met M.V. Nasekin, who at first was always ready to answer my meticulous questions by phone, and then we met in person. Mikhail is not just a professional in his field, but also a very pleasant person - he was with me the entire time I was “coming off” from anesthesia - he entertained me with conversations and was very caring and attentive. Surgeon R.V. Volberg was so meticulous and careful that, after a rather complicated removal, I was able to chew on the damaged side within a couple of days. Azer Fuadovich also did his job perfectly, and, of course, he is also a very pleasant and personable person. Bottom line: all Belgravia employees who worked with me showed their best qualities as professionals and people, which is especially important these days. They really care about you. I will take my child here and recommend it to all my friends. Even if the services at this clinic are a little more expensive than others, the human attitude outweighs everything. AT BELGRAVIA YOU WILL BE LIKE A FAMILY WHO SINCERELY CARE ABOUT YOU. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Anna, we are so pleased to receive your feedback! We are very glad that we helped you in a difficult situation! Working with patients like you is a great joy for our team. We wish you good health!

Galina01 June 2020

I needed my last wisdom tooth removed. Before this, I already had various experiences with removal in other clinics, and I was mentally preparing for the worst. But I’m happy that my fears were not confirmed! Just 10 minutes - and I was deprived of my last hint of wisdom! Fast and comfortable! Just Wow! Many thanks to Ashurov Roman Siinovich for his golden hands! And to the entire Belgravia Dental Studio team for the service that all self-respecting clinics should strive for! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

We are very pleased that the procedure was so easy! Thank you very much for your kind words about the doctor! Always ready to help you if needed!

Natalia05 April 2020

I express my deep gratitude to the entire staff of the Belgravia Dental Studio dental clinic and, in particular, to the amazing dental surgeon Leonid Borisovich Sazykin, as well as his assistant Khanum - for their high competence, dedication to the medical profession and attentive attitude towards patients! I am incredibly happy that I came to you! Throughout the entire session (removal of the 8th tooth) I did not feel any discomfort!!! I immediately realized that I was in the capable hands of professionals! The treatment was performed perfectly! After 10 days I feel great and am extremely pleased with the result! I sincerely thank you and wish you success! I strongly recommend the clinic! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Natalia, we thank you for your feedback! We are very glad that your treatment was easy - we took great care of your comfort. Thank you for your recommendations, good health!

Boris LaudanskyJanuary 05, 2021

An excellent doctor. Before braces, I came for removal of 8-ok. This was probably the biggest fear of my life. For me, having a tooth removed was agony, fear and horror all rolled into one. But Vladimir did everything so cool, safe, professionally and efficiently that I began to regret that I didn’t have 9-points for extraction - I liked having my teeth removed. Thank you very much, you conquered my fear, removed unnecessary things from my mouth and made me a happy person) )) BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Boris, we understand you perfectly! Many of our patients are also afraid to have their wisdom teeth removed, and after the procedure they are surprised at how easy everything went. And they want to delete something else)) We are very glad that with our help you overcame your fear. Always ready to help. And good health to you!

Yulia September 03, 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to Vladimir Igorevich Ivanov. Two wisdom teeth were removed. Everything went painlessly, quickly and on a positive wave!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! We are glad that the treatment was comfortable. Good health!

Anna29 August 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to the creators of Belgravia Dental Studio, and especially highlight the professionals who went through all the treatment with me: these are dentist-therapist Azer Fuadovich Melikov, anesthesiologist Mikhail Vladimirovich Nasekin, dental surgeon Roman Vyacheslavovich Volberg and, of course, medical coordinator Ekaterina Mysina (clinic on Leningradsky Prospekt). Backstory: I have accumulated quite a lot of problems with my teeth, which I have not solved, because I am terrified of even ordinary professional cleaning - I was always scared, painful, sensitive, and even had panic attacks during the simplest procedures. Ekaterina and Azer Fuadovich found an approach to me, and I began to feel completely comfortable with them. And already in a calm atmosphere we discussed and chose a treatment plan. It was decided to do everything under anesthesia, since the amount of work was decent, then I met M.V. Nasekin, who at first was always ready to answer my meticulous questions by phone, and then we met in person. Mikhail is not just a professional in his field, but also a very pleasant person - he was with me the entire time I was “coming off” from anesthesia - he entertained me with conversations and was very caring and attentive. Surgeon R.V. Volberg was so meticulous and careful that, after a rather complicated removal, I was able to chew on the damaged side within a couple of days. Azer Fuadovich also did his job perfectly, and, of course, he is also a very pleasant and personable person. Bottom line: all Belgravia employees who worked with me showed their best qualities as professionals and people, which is especially important these days. They really care about you. I will take my child here and recommend it to all my friends. Even if the services at this clinic are a little more expensive than others, the human attitude outweighs everything. AT BELGRAVIA YOU WILL BE LIKE A FAMILY WHO SINCERELY CARE ABOUT YOU. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Anna, we are so pleased to receive your feedback! We are very glad that we helped you in a difficult situation! Working with patients like you is a great joy for our team. We wish you good health!

Galina01 June 2020

I needed my last wisdom tooth removed. Before this, I already had various experiences with removal in other clinics, and I was mentally preparing for the worst. But I’m happy that my fears were not confirmed! Just 10 minutes - and I was deprived of my last hint of wisdom! Fast and comfortable! Just Wow! Many thanks to Ashurov Roman Siinovich for his golden hands! And to the entire Belgravia Dental Studio team for the service that all self-respecting clinics should strive for! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

We are very pleased that the procedure was so easy! Thank you very much for your kind words about the doctor! Always ready to help you if needed!

Natalia05 April 2020

I express my deep gratitude to the entire staff of the Belgravia Dental Studio dental clinic and, in particular, to the amazing dental surgeon Leonid Borisovich Sazykin, as well as his assistant Khanum - for their high competence, dedication to the medical profession and attentive attitude towards patients! I am incredibly happy that I came to you! Throughout the entire session (removal of the 8th tooth) I did not feel any discomfort!!! I immediately realized that I was in the capable hands of professionals! The treatment was performed perfectly! After 10 days I feel great and am extremely pleased with the result! I sincerely thank you and wish you success! I strongly recommend the clinic! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Natalia, we thank you for your feedback! We are very glad that your treatment was easy - we took great care of your comfort. Thank you for your recommendations, good health!

Next review

Areas of application of dental laser

The laser beam produces the following beneficial effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sterilizing;
  • biostimulating;
  • anesthetic.

Once on the surface of the tissue, the beam instantly turns the liquid into vapor, which, like a microscopic explosion, deliberately breaks intermolecular bonds layer by layer. At the same time, all microorganisms in the affected area die. To ensure that healthy cells do not suffer, jet air and water cooling is used, which also serves to wash out (blow out) the removed fragments.

A special type of laser equipment is used to treat each type of disease. Examples:

  • Erbium and diode units are used against caries and for treating hard tooth tissues.
  • Gas semiconductor devices have proven themselves to be excellent in physiotherapeutic and reflexology procedures.
  • Diode lasers are characterized by a good hemostatic effect and have found their use in surgery.

The purpose of each device is determined by the wavelength of the radiation and its intensity. For example, biostimulation requires the release of energy from 10 - 100 mW/cm?, and the anti-inflammatory effect will provide a power of 100 - 200 mW per square centimeter.

Different stages of periodontitis

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