The best toothpastes for restoring tooth enamel in 2022

Damage to tooth enamel and associated increased sensitivity of teeth is a fairly common occurrence. Some chronic diseases, bad heredity, and bad habits lead to it. The disease brings great inconvenience - because the teeth begin to react with painful impulses to cold or hot food. In advanced cases, drinking a glass of water or starting a conversation in the frosty air becomes a problem. In addition, thinning of the enamel also leads to aesthetic problems. Whitish matte spots appear on the teeth. And tooth enamel gradually loses its shine.

At the initial stage, special medicinal pastes will help cope with the problem. Today they are widely represented on the shelves of pharmacies and stores. But how to choose not just the best toothpaste for restoring tooth enamel, according to colleagues, girlfriends or marketers, but the one that can cope specifically with your problem. Let's try to understand the reasons for the thinning of tooth enamel and their consequences, and the rating of toothpastes with the effect of restoring enamel, compiled by the editors of the YaNashla website, will help with this.

Causes of thinning tooth enamel

There are many reasons for damage to tooth enamel, but all of them, as a rule, can be divided into three groups.

Bad habits

The world is full of temptations. And when lighting another cigarette or trying to chew on a pen during difficult negotiations, few people think about the harm to their teeth. Among the most common causes of enamel damage it is worth noting.

  • Biting nails, pens or pencils, chewing the corner of the collar and other actions. Often they are not controlled by humans. However, such behavior should be dealt with firmly. At a minimum, it is ugly, at a maximum - you will subsequently have to shell out a large sum at the dentist.
  • Smoking. Hot fumes cannot but affect the condition of the enamel, so it is worth thinking about means to get rid of the addiction.
  • Love of alcoholic drinks, sweets, soda, sour juices or fruits. Acids themselves destroy the hard coating of teeth, and sugar is a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Poor nutrition. A poor diet and quick snacks often lead to a lack of microelements in the body.

Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, but it is quite possible. Especially when it comes to health. And products for sensitive teeth and enamel restoration will help improve the condition of the enamel.

Improper oral care

The desire to have a snow-white smile and fresh breath is commendable, but sometimes it leads to disastrous results. How can improper care cause damage to teeth?

  • Hard brushes will clean your teeth white, but will easily damage the enamel. And together with the efforts made when brushing your teeth, they can lead to the appearance of microcracks and erosions.
  • The same effect can be obtained if you often use teeth whitening products, especially those prepared at home.

It should be remembered that cracks and erosions are the most difficult to treat and can serve as a base for carious bacteria.

Complex health problems

The most difficult case is when treatment will take quite a long time. Most often they are associated with the general state of human health. Among them.

  • Caries and hypoplasia of tooth enamel.
  • Bad heredity. It has long been a proven fact that problem teeth are inherited from parents to children.
  • Systemic and chronic diseases that cause metabolic disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalances associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands or age-related changes.
  • Malocclusion and a large number of missing teeth.

Here, medicated toothpaste will only be an additional means to reduce pain. You can achieve lasting results only by solving health problems.

Causes of damage

And yet, even such hard and durable tissue can be damaged. Thus, brightly colored drinks or foods, for example, juices, tea, coffee, red wine, can leave stains on it [2]. Significant mechanical stress, such as impact or chewing very hard food, can cause cracks or chips.

However, a significant proportion of cases of enamel damage are caused by caries , that is, destruction and loss of hard tooth tissue. According to experts, another pathology, enamel erosion, is an equally serious dental problem. It is a more significant risk factor for dentin destruction than, for example, abrasion of tooth surfaces [3].

The causes of destruction of tooth enamel through erosion are [2]:

  • consumption of certain fruit juices due to their high acid content;
  • consumption of carbonated soft drinks due to the content of phosphoric and citric acids in them;
  • weak salivation;
  • high content of starchy and sweet foods in the diet;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as acid reflux;
  • hereditary factors, for example, thin tooth enamel;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress, emotional disturbances.

What to choose from

Before choosing a toothpaste based on reviews, advice, and popularity of models, it’s a good idea to visit a dentist and get recommendations. Today, three main types of toothpastes are produced to restore enamel.

  • Calcium-containing toothpastes, in which the main active ingredient is calcium compounds. The option is more gentle, but not effective in all cases. Most likely, it will not cope with microcracks and erosion.
  • Fluoride-containing toothpastes are more powerful. However, their use is not recommended for long-term use. Fluoride compounds can cause the opposite effect in the form of tooth fragility.
  • Combined toothpastes containing the two above-mentioned microelements.

In any case, assessing the condition of tooth enamel will not hurt, and most likely will help to avoid mistakes when choosing toothpaste to restore tooth enamel. After all, the choice is not just an oral care product, but, in fact, a medicine. And here the selection criteria are slightly different than mint or fruit flavors. Although this is also important.

How to restore tooth enamel in dentistry

After studying the full clinical picture and, based on an examination of the oral cavity and the condition of the teeth, the dentist will professionally select the optimal treatment method. To obtain the desired result in restoring and strengthening enamel, clinics most often offer one of three options:

  1. Fluoridation.
  2. Remineralization.
  3. Implantation.

The choice of a specific option depends on the condition of the enamel layer, the individual characteristics of the patient and the effectiveness in each specific case.


It is carried out using fluoride-containing compounds, which the doctor applies after cleaning and preparing the teeth. The method is suitable for restoring the enamel of not only permanent, but also baby teeth. The advantages of the procedure include the following facts:

  • helps eliminate hypersensitivity;
  • improves barrier properties in relation to aggressive environments;
  • is an effective preventative of caries.

Depending on the indications, the dentist performs a simplified procedure (covering only the crown of the tooth) or a complicated procedure (covering the outer and inner parts of the tooth). The recommended frequency of fluoridation is 1-3 times a year.


A procedure that allows you to restore the balance of minerals and thereby strengthen the enamel coating, restoring it. First, professional cleaning of the oral cavity is carried out (including using ultrasonic units). After this, special products enriched with calcium, fluorine and other necessary microelements are applied to the teeth.

Remineralizing therapy, depending on the initial state of tooth enamel, can be a one-time procedure. And sometimes a whole course and 5-10 or more procedures may be needed.


The most serious and technically complex method. It consists of implanting an artificial layer onto a natural one in order to restore the integrity of the enamel layer. The organic material used for implantation is as similar as possible to natural material. After application, it reacts with tooth enamel at the cellular level, activating its regeneration.

The result is a strong and reliable layer that perfectly protects the tooth from mechanical damage and destruction under the influence of aggressive environments. A technically complex and expensive operation is fully justified, since in addition to protective functions, it can also restore aesthetic appearance (and this is especially important if the front teeth in the smile area have been affected).

Calcium-containing toothpastes

The main active ingredient in these pastes is calcium and its compounds. Manufacturers also add additional components to toothpastes, including extracts of herbs and plants that have anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effects.

SPLAT Biocalcium

A well-proven toothpaste on the market for restoring tooth enamel, produced in Russia, “SPLAT Biocalcium”. It contains three active ingredients: hydroxyapatite restores and strengthens tooth enamel; calcis fills microcracks and gives them whiteness, papain prevents the proliferation of microbes and bacteria in the oral cavity.

SPLAT Biocalcium


  • A noticeable result after a week of use, tooth sensitivity is noticeably reduced;
  • Has a whitening effect;
  • Normalizes pH in the oral cavity;
  • Reduces the risk of tartar formation.


  • The use of SPLAT Biocalcium toothpaste is effective at the initial stage of the disease.

There are packages on sale in volumes of 40 and 100 ml, costing 75 and 140 rubles. respectively.

President Unique

Toothpaste for restoring tooth enamel “President Unique” from an Italian manufacturer. In addition to hydroxyapatite and papain, it contains aloe extract and vitamin E, as well as spherulites from Senegalese acacia juice, which gently cleanses and whitens tooth enamel.

President Unique


  • Quickly restores damaged enamel;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • Prevents the formation of plaque and tartar;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the gums, relieves inflammation and improves blood circulation in the tissues;
  • Can be used for prevention and treatment in the initial stages of periodontal disease.


  • Far from affordable price. A 50 ml tube costs 220-240 rubles.

According to customers, President Unique toothpaste, despite the cost, is one of the effective ways to quickly reduce tooth sensitivity.

ROCS Active Calcium

Russian-made toothpaste for restoring tooth enamel “ROCS Active Calcium” is made on the basis of hydroxyapatite, which has a regenerating effect on tooth enamel. The microelements and xylitol included in the composition normalize the microflora of the oral cavity and strengthen the gums.

ROCS Active Calcium


  • It has a very mild abrasive effect and is suitable for people with hypersensitive teeth;
  • Quickly eliminates the problem of tooth sensitivity;
  • Reduces the risk of tartar formation;
  • It contains no synthetic dyes.


  • To achieve a lasting effect, toothpaste should be used for a long time;
  • Not suitable for the treatment of microcracks and erosions of tooth enamel.

Available in tubes of 94 ml, costing 270 rubles.

ROCS Sensitive Restoration and Whitening

An excellent alternative to ROCS Active Calcium for people with more advanced forms of the disease. The main active ingredient is also hydroxyapatite, but in the form of a suspension. Its particles reliably seal defects and reduce tooth sensitivity.

ROCS Sensitive Restoration and Whitening


  • Not only strengthens tooth enamel, but also eliminates its damage;
  • For a short time, it reduces pain until it disappears completely;
  • Suitable for mild whitening;
  • The magnesium contained in the composition strengthens the gums.


  • Despite the mildness of the effect, ROCS Sensitive Restoration and Whitening toothpaste is not recommended for use for a long time.
  • Perhaps its cost. For 74 ml you will have to pay 270 rubles.

According to manufacturers, alternate use of toothpastes to restore enamel “ROCS Active Calcium” and “ROCS Sensitive Restoration and Whitening” will effectively combat the thinning of enamel without resorting to the help of heavy artillery.

Pomorin Maximum Protection

More than a third of Pomorin Maximum Protection toothpaste from a well-known Bulgarian manufacturer consists of a solution of Pomorie lye, which is responsible for restoring enamel. In addition, it contains calcium carbonate, magnesium, zinc and many other important minerals.

Pomorin toothpaste


  • Regenerates, restores and strengthens tooth enamel;
  • Kills carious bacteria and reduces the risk of caries;
  • Reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • Has a prolonged effect;
  • Reasonable cost. A 100 ml package costs from 120 to 140 rubles.


  • Slightly unpleasant, salty taste.

The choice of toothpastes for restoring enamel is wide. And at first it is better to do without fluoride. But if the discomfort and pain do not stop, you should not delay. It's better to see a dentist.

Indications for strengthening tooth enamel

The main signs that are a reason to think about how to strengthen tooth enamel are the following:

  • Hypersensitivity of teeth
    . There is an acute reaction to the temperature of food/drinks, mechanical irritants (for example, when biting an apple, using a brush) and the appearance of painful sensations when eating something sweet, spicy or sour.
  • Diagnosed caries
    . Both in a neglected state and at an early stage.
  • Destruction of hard tissues
    . Visually you can notice chips, crumbling, different sizes of notches and depressions.
  • Bite abnormalities
    . Their appearance will inevitably lead to gradual abrasion, which contributes to the rapid destruction of the enamel layer.
  • Color change
    . Teeth lose their natural shine, and pigment deposits appear (including chalky, brown, black or yellow spots). Also, due to thinning, dark dentin may be visible through the enamel.
  • Orthodontic treatment
    . After installing braces, it is difficult to fully care for your teeth, which can result in problems with the enamel. It is better to take care of strengthening it before installing braces and check the condition of the enamel layer throughout the entire time you wear these orthodontic structures.
  • Pregnancy and lactation
    . At this time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the teeth so as not to lose them. Timely restoration and strengthening of enamel will protect and maintain a healthy and attractive smile.

Long-term drug treatment of serious diseases (including radiation therapy) can also be a reason for visiting dentists.

Fluoride toothpastes

Fluoride is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, its compounds allow you to quickly and effectively cope with pain and damage to tooth enamel. On the other hand, it tends to accumulate in the body and increase the fragility of bones and teeth. Small children and residents of regions where there is an excess of fluoride in drinking water should not use pastes with fluoride.

The most effective active ingredients, according to the dentist, are amino fluoride and sodium fluoride.


PresidentClassic toothpaste is made in Italy. It contains sodium fluoride, which forms a protective film on the surface of the teeth. Xylitol and herbal extracts have an antiseptic effect.



  • Quickly eliminates discomfort.
  • Protects tooth enamel;
  • Prevents bleeding gums.


  • If you believe the reviews, there are none.

PresidentClassic toothpaste is sold in 50 ml and 75 ml tubes. The cost of a small package ranges from 140-160, a large one - 200-240 rubles, respectively.

Herbal Complete

“Herbal Complete” toothpaste for restoring enamel from the German company Silca. Also made with sodium fluoride, plant-derived additives and vitamin E.

Herbal Complete


  • Provides comprehensive oral care;
  • Strengthens and protects tooth enamel;
  • Reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • Has a pleasant fruity taste;
  • Suitable for children.


  • Long-term use is undesirable.

Miradent Mirafluor C

Miradent Mirafluor C toothpaste is made in Germany and is one of the latest developments based on amino fluoride, which allows you to build up tooth enamel.

Miradent Mirafluor C


  • Quickly and effectively restores tooth enamel;
  • Prevents the development of caries;
  • Has a mild cleansing effect.


  • Care must be taken in use to prevent an excess of fluoride in the body;
  • High cost from 390 rub. for 100 ml.

Arktikum Splat

Arktikum Splat toothpaste is a Russian development based on amino fluoride. In addition, it contains papain and ratania root extract.

Arktikum Splat


  • Builds up tooth enamel;
  • Quickly copes with pain symptoms;
  • Reduces the risk of developing caries;
  • Has a beneficial effect on gum health;
  • Has a bright refreshing aroma.


  • Impossibility of constant use.

The price for a 100 ml tube is 120-150 rubles, which is a good alternative to German toothpaste.

In the beginning there was sand and chalk

Toothpaste and brush are everyday things with which our day begins and ends. However, they were once a real luxury. The ancient Egyptians were the first to think about oral hygiene and began to use sand, ash, ground stones and animal horns as a cleaning agent, and their own finger replaced the brush. In the 4th century BC. The great healer Hippocrates recommended using mixtures of pumice with the addition of wine vinegar, which are more gentle on tooth enamel, to prevent dental diseases. At the end of the 18th century, little had changed. For example, the British brushed their teeth with powders that included crushed brick, crushed bark and coal chips.

The prototype of modern toothpaste was invented by Americans in the 19th century. This time there were no stones or ash. Teeth cleaning products were a mixture of chalk powder, neutral soap and aromatic additives. It was only in 1873 that Colgate released the first toothpaste in glass jars, which replaced tubes two decades later. They were invented by dentist Washington Sheffield of New London. But Colgate beat the inventor by quickly registering a patent for itself. An interesting fact is that in Russia, most people at that time continued to brush their teeth with chalk-based powder, and only in the 50s it became possible to buy a familiar tube of toothpaste in stores.

Choose a toothpaste and not make a mistake

So, what criteria should you use to choose a toothpaste to restore enamel and not make a mistake? Let's start with the safest pastes, which, if they don't help, at least won't harm.

The safest toothpastes according to dentists

  • Pomorin Maximum Protection;
  • SPLAT Biocalcium;
  • President Unique;
  • Herbal Complete.

The most effective toothpastes according to customers

Efficiency and speed are good. The main thing is not to harm yourself. When choosing a toothpaste for restoring tooth enamel with powerful active ingredients, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • Miradent Mirafluor C. Powerful anti-caries agent.
  • PresidentClassic. An effective fluoride toothpaste.
  • Arktikum Splat. Russian analogue of Miradent Mirafluor C toothpaste.
  • ROCS its effectiveness lies in the use of two toothpastes of the brand “Active Calcium” and “Restoration and Whitening”.

Read also

What is dental restoration

If the aesthetic properties of teeth are lost, a person experiences certain discomfort.

Who is an orthopedic dentist?

Orthopedics in dentistry is a branch of medicine that deals with the restoration of teeth using all modern prosthetic techniques.

Question No. 6. Is it possible to whiten teeth with toothpaste in a few days?

No. No toothpaste will make your teeth perfectly white. Unscrupulous manufacturers attract the attention of consumers with sophisticated advertising campaigns, and for greater “effect” they add coarse abrasives or peroxides to their products, which not only remove plaque from teeth, but also harm the enamel.

If the desire to have a snow-white smile is very great, you can get closer to your cherished goal! Professional teeth cleaning and whitening in a dental setting will help achieve the desired result.”

Pastes for the prevention of dental caries

Toothpastes for the prevention of caries are recommended for increased susceptibility to the formation of caries bacteria, as well as as restorative therapy after teeth whitening. They saturate dental tissues with useful minerals, prevent the growth of carious bacteria, and also fight the formation of plaque. To strengthen teeth, fluoride compounds are added to such pastes. It is contained in such pastes as “Day and Night” Swiss Smile, Enzycal 950 CURAPROX, Mirafluor C Miradent, “Power of a Smile” Jason and others. Fluorine is an important microelement, since it is the one that participates in the metabolism of calcium, and, therefore, ensures its presence in the enamel. But it is worth remembering that it is extremely toxic, so its amount entering the body should not exceed the established norm. People living in areas with fluoride-saturated water (more than 1.2 mg/l) are advised to use fluoride-free toothpaste. You can find out about the fluoride content in the water in your area by calling the nearest Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.


Theodent Classic

Why is enamel destroyed?

Enamel is the protective shell of the tooth; it covers the entire surface of the bone tissue and prevents pathogenic bacteria from penetrating into the deep layers of dentin.

The enamel consists of:

  • water;
  • calcium;
  • hydroxyapatite;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acids.

A deficiency of one of the elements can lead to a weakening of the top layer. Apart from this, there are many other reasons that lead to damage.

The main factors of enamel destruction:

  • mechanical damage - eating solid food, cracking nuts, biting off thread, opening bottles;
  • abrasives in bleaches;
  • consumption of excessively hot and cold drinks and food;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of micronutrients;
  • smoking tobacco;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • dishes high in sugar and acids;
  • irregular hygiene.


To preserve the integrity of the enamel, you need to limit your consumption of foods high in sugar and acids.

Pastes against bad breath

The action of toothpastes that help fight halitosis is aimed at restoring the normal balance of oral microflora, the disruption of which is usually accompanied by excessive proliferation of anaerobes. These substances emit volatile sulfur-containing products that have a pungent odor. Anti-bad breath pastes contain components that suppress pathogenic microflora and act on viruses. In addition, such pastes eliminate dry mouth syndrome, which can also cause halitosis. Antihalitic hygiene products are recommended for bad breath caused by microflora disturbances and dry mouth.

Enzymatic toothpaste gel

Jason Enzyme Brightening

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